Transitioning from cousin to cousin...?

avatar for PaulDrake
I am running into a lot of family strippers. Today I was talking to a dancer I like who's cousin is also dancing there. They look WAY alike, enough to be sisters. And I am actually more attracted to the cousin now compared to the normal girl I have seen before. However making transition from being a regular of one cousin to the other might be a little tricky...

Any ideas? She did mention that because the do look a lot alike they tend to attract the same customers. So this is probably not the first time this has happened.

Also apparently my home club has some strippers that are twins. I have no idea if they do dances together as I'm not into incest. They do stage sets together.


last comment
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
There once was a mother and daughter in my early clubbing days. Just not at the same time, maybe 20 years apart.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I’ve run into and got dances from a couple sisters before. They are not MY sisters so IDGAF.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
You've heard of the famous Follies "Griffin girls". 4 of them are related. 2 sets of sisters that are cousins. Their mother/aunt retired awhile ago.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
No problem with a family affair as long as they are not part of MY family.
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
Those are fighting words in West Virginia! :D
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
For any Seinfeld fans...

Suggest a menage a trois.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
The title of this just slays me. Sounds like a Deep Kentucky issue to me. lol
avatar for crsm27
6 years ago

but then he would have to buy robes and massage oils.... HAHA
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
Kentucky- 5,000,000 people, 15 last names.....
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
Hoping that I don't offend anyone from the great state of West Virginia:

West Virginia, where and share exactly the same data base.

Where does a young man from West Virginia go to hook up with women?

Family reunions.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
The title of this discussion can easily be misconstrued.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
One time I was approached by this hot dancer and as we were talking, she mentioned the even hotter dancer on stage was her cousin.

I bought six lap dances from the first dancer and while we were talking she mentioned it would be her last week there, so I asked her to introduce me to her cousin but she got upset and walked away.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
How do you know if a girl is a Virgin in Kentucky, she can run faster than her brother
avatar for bubba267
6 years ago
OSU....look what you've started but it does win comment of the day.
avatar for mjx01
6 years ago
there used to be sisters at my local club
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
It seems often times when there are multiple strippers in a family, that these girls are not as hung-up w.r.t. the stripping-stigma and also not as hung-up w.r.t. mileage - I guess they kinda benefit from the "institutional knowledge" available to them that makes them ready for a career in stripping and to not be clueless about what it's about once they start
avatar for loper
6 years ago
There were a pair of sisters at "The Club" in Mass., both hot, both skilled, I loved them both. They didn't seem to have an ounce of jealously of each other. They seemed equally pleased if I spent time with the other as them.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
The most common way a girl starts stripping is she knows someone who strips. There was an experienced stripper at my club who brought in her younger hotter sister who still dances nights. Two of the resident dirty girls who don't do stage are cousins. There also are half sisters where the older one has been around almost a decade and her younger sister started almost right at 18.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ Funny, I always thought the most common way a girl starts stripping is that she has daddy issues and needs money to support a drug habit and deadbeat boyfriend.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Two sets that I know of.

Four sisters, W, B, M and A; all in the same club. M and W were the hottest of the four, A was the youngest, but B was the best cocksucker of the bunch.

In another club, R, A and B. R and A are full sisters, B is their half sister. All three have done porn, but won’t fuck in the club. R is one of the hottest girls I’ve ever met, in or out of a club.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
George, are you saying you got sucked off by all four?

That's pretty rad
avatar for DH7400
6 years ago
I've been to one club where 3 sisters worked, for awhile all 3 at the same time. I had VIP's, etc, etc! with two of them...separately, get your mind out of the gutter :) They were aware of it, said it was fine, said it was better to keep it in the family. No jealousy...I remember even getting a group hug from both of them, at the bar next to the stage, smiles all around. I could of gone after the 3rd one but never did, was/is still very attached to one of them.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
6 years ago
I used to get vip dances from 2 sisters in Peoria IL. Now the older one is out of the business and the hot little sister is shaking it in the ATL. Sad thing is that I have a new job not far from Peoria and damn, I don’t think she’d do private shows any more. Her FB posts make it clear there’s a man in her life.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ That rarely has any impact.
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
I can think of three different pairs of dancers related to each other, that I have gotten dances with when both worked at the same time.

First was a nice girl next door looking dancer. Two months later she convinced her cousin to started dancing. Her cousin danced under the name Diamond and various other named. Diamond looked a lot like a more naughty version of her her cousin, with a tighter body. Diamond's cousin quit after a year and Diamond quit about a year ago, after dancing nearly 20 years.

Second was two Indian/Pakistani mix dancers about 15 years ago, that danced under the name of Mia and Dakota. They started out at the same club, but eventually Dakota went to a more contact oriented club. Mia danced about 2 years, and Dakota 5.

Third was two sisters. First was named Ivy, who started first, then her three years younger sister Madison came over. Madison was a bit heavier, but also a lot larger tits. Madison didn't last as long as Ivy, but the two or three years she danced was more popular than her sister, due to her larger, and natural tits. Even though Ivy was hotter and her dance was better, Madison's was good enough. In her case huge natural tits beat large implants.

I have gotten dances from a mother then her daughter years later at least once.
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