
Comments by orangepicture (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Guy paid only $20 for 4 dances
    The Hustler Barely Legal club in New Orleans has money slots at each LD chair and when the money is in, a small clock counts down from 4 minutes. Each girl is assigned a chair for the evening, so that's how they keep track of how much to collect from the club at the end of the shift.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Would you smell a dancer's ass?
    In my experience, the girls that push their asses into your face know they are clean down there. They may be on a good poop cycle that is opposite their dance schedule and may make several touch up wipes in the dressing room during shift for hygienic purposes. They may even ass douche before a shift like porn stars.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    I had a friend encouraging me to buy in when it was $1,400. Kicking myself for not doing so. He bought a coin when it was $600 and is loving the investment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Philadelphia clubs to visit for day shift (night shift too)
    Oasis or Cheerleaders meets your criteria too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    ROB or just a hustler?
    Wait, the issue at hand is a $1.25 cost difference because you got an import draft instead of a domestic draft? And this was after you said just "make it a draft"? That's your fault...this isn't the movies where a guy walks up to a bar and says "two beers please" and gets what he wants. With bars having anywhere from 5-30+ different beer choices, you need to specify what you specifically want. Similar to don't ask for a rum and coke and balk when you get a top shelf liquor and were expecting a well drink. When i was in Germany last year at a club, I offered to buy a dancer a drink. When she ordered a "champagne" generically, I immediately halted the purchase to find out that the cheapest champagne was 80 Euro a glass and the most expensive ones were 500+ Euro., then got the hell out of there. I have no reason to believe the bar tender was not about to hook her up with the 500 Euro drink.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you cheating on me?
    ^...."so the 3rd girl will only have to be juggled..."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you cheating on me?
    I'm preemptively trying to avoid this situation at the club I started frequenting. After my visit yesterday, I have officially narrowed down the dancers to a group of 3 favorites and then a second tier of girls that I would like to hit up for variety from time to time. As such, 2 of those 3 were on shift yesterday and I got dances from both. At the end of each girl's turn, I straight up told them that I would like to see them on a regular basis, but that there were two other girls that would also be regulars and that I might not be able to get to them each visit. They both seemed fine with this but wanted to know who the other girls were I only told them each one (each other). Turns out they get along real well. They don't know who the 3rd girl is and the 3rd girl doesn't know that she is equally considered amongst 2 others. This should't be too much of a problem though. The one girl leaves for a month long vacation in 8 days and the 3rd (unknowing) girl only works weekdays, so I won't see her until after the other girl leaves for vacation. Come next year, my clubbing will be on weekends only, so the 4rd girl will only have to be juggled in if I take vacation, go on a holiday when the office is closed or happen to be driving by for work purposes, which is rare.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    Went to the club this afternoon to see two specific girls. I had mentally picked one to get dances with first and timed my arrival to align with the start of her shift (2pm). After waiting 15 minutes and fending off 4-5 other women, I told one of them who was trying to drag me into the LD room who I was there to specifically see. She went into the dressing room and found out the girl was a no show for the day. Fast forward 45 minutes. Apparently this girl showed up an hour late. I had 4 dancers come up to me at the bar while she was getting ready and tell me she had arrived and that they all told her to come find me. Two of the dancers I have never met before in my life. So yeah, the girls were sharing information. Later on, a rather large brunette dancer I have zero interest in approached me to ask for dances. I told her I already had or promised all my dances for the day. She asked for names out of curiosity and when I told her, she realized they were all blondes. Right before I left, this same dancer and two other brunettes were sitting together across the bar from me. They waved to get my attention and then all 3 of them grabbed their brunette hair by the side, kind of shook it at me and the one yelled "when do we get our dances" in a kidding manner, but this is another example of them sharing info about us and our preferences.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    Extras on a per song basis; rush or extend the experience
    Oh, I'm in binge mode through the end of the year as I have lots of vacation days to use up and a decent stock pile of "fun money" I didn't spend this year from only vacationing abroad once. I'm also relatively new to actively going to SC. Usually, it was 3-4 times a year. Its been 13 -15 time since August this year, so definitely an uptick. I'm gonna go crazy for another 4 weeks then pace myself come January.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Career progression and clubbing
    I'm in the opposite position. My yearly salary is $95,000. A title/responsibility/management increase I am suppose to get come January 1st should, in theory, get me to between $120,000 and $125,000. Not sure how more money doesn't bring happiness. I'm already saving 12% of my income for my 401K. That percentage will not change with the raise, but the left over money will allow me to take an extra overseas vacation every year and visit the SC more often.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    Extras on a per song basis; rush or extend the experience
    As of today, I have officially determined a top 3 list of dancers at this club. Two of them I got dances from today for the second visit in a row. Fortunately though, they are weekday day shift girls who also work Saturday afternoons, so that will work out nice for me next year when Saturdays are the only days I will be able to get over there. I may alternate every other visit between the two of them. They know each other and get along well; in fact I told them both today that I was there explicitly to see them both and they both thought that was fine. However, both have made pleas to be the girl to get dances first.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    Extras on a per song basis; rush or extend the experience
    Personal clarification: If I find myself at a club that does not offer extras, I do sample as many girls as possible; usually in two dance increments.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    Extras on a per song basis; rush or extend the experience
    @Lurker The club is around 50 minutes from my house and across state lines, so it is not convenient to hit it up as much as I'd like. I'm good with money and have a bunch saved up with no reasons to spend it , but do have to learn to budget tighter when it comes to SC. Concerning earning more, I hope that will be the case soon. I am in final talks with the president of the company I work for for a substantial title/responsibility increase. One that should, in theory, net me a $25,000 to $30,000 a year raise. The only thing preventing it would be if my boss doesn't agree with this raise value, but getting it would be to match the industry standard for what the title increase would be. The girls at this club have a very strict and predictable schedule. It is posted up to a week in advance online. I can't see them changing shifts just to accommodate me. One of my top 3 girls is a M-F day time girl and knows that come the new year, I won't be able to get over there much. I am in talks with her about getting her number for OTC, but she is very hesitant to give the number out. I have a feeling that although 80% of the girls opening perform ITC services here, none or almost none of them do OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    Extras on a per song basis; rush or extend the experience
    I guess I want particular girls to get me off? Example: I'm leaving in 20 minutes for the club. All week, I was planning on going for the sole purpose to just see 1 specific girl on schedule, hit her up for 5 or 6 dances and then hit the road. This morning when I woke up, I realized I have nothing better to do for the rest of the afternoon so I might as well hang out at the club for a couple hours. When I was at the ATM while running errands, I withdrew enough to be able to do those 5-6 dances, refresh for 1.5 hours and maybe do a second session with a different girl to end the trip. But, looking at their online schedule, I see there are multiple weekend girls that I have never met before. Hence the quandary: do I try to extend a dance session with a girl I've been dreaming about all week , rush the dance session to save money or rush it to save money to taste test other entertainers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    Most you've spent for NON-sexual services either ITC or OTC?
    5 years (or so) ago, during a Bachelor party in New Orleans, I paid around $450 for my first ever VIP session at the Hustler club that got me nothing more than titty sucking; couldn't even touch her panties. 2 years ago, during a different Bachelor party in New Orleans at the Hustler Barely Legal club, I spent at least $700 on standard LDs for myself over a two night period. This included 11 or 12 $30 dances from the same stripper over a two night period. I also bought a couple dances or the bachelor. Having now discovered extras clubs, I shake my head at those amounts spent for essentially a lap grind and mild tit fondling compared to what I can get now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    Heh! I'm guessing it was my post in the other thread that started this OP topic. Yes, the girls talk about us. I've been to many clubs where you can see the cliques of girls sitting together. Once you take a girl from one clique for some dances and treat her nicely, you'll probably notice that the rest of the girls in her clique are the ones to hit you up for drinks or dances shortly after versus girls from other cliques. I visited my CF in a Connecticut club 4 times in a 7 week period this summer. During the 4th visit, we sat at the bar for 1.5 hours and she shared a ton with me, including that some of the other girls asked about me cause I always make a bee-line towards her. She told me she likes to give me dances because I always do VIP and that I am respectful. She said she services a lot of jerks, but appreciates my visits. I didn't take that as SS because the two of us are very comfortable and honest with each other.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OMG..Blast From The Past...I'm Doomed
    They talk about us, so I don't see a reason not to talk to them about each other...in moderation. Two visits ago, I was talking to my CF bar side and I saw a girl on stage who was hot. I pointed to her and ask who she was. My CF batted my hand down and quickly changed the conversation. Yesterday, when talking with my CF, she apologized for the batting, but said that the girls don't like it when guys ask other girls about each other, whether good or bad. It just so happens that the girl I asked about was one of the girls I took back for some LDs yesterday and she in turn asked me who I specifically came to see, which I shared. My CF though notices if I have left my bar seat while she is giving dances to other PLs and when I get back to my seat, always asks me who I was getting dances with. Once or twice, she has commented that it was nice of me to get a dance or two from the girls I mentioned; another times I could tell she put on a brave face when I mentioned someone else's name leading me to believe that she may be afraid that I will hit up that girl more in the future over her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ignored list: How many on yours and who has the record for being ignored?
    I put 7 or 8 posters on ignore almost immediately after being a member for just a few days. Too many stupid discussion topics being created over and over again and the trolls made themselves apparent right away.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    How far have you driven for a strip club?
    50 miles each way. Doing it tomorrow in fact.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you bring to the table?
    1) That I have great, thick hair. And I do; it is one of my few redeeming qualities. When I get hair cuts, the girls cutting it usually swoon over it. 2) That I am a good listener. This goes all the way back to college with civvies. 3) That I am a normal guy. Not sure if this is SS. I think it goes in part with #2. 4) That I am good with my hands. I've gotten this in civilian life too. I guess I am good at fingering and back massages. I had a stripper at the Hustler Barely Legal club insist that I give her a full body massage on the floor for like 2+ hours.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    A TUSCL holiday challenge: The 12 Lays of Christmas
    When I was in Munich, Germany last fall, I visited a brothel where I had 1 girl to completion, went to a bar down the street for 1.5 hours, then went back and did 3 girls back to back to back on the same boner. Greatest day of my life. This past extended weekend, I got 3 HJs to completion and 2 more tugs not to completion in under a 72 hour period. Only one was a repeat. I'm expecting a $10,000 to $20,000 end of year bonus next month. My intention is to go to the club every other day and get some dances over the 12 days that I am off from work.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do strippers spend their money on?
    My two CFs both seem to be responsible and are focused on saving up to raise their kids as single mothers and plan for an end game to the stripper life. Another I recently met just opened her own tanning salon and is back dancing to support herself and that business's rent until it gains traction. But, she also told me she likes $900 purses. I also now frequent a heavily Brazilian club and all those girls tell me they save up to visit home twice a year.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Why isn't there any "Most Reviews" listing under the top 40 list?
    I just came back from the Playhouse Lounge. It is my favorite club to date. Review to be posted tomorrow most likely. My second favorite is on that top 15 list...the Electric Blue Cafe. Both clubs are the real deal and absolutely as reviewed on here, despite lots of "club ad" comments when the Electric Blue gets reviewed. It is an expensive club, but anything goes there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Advice on possible performance problem
    Sounds like you already bagged some trophies for the weekend. Seriously though, I would think that +/- 36 to 48 hours of down time would be enough to recharge. Best of luck!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers knowing your name
    I'm happy to share my first name. Like Butterman, I ask them to recite it once I have gotten one or two dances sessions from them. For me, it adds to the GFE illusion and seems to add a level of comfort for them IMO. I'm no longer some random dude, I'm Rob. I have no plans to share my last name.