What do you bring to the table?

avatar for larryfisherman
What do strippers compliment you on?

I’m not talking about the obvious SS like you’re cute, big dick, making me wet etc. I’m talking about something you actually believe they’re genuine when they say it.

I’ve had many compliments on the way I grab their asses, they say it feels really good.

I’ve had some strippers tell me I’m one of the only people they know that they feel comfortable telling me everything about their life. And when I say everything I mean everything.

What about you?


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
They always say what a wonderful dick I have. SS, you say. Not !! :)
avatar for K
7 years ago
My dick. my looks, My sexual prowess. I am smart. I am cultured. I am sweet. I know how to treat a lady. In short I am the perfect man.
If I choose to believe strippers
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
I believe they want our cash.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Lol, I said not including the obvious SS. Lapdanceking got my point.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Believe it or not, they love my t-shirts. Even dancers that I don't get dancers from stop by to see what I am wearing today.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Shadowcat is a fashion icon!!
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Feeling comfortable talking about ourselves is a real thing. Most guys send signals that they don’t actully want to hear ab us, which is fine, but it’s a lot more work mentally to give them the expertise they want.
avatar for K
7 years ago
I assume all of it is obvious SS. If she was honest and called me an old, over weight, pervert, i would still assume SS
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Thanks for that insight bj99.

That makes sense K, I can’t fault you for thinking that way.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
@bj99 I can see that. Recently, I've been going to SCs with my SB and it has been so much fun having someone to talk to about what goes on in the club. Plus, once a dancer learns my SB is an "in control" girl and not at all jealous of dancers fawning on me, most dancers really loosen up and start having fun and great conversations with us.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
They mention my soft hands which I have always gotten comments on inside or outside the club - I also usually let my hair grow fairly long and many girls comment how soft it is and often run their hands thru my hair (particularly the ebonies).

They also seem ro appreciate I spend well and spread the wealth (on a good visit I'll get with half a dozen dancers)
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
I hear that I am funny, easy to talk to, usual SS. The only one I believe is that I smell good. I used to here this as SS until I swithed to Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille. Since then strippers will lay against my chest and gush about it. I have had 2 strippers call over others including the bartender to smell it, after which several of them enter the name into their phones. My CF even had me bring her a sample bottle to the club (too allegedly spray on her pillows). This scent was recommended to me by a stripper who told me it was a scent that made want to fuck. I get similar reactions from civilian girls as well. My personal assistant has told me she could sit and smell me all day when I wear it at work.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I've been told that I make them laugh (it might have something to do with my penis size), that they appreciate my listening, and that I seem very comfortable in the club.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
I get compliments all the time about my jokes and how much they enjoy talking with me. They also compliment how I caress them with my soft hands, especially (in some cases) how I grab their asses.

Not every word that comes out of a stripper's mouth is SS!
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
Really soft skin and cute boobs.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
They (my regulars and favorites) generally say something about me having a nice gentle soft touch (some of them anyway, but enough to be more than a coincidence), smelling very clean and nice despite not wearing much in terms of a scent, having a nice smile (a very high percentage of strippers will say that so there might actually be something there) and just generally being respectful and generous and not obnoxious or "creepy". I've also gotten the soft hair thing and a lot of the girls like to muss it up. Girls also tend to easily tell me personal things (family life, real name, etc), whether i ask them or not, but i don't know if that is unique to me at all. Probably not.

The looking good or packing the heat which i have gotten more than a few times is "almost" certainly SS.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
EveHartley FTW
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Many, though not all, of the girls really do just seem to like talking to me. They seem to find that I am different from most of the guys they deal with, and this is enhanced by the fact that I don't drink. And most of them will let me feel that they want to be seeing me outside, and usually making it clear that it is all personal and not business. They only want money from me, ITC, as that is the custom and their expectation.

I have used my time and the money spent in strip clubs to learn how to talk to beautiful young women.

And of course I always treat all of them as civilians, in all ways. I never act like I am trying to buy them, or buy sex acts for money. There will be talk about money, but it comes from the girl, and I never let her feel that the money is anything other than a show of respect. I talk to them just like I would the girls I went to school with. And I tell them the things about myself which a girl will always want to know, I tell them without them having to ask or wonder.

Of the small minority that don't seem to get along with me, I think it is because sometimes they find me intimidating and possibly even condescending. And again, it is all verbal. Does not matter that she is wearing little or nothing.

Some girls are better at talking than others. Locally the best for this was the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, now closed and building demolished. I always told the management that their club consistently drew the smartest girls, and probably because it was set up to be more of a talking job. The management appreciated hearing that.

One of the best was that Daisy from Guadalajara, who most regrettably drowned in the Sacramento River.


I am convinced that Marx is highly influenced, like no other, by Plato.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I can bring some leftover turkey and dressing this weekend;)
avatar for yahtzee74
7 years ago
One liked my back rub and she directed me to the parts of her back she wanted rubbed. I think a couple of others liked it too.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Good one 25
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^might even be some pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream too.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
The ones I hear regularly I think are true are about muscles, and my massages. Their reactions to my massages tell the story to go with what they say.
My ex-ATF liked the curly hairs on my chest. She would play with them all the time.

Everything else is I assume is SS.
avatar for Cowboy12
7 years ago
Once I get to know a dancer, they seem to tell me a lot about their private lives, so I guess being comfortable with me is one thing.
Other comments I get that I believe are genuine are good kisser, and good ass-smacker, and they all like my cologne.

Generally, even though they do say i'm handsome, I don't believe it. Not that i'm ugly, but I don't think any 50 year old guy is attractive to most 20 or 30-something women.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
1) That I have great, thick hair. And I do; it is one of my few redeeming qualities. When I get hair cuts, the girls cutting it usually swoon over it.
2) That I am a good listener. This goes all the way back to college with civvies.
3) That I am a normal guy. Not sure if this is SS. I think it goes in part with #2.
4) That I am good with my hands. I've gotten this in civilian life too. I guess I am good at fingering and back massages. I had a stripper at the Hustler Barely Legal club insist that I give her a full body massage on the floor for like 2+ hours.
avatar for loper
7 years ago
Good hair (I'm 61 and still have all my hair), soft hands, respectful attitude. I believe all of these.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 years ago
Magic soft hands, magic soft pants, these are the important and can turn a stripper from running from one patron to another, to sticking with you for some small delays at a slightly lower income rate.

Also there's this thing in my back pocket called a wallet that all the strippers seem interested in ...
avatar for JohnTitor
7 years ago
Recently, a stripper was genuinely blown away by how perfect she thought my nose was lol

That was a new one. All the rest is sadly bullshit.
avatar for joatmon
7 years ago
What do strippers compliment me on? Not a damn thing. :-(

Actually I had one say my cock was beautiful. Definitely SS, and one said I had beautiful balls. No one has beautiful balls :-)
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
My boobs, and my ever present cameltoe.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
What I heard the most and often is that I have soft hands.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
I've been told by dancers they like my soft hands as well. I've been asked more than once if I was a professional masseuse. I usually avoid rubbing a dancers back because I must have a magic touch or dancers really like that too much.

Some dancers like talking to me as well. I've heard other customers are boring. That makes me wonder if a dancer likes my stories or if I say too much sometimes.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
They always like my assertiveness. The club I go to hires young and new dancers so it's comfortable for both parties for me to boss them around and tell them what to do.
avatar for Rickberge
7 years ago
That I look like Floyd Mayweather, smell good, and I have clean nails
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
What I bring to the table is lasagna.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
My RICH STUDliness.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Hey, they tell me I look like Floyd too. The barber from the Andy Griffith Show.
avatar for KirkDogg
7 years ago
I've been complimented on my looks, friendliness, and overall charm. I'm sure some of it is SS, but I think at other times it's been honest. I do think I have a good way of making them feel comfortable around me.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Since we both get the soft hands compliment, I'm curious if our response might be similar?
avatar for K
7 years ago
The one thing they say i am most inclined to believe is i provide them a good time. I usually mix my pleasures. Dinner, a show, some good wine and then play time.
When given the choice of an hour or two session or an evening out with an overnight stay, my regulars usually opt for the overnight for the same money. It does cost me more to cover everything but they dont get any more cash
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
In addition to the usual litany of SS, I get the soft hands thing all the time, too. This seems to be common, based on the above responses. Makes me think one of two things: either 1) even the "soft hands" thing is SS, or 2) we here are mostly white collar guys, so our hands actually ARE softer than the blue collar guys who come into clubs occasionally, and the "ring around the collar" guys that strippers are used to dealing with in their personal lives. If you're a lawyer, a businessman, or an insurance salesman your hands are probably softer than the hands of a construction worker, a truck driver, or a drug dealer. That's my theory.

(Other than that, I'm 6'4", so I get a lot of comments about my height, too.)
avatar for goosman
7 years ago
I've gotten the soft hands compliment, which is a real thing for them. Imagine some dude with hard callus filled hands and jagged finger nails, rubbing those sandpaper paws on your body. So the soft hands comment is a compliment for you, but a relief for them.

I would have to think, that having soft hands (which don't irritate the dancer as much), would sometimes allow a little greater mileage.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Lopaw also FTW

I’m into fashion somewhat. Some strippers compliment me on my clothes.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Any compliment, whether real or not, is SS. They wouldn't say it if they didn't think it would improve their hustle, even if they do mean it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I've gotten the soft hands compliment. It seemed completely sincere. But it was in our Mexican Bar underground table dancing circuit. I said, "Softer than yours, not likely".

Then I realized that she meant softer than the Mexican men's hands. In those places the girls get pawed and pawed and pawed. California could never exist without Mexicans, because they are the only ones who do real labor.

avatar for bubba267
7 years ago
As evident by my avatar pic, my smile/teeth.
avatar for ime
7 years ago
I seem to get the same ones pretty often tall, big shoulders, smell good, soft hands, nice thick blonde hair though i keep it short, treat them nice so I am easy to talk too, and currently they seem to like my beard that I let grow out but I keep it trimmed. These are the ones that seem to be least SS. Though I am certain all the compliments on my cock are true as well.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Girls will always tell you everything about their lives if you let them. Best to cut them off from doing that shit early.
avatar for lotsoffun201
7 years ago
I agree with soft hands and then usually my watch.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I'm deeply suspicious of all compliments delivered by a stripper. That said, what I suspect is sincere is (1) respectful, (2) not a lunatic, and (3) I spend my money.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I had an unusually frank discussion with one stripper who told me that she looks for an attribute that she thinks the PL might be really self conscious about, and tries to build a compliment around that.

For example, if the guy has a stutter, she would compliment him on his deep voice. She did a lot of business for a 6/7. Smart woman.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve received compliments on my height (I’m 6’4”), the softness and size of my hands. I’ve found many dancers enjoy chatting with me (although I don’t hear much of what’s said). Some seem to like that I’m respectful.

I’m sure there’s still a good amount of ss mixed in with those compliments.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Dougster does not seem to really like girls very much.

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