Most you've spent for NON-sexual services either ITC or OTC?

He's kinda an ass...
ITC dances or OTC dates what's the most you've spent??
I've done close to 500 for dances with tip multiple times and you'll call me crazy, but thinking about offering up to the same for an OTC date. Kinda want to cross it off the bucket list with the ATF girl who's a 10 in looks and 10 in personality. The thing is I don't know if she'll even accept. She seems pretty guarded about worlds colliding(Seinfeld reference hehe). IE reportedly doesn't do social media and protective of her identity.
OR maybe I just come off as too much of a creep ;P
So who else has such level of PL-ness, or knows of such, past or present?
last commentSo let me get this straight. You mean, no groping, no grinding, no physical contact of any sort ITC? For $500??!! And OTC just to hang out outside of the club with no sex? This must be an amazing woman. If you posted this on stripperweb I bet your PM box would blow the fuck up.
I've spent 300 on an OTC date that was supposed to include sex but then ended up not. It was supposed to be "made up" but never was.
I spent up to maybe $200 on a night of dances that ended up with only low to med mileage
In one of my most PL nights ever, I spent around $800 at a club on lapdances over 8 hours. The stripper spent the entire time with me and only left when she went to the dressing room to freshen up now and then.
I got lapdances over an 8 hour period so I figure as far as strip club standards go I got my money’s worth at $100 an hour. It turned out to be a good investment because over the next two years she’d stay in my hotel when I was in town (she came in from out of town to work at this club as well since she was not a local) and I got free sex, and she got to stay in a nice hotel for free.
5 years (or so) ago, during a Bachelor party in New Orleans, I paid around $450 for my first ever VIP session at the Hustler club that got me nothing more than titty sucking; couldn't even touch her panties.
2 years ago, during a different Bachelor party in New Orleans at the Hustler Barely Legal club, I spent at least $700 on standard LDs for myself over a two night period. This included 11 or 12 $30 dances from the same stripper over a two night period. I also bought a couple dances or the bachelor.
Having now discovered extras clubs, I shake my head at those amounts spent for essentially a lap grind and mild tit fondling compared to what I can get now.
"So let me get this straight. You mean, no groping, no grinding, no physical contact of any sort ITC? For $500??!! And OTC just to hang out outside of the club with no sex? This must be an amazing woman. If you posted this on stripperweb I bet your PM box would blow the fuck up." TFP
"In one of my most PL nights ever, I spent around $800 at a club on lapdances over 8 hours. The stripper spent the entire time with me and only left when she went to the dressing room to freshen up now and then."-shailynn
Pretty good ROI. I wouldn't classify as much PL, personally don't think I could spend 8 hours w/anyone in one setting and would have to change it up; scenery or activity wise.
$700 at a black Miami dive just on dances (good-mileage full-nude dances) - over a 7-hour period from late-afternoon thru the eve - $5 dances (but I tipped and got multiple dances with each dancer and some repeats, sometimes would get 10-dances straight with the same girl) - went thru pretty-much every dancer on the day and night shifts - enjoyed it since I love chocolate and love variety
^ Are songs less than 3 minutes? $100/5 is 20 songs per hour. And were you basically getting dances for 7 hours straight? LDK is shaking his head somewhere.
I'm glad you were in heaven. $5 full nude, almost full contact sounds like a dream to me. It even makes Follies sound overpriced! Although i think you get better contact at Follies. And white chicks. Unless the Cubans are driving them out and ripping PLs off by not getting naked and not allowing full contact.
I've bought expensive meals for my ATF on OTC dates that didn't include sex. I pick up the tab but I don't pay her for those dates. So maybe $150.
Does marriage count?.....cause I've spent a shit load there
Yes, marriage.
Man Papi you should be a strip club coach! Lol...
thats one of my goals is to get multiple dances from all the girls in one damn shift.
When I used to travel for work $500+ for just dances and drinks was quite common, although the dances had decent mileage. W.r.t. OTC nowadays I try to keep the spending low and find out quite quickly if OTC activities are available.
"... Are songs less than 3 minutes? $100/5 is 20 songs per hour. And were you basically getting dances for 7 hours straight ..."
Songs at these dives I hit usually vary b/w 2 and 3 minutes, but not uncommon for DJs to cut them shorter than that even under a minute, but I don't think that was the case that day else I probably would have not gotten so many dances - this was about 3 years ago so I don't recall exactly how I got to $700 in those 7-hours or so at $5/dance, but I do recall it was about $700 I spent and yeah I was pretty-much getting dances probably 90% of the time like if I had just gotten out of prison - I always tip on top and originally I would usually pay $10/dance when I started hitting the $5 spots but not sure if by this time (the $700 day) if I was still in the $10/dance paying-mode or the $5/dance + tip mode.
I’ve spent $400 and all I got to do was feel on her ass and tits.
@Papi If dances were cut to even less than a minute than $5 for less than a minute no longer sounds that great to me. I currently spend about $6-7 a minute on my ATF including tip and that adds up quick although for me it's well worth it.