
Are you cheating on me?

Ever have a dancer ask you that at club? Even playfully? There was one dancer that i was a regular of that would ask me that. Well, regular actually might be a bit of a stretch as she rarely sought me out being very popular, but she knew that i would do numerous dances with her every time we go together. She was that beautiful and a good lap dancer. I would always respond "There's no cheating. There's no cheating in strip clubs!" I don't think she ever got the reference. Ironically, she would see whoever the hell she damn pleased while i was there, so i guess i could or should have just turned it on her hypocritical ass.


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    She’s just teasing playfully. Don’t allow any actual jealousy. Have you asked her why she doesn’t ever get to you? I have that problem when I’m busy. It’s the guys who want a lot of time before getting only a couple dances, who I can rarely get to.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I always tell a dancer upfront, especially if she's been sitting with me a while and is going to get called to stage soon, "I'm an uncontrollable slut and I will cheat on you. I just can't help it. So if there's another dancer dancing for me while you're on stage it doesn't mean you've been replaced. Please come back if you want to."
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    No, i'm not jealous. Not even with the ATF, but she gives me little reason to be jealous when i go to the club to see her. I might have been a little perplexed or even a bit irritated that she seemed to be wasting so much time with non spenders or low spenders (although i can't really know that). It did come to a point, but probably a little late, that she did realize that i usually took good care of her. She does like to drink and i just don't offer her drinks unless she asks, so maybe she likes to get buzzed for free first. Oh well, i don't really concern myself with her anymore. I still like her, but the ATF came alone, others came along...
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ ...the ATF came along...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think you may be taking some playful teasing way too seriously. This is like the tuscl version of the SW girls who get all bent out of shape about a customer asking about her tattoo
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Wait. You shouldn’t be waiting if you spend money. How much do you spend on her per hour? I have a customer who wants hours w me, and he doesn’t mind me giving a dance here or there when asked directly, or if a regular who just wants dances come in, but sitting w other customers while sitting w you, is not appropriate. I’ll tell guys, “I can give you dances, but I can’t sit and chat bc I’m already sitting w someone”.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I told my fave who the #2 is... Assumed she would figure it out anyway by watching me, and that she isn't the type to demand every dollar. We seem to have an honest enough dialogue; she'll tell me if she has another guy waiting on her, if we dawdle too long after a VIP.

    A strip club should be a respite from pettiness and possessiveness. But, some people won't be able to resist "acting like the outside world" though.
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    Yes, get the cheating comment now & again. Never put much thought into it. Meaningless.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    @ Subraman
    It's hard to covey mood in writing, but i'm not very serious at the clubs. I'm not a very serious person in general either. I do smile way more at the club than i do IRL though. So i'm just making some cheeky discussion while i bide time/savings for my next visit.

    The girl is a veteran there for maybe 8 years on and off. She may end up being a career stripper at this point unless she finds something else. Historically one of the top earners, so maybe she knows what she's doing. For a long time, i thought maybe she just doesn't like me much or thought i wasn't worth the effort or whatever. Or maybe she doesn't have a good memory? Or maybe she thought i was a one and done type of PL that after spending hundreds on a dancer, i had enough of her. There are quite a few dancers that seem like this. To answer your question, i would usually get at least 7 dances with her and as many as 12 @$30 each about a handful or a little more but less than two handfuls of times in 3 years at that club. And she was always infer a tip, saying i owed so much after the dances plus whatever else i felt like giving. Unnecessary for her to say that, but when most PLs do that many dances, they might not tip on them so who knows. Maybe an average of $260 (8 dances plus small tip) each time for less than an hour, even less than half an hour of her time sometimes, depending on how much she wanted to drink; she would spend no time with me afterwards, although she would walk me back to the table and embrace; there are a lot of dancers that don't even do that. So even if she wasn't a regular, she was a favorite and i think even told her such. I don't go to clubs to drink, i don't go to talk. I don't go to front room grope as it's just half-assed but free compared to in the chump station. So i'm a very easy PL to get dances with if i want to get dances with them. Now, not so much. I don't want to come off like i'm being passive aggressive to her or resentful now, but for the moment, her ship has sailed. Her dances also got noticeably better (and they were always good) not that long ago, so i guess the door's still open, sigh...

  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    280 is too much for a good regular, who also tips, for one hour. So she charges you by the dance, wants a tip, and doesn’t sit and chat w you extra?
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I tell my CFs/ATFs when I "cheat" on them in jest. After it is kind of a given that I'm her regular, when I do branch out and get dances with others I like to joke about it with my fave just to let her know so she isn't making any assumptions about me.

    And as to a stripper asking me? Never. If she did I would be honest and still take it in jest.

    @Bj99 just curious if you will give the guys that want a lot of sit/tease time more of it on slow days than days when you are in high demand.

    If nobody is waiting in my ATF DS, she will sit with me for up to an hour and it doesn't cost me anything more than sitting with me for 10 minutes before going to get dances.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ $260, but who's arguing at that point. It does seem like too much now as the average experience with her pales in comparison to the ATF for similar amounts (and she never asks for tips). I talk with her during the dances, but i don't talk too much during dances, but more than before where you could hear a pin drop, i used to not say a word besides the occasional complement or instruction (if you've read my "girls that talk their asses off" discussion). Her dances are a lot better now with pretty much full and complete PIP activity (as she's not a POP dancer to my knowledge) including LFK, a very recent addition, despite being quite the germaphobe often telling me she only allows certain things with me. Yeah, probably SS, but who knows.

    I don't usually stick around with a girl after i get dances. I don't always like it as i feel the girl might want a second round with me after i already spent a ton, which often she does after spending another hour with me at the table (which usually seems like an overly long time, unless it's with the ATF or a particularly sexy favorite).
  • day_trader
    7 years ago
    Remember one night a stripper told me if you want to see other girls you will need to talk to me about it first. It was okay, I was getting quite a bit of time out of it. Spend a bit over a few visits and they think they own you. When strippers have had a good thing going with me, they always seem to find a way to screw it up for themselves. Anyways had a falling out with this stripper at the beginning of the year. Got accused of cheating, I wasn't. Couple weeks ago she came up to me for the first time in months, spending usually dries up in my area this time of year.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Yes, I’ll sit and hang out when I have more time. I try to quota myself more days, and if I’m doing well, and I don’t have a line, I’ll hang out for as long as they want, until someone comes in, or I’m asked for dances. I expect ab 100 an hour for sitting w a customer, any drinks I want, and being allowed to get just dances when asked, or another regular comes in. I even have one regular who is okay w taking an hour break, and he will try out some new girls, while I get to another regular. Then we will meet back up, if he wants. I don’t tend to have this kind of deal w anyone but good regulars, but I think any girl would be okay w something like it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think it's an indirect way of saying "hey I thought I (dancer) was gonna get all your $$$"
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Dirk, I think you should communicate w her ab it. You are spending enough to get the experience you want. She might not realize you don’t like waiting. Or that you’d rather talk for awhile first, or take some breaks during.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    A couple of years ago I was sitting & talking with a dancer at Follies. One of my favorite dancers came by and told the other dancer that I was her husband. The other dancer asked me why she said that? I said that she just has it in her head that I'm her property. :)
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Or, you could get some dances w the other girls who come up to you, and get less from her. I guarantee not all of her customers pay what you do for so little time. You are like a cash cow. It does sound like she knows she’s getting your money, without a lot of work on her part.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Not anymore. But she's a bad bitch and she knows it. She does seem like she's trying harder to get dances from me. Actually acknowledging me now when she sees me even when she's with other customers, actually plopping right onto my lap to claim me (and she's not a plopper). Before, there were times when i actually had to seek her out to get dances with her, after telling her on stage that i wanted to see her later. Those were a couple times that i would walk up to her, make very little small talk, she would say something like are you ready or want to get some dances and off we'd go to the chump station for not even half an hour for some great dances and boom that was it. I talked about her before in my onegina article; she was the former favorite that was probably the number two at one time, although she has probably dropped out of the top 5, which was unthinkable before, but alas, others came along.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Oh, okay. Long as you aren’t waiting on her unhappily. And if you do want her to get to you soon, just give some of “her” money to the girls who get to you faster.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    She works at the same club as the ATF, so there is no more "her" money or any one else...
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @day_trader- damn! Strippers be weird sometimes. She freaked out because you got dances from someone else.

    Papi is right. Also when she sees you getting dances from other girls, she just wants to make sure she’s still heavy in your rotation.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    I'm preemptively trying to avoid this situation at the club I started frequenting. After my visit yesterday, I have officially narrowed down the dancers to a group of 3 favorites and then a second tier of girls that I would like to hit up for variety from time to time. As such, 2 of those 3 were on shift yesterday and I got dances from both. At the end of each girl's turn, I straight up told them that I would like to see them on a regular basis, but that there were two other girls that would also be regulars and that I might not be able to get to them each visit. They both seemed fine with this but wanted to know who the other girls were I only told them each one (each other). Turns out they get along real well. They don't know who the 3rd girl is and the 3rd girl doesn't know that she is equally considered amongst 2 others.

    This should't be too much of a problem though. The one girl leaves for a month long vacation in 8 days and the 3rd (unknowing) girl only works weekdays, so I won't see her until after the other girl leaves for vacation. Come next year, my clubbing will be on weekends only, so the 4rd girl will only have to be juggled in if I take vacation, go on a holiday when the office is closed or happen to be driving by for work purposes, which is rare.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    ^...."so the 3rd girl will only have to be juggled..."
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Sooo you're upset about something that doesn't even upset you. ;)

    My ATF acted like she was upset when I mentioned another dance before, Bad acting I should say. I love teasing her about it and she takes it in stride. Likewise I don't get jealous of who she dances with.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    At one of my favorite clubs, there was this one girl who would say that if I didn't get to see her first. It was always a joke. A couple times, I would do doubles with her and the girl I "cheated" on her with.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I have only heard that one time from a stripper. Just a couple of weeks ago. The black girl who caused the threads on the rest of the story. Told me she was having surgery and would not be in for at least a couple of weeks. She said she did nit want me to do the things we just did with any of the other gurls. All I could thing was holy hel!, some of those things I would rather never happen again lol
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    My fave expects me to get dances with other dancers. But if any dancer asked me that question I would smile and say "all the time".
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Yes. Yes I am!
  • best101
    7 years ago
    Being called cheating in club is just too funny...it is a club where man cheats from their real life...but then sometimes there can be some reality inside the club..
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