Extras on a per song basis; rush or extend the experience

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I'm heading out to the club soon to get some extras-laden dances. I'm use to doing 30 minute VIP sessions where I try to hold off finishing for as long as possible to get my money's worth. The more local club I've been going to as of late though has girls performing extras on a dance by dance method.

I'm hitting a personal quandary. Though I am normally prefer variety at a SC, there are a bunch of exceptional girls at this club who I always plan to take for longer sessions; to the point where I will tell them to slow down as I am there both for the experience of being with that awesome 9/10 rated girl for as well as the finish. Since it is on a per song basis, this can really add up. Then, once I am finished with that girl, I am always kicking myself that I should have rushed the finish so as to have more money left over to get dances from multiple girls.

What's the preference on here? Enjoy 1 particular girl for as long as possible, try them all out for a bit to maximize the interactions and variety or to visit the club as horny as possible to get out with the least financial damage? I'm trying to convince myself it should be the cheap "get in/get out" method to be able to club more often, but I'm stuck in the mode of wanting each dance session to last forever.


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Why finish early if you enjoy many hot girls. If tell the girl you are too hot if I am early to finish .I will tell her let me take a break. And may be will take dance with sane girl or diff girl.
I am talking about no extras club
I guess I want particular girls to get me off?

Example: I'm leaving in 20 minutes for the club. All week, I was planning on going for the sole purpose to just see 1 specific girl on schedule, hit her up for 5 or 6 dances and then hit the road. This morning when I woke up, I realized I have nothing better to do for the rest of the afternoon so I might as well hang out at the club for a couple hours. When I was at the ATM while running errands, I withdrew enough to be able to do those 5-6 dances, refresh for 1.5 hours and maybe do a second session with a different girl to end the trip. But, looking at their online schedule, I see there are multiple weekend girls that I have never met before. Hence the quandary: do I try to extend a dance session with a girl I've been dreaming about all week , rush the dance session to save money or rush it to save money to taste test other entertainers.
Is it that hard to simply return to the club a few days later and get VIP with another? OK money becomes a consideration... But I think I would figure out how to budget tighter or earn more, if I had this "problem"
I see now that you described these as weekend girls... But I think if you suggest a long VIP with them on a weeknight, you will discover their schedules become more accommodating.
Try a bunch of other strippers first to get build up/horny then finish with the stripper you dream about.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I prefer the per song basis. I think it works out better for me monetarily.
At my favorite club VIPs are done in 30 minute increments. I like girls that will give me a full 30 minutes of GFE and send me home happy. I know at my age there isn't going to be any seconds today. I suppose at a pay by the song club, I would still be buying 30 minutes worth.
@Lurker The club is around 50 minutes from my house and across state lines, so it is not convenient to hit it up as much as I'd like. I'm good with money and have a bunch saved up with no reasons to spend it , but do have to learn to budget tighter when it comes to SC. Concerning earning more, I hope that will be the case soon. I am in final talks with the president of the company I work for for a substantial title/responsibility increase. One that should, in theory, net me a $25,000 to $30,000 a year raise. The only thing preventing it would be if my boss doesn't agree with this raise value, but getting it would be to match the industry standard for what the title increase would be.

The girls at this club have a very strict and predictable schedule. It is posted up to a week in advance online. I can't see them changing shifts just to accommodate me. One of my top 3 girls is a M-F day time girl and knows that come the new year, I won't be able to get over there much. I am in talks with her about getting her number for OTC, but she is very hesitant to give the number out. I have a feeling that although 80% of the girls opening perform ITC services here, none or almost none of them do OTC.
Personal clarification: If I find myself at a club that does not offer extras, I do sample as many girls as possible; usually in two dance increments.
I know the feeling - the main club I visit is 37 miles away and most of it is 2 lane road or 4 lanes with traffic signals. Yeah 50-55 minutes most of the time to get there. Fortunately the they have a good talent pool and I can find someone on any given night that I like.
As of today, I have officially determined a top 3 list of dancers at this club. Two of them I got dances from today for the second visit in a row. Fortunately though, they are weekday day shift girls who also work Saturday afternoons, so that will work out nice for me next year when Saturdays are the only days I will be able to get over there. I may alternate every other visit between the two of them. They know each other and get along well; in fact I told them both today that I was there explicitly to see them both and they both thought that was fine. However, both have made pleas to be the girl to get dances first.
Yeah, you kinda wanna have your cake and eat it too - trying to get a finish from multiple girls can def add up - if your spending is bothering you then you're gonna have to adjust - either just get a couple of dances from different girls you wanna try and then look for one to finish you off, or be with less girls and have them finish you off.

It's not rare for PLs to binge and over-spend for a season till they fine-tune their SC-game to where they are satisfied with what they get for a price point they are comfortable with
Oh, I'm in binge mode through the end of the year as I have lots of vacation days to use up and a decent stock pile of "fun money" I didn't spend this year from only vacationing abroad once. I'm also relatively new to actively going to SC. Usually, it was 3-4 times a year. Its been 13 -15 time since August this year, so definitely an uptick. I'm gonna go crazy for another 4 weeks then pace myself come January.
No booths or back rooms until an intense front room makeout session is in progress. Then, when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Buying Dances Is A Chump's Game

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