
OMG..Blast From The Past...I'm Doomed

My ex-ATF was at the club today; her first day after a 3 year retirement. She didn't text me; my CF was afraid I'd drop her as she knows about the ATF as she was all I'd talk about for months. So....I paid off the CF to leave me alone an spent most of the balance of the evening with the ATF...she was nervous about starting over but she's so hot..she'll be fine. But I'm in trouble as I'm not her destiny even though we've done OTC...I feel like Rick in Casablanca. I had finally gotten over her, but now she's back. Wish me luck!


  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Here's looking at you, kid.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Oh, man. That sucks and is great all at the same time. Rick in Casablanca is right. Good luck Rockstar.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I had two CFs at one of my fav clubs this time last year. Every time I set foot in that club two thoughts go through my mind:

    I wonder if K or A might ever appear again. (from my heart and loins)

    God, I sure hope K or A isn't here. (from my pride and wallet)
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    Wasn't the CF bored with hearing about the ATF for months?

    I don't talk about other dancers past or present with whatever stripper is my current flavor of the month. I juggle and keep that shit separate.

    Is it weird to be reluctant to discuss other dancers with one? Seems like good judgment to me, but maybe I'm weird about it?

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'm not into faves but it's kinda cool when I see a dancer from the past that I liked - and yeah often times they seem like newbies when they start up again after a long hiatus (but that probably applies to custies also, strip-clubs are out there)
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    They talk about us, so I don't see a reason not to talk to them about each other...in moderation.

    Two visits ago, I was talking to my CF bar side and I saw a girl on stage who was hot. I pointed to her and ask who she was. My CF batted my hand down and quickly changed the conversation. Yesterday, when talking with my CF, she apologized for the batting, but said that the girls don't like it when guys ask other girls about each other, whether good or bad. It just so happens that the girl I asked about was one of the girls I took back for some LDs yesterday and she in turn asked me who I specifically came to see, which I shared.

    My CF though notices if I have left my bar seat while she is giving dances to other PLs and when I get back to my seat, always asks me who I was getting dances with. Once or twice, she has commented that it was nice of me to get a dance or two from the girls I mentioned; another times I could tell she put on a brave face when I mentioned someone else's name leading me to believe that she may be afraid that I will hit up that girl more in the future over her.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I'm shocked, shocked to find that titty sucking is going on in here. Rockstar666 out at once!
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    and HJs! Michael is going to shit when he hears about this!
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I must have terrible luck. Every time a past favorite of mine comes back. she has put on 50 lbs and got hit by an ugly stick. :)
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