
Comments by SanchoRG (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Trump is running, GOP or not. He will pull a Ross Perot if he is not the nominee. RFK only seems to appeal to conservatives so he will pull more votes away, even tho he was intended to be a spoiler candidate for the left. Its not working.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Twitter - Do you Tweet ?
    If there is a tweet worth a shit, someone will take a screenshot and post it on social media elsewhere
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    a year ago
    Orwell never envisioned the level of absurdity in today's world
    Im pretty sure Orwell predicted our future pretty damn accurately. Rumors are he was not a prophet, just a man who learned history.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    UN demands worldwide end to free speech
    Western media is absolutely full of propaganda. Thing is though, western media includes CNN, Fox, Mewsmax, Reddit, Twitter etc. You can get a general idea of what is truly going on from a variety of sides. Russian media is just the state.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cascadas TLN
    They charge $200 now? Used to be $300 before negotiation with the staff. Hotel Ticuan doesn't charge anything, but they won't let a second girl up.
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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    If you vote at all you are the mark. Its all a performance and we are all fucked. There is no plan, only hundreds of different systems fighting for scraps and merging into a parthwork horror straight out of a Lovecraft novel. If anything we should be getting the fuck out of dodge into the wilderness like Lot did while the cities inevitably burn. No titty bars out there tho :/
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT] US Open Golf
    Not a huge golf fan but just wanted to shit up the thread with a hearty "fuck Saudi Arabia"
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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    Which color state has government that will leave me the fuck alone?
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    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    How much would a 14 year old girl get paid to babysit 30 kids for 6 hours?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Republicans and the National Debt
    Read here the dissent from Supreme Court Justice Harlan Crow that lays the groundwork for abolishing child labor laws: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/21-454_4g15.pdf For you cable/internet new viewers, this might seem like a scary read. Warning for skibum, there are no pictures.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Republicans and the National Debt
    Or I can do nothing, because I don't take orders from random faggots on Tuscl
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Republicans and the National Debt
    Elites being elites. The end goal of being a puppet for elites is to roll back the new deal. Get those kids back in the mines so they can pull 7 12 hour shifts a week next to their fathers. Houses too expensive? Thats ok, you can live in the subsidized company town!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is onlyfans better than club experience?
    Just to further explain how bad it is. I spent like $140 in a month trying to get a local OF girl to meet up with me. At the end of the month, OF sent me an email saying I was in the top 2% of spenders sitewide that month. Meanwhile spending $140 a month at the club would probably put me in the bottom 2%. There is just so much more money flowing at the club and for good reason. $40 on OF might get me three 40 second 2d videos. That same $40 will get me a sub to a porn site with unlimited access to full 8k 3D VR videos of incredibly hot girls complete with interactive scripts that connect to sex toys.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is onlyfans better than club experience?
    Not even close. Paying just for pics and videos is simpy as fuck. OF is only worthwhile as a means to setting up OTC
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    That's why I love SPY. It's all mostly FAGMAN anyhow. Er wait I guess MAGMAN. Dumb index funds still outperform 90% of actively managed funds, with far lower fees. I do set aside 5-10% for individual stock picks, but I am terrible at picking winners.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    $600k Bar Hookup
    Drop the k from the price and we might have a deal
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    https://www.multpl.com/shiller-pe Not a huge fan of valuations right now, but I think not investing will fuck me over more than investing will so I keep buying SPY every month
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Which Voter is Really the Dumbest?
    *Office meme* Theyre the same picture. Dogs owned by the elites only know one trick
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Cities To Live In 2023-24
    "I'm so free in California that I can no longer buy menthol cigarettes if I smoked. Now a law is passing to outlaw the ingredients in Skittles. I cherish that type of freedom of choice." Cool, now try to buy weed in Florida.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Cities To Live In 2023-24
    Founder can check my IP, been living and posting from Tampa for almost a year. Easily the worst state Ive lived in. There is a lot more personal freedom out West. Unfortunately my parents are elderly and dont want to leave so Ill pretend to be a good little Catholic until they pass then Im out of here again.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Cities To Live In 2023-24
    I moved to Tampa last year. I grew up here then left to make money cause Florida dont pay shit. Its definitely changed. More homeless and litter than ever before. Absolutely zero enforcement of traffic laws. Idiots crashing daily clogging up the interstate. No minor crime law enforcement. Police are absent and probably overwhelmed. Which makes it an AWESOME place for strip clubs! They are thinly veneered brothels now. Lots of variery in dancers cause again, there is little opportunity to make meaningful money in Florida outside of remote work. Oh and we got these weird grey market casinos popping up on every corner, draining addicted senior citizens pensions. Trump was right, Florida is a shithole right now. Suburbs are nice, just wish they didnt tear down all the orange groves and wetlands.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Happy US teacher appreciation week 2023!
    K-12 is a shit job IMO. Low pay, out of pocket classroom expense, nightmare kids. Un-engaged or worse parents. Worthless admins skimming the budget and leaving little behind. No Child Left Behind is complete shit. Schools exempt from OSHA laws (why??). Entire industry relies on people who see it as a 'calling' and can overlook the shit pay and bad situation. Even they get ground down over time. I know we've all seen countless youtube videos of teachers getting assaulted etc. Just for thought, if you were to pay a babysitter minimum wage while you went away to work, it would be around $75 including commute etc. Take a classroom full of 30 kids and any teenage babysitter would charge $2,250 a day. A sub makes what $100? Teacher maybe 2.5x that? If teachers are just glorified babysitters these days, pay them like one!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Lawmakers Dumped Their Shares In First Republic Bank Before The Company Coll
    *lawmakers with hand in the cookie jar* "hey look over there, its a tranny!"
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    EX Robots is making robot strippers
    Lol funny enough I am 1 servo away from completing a SR6. Does not look like a pretty lady tho. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NVqGcq7hRw
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    a year ago
    RFK Jr. and upcoming races
    Can't wait to see what happens when Trump calls DeSantis's wife ugly. Will he push back, or will he bend the knee and take it all down his throat like Ted Cruz did?