Three years in prison for allegedly expressing opinions. Meanwhile mostly diverse non-indigenous rioters burn down the country and the French government does nothing...
You would think the coach must have a actually discriminated against someone, attacked someone over their demographic background, something real, right? Nope, he alledgedly expressed some "incorrect" opinions.
What happened to "I may disagree with everything you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? What happened to basic common sense for that matter. Prisons exist for speech crimes that go against current woke political correctness now?
And those who think it can't happen in the US, it already is. Florida under DeSantis has passed and implemented the first European style "hate speech" laws on the US with HB269 that makes is a felony to pass out fliers saying "hateful things" about "marginalized demographics" as they call it. Both parties are completely corrupt and tyranical.
I love it when TUSCL is the last place on the internet someone finds they can post without getting band. Oh shit Dave looks like you’re proving DeSantis right!!
last commentWhat happened to "I may disagree with everything you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? What happened to basic common sense for that matter. Prisons exist for speech crimes that go against current woke political correctness now?
And those who think it can't happen in the US, it already is. Florida under DeSantis has passed and implemented the first European style "hate speech" laws on the US with HB269 that makes is a felony to pass out fliers saying "hateful things" about "marginalized demographics" as they call it. Both parties are completely corrupt and tyranical.