Living in a Red State vs Blue

avatar for mark94
Recent Harris poll

64% of voters say they would want to live in a state that cuts taxes, encourages public charter schools, does not allow gender surgery for minors, and restricts most abortions after six weeks.

By contrast 66% of voters – including a majority of all parties – say they would not want to live in a state that has increasing taxes, restricts legal gun ownership more strictly, allows abortion up to 9 months, allows minors to get gender surgery without parental permission, encourages undocumented immigrants, and allows felons to vote.


last comment
avatar for JimGassagain
2 years ago
Click bait for emotionally triggered white old lonely men who are dinsjj in f purpose in their lives.

avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
^ Triggered liberal snowflake who took the click bait
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
The inflows to/outflows from each state speak for themselves.

Low taxes beat unfettered trans madness.
avatar for Goodclubrep
2 years ago
Met an Arizona resident yesterday who was upset well California, Oregon, and Washington residents fleeing to their state causing housing shortages and escalating prices. I hadn't heard anything about this until now
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
California is a great place to live if you are in the bottom 10% or the top 1%. One group can live off welfare and the other can afford luxury property in safe neighborhoods.

Everyone else will eventually leave.

The highest population growth over the next 10 years will be in south Texas. A manufacturing renaissance is taking place there.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
People hate taxes but like the services taxes provide.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
California has high taxes. Miserable services.

Same with New York. Illinois. New Jersey.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Yeah. I'm having a hard time even thinking of one service provided by government that affects my life other than the US Mail, which is forced to run like a private company to a degree.

Yes there is police service but circumstances surrounding that service are making law enforcement a less desirable profession choice. EMT's and hospitals are mostly private. Fire service is something I have never used but is valuable to have. That's about all I can see that helps me personally even though I don't use these services.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Utah is as a Red state as you can get - since Truman the Democratic Presidential candidate to win was LBJ in 1964. In fact, they hated liberal Bill & Hill so much is 1992 that more people even voted for Ross Perot

Yet Blue state’s immigration is driving Utah’s. Mostly from California, but also from New York and Washington.

The result - Salt Lake City has developed a massive gang problem.

If I was Utah, I’d put up a wall
avatar for azdd
2 years ago
Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are all being californicated! As a 50 year resident of AZ, I’m not happy about it.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
Which color state has government that will leave me the fuck alone?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
We'll see what happens, everyone wants roads and schools, needs hospitals, and all kinds of government services cost money, eventually the model will get blown up, I wonder how long Texas can keep up with the growth, they have raised taxes on all kinds of things, their power grid is among the poorest performing in the USA, my own home state of Florida is expensive as any of the high tax states, difference is the governor forces you to buy the services he refuses to provide, with property taxes exploding to make up for their supposedly low tax rates, and don't get me started on insurance, rates have doubled on all necessary insurance policies, so go ahead rag on the blue states and watch every red state get super expensive just like New York and California,
This is just an apples and orangutans comparison, Mark you know that you are being dishonest just to stir shit.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Democrat politicians tend to brag about how much money they pour into programs. They seldom talk about whether those programs are effective or efficient.

For example, blue states spend a lot on education but most schools are failing the students. That’s partly because teacher’s unions have all the power and influence.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ yesterday they had a particularly devastating tornado event in Texas, the electric grid was down and the warning sirens and cellphone alerts never went out, that’s a failure of government. Address that fact.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Florida has low taxes with good value provided for the revenue. Florida's escalating cost-of-living is due to the bottom 30% of earners, democrat special interest lobbies, and blue voters moving here after fucking their original states into a liberal mess.

Our state has been saddled with an unsustainable $15/hr min wage by a self-righteous ambulance chaser John Morgan. When you have to pay a higher minimum wage, everything increases from the bottom up. Ironically, those minimum wage earners find themselves replace dbby self-checkout and other automation which obsolets the functions they performed. Serves them right, but consumers are left to foot the bill. This is not the governor' fault, this is not the red voter's faults, this is the blue voters and liberals' fault.

Every election ballot has giveaways for military veterans, first, responders, teacher, widows, etc. I vote "No" each and every single time, because when they exempt one group from taxes, they have to raise taxes elsewhere to get it. Most people, especially the blue voters and bottom 30% vote yes to feel good about themselves or get the exemption for themselves. It is stupid. They are stupid. Use your head. Government never cuts spending, it only increases. If this tax revenue ceases here, it will be shifted elsewhere. Again, not the governor's fault. Blame blue voters and liberals.

Finally, Florida has not experienced the slightest dip in housing demand. Even with sky-high mortgage rates. Again, this is not the governor's fault. This is the blue voters moving here after voting for high taxes, special class exemptions, and increased government spending in their old states. They will destroy Florida as surely as amnesty in the 80s destroyed California.

Lots of idiots on this board like to pretend they know everything and have a keen understanding of economic forces and societal trends. Don't be fooled. They are just idiots with small minds and big mouths, who spout partisan lies without stopping to examine what the topic in questions. these are the useful idiots that form the cannon fodder of the democrat party. They blindly march follow whatever Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann tells them, and drag good Americans into the mud with them.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

You wrote and I quote:

“Living in a Red State vs Blue”

You are in denial about the UNDENIABLE REALITY:

“It’s never been about left vs right or Democrats vs Republicans.

More like 0.1% of regular ass humans (the media, the politicians, the religious leaders, the puppet presidents, the rich and powerful, etc etc) tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”

~ SanchoRG, Texas
~ Joined Aug, 2017

“America sucks and needs to be dismantled.”

~ Papi_Chulo, TUSCL, August 14, 2020
~ White privileged (Cuban) residing in Miami, FL

^ Sad but so true Papi.

~ Warrior15, TUSCL, August 14, 2020
~ Just a Monger looking for some Action.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
In 2008, California approved $9 Billion for a high speed train between LA and SF. Fifteen years later, not a single foot of track has been laid. The $9 Billion went mostly to “consultants”. I suspect some of that money found its way back to Democrat coffers.

The current estimate for the track from LA to SF is $129 Billion.

Blue State
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
And an equal amount found it’s way back to the Republican coffers as well, to hear you talk the corruption is one sided you’re ridiculous and so biased your speaker is a Republican and he’s from California and he is just as grabby as any politician stop being such a dumbass
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Minnesota students who are undocumented immigrants will be eligible for the state's new tuition-free college program.

Blue State
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>64% of voters say they would want to live in a state that cuts taxes, encourages public charter schools, does not allow gender surgery for minors, and restricts most abortions after six weeks.

Mark, where do you get that 64% of voters favor restricting abortions after six weeks ? Link please.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago

The Harris poll from June 14-15 (which they link to) shows the abortion poll results on slide 31:
47% (not 64%) of voters favor a law that would ban most abortions after six weeks
They only get to the 64% number when they lump several questions (such as taxes) together. Of course, most people want lower taxes. Looks kind of sneaky.
avatar for azdd
2 years ago
There’s lies, damn lies, and then there’s statistics! Mark Twain?
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The point was, people prefer red state policies as a whole. Of course each individual component would vary. But, 47% is still significant.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Recently read an enlightening article from a former teacher in California who had moved there there to help take care of his parents. He describes San Francisco as a place where adults are afraid to say thing that might offend and students are taught to be offended.

The teacher was fired for making alleged racist remarks. It was the first week of school during COVID and the students were masked up. He misidentified one African American student and called him by the wrong name. Remember it was the first week of school and they were masked. Yet he was fired because after all, whites think “all black people look alike”

Cold calling of students (an easy version of the Socratic Method” was prohibited because it might embarrass students or make them feel singled out.

More blue state idiocy

avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Six months ago, Gavin Newsome projected a $97 Billion surplus for California. So, the Democrat legislature went on a spending spree, largely new environmental programs ( Did you know every electric vehicle sold in California gets a $7500 credit in addition to the $7,500 from Biden’s IRA program ? ).

Now, 6 months later, a huge budget deficit is projected ( currently $30 Billion and going higher ). They didn’t see that coming.

Blue State…
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Owners of 2 landmark SF hotels have chosen to close, turning the keys into the lender. Will the last business to leave SF please turn off the lights ?…
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
How’s this for a headline ?

“ Rainbow Underground Railroad helps LGBT Americans escape Red States “

The horror !!!
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I mean I would ignore all the gaslighting and just look at the outcomes. What state has a better financial situation, Illinois or Tennesee? What city is run better Miami or San Francisco?

New York City murder capital of the world in 1990, so bad NYC elects a Republican Mayor, Rudy Giuliani comes in to save the day and clean shit up OVERNIGHT. Comrade DeBlasio comes in and does everything possible to fuck that all up. Crackheads in Albany (insert Sacramento, Springfield etc.) always need more and more money.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
At the end of the day you can run but you can’t hide. I could leave now it would buy me time but at the end of the day Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, and yes even one day Texas will all be blue. They fuck up EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH. What crazy shit would make people (by people I mean law abiding, tax payers) leave such a beautiful place like California?
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
So 25 is bitching about Texas taking a little long to recover from a tornado, while living in a state that still hasn't fully recovered from Andrew 30 years ago. Very Progressive.

Thank you God for letting me be born in 1957 so I got to grow up and live most of my life in real America and not the sick, fucked up progressive Democrat version that we're in now where we fail a little more every day. Fucking Juneteenth? Fucking most ignornt name for a day on earth.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Really ski your reading comprehension needs some attention, what you’re saying isn’t what I said.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Blue State Hell

At least 20 people were shot, one fatally, during a Juneteenth celebration early Sunday morning in Willowbrook, Illinois
The gunfire erupted during an illegal street takeover attended by at least 300 people overnight outside of the Willowbrook shopping center
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
It's all pretty crazy. If you ever wondered why the Confederate states chose to leave the Union, you begin to have an understanding of the passion and the fundamentally incompatible paradigms that caused the Civil War.

I'm not saying a second secession is the answer or is warranted, but I shudder to think of a future where all states are woke blue shitholes that resemble Chicago, San Fran, or Philly.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
If you vote Democrat, you vote to fail.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
If you vote at all you are the mark. Its all a performance and we are all fucked. There is no plan, only hundreds of different systems fighting for scraps and merging into a parthwork horror straight out of a Lovecraft novel. If anything we should be getting the fuck out of dodge into the wilderness like Lot did while the cities inevitably burn. No titty bars out there tho :/
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Have you ever looked at a stripper in cosplay and thought, "Shit. I hate to admit it, but she looks good as a Furry."?
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The ideal situation would be to have most decisions made at the state instead of the federal level. Then people could just pick the state that most closely matches what they want and move there. It creates a lot of unnecessary friction between people by nationalizing every issue. The original purpose of the Constitution was to specifically list what the federal government would do and then everything else, which would be most things, would be decided at the state level. Liberals can live in liberal states, conservatives can live in conservative states and then everyone would get along better.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@doc, I forget who said this, but someone said there are two types of people, the ones who want to be left alone and the ones who won't leave anyone alone.

When your crusade is motivated by some moral cause (real or otherwise), you won't leave others alone. Applied to slavery back in the day, now abortion and transing kids.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ That dude is great.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“At least 20 people were shot, one fatally, during a Juneteenth celebration early Sunday morning in Willowbrook, Illinois“

It’s strange there are no new reports coming out about this incident. It seems to have died. Initial news reports said there was video of the suspects and at least one article indicated a fight had broken out before the shooting.

Yet no description of the suspects has been released or no arrests have been made
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Despite the toughest gun laws in the US, Chicago streets are full of gun toting criminals.

The solution is simple. Allow police to stop and frisk suspicious looking people, like drug dealers standing on street corners at 2am. Then, put anyone caught with a gun in prison for 5 years. The murder rate in Chicago would plunge.

The people in power in Chicago say this would be racist.
avatar for BGSD3100
2 years ago
A someone that lives in a blue state, I can tell you that I have never lost power following a winter storm while my senator took off to Mexico.,
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
So, their power went off because the Senator left the State ? I’d like to see a diagram of how that happened.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Welp we don't exactly know why but it seems that the warning sirens that alert folks to impending danger, wasn't working, as a result when a tornado struck Matador, Texas four people died likely as a result of being unable to get to a shelter in a timely fashion, seems to be a theme in Texas, human errors compounded with extreme stupidity, leave the folks living in the state exposed to catastrophe. This is far from the first time, government has failed it's clients in Governor Abbot's and Ted Cruz's state. Lets talk about competence and what responsibility government has to the taxpayers.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
So Ted Cruz, a US Senator, is responsible for the tornado sirens in Texas?! As a know-it-all Conservative Republican who wants to Make America Great Again, and NOT a liberal communist suffering from dementia, I can confidently state that the responsibilities of a Senator are to deliberate and consent to the Executive Branch and the lower chamber. The US Senate is not responsible for the tornado sirens in rural Texas.

Nor is Greg Abott, the Governor of the great state of Texas. Tornado sirens are owned and operated by the county. Maybe, if the counties weren't having their budgets raped by all the illegals you liberals are allowing to invade our country, they could afford to inspect and maintain tornado sirens that lawful citizens pay for.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
^ Dude, whether fairly or unfairly, Florida has a travel advisory warning on that state for being hostile to persons of color, immigrants, and the LGBTQIA community. And some condo that collapsed. And Florida’s legendary reputation for crazy people. And antiwoke obsessed Desantis. Feel free to bash on Texas all you want, but you’re proudly living in an odd place for that. 🤔
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Let's talk about blue States. Let's talk about States like California. Where rolling brownouts are so common that they don't even make the news- they're just an everyday part of life. Let's talk about states like Michigan- where the governor used the Michigan state police to pull over and arrest citizens in the course of lawful traffic just because she wanted to be the state leader in lockdowns. Let's talk about Illinois, where there are so deep in debt and so close to bankruptcy that they cannot afford to pay their entitlements and pensions. Let's talk about Oregon which decriminalized all drugs and all major cities have turned into open air drug markets. Let's talk about Maryland, a crime ridden shithole. Let's talk about Washington, where rioters were allowed to seize a major section of a downtown city and attempt to succeed from the union. Yeah, let's talk about those governments and their responsibilities to their taxpayers.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Again with the personal attacks, keep it up you expose your total ignorance, just to respond to your stupidity how much of the budget do you think it will take to check the sirens occasionally like when the weather service says conditions predict a chance of tornadoes forming
BTW your not a conservative you’re all over the place with your philosophy, the only thing constant about you is you’re a bigoted dumbass.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Dude, whether fairly or unfairly, Florida has a travel advisory warning on that state for being hostile to persons of color, immigrants, and the LGBTQIA community."

It's called a publicity stunt from groups that need crises to stay relevant.

The flow of population out of blue states and into red states speaks for itself.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
@Nice spice I don’t disagree with you and I’ve criticized DeSantis plenty, that doesn’t mean I can’t walk and chew gum, I was responding to a specific comment made by Mark
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Stop being such a baby and taking everything so personally. Man up and nut up, already.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago

I’ll give you that Baltimore is a crime ridden shithole. Time to start over in that city. Not fair lumping all of Maryland in there. The state of Maryland has the highest median household income of all 50 states. The county I live in is number 4 in the entirety of the USA per median family income. We’re doing just fine. Thanks for asking.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Maryland has a high income because there are hundreds of thousands of federal employees being paid six figures to do nothing. It has nothing to do with how well, or poorly, Maryland is governed.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The violent crime rate in Maryland is nineteen percent higher than the national rate per

You're welcome.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Skewed by Baltimore. Maybe Prince George’s county too, where Ebony Inn is located. I already agreed with you that Baltimore is a shit hole.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
That's like saying Illinois voting patterns are skewed by Chicago. It makes no difference. If Maryland is so great and so rich, why doesn't the rest of the state help Baltimore? Liberal hypocrisy. Liberal guilt is left next to the mailbox outside the gated, pavered, driveway. The state stats are the state's stats.

Crime-ridden shithole filled with fat, lazy, overpaid bureaucrats who don't care about the victims if it ain't in their backyard.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
—>“It's called a publicity stunt from groups that need crises to stay relevant.

The flow of population out of blue states and into red states speaks for itself.”

Yeah, it probably is. I hope so, because every time I’ve been to Florida, I’ve always had fun. I like that state.

Though I do remember this one Airbnb where my host claimed somebody else was his roommate. And he spent time with the other guy going out together and they would cook meals together and eat together, watch tv together, and at night sleep in the same bedroom. I kept my mouth shut but I really wanted to say “IDGAF if you guys are gay—as a female traveling alone that actually makes my life easier!” …but idk if they had some circumstance going on keeping them in the closet, even if it’s a closet that wasn’t hiding much. 🫣
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
You realize Maryland’s crime rate is basically the same as FL right? Or do you just enjoy being angry so much? We’re a couple spots ahead in violent crime rate but about 5 spots behind FL in overall crime rate.

avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Look I do I have to be fair and call out the cuckservatives who actually do want abortion outlawed in these red states. We do have to call that out. Do you realize the consequences of that? More welfare queens shitting out millions more future gangbangers, no father in the household, no guidance, no nothing, raised by the streets. Killing, assaulting, raping, do whatever the fuck want theses crooks want to do. JUST WHAT THE FUCK WE ALL NEED MORE OF. And it all could've been avoided.

And then on top of the Senate to the radical left. Great job. 👍 It's losing issue, move the fuck on.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
And for these guys on here always thumping for this blue bullshit. This ignorance is stunning. LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. WALK OUTSIDE. ONE TIME IN YOUR LIFE. Just wait until one of your loved ones, your grandma gets shit beat out her, your store gets looted day after day, your brother gets slaughtered, your sister gets raped, by some piece of shit who's been arrested 96 times. You'll wake the fuck up and start voting different REAL QUICK. And that is a guarantee but as long as it's always somebody else it's all good in the hood, keep up the bullshit, keep fucking up the greatest cities the world has ever seen. Big media says everything is a-ok so it must be.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Cost of living in Florida is 28% lower then Maryland.

Groceries cost 18% less.

Housing is 80%(!) more expensive in Maryland

Transportation costs 8% more

Gas costs slightly more

Florida and Texas have no income tax

Florida has better schools and a higher graduation rate than Maryland

Those arent the only red and blue states , but a good demonstration of how liberalism sucks, liberals swallow, and blue states filch.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
^ you forgot the most important thing ... better strip clubs in Florida
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Let’s look at what Blue Cities have in common.

- don’t prosecute crimes
- embrace illegal aliens
- have high taxes
- have unionized government employees
- control the election system

As a result:
- the unions help Democrats get elected
- elections are fixed
- the Democrat party bosses decide who gets elected
- politicians are corrupt
- the middle class, of all races, flees the city
- crime is rampant
- police response is horrible
- the schools are horrible
- the streets are filthy
- the city runs a deficit

The politicians blame the city’s problems on
- insufficient taxes
- racism
- greedy rich people
- business owners
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