
Which Voter is Really the Dumbest?

South Florida
Saturday, May 20, 2023 6:36 PM
Which voter really is the dumbest? The one who voted for Trump or the one who voted for Biden?


  • CostaTheCrazyGreek
    a year ago
    Well for one both suck because they do nothing for John and Jane Q Public but Trump because MAGA are a bunch of sociopaths and amoral scumbags. It's not about making their lives better, it's about making everyone elses life worse.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    The ones who though they were voting for a good candidate. Rather than holding their nose, and voting for the least bad candidate. Most people are dumb and/or live in a dream world. Basically, the better countries are ones where members of the elite see that it's better to refrain from violence and lawlessness when competing with each other. That's the problem with Trump, he dabbles in violence and lawlessness.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    Make sure to put political threads in the Political Discussions section
  • From978
    a year ago
    Surveys don't measure stupid but they do ask about education. Not going to college is a very good predictor of being a Trump voter.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    Well, let's see... [view link] Apparently a majority of people voted for this woman.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    Anyone who votes differently from me, but I don’t hold their ignorance against them 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    I can't even think of something to say about that Linda Sanchez woman. I'm at a loss for words. She's badgering the FBI whistleblower over a Twitter account of someone with the same name as his, most likely the famous LA Raiders running back, Marcus Allen.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    But you Dems, please, by all means, go ahead and keep voting for this clusterfuck.
  • caseyx
    a year ago
    @From978: If a candidate ran on a platform of changing the law such that a graduate degree was required in order to be able to vote, would it be a mark of stupidity if everyone who didn't go college opposed that candidate? Obviously Democrats don't espouse anything as extreme as this extremely hyperbolic hypothetical. But their party platform is arguably aligned with the interests/opinions of college educated urbanites and away from those who don't have college degrees. Which makes it pretty reasonable for those without degrees to support their opponents.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    The ones that take this thread seriously.
  • dha
    a year ago
    Or lives in a Siberian ice block Rhode Island.
  • erg
    a year ago
    "That's the problem with Trump, he dabbles in violence and lawlessness" Someone slept through the summer of 2020???
  • erg
    a year ago
    The media spoon fed you all the negativity about Trump and you are it up like a big bowl of ice cream. Remember the riots in the summer of 2020?? What about the negative comments Trump made on Twitter??? And when the media had Pelosi, AOC and even little Cory Booker on the news every night when Trump was President???? The Democrats and the media used all of this to undermine the Trump Presidency. You don't see any of this on the news now that Biden is in office do you???? I bet you can not even tell me who the Speaker of the House is now??? Oh and one more thing, Biden has changed some of his Presidential Decrees back to the way Trump had them when he was President. Ha, I guess father knows best???
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    “MAGA are a bunch of sociopaths and amoral scumbags. It's not about making their lives better, it's about making everyone elses life worse” I didn’t vote for Trump and never will - but this comment is the mother of all ironies Sociopaths? I’d say those who want celebrate and idolize the entire trans “movement” of the past two years more than qualify for that title. You can’t turn on a commercial or TV show without seeing a reference to something that is less than 3% of the population “it's about making everyone elses life worse” Hyperinflation. Record breaking crime. Hmm…
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Part of what’s going on is Washington is filled with about 2% of the country that is credentialed from elite colleges and think they are smarter than everyone else. They aren’t. We’d be better off if every government employee and politician was replaced by someone from the middle of the country who works a real job and supports a family.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    Both are dumb. They've fallen for the con. And the con is that they are actually different. They aren't, they just have different means to the end, and the end is control of sheep.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    Is the putz named dha going for Troll of the Month ? Join 2004, but suddenly is very active on the Board. Please go back to being Inactive.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    “it's about making everyone elses life worse” Is your life better now than it was four years ago? Dems haven't shown they would have handled the pandemic any better. Pelosi was encouraging people to go to crowded Lunar New Year celebrations and hug an Asian. Too busy playing the race card to do any good in public health. I miss Trump's inflation-free growth, cheap gas, non-porous southern border, lack of crime, and more. I voted third party in 16 and 20, and if Trump runs, will again in 24.
  • mogul1985
    a year ago
    Those whose life is better under Biden: 1) get all kinds of free govt handouts; 2) Green shot; 3) live on the streets in the Blue Cities; 4) Useful Idiots. Voting 3rd Party, I get the support, I really do. i hate how DC is just a Politburo. Trump was the fly in the DC Rump Rangers' ointment, and I loved it. I'll take Trump over a Biden sniffing little girls' hair, showering with his Tween daughter and making MILLIONS as the Big Guy with Bagman Cheese Sniffing Hunter spreading the wealth around to the Biden Clan via phony money laundering LLCs not to mention all the wealth he collected as a Senator and wife as a Community College teacher. I get Trump isn't self-identifying as Mother Theresa. What the DOJ, FBI, MSM, Clintons, Obamas, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Sandy Cortex, Waters, ect did to him as POTUS and as an American is unforgiveable. 100% of the Dems voted for ObamaCare without even reading the bitch - that is a Politburo, and they are Fascists, from Merriam-Webster: "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    The worst thing a small minority of BLM protesters did was throw potentially lethal projectiles at the police. Inexcusable, but more doubt that there was lethal intent than bashing cops' heads with blunt objects like fire extinguishers. Most BLM violence was property crime. Most of the property crime was (probably opportunistic) looting. And me personally, I don't consider looting the US Congress to be somehow more noble than looting a CVS. No BLM violence (what there was of it) occurred immediately after a rally lead by a major Democrat politician. And I know of no Democrat politician that encouraged their supporters to assault protesters at their campaign rally.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    Trump ran trillion dollar a year deficits and pressured the Fed to keep interest rates low to keep the country from falling into a recession. This was going to end up being inflationary and Trump was lucky enough to get out of office before inflation picked up. So, Biden got the full blame. Neither party is fiscally responsible. They both engage in reckless spending and run high deficits when they are in power. There are powerful special interests working behind the scenes to encourage this. The average person really does not spend that much time paying attention to what government officials are doing. We end up with the fox guarding the hen house.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    ^^ The economy, troubling as it may be, is secondary to the moral fibre of America disintegrating right before our eyes. Economy is cyclical, but the erosion of patriotism, the increasing mistrust and hatred between fellow Americans, and bizarre sexual perversions being fast-tracked into mainstream "normality" and indoctrinated into children... this is a regression of society that likely won't be reversed before America's position as a world leader becomes a distant memory.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    You don't see faggots and freaks being celebrated as heroes in China, Russia or Iran. But the US Navy somehow thinks it's wise to have a tranny recruitment spokesperson.
  • erg
    a year ago
    No violence in the 2020 riots???? Last count I remember was over 17 people died in the riots and at least one of those was a cop. One poor guy got the crap beat out of him and died in the middle of the street. Another guy got run over trying to dislocate a semi truck from its trailer. Only one person died on January 6th and she was killed by the police. Please don't tell me you think four people died and one was a cop??? Those stories were fabricated by the national media. It is crazy how people still believe in an organization that the Democrats made up to protect their party. Even BLM does not believe Black lives matter. What have they ever done for Black lives????
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    @ilb, that's some world class dissembling right there. Elected Dems were openly encouraging, rationalizing, and bailing out rioters. Property damage was orders of magnitude greater than Jan 6. They killed people including police, which did not happen on Jan 6...only death was a rioter. Jan 6 was disgraceful, but now with the hidden footage we see rioters getting walked around the capitol. There's only one reason anyone talks about it, so Democrats can elect more Democrats. Unlike the ongoing racial division (which can be traced right back to the rise of BLM during Obama's time in office) it hurts no one today. Please at least make an attempt to be honest.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Doc, good points made. The stupid voter is one who blames the other party he didn’t vote for as the one who made our current problems. The stupid voter is one always out on a witch hunt looking to blame somebody for the situation they’re in. We’ve seen enough of this from both sides, and with the hyper media glomming onto whatever narratives used to divide us, I don’t see how any good meaning altruistic candidate can survive. Can anyone who is a decent public servant grab enough headlines to overcome the natural bashing of identity politics for the ticket he represents? The media and its hyper reporting on narratives has dumbed us all down to do one thing, trigger the emotions of the voter. Maybe we should allow only 80 year old grandpas to run for President. They have less of an incentive to ruin America.
  • dha
    a year ago
    Have to state the obvious, Biden is 80 and a grandpa.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    BIDEN: "I've spoken at length with President Loon of South Korea." South Korea's president is Yoon Suk Yeol.
  • SanchoRG
    a year ago
    *Office meme* Theyre the same picture. Dogs owned by the elites only know one trick
  • dha
    a year ago
    The results.... Hands down, Biden voters are dumber.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    @erg where are you getting your info? About 20 million people have protested in favor of BLM, so probably some died of old age or something. In any case, as I said, I don't support the violence on either side. But who else but Trump organized a rally, urged people to go protest, and then did nothing when the protest turned violent? Trump was mad at efforts to check if the protesters carried weapons. Which contradicts claims he was seeking a lawful protest.
  • dha
    a year ago
    Democratic leaders used BLM then kicked them to the curb liked discarded trash after they got what they wanted from them. Some just can not learn from history. It's sad to say, but this abuse has continued to happen over and over again. And, it will continue every 10 to 20 years.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Founder should move this thread to political discourse or delete it. go back to lurking, DoucHebAg
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    Poor people who vote Republican because of social issues are the dumbest. If you're rich and you voted Trump because of taxes, I get it. And if you're Trans and voted Biden because you want to continue living, that also seems like the intelligent choice. So I guess the absolute dumbest would be poor lesbian Trump voters. Both of them.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Yesterday, Biden told the leaders of the G7 that he convinced Australia, Japan, and India to form an organization called the Quad. Prime Minister Kishida had to remind him that Trump actually put the organization together. Oops…
  • mark94
    a year ago
    The reason poor people voted for Trump is they believe they can be rich someday. All the Dems offer them is welfare and food stamps.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Tax receipts for the state of New York are down a massive 40% from last April. I think the smart voters are fleeing to Florida and Texas. A day of reckoning is coming for the blue states.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    question on Quora... "I am moving out of California due to the crime and homelessness for Florida, yet I do not want to be around the MAGA conservatives, what cities would be the best to look at when we start looking for a new home there?" Suggestions ?
  • mark94
    a year ago
    “California's budget deficit has soared to nearly $32 billion, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday “
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    @mark, I saw a meme somewhere about people moving from California to red states that said "remember, you're a refugee, not a missionary." i.e. they want to piss in their own pool--again.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    "And if you're Trans and voted Biden because you want to continue living" LOL, James, did Trump wage some big jihad against trans people that no one else knew about?
  • mark94
    a year ago
    I’ve read lots of suggestions about the need to establish a Welcome Wagon ( am I showing my age ? ) for educating people moving from Blue States to Red States. There are some pretty funny videos along that line.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Biden: “ They want to put you in chains ! “ Does anyone still believe that ?
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    JamesSD”So I guess the absolute dumbest would be poor lesbian Trump voters. Both of them.” Is this including Caitlyn Jenner? I guess the money rules him/her out.
  • erg
    a year ago
    @ilb I stand corrected, BLM is still active! They made a statement about the killing of Tyre Nichols only 5 months ago. If I did something every 5 months, I would probably be considered legally dead but not good old BLM!!! It really seems like they could find something to talk about besides Tyre Nichols. What about the high crime rate in Black neighborhoods, the poverty rate in Black communities, or the high rate of Black single mothers???? You probably think I am a racist for even bringing these topics up but you will never solve the problems if you don't talk about them????
  • erg
    a year ago
    @mat leave the poor lesbian Trump supporters alone. They like my money!!!
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    OK erg so your opinion is that the Dems just do a better job than Trump of distancing themselves from their violent supporters. But the question then becomes, why support a guy who's dumber than someone with Biden-mentia? BLM is a slogan, not a unified organization. It will be used until those who contribute to the premature death of black people are properly held accountable. [view link]
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    ^ Used to extort guilty white progressives and buy expensive real estate, that is.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    I think the stupidest voters are those that blindly vote straight tickets, problem with what's happening today is everyone has picked a side, and is so invested in the side they've chosen, that they refuse to consider any ideas from other points of view, no matter how reasonable. and until the parties learn how to compromise again we are going to be in this intense death spiral.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    Which voters are the dumbest? Both sides are pretty dumb but the party that keeps electing dinosaurs might be winning the race (in a bad way) Feinstein 89 Pelosi 83 Sanders 81 Biden 80 How can anyone say you can effectively govern at those ages? The airline industry recognizes cognitive decline - but apparently not the American voter
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    @motorhead I agree we need an age limit, but right now there are more Democrats that are too fucking old, but that changes regularly, here's a couple of the others , lets be fair about these guys, plenty of stones to throw at either party Chuck Grassley-89 Mitch McConnel-80 Jim Risch-79
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    Can't believe I'm gonna wade into this stupid conversation, but IMO we need term limits more than age limits. Age limits likely take care of themselves once those are in place, if they don't, then we can worry about age limits. A focus on actual policies instead of personal bullshit would also probably help, but neither side is gonna give in to that.
  • dha
    a year ago
    Most are just are fed up with this admistration and politicians in general.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    From Twitter Janet Yellen: “If the debt ceiling isn’t raised, there would be hard choices to make about what bills go unpaid.” Wanna guess which bills will not go unpaid? ILLEGALS cellphones. ILLEGALS hotel lodging. ILLEGALS medical. ILLEGALS monthly assistance. AND OF COURSE ZELENSKYS WELFARE CHECKS!
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