
Comments by DeclineToState (page 22)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    My New Favorite California Club
    ^That is correct. My payment for VIP curtained cubicle was made at counter after was done with VIP, and I assume it's also pay afterward for VIP closed door room. Since I didn't get lap dances, not sure whether lap dance payment occurs before or after the dances.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Orleans newbie
    Wish I'd known about that Verti Marte place when I was there!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Gifts for dancers
    Have done it for 2 different CFs, each time personalized not cash or gift cards. For one of them it was a once-only mistake, the other not. For the CF it was not a mistake, we know each other OTC and the gifting is reciprocal but with future CFs I won't repeat. Yes dancers love cash (who doesn't?) but I'd never do cash, rather spend it on them in club (or for OTC if you're an OTC guy). If you're determined to do it, consider personalized or gift cards not cash
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Orleans newbie
    And: -Rent a bike and ride around, you can see a lot of Nola on a bike -Walk around in the Garden District, lots of cool old houses
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Orleans newbie
    No strip club recommendations, but restaurants yes based on my visit a few years ago. -Shaya: Mediterranean / Israeli food. Best meal I had in Nola. Make a res. If you're familiar with Zahav restaurant in Philadelphia it's like that. -Herbsaint: In 2017, chef Rebecca Wilcomb won James Beard award for best chef in southern USA. It was excellent. In 2019 she became chef at Italian place named Gianna so consider that place too. If she's still chef at Herbsaint then check it out; if she's no longer Herbsaint chef I don't know what to say. -La Petite Grocery: Not as good as Herbsaint, but still good. -Upperline: This is a Nola classic. 3 course meal of Nola dishes for $40 to $48 depending on what you select. Old lady owner greets and seats you, she's awesome. Commander's Palace is also a Nola classic restaurant and fancier than Upperline but I think Upperline's better. -For other restaurant recommendations, go to Eater New Orleans website: https://nola.eater.com/ For bars, not a lot of recommendations, but check these out: -Sazerac Bar at Roosevelt hotel, classic place -Coop's Place in Frech Quarter area, dive bar with good fried chicken and verbal abuse from bartender - it's part of the experience
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    -->@Subraman: "I haven't seen streetwalkers in the area, but I can be a bit oblivious to that I suppose, plus I tend to stay in the better areas of north beach and am usually there during the day." Not a lot of street girls at night in the North Beach area. Post-2AM after some of the SCs close, the places you're most likely to find them (based on my post-clubbing walking in SF during 2018 and 2019), in order of frequency are : (1) the half block between topless Gold Club and W Hotel, (2) walking from North Beach toward Market Street corridor, and (3) and hovering near entrances of some but not all Market Street corridor hotels (around Parc 55, Park Central, Intercontinental, Marriott, and Four Seasons, but generally not around Palace or Zelos). Not a lot of them, but they're there. Street girls are 80%+ AA. Some are super hot (over course of last year I was approached by three who were 9+, which stunned me), others are gacked out scabs with nearby pimp in car. And if PLs are walking the streets after clubs close, there's a high incidence of girls approaching in own car offering CHJ/CBJ/CFS. Pretty much every night I've stayed til closing past year, I've gotten approached by girl in car. 50% white, 50% AA. Most likely places to find them are, in order: (1) half block between Gold Club and W Hotel, and (2) in North Beach if you're off main drag (Broadway) and onto a side street, especially side streets that lead downhill to Columbus Ave.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Pretty Much Something for Everyone
    Apparently there's Twitter-like max number of characters a review approver or rejector (an adjudicator, as founder has decided to call them) can type into comments. Full text of my review approver comments was meant to be: And for those who haven't been yet: OP correctly states (at least, based on the one time I hit HK on a Saturday night) there is not a lot of nudity by the girls dancing downstairs. My experience was: The girls on the 2 downstairs stages (one long narrow stage in middle of floor and a shorter narrow stage closer to front door) get topless while dancing but not FN. There were 5 to 6 girls dancing with tops on standing on counter of bar at front left, and there were also 4 to 5 girls dancing with tops on at front of small stage near front door. The girls in the shaving cream show are FN.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Strike One, Home Run
    Well done TC. I read entire thing in the unpublished queue and then pressed green but it’d already been published.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The New West 45th Street Club is Spacious and Luxurious with Intelligent and Sensual Dancers
    Ya, I should've pressed the red button instead of green. I pressed green because it ticked founder's boxes of club layout, cover, dance prices, and something about the girls. I shoulda seen it for the CLUB AD it is. Shame on me. Funny in retrospect that it cites some slightly negative things in an effort to cover the ad nature.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    strip club behavior
    -->"He would go from stage to stage tipping a dollar or two and trying to get like his face in girls titties or cooch." ^Sounds like TJ, not Vegas, is the place for him. I wouldn't have intervened or alerted security, but would have moved seats if I'd been at rail next to him. OP's review of this club visit got approved today and states the dude got tossed by security after 45-60 min: https://tuscl.net/review.php?id=366628
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The One Thing Each Zodiac Sign Should Try In Bed In 2020.Want to change signs?
    Mine is bullshit. 3 way sounds great but the shadow puppets for my zodiac sign show 2 dudes instead of 2 chicks. So Fuck 2020 and its horoscopes. Happy New Year to all you non-Virgos, lucky bastards.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dance Prices getting out of control
    -->@spicey/blahblah: "$40 & 3/$100 is the standard in Portland and Denver." 2 years since I've been to Portland, but when I was (at Club Rouge), it was $3/100 FN in curtained VIP cubicles. That was a good value I thought as compared to most Cali clubs back then. Not sure how much the floor dances were, I never get them. VIP is for me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [OT] What are you reading right now?
    For fiction, Purity by J. Franzen. For nonfiction, The Last Days of the Incas.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Breakdown of Fees and Fines
    Interesting thread, Waffle. The fee/fine craziest to me is the $50 to $100 stage skip fee that applies even if the dancer is in VIP with a custy. All clubs I've been to, the floor guys know who's in VIP or not and if the DJ calls that dancer's name for upcoming stage show, the floor guys correct the DJ and the DJ then calls another dancer's name to get ready for stage.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly Free Mondays - Deja Vu Sacramento / Rancho Cordova
    -->@501: "It's about to get worse as all clubs will have to change to the employee model after the first of the year based on the new CA law or face fines and possibly be shut down." -->@TFP: "this is what I was wondering about...So you're saying that come January 1st they will be forced to switch to the employee model for certain?" Yes. The law change is effective 1/1/2020. It's Calif. Assembly Bill 5, which adds a new statute (Section 2750.3) to the Calif. Labor Code. The Calif Supreme Court case that caused the big clubs to make dancers employees instead of independent contractors was issued in April 2018 and by end of 2018 the big clubs (Deja Vu clubs, mostly) had all made the switch. The new statute is more strict re classification of ICs versus employees than the court case was. All Calif clubs will have to switch dancers to employees or risk labor law violations and class action lawsuits. As Subraman points out, this has been bad for the dancers and the customers. It sucks ass. The clubs don't like it either but they're complying to avoid risk of class action lawsuits. Some gig economy companies (Uber, DoorDash, etc.) are pledging 10s of millions to get an initiative on the ballot for Nov 2020 to get this new statute overturned. Hopefully clubs and dancers will be covered in that ballot initiative.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    —>@OP: "I had the whole place cleaned up and everything so it was good to go." And all by 8:15AM no doubt.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Cynthia Brimhall vs. Renae Cruz
    Brimhall. Nice rack as compared to the comically bad fakies in the Cruz pics which look similar to some bad fakies I saw in a club last weekend
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Donna D'Errico vs. Carmen Electra
    Tough call. All things equal I’d usually pick the brunette (Electra) but the blonde’s pics are pretty good. So, D’Errico
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Gianna Michaels vs. Megan Rain
    Rain. Though not spectacular she checks the brunette and slender boxes that are my preferences
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Eva Angelina vs. Kira Kener
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Ahmo Hight vs. Stacy Moran
    Tough call, but Moran. Nice rack
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Can i still fuck with 18 year old strippers ?
    ^Quality repartee
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Heather Kozar vs. Cori Nadine
    Kozar despite personal preference for brunette
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Salma Hayek vs. Kate Upton