

So Broadway and Columbus is one of its corners, with the City Lights Book Store and Publisher.


So we have 20's, Eden, and Darlings. Then in or very close we have Hustler, Condor, and DV Centerfolds.

Other places in the City we have MBOT, Gold Club, Crazy Horse, and New Century.

Not seeing Hungry I, don't know what happened to that.

Condor club I though had food?


Gold Club has food?



Hustler Club have food?

Not seeing it.

Hungry I, seems to not even exist



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So clarification allowing for Penthouse:

San Francisco North Beach


So in or near we have 20's, Eden, Darlings, and then also DV Centerfolds, Condor, Penthouse, Hustler

Not seeing Hungry I, don't know what became of it.

Then I thought Condor and Hustler had food, but no more?

Then other places in the city we have Gold Club ( with food ), then MBOT, Crazy Horse, New Century


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Hungry I still shows its sign on Google Street View


So 20's, Darlings, Eden, Centerfolds, what looks to be Hungry I, and Condor are all very close together, seems to be right there hotels and motels, and within 2 blocks houses and apartments, lots of retail and restaurants.

Vesuvio's very close with City Lights, and this Psychic and Tarot place.


But now the downside, San Franciso is very hard to function in. Everything is extremely expensive. And then very hard to park. If ever there was a place not to have a car, this is it.

And then if you rent an apartment you usually have to pay extra, a good deal extra, if you want a parking place.


Avatar for Subraman

-->"But now the downside, San Franciso is very hard to function in. Everything is extremely expensive. And then very hard to park"

In this area of north beach, where the clubs are, there are plenty of lots and garages. Perhaps late friday or saturday night it might start to fill up, but any other time, easy parking. The girls all park in the cheaper open lots on Broadway; I'd suggest the garages along Columbus and on Jackson for everyone else.

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I vaguely remember one of the alcohol clubs shutting down sjg, could be Hungry I

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Probably was Hungry I. And thanks Subra for all that good information.

Girls out beyond the front door, going after guys in the other stores! San Francisco sounds like a really fun place, if you are rich.

And I guess no more food at Condor or Larry Flynt's Hustler Club, though lots of other food all around there.


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I can tell you definitively Hustler Club has food, or at least it did last time I was there, maybe 4-6 weeks ago.

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^^^^ Thanks!

The great AMPs may not be in North Beach, but they are not far away.


The strip club in a different sort of place is probably Gold Club.


Not actually that far away, but I think an easier area to live in and park cars in, South of Market, live work places I think.

New Century, says it is open "after hours", also seems an easier neighborhood to function in.


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So Hotel and Motel signs all over that Broadway and Columbus intersection. Here, on top of the Hungry I unit:


Very close to 20's, Eden, Darlings, and Condor.

Subraman, are guys taking girls from the strip clubs up into those hotels?

Are they doing it mid shift?

If so, that sounds more and more like Tijuana.

And if so, there are probably Street Hookers in the area, trying to get some of that action.

Is it so? Do they rent by the hour?



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I haven't seen streetwalkers in the area, but I can be a bit oblivious to that I suppose, plus I tend to stay in the better areas of north beach and am usually there during the day. I've always assumed those hotels were low-income subsidized units, perhaps. But who knows.

In the big clubs I go to in the area, e.g., Condor, Hustler -- guys are definitely not taking the girls mid-shift anywhere. In general, my belief is that OTC is far rarer among the general SCing public, than it is on tuscl, so I doubt there's a ton of OTCing especially at those hotels.

What I was at my peak at getting OTC from the bigger north beach clubs, and I got them post-shift (which is not my fave way of doing it, I'd rather get them on their day off), I'd either go to one of the bigger hotels like the SW Hotel on broadway (quick walk from all the broadway clubs), or just drive them across town for dinner & a hotel somewhere else.

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^^^^^ Thank you Subraman for your obviously expert advice!

SW Hotel



Awesome, best of course if for that first time, the girl does not have to move her car. Other times, maybe some place where parking is easier.


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For your first time with a girl, did you get the girl first, or book the hotel room first?

Check in to the hotel with the girl right there with you in the lobby?

How much time to plan on spending with her?


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^^^^ You bring girls that are obviously highly painted up, over drawn mouths, white faces, etc, into the SW lobby? And in stripper shoes too?

I love it! But not sure if that would work out.


Avatar for Subraman

-->"For your first time with a girl, did you get the girl first, or book the hotel room first?"

I NEVER book the hotel until the girl is with me. If she's coming on her day off, I'll book it on my phone after she's parked and met me at the bar. If it's right after her shift, I'll book it when she comes out of the club and joins me. Not one second before. She has to be physically there and ready to go

-->"Check in to the hotel with the girl right there with you in the lobby?"


-->"How much time to plan on spending with her?"

One of the fun things about OTCs is you never know. My OTCs tend to be, at minimum, a couple of hours of eating and drinking, an hour or two in the room. But I've had OTCs stretch hours and hours, and if we're drunk enough, sometimes the girl will crash for the night. I had a girl from a broadway club who lived super far away, so she absolutely loved it if she were working two days in a row, that I'd take her OTC after her first day, wine her, dine her, get our fuck on, crash in the room... and she could wake up like 90 minutes earlier the next day before her next shift.

-->"^^^^ You bring girls that are obviously highly painted up, over drawn mouths, white faces, etc, into the SW lobby? And in stripper shoes too?"

If it's a girl on her day off, which is what I prefer, she's dressed hot but her clothes and makeup are not stripper-slutty. If it's right after her shift, she's still got some of her makeup on (she'll often remove her eyelashes, etc), but they're always dressed down in whatever their incognito attire is (huge jacket, sweatpants), then they come to the room to get hot again, but it's not stripper clothes

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With the caveat that I have not done an after-shift OTC in literally a few years, looking back on it I can't remember if, when they get off their shift, they're still in stripper makeup. I don't think they were in full warpaint. Maybe one of the girls could comment on whether they take their stripper makeup off before they leave the club after their shift.

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At our local clubs, the ones who go for extreme makeup do seem to take it off before leaving. But they are going home, not OTC.

In some clubs, SF more than southbay, the girls go for makeup so extreme that they would really draw attention from just that.

I love it!

Thanks Subra!


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They don't come any better:


San Francisco strippers more like this than South Bay.

A stripper's forte is not what she takes off, its what she still has on. And mostly that is high heels and makeup.

But not sure if it would be okay to walk into a hotel lobby with her. I just don't know.


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Subra, thanks for your expert advice.

Your OTC's sound like a real blast!


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I think getting the automobiles out of the picture is one of the keys to getting a TJ type paradise.

Short walk, stripper shoe short, from club front door to motel room door. No need for her to change shoes or clothes, just some robe or wrap around dress to cover up.

No need to take off makeup.

Each party can know that their own car is safe, overnight if necessary, or they get their without car.

If a man and woman meet in strip club and then walk out and into a motel room, there is zero evidence in that that any law is being broken.

So that easy to get to a place where they can stay as they, over night if they wish.

Cars are out of the picture. No problem with stripper shoes and stripper makeup.

At one of our places, one girl, totally motel oriented, she would do her set, then with lots of girls, long time before her second set. So she would sit on a bar stool, dressed exactly as she was before she started her last set, so you can do dances or take her outside. Usually mini-dress + micropanties + high heels. Highly painted up and dolled up hair.

Then about 3 songs before her next set, always clearly timed out, she would take off to the dressing room, with her suit case on wheels, and change into something else. Sometimes this entailed going from stripper high heels to stripper boots.

But she clearly understood the See, Want, Get dynamic, of having her dressed and painted up exactly as you had first spotted her. She was a gem!


TJ Street












Leave the panties off of course:


Larsa Pippen





ELP | Emerson, Lake & Palmer - 40th Anniversary Reunion - Full Concert ᴴᴰ 2010


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^^^^^ micro pussy wedgie panties, as if she liked you, at stage side you got pussy wedgie inundated!

:) :) :)


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^^^^^ If she wanted to close with you and have the OTC, you also got dyed strawberry blonde blow dried big hair with lots of perfume inundated!

This is the most she could really do ITC withour counties tough rules, and that club having been busted. But she was always 100% motel ready!


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^^^^ This one usually liked to wear white. So when she was sitting on a bar stool, she always had it so that she was showing her white micropanties too you, dress always short enough, pulled up enough.

She really was a treasure!


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-->@Subraman: "I haven't seen streetwalkers in the area, but I can be a bit oblivious to that I suppose, plus I tend to stay in the better areas of north beach and am usually there during the day."

Not a lot of street girls at night in the North Beach area. Post-2AM after some of the SCs close, the places you're most likely to find them (based on my post-clubbing walking in SF during 2018 and 2019), in order of frequency are : (1) the half block between topless Gold Club and W Hotel, (2) walking from North Beach toward Market Street corridor, and (3) and hovering near entrances of some but not all Market Street corridor hotels (around Parc 55, Park Central, Intercontinental, Marriott, and Four Seasons, but generally not around Palace or Zelos). Not a lot of them, but they're there. Street girls are 80%+ AA. Some are super hot (over course of last year I was approached by three who were 9+, which stunned me), others are gacked out scabs with nearby pimp in car.

And if PLs are walking the streets after clubs close, there's a high incidence of girls approaching in own car offering CHJ/CBJ/CFS. Pretty much every night I've stayed til closing past year, I've gotten approached by girl in car. 50% white, 50% AA. Most likely places to find them are, in order: (1) half block between Gold Club and W Hotel, and (2) in North Beach if you're off main drag (Broadway) and onto a side street, especially side streets that lead downhill to Columbus Ave.

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From what is available and discussed about TJ, and from what I saw first hand at SF Pink Diamonds, best is always when strippers and street hookers are merged seamlessly, no way to distinguish or separate them!!


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-->"the half block between topless Gold Club and W Hotel,"

I'd always heard that bar at the W (which I could swear used to be called xyz, but evidently the name has changed) was a place to find decently high end escorts. I know that back in MBOT"s golden age, a lot of MBOT strippers used to party and hustle there -- and this was when MBOT was full of incredibly hot strippers.

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That sounds like a very fun small neighborhood. Thanks for all the info.


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