
Comments by TFP (page 92)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Las Vegas Options
    Why do people never take the advice of calling for the free shuttle? I've seen so many threads of guys asking for Vegas advice. The first thing most folks say is, of course, call for the free shuttle so the ridiculous $50 cover will be waived. Yet when the person posts again talking about their trip, they mention that they didn't like the $50 cover charge. Well no shit!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Yelled at by doorman/bouncer
    Had pretty much the same thing happen to me. Even wrote a review about it. Only happened one out of the many times I've been clubbing so it wasn't a big deal. But for that day and that club it was a boner killer and deal breaker. I immediately left after the dance the bouncer warned me in and headed for another club. I just took it as the bouncer was either uptight, dating the dancer I was groping, having a bad day, or just plain bored.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Tinder (swiping left/right) in real life...
    JeffTUSCL had it right I believe. Even in the comments, one man joked that he could swipe right on 30 girls, and they'd all swipe left on him. Another comment said that studies show that men are far less selective than women. Men generally swipe right for over half the choices, while women usually find 85% of the choices subpar. That's no surprise to me, it's exactly why women get into clubs free while men pay to get in.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hunting season’s underbelly: Stripping, sex trafficking and small towns looking
    A girl on SW actually admitted to 2,000 a week? Amazing. I thought the only way those SW girls mentioned numbers was if it was 1,000 per night or more. If it's as 'crazy' as they make it sound then I imagine it's like any COI club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Unpublished Reviews Backlog
    This is true. For me it used to be the discussions that always kept me checking the site daily. But since it's been overrun by trolls lately with shit topics I don't find myself coming here as often. Which means I also haven't been looking at the unpublished reviews. I'll try to at least contribute in that section more often going forward.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Titty Fucking
    Juice is spot on with everything. Dick out = extra, plain and simple. LDKs, OTP tit fucks, OTP BJs are not extras. But they are still a lot of fun if you're into it. Assjobs, I'm DEFINITELY into. While everyone is in the COI clubs getting FS and BJs to completion, I'm probably the only weirdo in there spending 30 minutes doing combination dick out titfucks into assjobs to completion. The girls in those clubs have no problem letting you blast all over their ass like your favorite porn scenes and I fucking love it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Most Reliable Airports in the United States
    ^^^^to Shadowcat's question of pilotless flights.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Most Reliable Airports in the United States
    ^^^^^fuck no!!!!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Who’s the real troll?
    I hate to say it, but it probably would have went over better if you had said SJG had passed away instead. Nah, I take that back. There would've been extreme disappointment and horrible backlash once he posted another manifesto and everyone found out you were lying.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another PL that left his balls at home before hitting the club
    Most guys are afraid of women? Be a little more specific.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Bizzaro World
    ^^^^I wouldn't call that being a disciple of SJG. Any decent guy is gonna treat any woman in a civilian manner, no matter what her occupation is. Thing is, dude is a hypocrite. He talks about treating dancers like civilian women, then says shit like 'select the one you want to be waking up with in the morning and approach her'. That's not how it works in the real world, unless you're Brad Pitt or some other rich good looking stud. And even for them, that's not always how it works. Point is, the only reason you can 'select' a girl in the club is because they're all about money. Just because you have chemistry and can have a good conversation doesn't mean it's gonna go like that when you aren't paying her. Anyway before I go down the endless rabbit home that is arguing about SJG and RLs and all that shit, I'll just conclude that just because you agree with a few of his points doesn't make you a disciple.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another PL that left his balls at home before hitting the club
    Maybe this dude just got it like that. Meaning a shitload of money to spend for not much ROI. He can't be the only one. Look at all these air dance clubs that haven't shut down yet. They're making good money off of someone.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Bizzaro World
    So far the only disciple I see is Countryman. Who else shows signs of following SJG?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tips for quickest re-entry into US from TJ without Global Entry card or Sentri P
    I only crossed back into the US twice. Once in Friday around 3pm and another on Monday at around 5:30pm. Both times, no wait times. Im not sure when the wait times are super long. It's something I was also worried about after reading a couple reviews. However, I had no problem whatsoever with long wait times. This was using the border crossing right in front of the blue line trolley station.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Found some really good lounge pants/shorts for LDs
    Nicespice you seem kinda paranoid these days. You accuse hella different accounts of being Dougster. I haven't been on the board for too long myself but I was around for about 6 months before he stopped posting. All I know is he spammed the board with so much Rick Dugan/Vince Michaels shit that I was glad when he finally left. If he is still around under an alias then none of those aliases post as annoyingly as he did back in the day. As for the actual topic, the links didn't work but I'll try out the search you recommended. I have quite a few shorts that I love to wear to the club since they're super thin, but don't have any good clubbing pants besides slacks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Lido Room NYC Police Raids
    Dolfan I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about PlatinumNYC/Lido_mgnt. They seem to be the same person as they made the usual dumb ass troll slip up of posting something that was obviously meant to be posted under their other account. Too bad also, as I was really fooled at first that the Lido_mgnt account was actually an owner or manager. Now I see that it was BS.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Lido Room NYC Police Raids
    Lol, another troll account exposed. Guess it's hard work keeping track of what account you're logged into. Luckily I only have one.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    How do you say/read the website: TUSCL?
    And I also say the letters out quickly, TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    How do you say/read the website: TUSCL?
    PSD what an appropriate clip
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You know you're old and losing it when..........
    Ok Nicole, I misunderstood your post in regards to Papi. My apologies. Still, my comment about your attitude was based on a number of different things you've posted on this forum. And the reason I even brought up your attitude was because the OP stated that he looked at your avatar and wished he could get dances. Just like Papi, I also think from your avatar you have nice physical features. But just like a hot dancer in a club, if her attitude sucks then I want no part of her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You know you're old and losing it when..........
    Her attitude sucks. Papi Chulo gives her a compliment and her response is "I don't need you to justify it, but thanks". Couldn't even say a simple thank you. She can kick rocks IMO.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Remember when there were lists here....
    Yes those lists were very insightful. That list and seeing Hong Kong as the #1 club inspired me to read reviews if that club. Then the reviews inspired a trip. As well as trips to some of the other popular clubs. And although there was gaming of the system with some clubs (I remember one specifically), for the most part the reviews confirmed the top clubs rightfully deserved their place. Maybe the top 40 lists will come back when articles come back.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Departed porn stars question.
    Off topic, but I always wondered why we didn't hear of this type of thing happening much in porn. Then all of a sudden, bam, three really well known porn actresses commit suicide within a short time period of each other. Was there something they had in common, besides being porn stars?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    Good Lord, you made so many mistakes it's crazy. Basically you got hustled, plain and simple. Just chalk it up as another expensive lesson in strip clubs 1A. Most folks on this board have had a few lessons in that costly course. Negotiate BEFORE you go back. No exceptions. Her excuse about not being able to talk about it on the floor was bullshit. By her being vague and not discussing it she gave herself an easy way out to take your money and not perform. Then you went and did the same thing again! That's totally on you. Read the other reviews of that club and see if anyone mentions getting extras. If not, then don't try your luck. If so, maybe PM those reviewers to see if they'd be willing to help you out with some names. Otherwise, you'll have to find out the old fashioned way.