avatar for TFP
Adventures of Assjobman

Comments by TFP (page 59)

review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
the facts. nothing but the facts.
@Papi I would think that it would block both the masero and the patron from seeing whether the drink is full, half full, or empty. In which case, the masero is gonna assume it's empty and just take it. The patron can't really object since he also can't tell whether the drink is full or not unless he's proactive about looking. Experienced folks like Misterwonderful and tahoecruz are on to that trick. Tahoecruz had commented about maseros taking the fishas from girls before they are done a long time ago. And as numerous other reviewers noticed, those fishas add up fast. Before you know it, you've spent $100 just on lady drinks. Being aware of little gimmicks like these help slow down the money drain.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for TFP
Adventures of Assjobman
Less silicone than most Vegas clubs, with nicer VIP sections.
Yes, the dances are nude in both the 15 minute and 30 minute private dances. If nude dances are your thing then you can't go wrong here. Me with my weird thong fetish however, always tells the girl to keep that tiny g-string on. And yes the prices here are pretty reasonable. $250 for a 30 minute private nude dance is quite good compared to the SF Bay area where the same thing will run you upwards of $400+. Plus as you mentioned, there are a lot of great looking girls here.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
the facts. nothing but the facts.
Nice tip about the girls who wrap a napkin around the drink. Never noticed that little trick, I'll be sure to watch out for it.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for roshi
Bay Area, California
Club just keeps getting worse and worse...
Agree with everything you wrote in this review. The talent in this place just never does it for me. Yet I feel obliged to check from time to time just to see if I find that one dancer that wows me. Like you said, all it takes is one. High cover is garbage. As you said, this is arguably the worst out of the three clubs. Why they'd charge a higher cover is beyond me. As for the mandatory tips, I feel the clubs taking too much of the girls money is the reason they try to do that stuff. Most every girl I get the 30 minute $100 special with ask for a tip from the get go, explaining that they only get $60 of the $100 dollars. It's not mandatory but like you said, if you refuse I'm quite sure it'll be a thirty minute air dance. Thanks for the review!
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Blksil
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Farmacologi: Should I buy some Cialis for recreational purposes?
Yeah that stuff they sell in the bathroom is the brand name drug, which is nice. But also like you I barely felt the effects of it, in fact it actually gave me an upset stomach and that's it. The generics from the pharmacia worked a lot better for me for the desired effect.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
The ultimate strip clubs goer.
Police raids hotel Cas but not Riz
Wow that certainly puts a damper on my upcoming trip. I hope this is a flukey type of thing. I hope they didn't rob all the gringos of their cash.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
PSA: Possible Shark Sighting
@Blksil it's actually been attempted a number of times. Folks offering to pay for his TJ trip, that is. SJG vehemently refuses it every time. For the same reason he's been citing for the last five years or so that he has issues that keep him busy 24/7 around the clock. It's the weirdest thing in the world that he's wildly fascinated with the place, lives close by, and has numerous people offer to sponsor his trip. And yet still won't go because of these mysterious affairs that prevent him from being able to do anything or go anywhere. All this info is taken from his own prior postings BTW. I'm too lazy to go back in post links to every cited post like Nicespice does. But if you look through his EXTENSIVE post history you'll eventually find it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
PSA: Possible Shark Sighting
SJG I don't know shit about you except what YOU post on the forum. YOU stated that you have never been to TJ. Therefore it is hard to take you seriously when you attempt to tell a regular visitor of TJ in Cristobal how he should have interacted with a girl there. When you have no experience in dealing with TJ bargirls at all.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Darkblue999
Somewhere in the club
Happy Tuesday
"At 22 min mark I could not resist. I told her to stop dancing. She asked me whether she want to stay or leave. I told her we can leave. She gave me a hug and left." I'm assuming an LDK?
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Qwe12345
Long and short version. Labor day specials
TJ is way better, especially if you speak Espanol. If not, it's still way better lol. Get your passport ASAP.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
PSA: Possible Shark Sighting
@SJG yeah we have different definitions of sharks/ROBS. Still, it's hard to take you seriously about what you would or wouldn't do in TJ since you have yet to even visit. I could talk about DFKing every girl in the club, or getting TLN with any chick I wanted in the club, or starting some organization with stripper grade hotties as members. Wouldn't mean much of shit if I didn't follow through on any of it even after years of talking about it.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for guinness
If you know how it works, you can have fun.
This review is quite similar to my experience. The girls that offer take out always start at 1K, so NEVER agree to that. Talk them down to anything under $500 at least.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for aquavelvaman
Papi and our other so fla friends ready for the “big one” ?
Papi's got the right fucking idea!
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
PSA: Possible Shark Sighting
From what you described, you DID dodge a bullet. Kinda lucky she showed shades of her true colors BEFORE you took her upstairs. SJG I'd say she was a possible ROB/shark just from her leaving without even taking the time to finish the fisha. Plus she alternated standing and sitting on his lap, that sounds like she's already shying away from contact. So you could only imagine how worse it could have went in the room. TBH I'd actually prefer if the sharks exposed themselves like this. A lot of times, those bargirl sharks are great at hiding their dorsal fins. They're all touchy feely on the floor and acting happy and playful. Then the second you get them upstairs it's like a switch is flipped and they turn into a fembot. This is a great PSA because it warns folks about this girl who might do just that: act more friendly then she did with Cristobal on the floor, then get to the room and turn into something totally different. Those were my worst experiences in TJ, when girls that did that. I'll take whatever help I can get to avoid that again. So thanks, Cristobal.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Blksil
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Farmacologi: Should I buy some Cialis for recreational purposes?
My comment is after your trip I know. But I'd still go with the pharmacia about two blocks away vs the HK bathroom pills. They'll charge you $10 for one pill in the bathroom. Where as at the pharmacia you can get the generic sildenifil for $13 for 10 pills. And those pills are so potent you can cut them in half and they're still quite effective (from personal experience). I'll be headed back there in exactly two weeks from now and I can't wait.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Strippers and escorts reveal what their first day on the job was really like
Yes to each their own, definitely. But it's like Papi said with the car analogy, gotta make sure you're getting your money's worth and not getting ripped off. I mean suppose there were some girls at Hong Kong offering arriba for $300 for an hour? Then all the other girls, of equal hotness I might add, were offering the same hour for $140. Me personally, I'm with the $140 girls all day. But that's just me. Like you said, to each their own.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Strippers and escorts reveal what their first day on the job was really like
Jesus. 3 minutes for $250??!! To jerk your own self off??!!! That's almost worse than that review that Papi posted about. https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=68438 I'm sorry but I cant imagine any regular of this site going out like that. Sure we have the speed champion LDK82 but at least he has the girl grind him with her ass to completion. The quickest I've seen him say he LDK'd was 2 songs, and that's just for $40. A shitload better than paying a ton of money for some girl to just dance while you jerk yourself off.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
FYI: Tesla Cars
@Nicespice I'm wondering if PD is even gonna bother answering this shit. I know he probably got an email about a response to his thread. Then once he saw it was from SJG he was probably like 'awww hell, this guy again'.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Anyone else watch dave chapelle new Netflix show?
Haven't seen it yet but that's what I heard as well. No one was safe apparently. Can't wait to watch it!
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for JohnReal
Disappointing night - long lines, smoky and overcrowded
They don't call it the "Cuban assembly line club" for nothing. I agree with you though, I hate clubs when it gets like that. Sure you want the FS but the talking and flirting for a bit before dances is a lot of the fun (for me at least). This sounds much like Spearmint Rhino and Sapphire in Vegas on a Friday or Saturday night, although still probably not as bad as Diamond Dolls on those same nights. Thanks for the recap!
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
A review like that these days would get Macktruck's profile deleted.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
SMH - one of the worst-cases of lack-of-balls I've come across in my PL career
Got daaammnn! And to think I threw a fit over a girl in SF trying to charge me $200 for 10 minutes. Meanwhile this dude would think he was getting the bargain of a lifetime.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Darkblue999
Somewhere in the club
Lost ViP access even before 30 days
I've noticed this also but Twenty-five is right. You get four weeks, so 28 days of VIP access for a review. Yet you have to wait 30 days before reviewing the same club to get VIP credit. So you have to wait two extra days basically. Suggestion: start reviewing at least two different clubs instead of one.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for WSP
Cayanne - faster than Jiffy Lube
Well for me, a non HJ type guy, I loved the way the club was before. Sure a lot of the chicks were HJ specialists but there were also girls willing to do the other fetish stuff I liked. I had no problem getting assjobs and titfucks here from some of those other former Brazilian lovelies. But from the way the place sounds now I wouldn't be able to engage in any of that anymore.