Papi and our other so fla friends ready for the “big one” ?
Keeping my fingers crossed that the storm takes a sharp right turn sooner than expected... in the mean time, please make sure Diamond Dolls and Cheetah have priority on sandbags and plywood!
Sounds like a good time to run your system, like Rickyboy Dugan does so well.
Stay put and see what this thing does.
So still, best wishes for ALL in FloriDuh and here's hoping all you do is get wet so by next weekend you can be doing what it takes to help the economy recover one tip at a time.
Before the storm they are trying to scrape up cash to stockpile supplies and go someplace else if needed. There is a little more panic, which breeds motivation. I had a great time late last week, when everyone was cleaning out the stores and gas stations. The clubs were packed full of girls.
After the storm isn't the same because everyone is in the same boat. For starters, the panic is over. If the damage was minor, then everything is back to normal. If it was catastrophic, then the clubs will be closed along with every other business and the girls will already have done what was needed to get through, which might include going to one of the emergency shelters if they had no other options. And if the club manages to open while conditions are still horrible, then plenty of guys will join the girls in the club to enjoy power, sports tv, cooked food, AC, chilled drinks and of course the girls.
As far as FL right now, the panic has subsided as every weather forecast has this thing missing Florida and running up the coast to SC. So remember next time to strike during the panicky buildup. 😉
Dorian, get the fuck outta here !
Also Mr. Literal, if you read my elaborations you'd have picked up the main thrust of that comment, which is everyone has taken steps, whatever they are, by the time the storm is over.
The clubs around here had more girls than normal late last week. Remember we were first getting warnings about this storm almost a week ago and back then it was forecast to make landfall in FL yesterday. Cars were packing the highways around here last Wednesday and Thursday with people fleeing the state and I couldn't find a store with any water, batteries or canned goods left. But with it dragging on for so long now, and the forecast changing to no landfall, everything has relaxed.
Veterans of hurricanes don't pay much attention to the news. Just keep aware of where the storm is and where it MAYBE is going.