
Comments by Rick999 (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Keeping your mouth shut!
    Actually I never have overheard a scam. Would appreciate a tipoff to it if a dancer was trying it. Just a simple head nod no and thumbs down would be a tip off if the guy could see it and she didn't. That way you said nothing and she dioesnt know what happened. Unless the guy can read lips and sees you say only an expensive hand job.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    Some relatives told me so many times that the anti Christ was born the same year as me that I grew up afraid it was me. I never manifested any powers though. Did have several strange things happen though. I wish I had powers. I'd become a millionaire real quick, heal people so they don't drain their savings paying for medical crap. Kill all the mega greedy health insurance business companies by healing everyone. I'd really screw the world over as it is right now. I'd make people young again so no one needs viagra etc. I might even screw over the Middle East crowd by eliminating death and suffering. ISIS would be ticked if they can't kill anyone nor hurt anyone again,
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    I remember a suite mate in college said everything he liked started with an I. Something like illegal, immoral, and something else. He had a drinking problem. He denied it. 2 years later he got pulled over and blew something like .38. He smiled and told me he set off all the bells and whistles and lit the machine up. I used to ride with him when he was drinking but I considered him a safe drunk driver. He never got past 15 mph before slamming on the brakes. It was really a stop and start trip every time I rode with him to the grocery store. As a freshman, I wasn't allowed to have a car.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    I want to give her a reason to go to confession. Lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Whhat is your net worth?
    If that's true about Illinois, it's no wonder the state is in dire straits and bankrupt.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    13 Oct 2016 No Bra Day
    I think most posters on here went bra less today.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    13 Oct 2016 No Bra Day
    Women should fight for equality by going topless as well. Young in shape women should be able to get more attention from men and other women to fight for this cause. If a guy can go topless in public, a girl should too. Unfortunately not enough women seem to be fighting for the cause. Women had to fight for the right to show their legs in the 1800's. They had to fight for the right to drive in Saudi Arabia. Equality doesn't come easy when so many at happy with the status quo. I am happy with the same ol same ol when it comes to separate restrooms though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A sincere compliment (not SS)
    I'm working on getting in better shape again. It will probably help if I keep forgetting to drink my normal soda like I did today. Did some exercises with Dumbbells for 10 minutes every other day and walked about an extra 20 minutes for the last 3 days. Lost a little weight already. I might have lost some if that by sleeping more but I think the exercise will help raise my metabolism.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Is Stealthing Rape?
    I had to look up stealthing online. Condoms can come off by accident. That should not be a crime. I'm not sure how you take it off during sex on purpose without the girl noticing. Sounds like SJG has already converted to the dark side. I've had Darth Vader in my dreams threatening to kill me if I didn't reveal the location of the secret rebel base. Darth Vader reminds me of SJG. Next we will hear about Darth Vader wanting to kill people of a certain religious faith that he considers against his dark side or rising empire Once you cross over to the dark side, doing minor things like fucking sleeping women seems like nothing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anybody find their hookers identity out through facebook?
    I found out if you use your email to donate to a Facebook gofundme page, Facebook will put your face right up there with suggested friends even if you made an anonymous donation. Then you find out Facebook doesn't believe in staying anonymous.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Juice you're doing really good with bit coin. Wish I was doing that good with my stock choices.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Incest in porn
    I'm not sure what you guys are clicking on. No interest in finding out either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Uh oh!
    Looks like someone didn't pay required fees to authorities . Fees that could have been off the records. That's the way some countries operate, no payment, no access. I have no idea if things work like that in Columbia.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to scout for a fellow monger Buddy
    In himdsite I probably could have learned something from him if he wasn't so irritating. He easily picked up a different date every single week. Told me he could set me up with some dancers, date wise that is if I was interested. He ended up moving to California with two female roommates or something like that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to scout for a fellow monger Buddy
    I made the mistake one night of visiting regular night clubs with one guy from work. He wouldn't stop blabbing about a drunk girl approaching me in one club saying I should have put the move on her, bla, bla, blah. Then it was something else. I never went to a club with him again. Glad we never made it to a strip club. I can imagine how much he would have been talking then.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to scout for a fellow monger Buddy
    I've run into several guys from work, sometimes they spotted me first. Many times they were alone and said hi to me. Some guys talk too much and blab at work too much. I didn't want everyone at work to know I was visiting but some guys talk too much. It didn't mess up my job.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    Hillary probably wouldn't have cost me as much as Trump did saying stupid stuff like he's going to show North Korea fire and fury unless he meant it. Now Asain country leaders view Trump as a weak president for making loud boasts with no action. That makes me suspect we might actually go to war next year. However since Trump seems to think the stock market is an indication of his success, it makes me wonder what would happen if a few million die. All I can say is, please pray for the world. I've heard rumors that mankind has lived on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years or longer and that we keep destroying our civilizations or get our civilizations blasted away almost to extinction over and over again. Apparently Trump and Kim have reincarnated thousands of times and are in some kind of death match. Maybe. I like to speculate on totally off the wall stuff sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    Trump or his campaign also sent me a postcard with a thumbs up. Best political card I got from any candidate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    I just hope the country isn't even more screwed up but hope seems to be all we have left. I am actually aligned with Hillary on about 18% of her policies but was aligned more like 78% with Trump's policies if he can actually get stuff done with congress. We need to cut out insurance companies making profit on healthcare in this country in my opinion unless you want to pay separately for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    Actually Trump was not even close to my top choice for the primary.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    I did not vote for Trump in the primary and I'm registered democrat so probably not an original Trump supporter. I vote for whoever I think is the best choice among what's left. I had voted libertarian in several elections. My vote didn't matter in South Carolina.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    I think all those saying the country isn't ready for a female president are full of it. South Carolina has voted Republican for decades and we had a female governor voted in office by a wide margin twice. Hillary was a terrible choice and her gender had no effect on my vote. I've heard several others both male and female say that Hillary was the wrong female. Get an intelligent Republican female that has her act together and her policies match what mine are and I will vote for her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you use your real name when you club?
    Sounds like you are paranoid not to use your real name unless you are married or have a reason to hide it. I'm not worried about a hot dancer stalking me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philadelphia, Pa
    Before Audition Questions
    This site is actually a good site to get customer feedback for dancers. - Explain process of lap dance as far as the hustle goes. Walk up to a guy,interested guys will often look at you and do chit chat , ask after a few minutes, sooner if in a hurry but if prices aren't fixed , tell the customer what to expect so he's not disappointed or upset about prices etc. - how long are the dances supposed to be? A full song or longer depending upon how many songs are paid for or agreed to. Customers don't like it when a dancer starts half way into a song and want the full price paid to the dancer. Many customers drink, it may help to remind a customer when a song is ending, the amount they owe and ask if they want another before just doing another unless you ageed to do two or something. - what is something I should never do or say while talking to a customer? Remember under cover cops or undercover agents visit clubs posing as regular customers. You could face changes if you offer to do something illegal for money or just do something illegal. In some clubs, it happens all the time, illegal stuff. In other clubs, you get fired for the slightest infraction. In some clubs if you don't show up by a certain time, the club can fine you 100 bucks. - what is a good website to buy dance outfits? I don't usually buy women's clothes. No help there. Any other tips you have please let me know! Relax. Have a good time. The guys showed up to enjoy you and the other dancers. Try to keep customers happy and they will spend money if they know a good thing when it comes along. If not, give them a break and try someone else, maybe the guy just got laid off from work or his wife left him, etc, etc. and he wants a break from his life.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    I didn't like either choice but I thought voting for Hillary would be like bending over and asking for the worse thing possible for 4 years. Like asking for the mafia to take over, kill anyone who disagrees, enact gun bans for everyone with Supreme Court new justices who agreed so that only criminals can defend themselves and end up starting a civil war in the US if not a nuclear war with Russia thinking Russia would have to bow down to her highness as well. Many people would be happy with higher taxes on the rich except when the middle class found out they were considered rich if they had a job. With Trump, he might be a moron but he appeared smarter than the other moron running for office and he did succeed at building a business empire. Maybe he's smarter than he appears and there are tactics to the art of the deal that makes the other side believe one thing while you think no deal is going to happen. Then compromise happens. Maybe. Oh who am I kidding, we're all going to die. Better visit strip clubs before its 3000 degrees outside. Actually I believe Trump believes our anti missiles can defend the US mainland and he may be over confident that the US military along with SK and Japan can take out the evil NK regime and nuclear facilities without too many casualties. He's playing with fire and fury. The US will get the blame just for electing Trump even if war is due to NK in my opinion if thousands or millions die unless ol Kim kills a bunch of people first.