Being uncomprtable in a club

How many of you have left a club because you felt unsafe.
I have not gone to clubs because of the neighborhood and reputation. (there are areas of all cities that are best to avoid)
Even clubs in Washington Park IL and Detroit watch their parking lots because if a patron gets mugged it may draw LE and other patrons will not come = money lost. Customers = money spent and owning a strip club is money in their pockets.
I have actually only left one or two clubs because of patrons and that is usually a particular group that was in there taking over the place for the evening. I wandered into a club years ago that a biker group trickling in and took over and when I got up to leave after finishing my beer and no girls that were free appealed to me this huge biker yelled "hey where ya going? Don't you like us?" I about shit then said " I going to another club cause all the girls here are busy with you gentlemen and none left for me." Evidently I said just the right thing because he laughed said he'd share so I stayed for a couple of hours. He was a nice enough guy who said they were always on good behavior at the club because the owner was a friend and they just wanted to have a good time. They spent a bunch of money on the dancers so no wonder they hung with them.
I usually leave because the girls do not appeal to me or they are only paying attention to the regulars.
I am an old white guy who has worked in and around the construction industry my whole life so working class places do not frighten me and frankly find more appealing many high priced "high end" clubs. WTF it is still a strip club, no matter how you dress the place up, guys pay girls to take off their clothes and be nice to them.
There is actually only one color, that is green and only and idiot turns away the chance to make some.


  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Uncomfortable Damn phone keyboard
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    I don't recall ever leaving a club because I felt unsafe, although there have been times I choose not to go into a club because of the crowd hanging around outside of the club. If I get that drug dealer vibe from those hanging around the door I just go on down the road to the next club.

    But I have left a few clubs because groups of customers made me uncomfortable. Mostly these groups consisted of loud, rowdy drunks that were making so much noise they were ruining the evening. These types of customers are the reason I don't go to certain clubs on fri/sat evenings or after major sporting events because that's when these idiots are most common.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I've only felt uncomfortable in one club, and that was an odd club in San Francisco. I had a 6 hour layover, and I grabbed a cab with a few friends to a strip club. It was a major mistake. The club was filthy, the dancers all looked drugged out of their minds, the beer was horrible (draft and watered down).

    I learned my lesson, and it was the last time I took a cab (looking like a tourist) to find a strip club. I was a 25 year old with lots of cash - wearing a tshirt and jeans - who looked very very green!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've always been attracted to black-women - I started clubbing in Dallas in 2000 but took me about 3-years to work-up the balls to hit the all-black clubs (which are my strong-preference).

    Back then I used to hit a mixed-club in Arlington, TX that had a fair-amount of AA dancers (about 1/3) - there was an all-black club down the street and some of the AA-dancers I would talk w/ in the mixed-club said they did-not-like/avoided working at the all-black club b/c it was too rough/crazy a club - thus I was scared to go - this mixed-club closed for a while so I finally took the plunge and hit the all-black spot down the street and did not find it that rough (sure a bit rough around the edges but I never saw anything go down) - never looked back after hitting this all-black spot for the first-time and it was mostly all-black clubs for me (most of them dives) after that.

    Nowadays I avoid, or leave a club, usually b/c the dancers are not to my liking (all skinny white-chicks) - will also leave a club if it's a sausage-fest or filled w/ young cocky custies treating it like a house-party or a nightclub.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Off the top of my head only time I recall leaving a club b/c I felt was unsafe was in the mid-2000s at a black Miami dive (Lexx/Climaxxx) at night on Christmas-day (eve of Dec 25th) - the club had been closed during the day due to obvious reasons (being Christmas day) and opened in the early-eve - I got there around 10 pm and was having a good-time - after midnight everyone in their mother decided to show-up (blowing-off steam from the holidays I guess) and is was so PACKED that one could not walk 2-feet and had to stand-in-place shoulder-to-shoulder - and it was packed all the way to the entrance w/ a group of like 40 more people outside trying to get-in - I felt it was not a good scene if anything went down including a fire - took me about 20-minutes to try to get out to the exit of the club and then trying to get thru the mob outside (a bouncer had to help me outside) - while getting thru the mob outside I felt hands reaching into my pockets and someone even punching-me in the back for no good-reason (that's life in the ghetto) - finally made it to my car in one-piece and w/ all my belongings (wallet, ph, etc) - near my car a huge AA guy that looked like an NFL defensive-tackle wanted my wristband (signifying I paid my cover) - I couldn't take it off and he worked on-it for like 10-minutes trying to take it off my wrist w/o braking it and finally did and I got out of there - went for a drive around South Beach to clear my head - drove by the club again on my way home about 2 hours later and there were about a half-dozen cop-cars outside the club w/ their lights-on (IDK what may have happened).
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    There is a club in Hialeah I believe that scared me after going thru the metal detectors. I stayed a short while and left.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ There was a real sketchy one on Okeechobee that I used to frequent about 20-25 years ago. It used to be called the Stonewall Lounge. There was also the Bottoms Up that wasn't in the best part of town.

    Fun times when young and dumb.
  • DrStab
    7 years ago
    I was at Club Venus in Detroit (one of the more nastier clubs) when two strippers got in a physical altercation. The tension in the club escalated quickly. I got my extras in the back and got the fuck outta there.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Now closed "Hawks" in Providence. Stripper/streetwalker pulled a pistol on a customer and the bartender grabbed her arm causing the round to go into the ceiling. I finished my beer and left. They didn't give the gun back, but she didn't even get thrown out.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    The club in Okeechobee is still there (under the Hialeah listings) - changed names about a year or two ago to Erotica - almost exclusively a Latino mostly Cuban bar and usually fairly laid-back w/ usually an older working-class crowd.

    Club is a rip-off - $20 dancer drinks that you get hounded for b/c dancers get a commission - if you don't buy them a drink they usually won't sit w/ you - for w/e reason they don't allow dancers to take off their clothes during a lap-dance; I imagine it's b/c it's a rip-off club and they wanna force PLs to pony-up for VIP.

    BTW - it used to be a gay-bar back in the day - but hey I'm not judging.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I've been reformed
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ sure
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Don't patronize me Papi!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Or I'll have to put you on ignore.

    How was that for my millenial imitation?

  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    It's been a long time. I honestly avoid those areas of town LOL
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    The only time a club looked too sketchy to this old white dude with an occasional taste for chocolate was one time at Club Venus in Indy (not Detroit). There were some shady-looking guys hanging around the entrance, so I went elsewhere that night -- but I returned to Venus another time.

    In truth, if I'm willing to go to Blondie's, Dollie's, or Wise Guys in Washington Park, IL late at night (and I am), then I'm willing to go anywhere!
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
    I left a club once because two of the dancers were yelling at each other at the bar. If anything, their argument seemed to be escalating, so I left and went elsewhere. It was a dive and management didn't seem too interested in putting a stop to it. Another time, in another club, a guy at the bar put on sunglasses (it was around midnight in the dead of winter) and started getting loud and obnoxious. The young lady I was sitting with said he'd been in the night before and gotten pretty rude with some of the dancers. She excused herself and told the manager, but no one came to talk to the guy. He started to direct his rant toward a guy at the bar and started in about how the guy was going to die and go to hell and it was going to be that night. I thought it best to finish my drink and leave. Those are the only two times I've left because of goings on in the club. I can't say I was frightened, but the second incident caused a little concern.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I have left several clubs because I felt unsafe. And a few clubs I have kept driving past after I saw the place from the outside. But all of those things happened many years ago before I found Tuscl. These days I pretty much know the good clubs in most cities so things like that don't happen any more.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I can say never thankfully in my 5 years of consistent clubbing. Only one time was a close call was when LEO raided the club 5-10 minutes after I was just out of FS VIP with a club solid 10 girl.

    That would have probably been worse then an altercation in the club...
  • anthony6613
    7 years ago
    A Times Square strip club in 1980. The place was empty and I was young. The bouncer had a dancer sit with me had she wanted a $100.00 bottle of champagne. I said no way, she got pissed and stormed off. I finished my drink and got out of there before anyone came over to kick my ass for insulting a dancer. No idea of the name of the club.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I remember a club where I saw 3 cops standing around inside. I suddenly felt less safe and thought about leaving. I didn't leave early though. They left after a while and I felt safer. You never know when there are cops hiding along dark roads ready to pull you over for the slightest thing and make false accusations. I usually feel less safe when I see cops. It doesn't bother me at all if I see a fellow customer with a knife as long as they aren't making threats.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Have left a couple of clubs because the patrons made it clear by their looks and posture that I was not welcome and crashing their party (read: biker strip club).

    The worst as a club where I had gone for a long time and had recently changed names. Walked in and there was no one dancing, so i went to the bar. There were maybe a half dozen other customers, all of the denim jacket and wallet on a chain look. Rough looking crowd. The female bartender was super unfriendly and practically threw my beer at me. My eyes adjusted and as I looked around at the tough dudes eying me with ill intent, I realized they were NOT dudes.

    Unbeknownst to me, the place had just changed from a strip club to a dyke bar. As I headed out the door, someone behind me hollered in a rather deep voice "and don't fucking come back!"
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    Never went to a club I felt unsafe at. There have been clubs I didn't feel comfortable in because I didn't like the dancers, but I never felt like I was going to get mugged at any of them.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I have felt uncomfortable maybe a few times over the years, never really felt unsafe, but there have been times when I left just to avoid the hassle, the most notable one to me happened a few years back at Flavors, in Pompano, where I wrote a review describing the atmosphere, AFAIK this club is now closed, but I have never gone back there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ yeah, Flavors often felt like an uncomfortable environment - many of the dancers didn't seem happy to be there and in turn they would often cop an attitude with the custies - the club was mostly a gost-town prior to closing b/c of the fire
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Flavors was a bad way.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    A couple of clubs I go to in LA that have gang members regularly going to those spots, a lot of Mexican crips.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Around 1970 my best friend and I modified a '55VW into a dune buggy. We ran the Baja 1,000 with it and then took the ferry to Mazatlan, drove down to Acapulco and then back up to Yuma AZ on the mainland side.

    We hit strip clubs/bordellos all along the way during our 2 week adventure.

    One night we hit the Zona Roja in Culican, the marijuana capital of Mexico. We were of course the only gringos there. While I was busy talking to some of the putas my buddy was talking with some guys and wound up taking 2 of them for a ride in the dune buggy.

    When he came back in, he said to me "I think we had better leave. They want to buy the dune buggy and are offering $500 in cash & $500 worth of marijuana. I'm afraid that they may get angry if we tell them no" .

    We were more than uncomfortable and decided that it was passed time to leave and did so.
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