The bomb suspect
This SEEMS to be him, based on name and location. We’ll find out more at the press conference in a few hours.
Cesar Sayoc is 56 years old and was born on 3/17/1962. Currently, he lives in Aventura, FL; and previously lived in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Hollywood, FL and Edison, NJ. Sometimes Cesar goes by various nicknames including Cesar A Sayoc and Cesar A Sayol.
Birthday: 3/17/1962
Political Party: Democrat Party
Cesar Sayoc is 56 years old and was born on 3/17/1962. Currently, he lives in Aventura, FL; and previously lived in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Hollywood, FL and Edison, NJ. Sometimes Cesar goes by various nicknames including Cesar A Sayoc and Cesar A Sayol.
Birthday: 3/17/1962
Political Party: Democrat Party
Race: White
Language: English (American)
Complexion: Olive
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 215
Eye: Brown
Hair: Black
DOB: 03/17/1962
Birth City: Brooklyn
Birth State: NY
Just fucking hilarious!…
He's a registered republican, but nice try blameshifting.
I'll close by adding that there's not much difference between extreme right and extreme left, they are often similar in their tactics and I'll attribute that to human nature.
Glad they caught this guy and the FBI did a great job. I was praying this was not the work of a Mexixan immigrant because we would never hear the end of it. He's native, which is about as homd grown as you can get.
Most of these truly nutty human beings are white (like Tim McVeigh) and rarely immigrant minorities.…
It hasn't been that long folks..........
As for the suspect lets sit back and see what unfolds......unlike CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or any of the other talking head channels.
I'm not saying sending them bombs is right, I'm just saying a few dead former politicians or dried up actors or media figures, and even a few active dried up politicians, wouldn't have changed my life one bit.…
TheeOSU Lol, which one? I'm sure we have plenty of right wing extremists with Trump stickers all over their cars here, but do you really think one of them would create and distribute bombs? That's crazy.
Trump did a shitty job making the country feel better.
Actually, looking at his photo, he appears the type who’d enjoy that. And the taste of cock and cum.
What a fucking loser.