
Who is behind the “caravan” ?


VP Mike Pence just told us that the Caravan is being funded by Venezuela. However, Venezuela doesn’t have any money to sustain its own operational government – let alone a 10,000 person convoy. Venezuela is entirely reliant upon massive investment from Russia and China.

It makes sense from the perspective of China, Russia and Venezuela to use their alliance to create a border crisis between the United States and Mexico, especially since the interests of President-elect Lopez Obrador and President Trump are now aligned within the U.S-MCA trade agreement; which is structured to the detriment of pre-existing Chinese investment in Mexico under their prior -and corrupt- Mexican leadership.


  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Wake up @Mark94!!!

    They're criminals and middle easterners financed by George Soros! They're gonna take jobs that no one else wants and It's all terrifying!
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    It's a CRISIS
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    They are dirty leeches, sucking the life out of the American taxpayer. So glad I am over sixty and won't be around when all the things that made America number one are gone and we are another failed land. Highest percentage of foreign born Americans ever in this land (don't be a stupid asshole and mention colonial times because by the time of the revolution most people had been born here) and not coincidentally poorest America has ever been. Democrats focus on the losers south of the border so they can make it a racial thing, but we're overrun with Albanians and Eastern European illegals here and they are awful and white so change your panties Randon, who ain't paying a cent for these assholes.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Get a grip. We're talking about several thousand destitute women and children seeking asylum.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The whole thing is a red herring.
  • daddyfatsack
    6 years ago
    Great reply @random that made me lol for real
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    If we were still making parrot jokes Mark94 would be the parrot;)
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    LOL! Good morning, @Dougster. Yes, Daily Mail tabloid is where @SkiBirther gets his news, too.

  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Try to remember that were talking about 7000 desperate, destitute, asylum seekers out of 325,000,000 people in this country.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    This is exactly how the migrant crisis began in Europe a few years ago. A group of several thousand “Syrians” showed up on the border of Hungary and were allowed to travel through. Angela Merkel embraced them. That sent a signal and millions of others from as far away as Afghanistan have now entered Europe. It has changed the European culture and resulted in a political backlash.

    A second group of “refugees” is already forming in Central America, ready to march. It will not end there unless the first group is stopped.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Daily Fail is the successor to Mad Magazine, unfortunately, Dougster seems to think Alfred E. Neumann is a real person
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    LOL ^^
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    From what I saw on CBS this morning there were a lot of male looking females and children going by their reporter and camera and I also saw an interview with someone ( who requested his face be kept off camera) that was deported from this country for assault and drug use and is trying to come back in. He said he was harmless. This was also CBS news last night.

    With most political news these days its somewhere in the middle where the truth can be found.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I’m around?
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Look at any group photo of the caravan. About 90% of them are men in their late teens and twenties.

    You wouldn’t know that from the profiles by the mainstream media. Women and children my ass !
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    They have their own countries and their own governments already. Maybe those young men, which make up the majority of the caravan from every picture I've seen, should work to make their lives and countries better rather than run away.

    Now to be clear, I am actually in favor of expanded immigration. Simply put, our population is again and we need fresh younger blood for a variety of reasons. But not like this, with this ridiculous gimmicky nonsense that was obviously organized by someone who doesn't have our best interests at heart.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That should have read "aging.". Damned auto correct. ;)
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Meet Bartolo Fuentes, the Honduran ex-lawmaker who helped launch the 7,000-strong caravan marching toward the United States — on a promise he says he never made.

    In September, Fuentes began ­coordinating with groups dispersed throughout Honduras seeking to make the trek north.

    The initial number of people involved was about 200.

    “No one expected this human avalanche,” Fuentes told the Daily Beast in an interview published Tuesday.

    What changed everything was a TV report on HCH — a Honduran news channel.

    A woman reportedly part of the caravan told TV anchors of Fuentes’ efforts, and she mentioned “assistance.” The anchors then supposedly said Fuentes would pay migrants’ food and transportation costs — which he denied in an interview.

    Still, thousands took a chance, since a human-smuggling “coyote” charges upwards of $7,000 to take someone across the US border.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    maybe if you guys were not such big losers you wouldnt be worried about illegal immigration. if yall didnt know America is segregated, biggest factor is income, it use to be race, but now its money. When, the illegals get here, i know they cant afford to live in my community.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Do you know whose jobs these 7,000 people will take ? It’s not the 1%. It’s the people on the lowest rung of American society.

    The elite want illegal immigration because it keeps wages low. That means higher profits for the rich.

    Right now, unemployment is at an all time low among black and Hispanic Americans. That won’t last if a flood of Central American “ refugees” enters the US.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ This is about as stupid as it gets, unemployment is at all time lows, there are jobs going begging, are you so uninformed that this is really an issue.
    I'm actually agreeing with Rick Dugan, he makes a lot more sense, than the bullshit you're spouting
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Mark, most of our poorest would prefer to collect government benefits than to do the jobs that most illegals do. How many home grown Americans do you think pick crops in our fields? Or work at fish plants? Or work in slaughter houses? Or clean factories at night? Or...you get the picture. We give our home grown free healthcare if they earn too little, food stamps, disability payments for mental issues, and even WIC and housing assistance if there are kids involved. Maybe if we started limiting some of these goodies and foce these people into the workforce we could seriously have this conversation, but as it stands now American born kids are too soft and self entitled to do the work that many illegals now do.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    It’s possible that jobs “ Americans won’t take “ are because illegals are willing to work for $10,000 per years. Without illegals, supply and demand would require salaries of $20,000 to $40,000 to fill these dirty jobs. I suspect we’d find a lot more US citizens willing to work at these wages.

    That’s a big part of what Trump is trying to accomplish. More jobs and higher wages. That’s how you reduce poverty and get people off welfare.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Because I don't live in Texas or California or the soon to be New California or even Phoenix I don't care about jobs as much as I do about the cost and stress it places on the health care system overall ( and if you think it doesn't dig a little for yourself) and the issue we have with actual illegals that have been deported only to come back again: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jos…

    Immigration is fine. "illegal immigration is not.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    The National Health Service in the UK has reacted to stress on the health system by implementing group consultations. When you see your primary care physician you are part of a group of 10 people in the same room at the same time. How’s that for high quality socialist medical treatment.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^You know Mark you’re entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts as entertaining as it may be that’s just ridiculous.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I've seen articles where farmers who hire hundreds of migrants to pick produce pay upwards of $15 an hour. When asked why they don't hire Americans the answer is always the same, they do and then the vast majority of Americans quit within a week.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Personally the people who hire illegal immigrants are more guilty of a crime than the illegals.....so if you really want to stop the process you do things like impose fines on people who hire them as well as on people who rent apartments to them or car dealers who sell them cars. Otherwise you make it impossible for them to live and work here around the system.

    The other issue and I know this is going to make the more liberal of our posters scream but enough with the sanctuary city BS and states making up their own rules as they go along. I'd cut their federal funding so fast they'd find out what Public Sector bankruptcy looks like in a heartbeat.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    Warrenboy75 maybe the problem is running health care as a profitable business.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    I wonder who destablized all those muslim countries that led to the migrant crisis in Europe? i wonder if any southamerican countries are destablised due to US policy or sanctions.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    All of you retired guys commenting on world events have too much time on your hands debating uselessthings that are totally out of your control. Please get a job or volunteer at the soup kitchen to keep your mind off media news headlines.

    Nobody here on this site has any insider information that can enlighten us on world politics, but thanks to OP Mark for his opinions. Quite interesting.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Im fine with sanctions on employers that hire ineligible workers and I’m not 100% sold on sanctuary cities, personally I am for fixing immigration in a sane way.
    Here’s the thing that makes this whole thing nothing more than a red herring, most folks here illegally, came in legally at proper ports of entry, and just overstayed their visas To me a better solution would be to step up legitimate enforcement and end the nonsense about building a wall across the southern border, if you really want to build a wall, it should be a sea wall to prevent the effects of stronger hurricanes from destroying our costal areas the way they have been doing in the last dozen or so years.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Hurricanes! Fuck that. I’m not paying one dime for somebody who chose to live in a high risk zone. The people who live their should bear the brunt of the costs. It’s mostly gulf residents and the south region.
  • londonguy
    6 years ago
    This is one of the reasons we voted for Brexit. Those numbers in the caravan are nothing compared to what is coming into Europe. If Trump gives in many more will follow.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Really that’s just stupid, considering you guys live in a desert that would be uninhabitable if it weren’t for the federal government damming rivers to create reservoirs so you folks don’t die of thirst SMH.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I'm 76 and have been an independent for my entire life. I have also never voted early but I tried today. In my little town of 15,000 the parking lot was full and the line was a good 50 yards long. I guess I'm not the only only one upset with the current political scene.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Londonguy Trump has nothing to give in on, when they reach the border, they’ll need to be processed and dealt with according to the laws that are on the books, until then it is nothing more than a political football being used by nativist, jingoistic, politicians as a wedge issue to win an election.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    The SO and I early voted on Monday about an hour before they closed, the first day we could. No waiting. I asked a few different poll works if it was slow like this all day. Each one of them replied an emphatic NO! I guess timing is everything. :)
    I started early voting after waiting in line over 2 hours in 2008. Even so, seems the later in the day you go, the better.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Meat: Since you're so free to cast judgement on the rest of us, I'll confess that I've always thought of you as a sort of mediocre intellect. Half the time you struggle to put together coherent sentences. Take a look at your stupid tagline and then look at yourself in the mirror. You and @Mark are perfect for each other; maybe the two of you geriatric white dudes can spend your twilight years together in a nursing home discussing your prostate issues.

    On a percentage basis the caravan represents 2x10^(-7) percent of our population. They're coming here at 20 miles per day and will take about five months to get here. This is not a national emergency. The whole topic has been blown massively beyond it's importance by news outlets like Fox and Breitbart because of the midterms. Fanning the flames of racism and xenophobia is how Trump won and he's a master of manipulating stupid gullible people.

    Blaming immigrants, lying, spreading propaganda, and criticising the ligitimate media are elements of fascism. Were not there yet, but it could happen. With the breaking news this morning, Soros, Bill & Hillary, and Obama have received suspicious packages recently. This is an ugly time for American politics.

    And it takes away from the real issue: tax cut for corporate America that's blown nearly $800 billion dollars in the deficit. If the GOP takes both houses, expect a return to the days when insurance companies can deny for pre-existing conditions, cuts to social security, medicare, and medicaide. I suspect the older crowd here isn't really all that wealthy and will have a lot to lose.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Randumb blames Trump for fear mongering in one breath and then does the same in the very next. ;)

    Randumb, the odds of most of that happening, even if the Republicans retake both chambers, are extremely low. Keep in mind that Republicans needs votes too and doing things like cutting benefits to the elderly won't fly for many of them.

    What would be nice, however, is for more people who are milking free and heavily subsidized healthcare to be encouraged to re-enter the workforce. One of the under-told stories about Obamacare is how many people retired early, voluntarily reducing their income in the process, and then picked up health insurance for little to nothing. The incentive to pick up employer-based insurance used to be a powerful motivator to keep people in the workforce and we could definitely use it again if our labor force participation rates are any indication.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Randumb member projecting his insecurities to hide his mediocre intellect. He also gets quite emotional about social issues, almost like SJG in respects to this higher than thou righteous attitude that his meaningless life can now find purpose in an extremely left wing platform. I suppose we should all drive a Prius and outlaw plastic straws to feel meaningful in an otherwise meaningless life, according to Randumb.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    To show how dumb Randumb is, for some reason he labeled me geriatric, yet I’m way younger than him and if we met in person I’d probably make him hunk twice anout anybinsukts he threw my way by shear physical presence alone. He would not be the keyboard cowboy he makes himself out to be once in front of real life individuals. SMH
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    "What would be nice, however, is for more people who are milking free and heavily subsidized healthcare to be encouraged to re-enter the workforce."

    i personally dont think people want to get sick so they can milk and get free healthcare..lol..i could be wrong...has anyone ever said, i hope i get cancer, diabetes, break a bone to get free health care...lol
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Dugan: "Randumb, the odds of most of that happening, even if the Republicans retake both chambers, are extremely low. Keep in mind that Republicans needs votes too and doing things like cutting benefits to the elderly won't fly for many of them. "
    We'll see. I'd say the complete repeal of Obamacare (insurance companies allowed to deny coverage) would be a certainty, and McConnell has been talking about cuts to entitlements. You'd think that cuts to entitlements would be a death knell for the GOP, but they'll argue that it's needed because of the deficit -- you know the deficit they helped create with corporate tax cuts.

    I have a a working spouse and double-coveraged with medical. Just curious: what would you do if you got sick and couldn't get health insurance because of a pre-existing condition? Don't you have a stay-at-home spouse? Isn't it worth improving on Obamacare incrementally?
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Of course the pre-existing condition argument is pure ;lying left wing dirtbag bullshit as Republicans were ready to pass that as a stand alone law well before Obamafuckedupcare came into being. Most people abuse free healthcare so they can claim they are disabled, you know the snowflake heard a trans woman got yelled at for stealing and is now so butt hurt their free doctor believes they can only recover with taxpayer freebies. Hating every fucking illegal leech on earth is called caring about America's future to normal people and racism to the lying dirty bigots called progressives.
    Wow 25 that desert comment was so ignorant it made me think of Random. We have water where I live. FACT - if Europe paid what they agreed to by treaty with Nato and no American troops were in Europe, thus requiring them to defend themselves, not one of those failed lands would have socialized medicine. Socialism only works when you have capitalists to pay for it. Europe is a welfare leech and every taxpayer here is paying for their healthcare, not them.
    The wall won't work. I mean Israelis were subject to 4-5 terrorist attacks emanating from the West Bank and since they built the wall a few years ago there have been none and that proves that walls don't work, except that they do. I'd be happy to just lay down some mines.
    Wah wah wah seven thousand destitute failures who will create about 50,000 residents here in 25 years who the American taxpayer will support. They will never assimilate, learn the language or contribute. They will create anchor babies and extended families will also come here on visa'a and then stay here illegally. Lets see almost 50 million immigrants since 1990 and people wonder why this is a country sliding into poverty. Any of you lefties who have kids are child abusers.
    Wah, wah, wah America destabilized these countries. Wow how amazing. Self sufficient people don't get destabilized. RANDOM if they are so miserable let us put them out of their misery just like Go for Wand was put out of hers. It was humane.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @SkiBirther: "of course the pre-existing condition argument is pure ;lying left wing dirtbag bullshit as Republicans were ready to pass that as a stand alone law well before Obamafuckedupcare "
    Pretty sure that's horseshit, but I'll keep an open mind. Prove it. Cite sources.

    To ensure everyone with pre-existing conditions, you need to have healthy people in the insurance pool. That's why we had the other two unpopular features of Obamacare.

  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Since we've somehow morphed into Health Care ( although I admit from the cost of illegal immigration impacting HC I am the one that brought it up) I'm curious and have been for a month now. Has anyone on here seen an increase in their premiums this year? Yes or no. This is the first year in a decade mine have not increased at all and after the last ten years of watching them rise each year, some years for no reason that I can tell, this year not a word---the monthly bill has remained flat.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    @Warenboy75: Mine increased this year (almost $1K), after 3 years of decreases (around $2K). I'm on a high Deductible Healthcare Plan HDHP with Medical Savings account (HSA(MSA)). Most of that was due to HR switching carriers, and lowering the deductible from something astronomical ($6700/ea $13K couple) to $3700 -- which I'd rather NOT have. I like the higher deductible with lower premiums. Then I just negotiate the cash price / self-pay price for everything and pay with my MSA debit card. I usually pay less than $1000/yr out of pocket on the card, so a MSA that deposit $36/wk pre-tax into works well for the two of us. I have several thousand dollars banked in there now. Other than getting cancer, I'm not sure what good the insurance premiums are. I use the debit card for everything.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    . Other than getting cancer, I'm not sure what good the insurance premiums are
    You get the negotiated rate between MD and patient. That's a very big deal
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Should read between insurance carrier and patients
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    The HDHP costs about $3500/yr less than PPO or HMO options. First year it was a $936 less, which was why I started with the $36/biweekly deposits. Mentally I was paying the same as a PPO at the time, except I wanted to see if I could net save (bank it) money vs PPO/HMO. Turns out I can. More in my pocket.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Insurance carrier and MD. Doing too many things at once
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I get that. But it seems like the self pay or cash price seems to beat those negotiated rates everytime. Am I missing something there?

    I can't get the $20 MRI scans that you and skibum get. Or fly to the best physicians in the country like you guys do.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    maybe we had shitty insurance offered where I worked. but annual wellness exam physical, MD wants $200-220. Which is what an uninsured person gets. But bill to insurance is $60. Same as self pay or cash pay. I can do that. No reason to pay hundreds every 2 weeks (my portion) or $1500 employer portion, between $10K and $20K in yearly premiums to get that. For just 2 annual physicals.

    Same if I get the sniffles or get "sick" and see a doctor or urgent care provider. They want $300-330 rate, on PPO my portion after co-pay was still $150, about half. I can negotiate that rate, or at least $30 less if not more discount, by just talking with the staff and seeing what a cash rate / self pay / let's settle the amount today, what will you take / etc. See what I mean?

    Same with with my wife's dental work. Even after settling and seeing what the insurance co would cover, versus me self pay the portion I'm liable for, there was still $75 balance, which after self paying a few hundred, they just canceled or forgave it. Versus what the PPO and "enhanced" dental plan was saying 3+ years ago. For years my wife didn't want to go because costs$$$. But now with my banked balance on the MSA, and realizing it wouldn't put is in the poor house, I got her to go to the dentist again, finally.

    I guess maybe I'm not being fair for what my thousands or tens of thousands in premiums each year to medical/dental/vision are really doing. But I'm not sure I'm getting $18K/year in value from it that it costs. That's why I mention cancer. I feel like I could just literally self pay everything and almost always come out ahead.

    That's what I don't understand about your MRI and skibum's MRI and why you guys pay so little out of pocket. Or anything else with surgeons or specialists. My experience was I was still paying 50% myself on PPO as you'd go, wait 60 days, see the kick back from insurance for deductibles, co-insurance, etc. It got to be even with PPO it was covering less and less each year. Unless I'm looking at it wrong.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Still saving up for my wife's knee surgery. I thought I remembered you and skibum getting something like that, from the best ivy leagure surgeons in the country, asian with tight ass and all that, and it only costing like you like $20, but here I see figures like $7000 or $14,000 and that's for a decent person from Toledo State or CWRU or something. I don't understand why you're older but still better outsomes on out of pocket costs. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or what you're doing differently. It would surprise me if you guys know tricks I don't or approach it differently with your knowledge or something.

    Sorry for the rant. But this is just aggravating. After years of playing by the rules. I just feel like I'm coming up short vs you guys.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    If you want to talk about leeches, the biggest leeches in this country are lawyers. Every dollar earned by an attorney, is dollar stolen from honest joe. Think about it, during a divorce who gets the most resources/kids, the person with the better attorney. does not matter if the parent is trash, (s)he can afford an attorney.

    If you commit a crime, who gets less harsh of a sentence? the guy with a paid attorney.

    If an illegal immigrant comes to the US, do you think he'll get to stay, if he hires the best immigration attorney? the answer to this question is yes.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Too many comments, didn't read most.

    Keep in mind that asylum claims require persecution or legitimate fear of persecution for specific things, not financial hardship.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Wah, wah, wah my husband beat me is enough to get in under the laws.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I didn't see your pathetic little girl post Salty. Glad you're upset. Every cunt, every douche bag, every violent client I have had also hated lawyers. Dom Massachusetts has the best healthcare in the country and we have a cadillac union plan exempt from obamacare because he used your money to buy votes. I am self-employed and given insurance costs here I would be jealous of your plan if I had to pay for one myself. My wife makes 60% of what she is worth, but the benefits are killer. We get $300 per year a piece from her medical insurance so our season ski passes, which were $698. start off at $398 after we get reimbursed and if work allows we'll ski 30 -40 times.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Too many comments, didn't read most.

    Keep in mind that asylum claims require persecution or legitimate fear of persecution for specific things, not financial hardship.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    my pathetic girly post has some merit, Skibum just disclosed the loop hole of how this illegal immigrants can make a valid asylum claim. all they have to say is their husbands beat them.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Yeah every nation is made stronger by repopulating with victims who are illiterate and have no work history. I wonder how many of you sad, bleeding hearts actually deal with any of the people you "support".
  • daddyfatsack
    6 years ago
    I'm just here to call most of you dumb. Being dumb is a choice. Stop making it
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    "However, Venezuela doesn’t have any money to sustain its own operational government – let alone a 10,000 person convoy."

    What about a 10,000 person orgy?
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Future dems slogan platform:

  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Future dems slogan platform:

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    This degenerated into name calling real fast, health care is necessary, some folks need help, this nation the richest country on earth can and should do better, there is a large disconnect here, what is the fucking problem, with identifying the truth and having a conversation based on facts.
    You don’t want to pay taxes move someplace where there aren’t any. There isn’t anyplace where there are no taxes, get a life, stop being such a bunch of cheap whiny fucking cheapskates and join the human race, or kill yourselves, who really gives a fuck. Start being thankful for what you have and stop worrying about what someone else has. I can’t believe this bullshit is how anyone normal lives their life.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Lol @ Pistola and skibum “repopulating with victims who are illiterate and have no work history”.

    Now that just sounds like too much logic for the left to figure out. Can’t wait for #Caravan Lives Matter!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Bombs being sent through the mail to political opponents of the president, and you guys are worried about a bunch of folks that have not even gotten here yet, and might never get here, what a sense of misplaced priorities.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Actually I'm most worried about the possibility that LD prices will increase.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Steve Scalise shot by Bernie supporter. Mainstream media says there is nothing to worry about.

    Rand Paul severely beaten by looney lefty neighbor. Not worth covering.

    Maxine Waters says get in the face of Republicans when you see them in restaurants. A dozen administration officials and their families are violently confronted.

    Eric Holder says you should kick Republicans.

    Hillary says you shouldn’t be civil to Republicans.

    Silence from the media. Crickets.

    Nine apparent pipe bombs, poorly made, obviously suspect, no damage, discovered at the perfect time to help democrats in the election. OMG ! OMG ! Trump should resign. All Republicans are violent. Where is their civility ?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Your point is dumber than anything else that’s been posted. All of this has been addressed as it has happened not necessarily the way you describe but nevertheless what is scaring you so much about an event (“the caravan”) that hasn’t even happened and may never happen.
    I personally agree with flagooner the possibilities of raising lap dance prices will probably affect you guys more than this immigration kerfuffle.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Why do I care?
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^ True! Why does anyone care? This is a big nothing burger.

    Right of prior appropriation. Learn about it.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    The pipe bomb and white powder that forced an evacuation at CNN headquarters in New York City Wednesday morning were harmless, a law enforcement source told the Associated Press.

    All of the devices carried a parody ISIS flag featuring comedian Larry the Cable Guy’s signature slogan, “git ‘er done,” NBC News reported late Wednesday.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    For those who ask “ why should we care”, I suggest you read up on what has happened in Europe over the last 3 years. The EU didn’t fight the “caravan” of 3,000 Syrians that crashed their border. They offered them refuge and financial support. That opened the floodgates. Three years later, literally millions of “refugees” are living in Europe. Stabbing and rapes are epidemic. Hospitals and schools struggle. National budgets are stretched. Nationalism is surging.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    If it creates fear it isn't harmless.

    Wouldn't it be cheaper and quicker to use Claymore mines than to build the wall?
  • ime
    6 years ago
    The Democrat false flag bombathon is the dumbest thing they tried in a while, the stink of desperation is overpowering. Not to mention how shitty the"bombs" were. No cancelled postage, no mailman delivered them or courier also.

    The USPS does NOT deliver to the homes of anyone under Secret Service protection, like former presidents Clinton and Obama. All mail addressed to their residence is delivered to the Secret Service field office. Therefore, the reports that bombs were delivered to the homes of two former presidents is an absolute lie and stunt.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    To answer the subject line...

  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Hell in the case of Hillary and Debra Watch-her-mouth-Schultz Bernie Sanders should be the prime suspect.

    I don't agree with much of what Mark states but the media comments--sadly yes. The MSM has been so bias for so long many people don't realize it. If you listen carefully to some of the most casual statements with an open mind you start to understand just how bad it is.

    And one point I'll throw out as an observer about the caravan......for the amount of people that are part of it to go as long as they need to supplying the food and water alone to sustain a journey that will take months requires planning and organization. Somebody somewhere is either footing the bill or did a fair amount of "fundraising for support" or it would end quickly.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    Mark94 get a grip dude, spend your day watching 1 hr of fox and then 1 hr of cnn. hopefully, this balances you out.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    OP, you live in AZ, buy a gun. its open carry here. just in case an illegal trys to rape and stab you.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Here’s an example of bias. CNN has been referring to the people/entities who received the “bombs” as “Trump targets”. Every story on CNN has as its premise “ Trump is evil, therefore he caused this to happen”.

    Hurricanes. Trump’s fault. Immigrant caravan. Trump’s fault. Murder in Turkey. Trump’s fault. Stock market drops. Trump’s fault. Amateur pipe bombs. Trump’s fault. On and on and on.

    I actually seldom watch Fox News. I get most of my information from about a dozen blogs across the political spectrum.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago


    OP in your opening post you say Venezuela is behind it. and its because of this:


    So we will blame Venenzuela to get ^^^
  • ime
    6 years ago
    New pipebomb breaking news. Elizabeth Warren received 1/1024th of a pipebomb.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ youre wasting your time with these hyper hysterical extreme right wingnuts, there’s no rational use in telling them anything true. If it doesn’t come from Alex Jones or Steve Bannion, they won’t believe it so, why bother. They’re already putting out conspiracy stories about the bombing, (Lou Dobbs this morning) refusing to recognize an assasination attempt against two ex presidents so, save yourself some energy.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Why do I care who is behind it? Assuming anyone actually is in the sense the OP seems to be implying.

    I mean, I already know what to *do* about it.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Wait! Wait.... wait.... wait just one second. I thought of something .....

    Your mama!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
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