
Comments by Warrenboy75

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Ramadan is here :)
    I thought Muslims were not to use the word "cuz".........................
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fun facts about CNN
    I'm in NYC this week on a business trip so I watched the local news last night and actually saw the guy who broke the story in Trump's tax returns. Most people, at least the ones I know, realized Trump probably lost money some of those years due to the issues he had with the casinos and hotels build and bought in Atlantic City, NJ but the amount of losses were astounding to say the least. Now having said that the reporting on its own merit although a bit suspect as to why seems okay but once I heard the guy on TV last night it was obvious he hates Trump with a passion--I can't imagine why he did the interview because his feelings and motives came to light quickly. News quit being news over a decade ago --it falls on everyone to understand what you hear needs to be taken with a grain of salt and in some cases a huge grain until you can take the time to verify which many people do not have ( nor the want to do so)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    OT: Question for the money fellas in the house
    @ Daddillac--I don't know if the guy is talking about DRIP investing which I referenced earlier or not but even the guy who was at the forefront of marketing the concept will tell you to pick 10-12 stocks, which is what I did back in the 1985-1990 era. As for fractional shares--the investment is done in dollar amounts so you have fractional shares. Computer Share is the largest holding company but Bank of New York also provides the same service. Also if you actually hold the stock certificates which I do and shows my age a bit if you reinvest the dividends you will have fractional shares on the statement.....happy to send you a couple if you want to see them. Some companies hold their own share such as Duke Power
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    OT: Question for the money fellas in the house
    @ twenty-five....I'll listen to any advice you are willing to offer on buying commercial real estate........I've been saying for years it is the one thing I need to do but I have never felt comfortable in moving forward with due to a lack of knowledge. ( beyond REIT's)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Serious Question
    Male versus female thinking...............as to why they think that way ...the thought process has been passed down in the P4P area for years.
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    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    CC99 the first two or three dozen times I went to a strip club it was because my direct boss at the time wanted to go.....hard to say no. It's also why I didn't go back into one for the better part of two decades. What brought me back into them is a couple of reasons--mostly because a couple of the girls I met on SA were strippers and I found out that going was a lot different than the first time around. I still prefer SA and normally I need to be bored out of my mind in a hotel room to go to one. So being older ( which I am) doesn't equate to any of the narrative being put out there by people on this board.
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    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Flagooner.......if you are a millenial which one of about two dozen of you a-holes with the "man bun" were you today at the gym clogging up the traffic on all the weight machines taking freakin selfies...... I forgot why over time I had started to hate NYC. And the strip clubs suck here as well......glad this business trip is almost over..........
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    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Does one get dizzy playing yoyo
    It seems like a huge waste of time to me but some people have more time on their hands than they know what to do with. Most trolls eventually slip up ( normally with the help of alcohol, weed, or just anger at a reply to one of their accounts)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fun facts about CNN
    Good or bad is a relative term.........what I don't like is when opinion is sold as fact. When bias of a person or a network is not openly explained as such but sold as something else.
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    5 years ago
    Fun facts about CNN
    The Clinton News Network is only fairly moderate if you are leaning so far to the left your knees touch the ground when standing. Some of us old folks blend their news coverage so it isn't from any one source but the most important and trusted source of information today is what you see with your own eyes and ears, that is if you understand the concept of critical thinking and practice it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    OT: Question for the money fellas in the house
    Look @ twentyfive ...quoting from the Book of "Krugman".
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    OT: Question for the money fellas in the house
    I'm just going to throw this out there as a last comment........some of us--me in this case---think long term is 20 years. Some of you who are younger probably think long term is shorter in duration. A lot of the stocks I own I bought as DRIP's--not even sure if that is still available these days but it allows you to buy from the company or in some cases a bank that manages the stock program for the company and you can buy stock for as little as 50.00 a month. The rules have changed over time so it's not quite the bargain it once was to do so but it allows small investors starting out to do so. When I bought PG was prior to when they absorbed Gillette and at the time I also owned stock in Gillette. So my point of reference is far back. Same applies to 3 M. I have the dividends set to reinvest --most of 12 companies I did this with in my 20's have done well over the past 40 years ( even with 2008 thrown into the mixture) and at this stage of my life I'm more interested in preservation of capital --than pushing the edge on high growth. As for Mutual Funds ETF's didn't exist when I started so I went with what was then little known funds from American funds........today they are a huge organization and well known. Yes, they carry a load upfront --although that has changed to some extent as well---but the cost to own was reasonable and the performance has been very good to great with some of them. I did have some money in no load funds as well but none --repeat none of them-ever did as well as the American funds group and that includes Vanguard and for some of you old time investors 20th Century.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    OT: Question for the money fellas in the house
    PG has probably made more people millionaires than any other stock ---3M is right behind. ( there was actually a 60 minutes Show about PG a few years ago stating this)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    OT: Question for the money fellas in the house
    Do you have six months of expenses saved in a standard boring money market account... ( Rule #1) If you work for a company or organization that matches a 401 K are you contributing the maximum match amount ( Rule #2) If you have any high interest credit cards are the balances at 0? ( Rule #3) If you can say yes to all three and have money left over then go seek investment advice......if not .........see above.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Back in the day.....
    76 was the same year I saw the Kinks......Schoolboys in Disgrace tour and they were really on their game that night. I was lucky and never got hit, stampeded (sp?) or abused in any way at a concert.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Your Worst Investment
    GM stock comes to mind...........but then who knew we were going to throw out rule of law in 2008. I came very close to buying a bar when I was in my mid -20's but at the last minute fell apart. In hindsight it was probably the closest I ever came to really screwing up.
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    5 years ago
    Back in the day.....
    About the only person I never have seen that I wanted to is EC. Chances are slim I get the chance now.
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    5 years ago
    Back in the day.....
    There use to be something where I lived as a kid called the Belkin club....tickets at a slight discount available to you before they went on sale to the public. I got to see a lot of great bands that way for what are insanely low cost compared to what people pay today. And one of the things that I laugh at today are concerts overall. Around here there are so many what I call imposter bands playing the music and trying to look and act like the bands that wrote and originally played the music it's funny. Why would I spend 50 dollars to see the Dubbie Brothers imitate the Doobie Brothers for half that in 1978......and the list of this nonsense is endless. Now the one small concert venue near me has local musicians playing entire albums from the past and charging 25 dollars to attend......and I have the original album I can play on a decent stereo or in some cases on a Reel to Reel that sounds better than anything that is being offered. I had planned on seeing the Stones until Jagger took ill.....
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    The Attraction of Men Who Treat Women Badly
    I'm always mystified on why, especially the attraction with guys who are physically abusive. I've seen dancers who rely on their looks get beaten to a point it not only is a physical threat to their lives but also impacts their ability to make money for weeks and then go back to the guy who hit them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Who the hell is Archie Bunker?
    My favorite clip is the one I linked to the board.....his ideas on gun control....especially taking the inside of an airplane and making it the wild wild west.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    Are you as narcissistic as I am?
    You and "all caps" Nicole should start seeing each other.....or maybe at least being together as you both gaze into mirrors of your reflections.......
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Who the hell is Archie Bunker?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Who the hell is Archie Bunker?
    For its time it was funny.......and the irony is that Carroll O Conner was a very liberal guy playing the part of a conservative bigot.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    I feel sorry for sugar daddies...
    "IF we're at the point where guys are buying any of these stories and giving them credibility, things have gotten extra silly around here" Then again I'll play along for a couple of reasons......one to keep reality at least from my experiences in focus and two it's like checking in a poker game......sometimes you want to see the other guys hand and if it doesn't cost anything......
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    I feel sorry for sugar daddies...
    From someone who has used SA for years now I can say without a doubt I haven't had a relationship started from the site end as badly as I have had some end that were with civilians or in one very notable case a civilian that later turned to stripping. If both parties are adult about their actions and if they work at communication and you don't lie to each other ( the real key) it's a lot of fun. The problem with Icey's example is he isn't aware enough to pick up on her motives and she isn't being straight with anyone, probably including herself. And Papi is correct in the sense I am older and I sense trust and honesty mean a lot more to my generation than what I have seen with the 20-30's crowd.