Ramadan is here :)

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
U got a problem with my religious heritage?.
K cool.cuz the only result of that is u making urself look prejudiced lmao....
Btw I am not fasting cuz I can't fast and study .
K..again..saying something negative about my religious heritage says more about you than it does me
And yes this was clickbait lol.
last commentShma y'israel adonai elohanu adonai echad.
I don't have a problem with Jews...
But u have a problem with muslims ?
K. Nuff said, my point is made .
Straw man; false flag; make up a fact; confirm it; progressive handbook.
I never identified myself as progressive ? .guess u must b talking about urself ?.
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
A guy I know is muslem. I assume there are different types of muslems the way there are different types of Christians. Anyway, one night he introduced me to his daughter and I reached out and shook her hand. Then he introduced me to his wife and I extended my hand to her and she kind of froze and he told me basically, because she's married, she's not allowed to touch another man. Her face was exposed, and she was wearing blue jeans and a jacket, I cant recall if she had anything covering her hair. I'm pretty indifferent to all of this but it seemed odd that in 2018 a woman wasnt allowed to shake a man's hand during an introduction. If she was in a full burka I guess it would make more sense to me, but it seemed like they were only adhering to certain rules, which is probably true with all religions. Idk, just came across as odd.
When you get marry Juice, will you still shake our hands at the wedding reception?
Are you supposed to be using a cell phone for non emergencies during Ramadan?
Honest question, I'm probably confusing traditions.
Dude who cares. My mom's stepdad growing up (my grandpa) is a Jew. When I was young we celebrated both Christmas and Hanukkah. When I was 17 I dated a Muslim straight off the boat from Yemen. I know Muslims who are just the same as anyone else except not eating pork, fasting during Ramadan (which I respect, because these are people I've drank and smoked weed with, but they did stop during Ramadan) etc. My mom is Baptist, dad was raised Catholic.
Who fucking cares. I don't care if someone worships a fucking potato.
guy I know is muslem. I assume there are different types of muslems the way there are different types of Christians
Yes. Muslims are too diverse..many Muslims drink, many don't drink. Many openly have sex before marriage, many don't ..
seemed odd that in 2018 a woman wasnt allowed to shake a man's hand during an introduction.
That is kind of rude. We should.respect people's religious beliefs even if it may appear odd to us.
When you get marry Juice, will you still shake our hands at the wedding reception?
Ya I would..but there are many women who wouldn't ..and u have to realize that is OK.
Btw, idk of this is correct , but Does the Bible not suggest that women need to cover their heads? Idk I've heard this a lot.
Are you supposed to be using a cell phone for non emergencies during Ramadan?
The only thing I'm supposed to be doing in Ramadan is fasting or praying. And I don't so.either cuz I'm not that much of a practicing Muslim sadly..and mainly cuz I'm a student.I think doing well in school is a lot harder than a job personally because I think learning new things takes the most energy..so I don't fast cuz I'm.in school but I would fast after I become a lawyer (hoping nothing gets in the way). even if I was working 12 hrs a day.
Actually jk I probably wouldn't fast either way cuz I love food.
Only way I would is if I had a religious community around me.where it would be easier to do.it and I don't so.ya
I don't find it unusual at all that she didn't shake to your hand. I was representing a Saudi juvenile and If I wanted to ask Mom something I had to ask Dad to ask her and he'd then tell me. No, she was fluent in English.
I find it highly unusual that people draw conclusions about Muslims by looking at how Muslims from one geographic region (Saudi Arabia) behave.
.what an elementary generalization.
You all obviously aren't exposed to Muslims my age who have sex with all their significant others and drink lmao like I'm such a good girl
But I'm.not gonna lie. ..while Muslim parents tend to be a largely different story than Muslim.children and young adults...why are u gonna judge Muslims based on a generation (Muslim parents who are old as y'all) that is la gonna expire soon ?
Oh wait nvm...that's just skibum who said he was not surprised. Smh.
Can I put my erect dingaling in your ramadan and do the brass monkey until squirt happens?
I didnt force my handshake onto her, I didnt know she couldn't touch a man, once I knew I pulled my hand back, and greeted her with a front room makeout session like a normal person that was respecting her religion.
@ general.I never insisted u forced ur handshake? I.just said It is rude to question her decision to not shake her hand.with u cuz that isn't respecting her right to choose based on her religious values
And wtf did.u just make a sarcastic comment about making out with her given that u explained she wouldn't even shake ur hand? S
Smh i have lost all the great respect for u I once had.wow. ha.
Nicole, do you have any opinions about the Bahai Faith?
One of their local temples: https://www.google.com/maps/@37.4233572,-121.9657536,3a,30y,47.53h,84.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s73xPZyLqMzw5n635Fwmrgw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
As long as you are still able to PORK your favorite frat guy, Ramadan shouldn’t be a problem.
We have a couple of Bahai temples. Not sure how many in the US.
But they have this huge on in Illinois.
Wow, we have a huge number in CA.
Stand corrected,the google street view image I showed is of
Some other Hindu derived sect.
But okay Nichole, do you have any feelings about the Bahia?
I thought Muslims were not to use the word "cuz".........................
Ramadan and the Yamim Nor a'im share a lot of similarities.....one would have to be an ignoramus to ignore that fact or try to pit the 2 faiths against each other.
The whole Muslim prayer thing about There is no God but God and Allahu Akbar..God is Great... are directly from Judaism, its from Abraham's prayer when he was going to sacrifice Isaac and is a commemoration of the Covenent of Abraham(B'rit be'in Ha Betarim)....
But none of the dumbasses here care. Its all about hate to them.
Can't believe what general said.
Ihe made a sracastic disrespectful comment about Islam regarding what we would do to her..
Like wtf i thought general respected different religions guess not. Fucking disgusting.
^^^^ Interactions with women are often subject to social taboos. One has to allow for this, that sometimes there may be special protections pertaining to women.
Kind of funny that Jew hating Muslim lands; every one of them are all one people when bashing Israel, but Muslims tell us to ignore that fact and that we have to pretend it's not true because they say so. As far as respecting any religion including Islam? Fuck no. I shit on religion and respect none of them. I am most negative about Islam, because it's been earned. Don't like it? This is America, so wsh, wah, wah.
"Can I put my erect dingaling in your ramadan and do the brass monkey until squirt happens?"
^^^ sounds like someone is trying to butt fuck a monkey. This seems just wrong. Poor monkeys got to deal with pistola STDs
^Your reading comprehension is about level retard
Skibum, if you shit on religion and don't respect any faith, why are you invoking a feigned affinity towards Judaism just to bash Islam? As if Jewish identity were based on Islamophobia. That in and of itself is a thinly veiled anti Semitism. Much like the "pro" Israel Christians who await the rapture so Jesus can convert the Jews.
Also, you make a living off of whiny bitches who feel entitled to their spouse's money and belongings even when no longer with them. That's very parasitic, and hypocritical of you.
Nicole: In one of the apostle Paul's epistles, 1 Corintians 11, Paul does say that a woman should cover her head when praying or prophesying. It is important, however, to realize that this letter was written to a single, Greek congregation that had all sorts of issues, including the men being distracted by good looking women with long hair. Also, Paul grew up as a conservative Jew, and this cultural custom colored a lot of his writing.
Today, a lot more men would probably be distracted by women wearing head scarfs or hats. I think that in today's world, Paul's teaching would be different. In any event, on the faith scale, the issue of uncovered hair is way down in the weeds.
I had a unique experience a couple of night ago - an Iranian dancer who is a practicing Muslim. She had been up at 4:00 that morning to eat breakfast and had not had anything to drink all day. Sunset arrived about an hour after I arrived, and she took her leave to break the fast. I would have happily tried a couple dances with her later if my ATF handn't showm up right after.
BTW, she also doesn't drink alcohol, but apparently, weed is not on the forbidden list.
Paul does say that a woman should cover her head when praying or prophesying
How does that not imply Christianity supports women wearing scarf
Btw I've also heard of other verses supporting it more explicitly I think
Head coverings and modest clothes are common for women in all the Abrahamic faiths. Look at Jewish frummies... or Catholic nuns, Black women in modest dresses and church hats... Muslim hejab.
Its not a big deal.
The Bible (in the Presbyterian view) should not be considered as the literal word of God. That doesn't mean that it doesn't convey truth. Indeed, a lot of stories are based on morality legend.
For instance the story of Noah's Ark. Similar stories exist in other religious traditions. There is in fact archaeological evidence of either a massive flood or earth subsidence that occurred over a wide area, but not the whole world. Was the name of the boatbuilder Noah? We're he and his family the only survivors? Forty days and nights of rain? Only if the sewers backed up. Two of every animal? In one of the Genesis accounts, yes. In the other Genesis account, seven pairs of ritually clean animals, one pair of unclean.
The Bible has all kinds of examples like this. Why no pork? Trichinosis, a disease that in modern times has been basically eradicated from farmed species. Jewish customs of the time that found their way into the Canon. Finally, difficulty of and errors in translation. And don't even get me started on the King James version (of 1611!) being the only true Word of God, written in Jesus' own Old English. For that matter, the original texts were in Hebrew and Greek, while Christ would have spoken Aramaic.
The point of all this is that the Bible is a guide, but not a literal document dictating our every move. It is rather a living document that should be constantly re-interpreted in light of new resources.
Two things remain constant:
And the second,