Comments by JimGassagain (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    "That way they can actually do something to help some of you guys." ^^^^ SJG, I hope those words weren't meant for me? I forever don't know how to take such vitriol vented that way towards me, as I have a hit wife and 5 kids at home who rely on me to feed, clothe, and shelter them. It us my job to provide for them, so if your ill will is directed at me I would like to know how I have earned that respect? Please oblige!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] The Stock Market and the Economy
    SJG I do not denigrate the poor. Does this mean we can be friends again? Or what will it take to be counted amongst your inner circle of this organization you speak(write)? I am highly interested in helping an organization of self sustainment like the one you imagine, which contains women who suck us dry daily. I've yet to find any women willing to keep me saturated in pussy juices, because half of our time together she has been pregnant, and the other half she has been nursing. It's made fur some exciting romantic showers, I'll tell ya! Oh the stories I could share with your group SJG!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Do I exist?
    I love this thread!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    I'm only going to be logging on when I'm in the shitter, from here on out! Thankfully I've been eating a ton of Mexican food, therefore I shall have plenty of time to conjure up my thoughts, privately.
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    8 years ago
    [OT] The Stock Market and the Economy
    Sage advice from 25, right San Jose Guy? It appears in my short period of time on this board that you have neglected to make many friends, at least to what I know of the recent action on this website towards the OP's topic. I want to become friends with you. What can I do to become a friend of you on TUSCL, SJG? Shall I repent all my capitalistic ventures and forfeit the financial success that comes with it? Give it all to charity? Live in squalor just so I can feel what it is like to live amongst the poor and homeless, and shove them in a cab over to the soup kitchen so they can live hunger free for another day? Your right SJG, the changes I just mentioned beforehand are the ones I'm going to start making, and then I will throw away all the talents that got me to this successful point in my life and hope for the best. Are we now friends SJG? I'm actually being serious about the friends thing, though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    Jackslash, you are so right and that's what I told them! Persistent little devils they were this morning. I'm in the shitter right now finishing my TUSCL duties, or is that doodie?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How is san_jose_gay Able to Post So Quickly After san_jose_guy?
    SJG, I welcome your comments on these threads. My question however us since Meat72 has no longer been posting on TUSCL and I do not know the history between you two, how is it that there seem to be several other people who are in huge disagreement with you? I see Mikeya02, TheOSU, VinceMichaels, JohnSmith69, and even Dougster all seem to abjectly disagree with you on many levels yet your hatred is nowhere near your disdain for this Meat72 character. How do you know with any absolute certainty when someone else has created another character like San Jose Gay just to troll? It seems arbitrary to waste time on dreaming up these thought of conjecture that are likely false. Seems many here think SJGay is more real than SJGuy, but it's not my circus nor my monkees. They all add to the strip club topics. Speaking of which I have to write one hell of a review about my brother and I going to a club this past evening. It was a hour and quite funny! Stay tuned.,.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] The Stock Market and the Economy
    How exactly SJG does the market take from the poor and give to the rich?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How is san_jose_gay Able to Post So Quickly After san_jose_guy?
    I'm confused whether I'm interacting with "SJGay" or "SJGuy". They both make about the same sense in their views of the world. I think Gay has been more supportive of my opinions than Guy. Could be the testosterone swings affecting how and who starts posting. I like reading both Gay and Guy's posts. They probably could be one and the same. What would you guess his real life first name is? My guess is Mark.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] The Stock Market and the Economy
    Did anyone see today that all US stock market indexes closed at all time highs? We know in time the markets will drop in valuations, but given time they will restore themselves to their previous highs and go higher. So during their track downward it will be another opportunity to buy cheaper prices for the eventual return to future all time highs. SJG, do you participate in the market gains like over 50% of the American people have? This is a proven statistic that the majority of US citizens own shares in US stock markets. Why would anyone cheer the demise of the majority of working class people? Only someone whom is so inclined to a meta narrative! My fellow TUSCLers seem to be willing to part with the past and look forward to optimism with the US economy. There is more discretionary income than ever. All of my shows this last week from Green Bay to Ohio have been sold out. People are ready to have a good time again! I bet the strip clubs are packed all over the country! I went to my favorite watering hole in Dayton and it was hopping! See you soon.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Do I exist?
    SJG, there is no ad hominem from my posts. Your meta narratives have been quite entertaining and I'm sure we'll get to witness more, soon. My retorts are only straight from the soul as a true blooded USA citizen with a strong participation in community my whole life. I've coached high school athletics for several years before turning entertainer, and I've taught at the local elementary school as a volunteer with my children's classes for many years. It is with great pride I can stand here today and state my strength in relationships with average working American citizens, middle class citizens. I do believe I am somewhat of an authority on the topic. Let me add a little truth to this thread. All stock market indexes closed at all time highs today. Proof that anyone who lives below their means, which means not spending more than you make, can participate in the great profits of American ingenuity called capitalism. Any stance against this would be anti-American and deserved of an invitation to ex-patriot yourself to another country. Thank you for reading this truth serum!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Do I exist?
    SJG, there is no ad hominem from my posts. Your meta narratives have been quite entertaining and I'm sure we'll get to witness more, soon. My retorts are only straight from the soul as a true blooded USA citizen with a strong participation in community my whole life. I've coached high school athletics for several years before turning entertainer, and I've taught at the local elementary school as a volunteer with my children's classes for many years. It is with great pride I can stand here today and state my strength in relationships with average working American citizens, middle class citizens. I do believe I am somewhat of an authority on the topic. Let me add a little truth to this thread. All stock market indexes closed at all time highs today. Proof that anyone who lives below their means, which means not spending more than you make, can participate in the great profits of American ingenuity called capitalism. Any stance against this would be anti-American and deserved of an invitation to ex-patriot yourself to another country. Thank you for reading this truth serum!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Do I exist?
    SJG, I'm not sorry to tell you that your non-sequitorious rants do not make your case any more believe able. Just because you write a novel doesn't make your thoughts any more valid. There isn't any flow to the ideas you present. You jump from one topic to another, and from one point in history to another without any correlation or explanation as to how they're related. I wish you luck in collecting the vast amount of data in your head and organizing them into one continuous supportive idea. You went from the civil war to Reagan's administration as one whole epilogue with an incoherent spin. What was it that you wanted to get across in 3 sentences or less? Why would everyone who is capable of producing positive results come to USA? It's because of capitalism, not because of inequality. You have painted a country nothing except full of victims. Maybe you've been victimized by your last marriage and you've failed to let it go, as it is reflected in your writings. I feel much hatred in your prose to the successful business men and women. I hope you too one day will taste the sweet nectar of success that capitalism brings to our great country!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Do I exist?
    I'm sure many will be happy with a system that equalizes the outcome regardless of the effort put forth by its members. As u see in these posts, some people believe their opinions are more valuable than others, therefore they feel entitled. I'm sure some people like SJG would be happier if free stuff were handed out to those who have little efforts. Welfare system supported by those who work harder than the lazy poor. That's why our founding fathers left England, and we are getting closer and closer to the ways our founders came from, tyranny and taxation without representation. Why should someone who contributed nothing be represented? Dougster I think would believe if you earned it , then you reap what u sow.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] The Stock Market and the Economy
    SJG, it appears you're taking the view that everyone and anyone can become an Elon Musk. Entrepreneurship is only for a small % of people, just like not everyone can become a professional athlete or actor. If it was so easy to do then everybody would do what you stated in creating their own product/business. It's just not feasible. At least anybody who makes a paycheck and lives below their means can easily invest in the markets, and regardless of booms or busts, they will make an excellent return on their investments over a lifetime. This is not speculation, it is a historical fact that anyone who consistently invests periodically over their career of 30 years will have substantial gains. Nobody can disprove that if they simply participated in the overall market like the S&P 500, and I'm not talking about speculating on an individual stock/company. The OP's topic was about the "markets" and not speculation on an individual company or business. How do you refute that proven theory of steady investing over 30 years, SJG. It never has failed as long as you rebalance to a more conservative portfolio as you get closer to the end of your career, right? So these people who have no abilities to lead a business or compete in producing services or products can lead a successful standard of living simply by investing part of their paycheck throughout their life as a working middle class hero!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] The Stock Market and the Economy
    SJG, what makes you think the market is overvalued? If it's too high, then according to you it was too high at Dow 14k, 15k, 16k, and even now at $18k. So my question to you is since you've historically stated there has been a bubble percolating for years, can you with any certainty tell us where the true value should be? 10k at the Dow or maybe even 8,000? This constant bubble talk is like a broken clock which is right only twice daily, when in fact the markets go up way more often than they go down. If you're going to be successful in investing you must accept the swings as being normal, and not just hope for the bubbles to pop!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    BLM Manifesto
    I think someone needs to interject the term "Faggot" to break up this thread. WTF??!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Chacken fangers for breakfast?
    Oh, hell to the "Yes", Shadowcat! I'm so there the next time I'm in Atlanta. Too bad o won't be there when the infamous Juicy Lucy, Juicebox69 is there this month. A good time will be had by all, I reckon!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best Stripper Line for VIP
    I just ask them if they have "A hot pocket?" Either it's hot, or it's not!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Chacken fangers for breakfast?
    Does a Place like Follies have chicken fingers ? If so I would probably attend that club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Chacken fangers for breakfast?
    I'm doing my best Homer Simpson impression...... Mmmmm grooowwwwwlllll! Chicken fingers, chic fil-A, hell yes!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hawaii and alaska show clubs?
    I'd definitely like to tour Alaska. With my pale skin it's likely I would avoid any sunburn. Not a fan of warm weather states for that reason and it seems girls are a little more sexually permiscuios when there's not much to do outdoors. Idle hands are the devil's tools.!lol Thanks Che for your recollections as I may do a couple shows in AK next year.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How Often Do You Think About Sex?
    This SJG ^^^^ is something else with your imagination. Very fun to think about and almost utopia in your idealistic views. Please let us know how we can join your organization that entails a saturation of pussy where they drain you dry daily. You can sign me up! By the way Meat72, you crack me up! You would t be getting as much can sex from your woman if she had 5 kids to raise like my wife, however I appreciate the roast beef reference. They're delicious!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    7 amazing facts about cocks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Have you seen this new bacon hamburger commercial?
    Bacon!!! I love bacon......