
On Discourse

Avatar for 623
623Since 1963 ...

I accidentally entered the political forum today and looked at a couple of posts.

Do you people (on either side or the arguments) ever take a step back and realize how petty and fruitless your grand statements are? Your chest pounding, no matter how “right” you are sure you are means NOTHING, changes NOTHING except the dozens you have surely alienated by by your flabbergasting. Take a breath and get a life. Spend some of that energy volunteering or empire building or getting to know your kids better - anything but this.

On both sides you sound like children - yeah but what about this, yeah but what about that.

You do realize that no matter how vehemently you argue, no matter how water tight your “facts” no mind will be changed and ABSOLUTELY nothing will come of it EVER.

Just drop it and go have a life, your family and friends and eventually you will thank you for it.


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Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I agree.

I think the thread about avoiding other customers complements the political rants. The anti social nature of twisted republikkkans.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ As opposed to ignoring an invitation, by founder to meet and have a drink, you are not only full of shit but a serial liar and a hypocrite so shut the fuck up twat.

Avatar for giveitayank

I agree with you, 623. Please realize that there is a demographic of posters here that are very bitter, angry and spiteful people (most of them men) who feel better about themselves if they attack negatively.

Years past it was names like, davids, cliffbar and bobbyl.

Myself, I've never understood where all the anger is coming from.

Avatar for shailynn

I deleted my Facebook account in 2018 and this was one of the main reasons. People in real life that were in my personal life in one form or another (friends, relatives, former classmates, people’s paths I had crossed through work) who I thought were perfectly normal in real life were political psychopaths online and it ruined my perceptions of them. Stuff people believe or make themselves believe from the news they get in their community or off of Facebook never ceases to amaze me, and both sides of the fence are equally guilty. It’s almost like a challenge to see who can be the nuttiest!

Avatar for Cashman1234

I agree with 623’s post.

I know there are strong opinions on many hot button political topics. I know we are very unlikely to change each other’s opinions regardless of how intense we argue our point.

Is it possible that this is a reflection of the broken political process in this country? Folks on both sides are unhappy and frustrated - and venting at each other is one of the ways to get subconsciously display our frustrations?

I understand what Shailynn is saying too. It can be frightening to see the social media posts of some colleges.

Avatar for Mate27

These people who are righteous about their political elides have too much time on their hands or have little self worth so they have to fill their empty void by gossiping about politics. When you have too mix time on your hands you scour the Internet for articles to entertain yourself since you’re not actually out in the real world facing the events in person, so they feel empowered sitting f behind a screen typing away like a keyboard cowboy.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I have never seen anyone change their political or philosophical opinion on anything because a stranger scolded them online.

I occasionally dive into a political thread, but those are moments of weakness on my part.

Avatar for jackel0001

most people that are extremely hateful, choose a side and if you are not on that side you are immediately the enemy know nothing about politics other than what CNN tells them.

Avatar for RandomMember

Of course, not one person in this thread is willing to acknowledge that the owner of this site has explicitly created a separate forum for political discussions. The owner has also created multiple tools to ignore any content that you find boring or offensive.

Now I'm of the opinion that there's not all that much to learn about strip clubs; you pay money and attractive girls pretend to find you interesting. After the 15th discussion about whether you like tattoos and another 25 discussions about cumming in your pants, discussions about the growing totalitarian trends of the country might be more interesting. I like the current events topics. If you're in the AARP crowd and interested in bragging about your prostitution habit, we've got you covered here, too. In short, there's something for everyone.

Founder knows what he's doing, IMHO. To the guys griping about the need for a moderated forum, you already have PaulDrakes forum -- yet you keep coming back here for some unknown reason.

Avatar for Tetradon

I like arguing politics, to a fault.

I don't do so here to convince anyone who's already decided. You saw how ICEE just reverts to name calling. When I do so, I do to convince undecided neutrals who are open to facts.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Ugh you're the ones attacking and trolling me. I don't like bad company

Avatar for Tetradon


You just said "The anti social nature of twisted republikkkans."

Who's attacking and trolling, again?

Avatar for jackslash

I try not to read the Political forum. But sometimes I do and sometimes I respond to the unhinged conspiracy theorists. I know it will do no good.

The most disappointing thing is that some TUSCLers whose strip club-related posts are smart and enjoyable hold stupid political views (those different from my own).

Avatar for DoctorPhil.

I mean this with no disrespect Mr. Tetradon, but do you really think that any “undecided neutrals” are swayed?

Frankly, I’d be a bit scared by anybody who could be swayed by the arguments on this site. Or 99% of the sites out there.

The “political discourse” room is fine as an excuse to bullshit and bust somebody’s balls for a laugh, but the reality is that most of us don’t have the knowledge or expertise to actually say something informative. I’m including myself in that. I’m sure as fuck not going to say anything about the topic where I am actually an expert because there’s no point. The difference between me and Mr. Mark and Mr. Dugan is that they seem to actually think they ARE EXPERTS.

Take my attempt to engage Dugan. He states that a paper (not yet peer reviewed, but from a genuine groups of medical researchers) state that natural immunity to covid is something like 5- or 6-fold better than immunity from vaccines. Not directly directly relevant to the topic at hand since people who get vaccinated want to avoid getting covid but it’s actually interesting...

However, his statement was contradicted by the title and abstract of the paper he linked to. Hey, maybe there is something buried in the paper and I’d still be interested because...well, it’s kind of interesting. But when I challenge Dugan to point out where - in the paper he supposedly read - the 5- or 6-fold was difference was stated his response was to google it.

My conclusion is that Dugan found this paper as a link on some dumbass Facebook site and never even looked at it. I suppose it’s possible he looked at it and didn’t understand it. But either way, Dugan was bringing no actual interesting info to the table.

The point is that a lot of folks here is that they don’t even have the expertise to link you to interesting info you might want to think about. And, like I said, this is no disrespect to you. You may be a smart guy and have real expertise in some area. But have no idea if that is true. So, would I change my mind based on anything you said? Fuck no.

I suppose I could use Dugan as a sounding board by listening to him and believing the exact opposite...but even a broken clock is right twice a day!

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@623 “Do you people (on either side or the arguments) ever take a step back and realize how petty and fruitless your grand statements are?”

Definitely, though I think if your focused on just the trump and non-trump side it misses the root cause of activity in the political forum. I think if you asked WHY people argue politics you’d get a lot more than two sides or two types of answers. Some think it’s fun. Some like to argue. Some like to troll. Some people are unhappy. Some think it’s important to tell other people why they are wrong. Some think it’s important to tell people why they themselves are right. Some people are whacked.

The words of the posts generally fall on two sides but the way the posts are worded run the gamut, usually illuminating the motivation behind the post. That’s the fuel that keeps the forum going. Whether or not to engage is a choice. I can ignore without using the ignore function, but that is always an option for those extra special someones.

Avatar for nicespice

—>“If you're in the AARP crowd and interested in bragging about your prostitution habit, we've got you covered here, too.”

As if most of the, erm, impassioned political posts on this site isn’t from the 50+ year old crowd. 🙄

Btw there are longstanding posters on here who have managed to not get tired of posting about clubs. And their comment history isn’t too diluted with off-topic stuff. They:

  1. here is the really big one they ACTUALLY go to clubs

  2. Tend to show up on this site, make a few on-topic posts here and there, and then disappear. But they return consistently enough. Because these members are low-key it’s tough to remember them all off the top of the head but some examples: Huntsman, lurkingdog, dolfan

I’ve occasionally got sucked into the nonsense, but there’s also a lot of threads on ignore at the moment. I guess people just like having their safe space after getting banned on Facebook 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s whatever. I prefer other forms of nonsense, like that time I made some rando inflammatory thread about small penises, and somebody actually took the bait. (RickyD 😁)

Avatar for Tetradon

@Space Geneious, no offense taken. I don't think there are a ton, but there are a few thoughtful, fact-based people here. Some I agree with, some I don't. Every now and then I learn something. Facts are facts, whether they come from a peer reviewed paper or a titty bar message board.

But even if I inform no one, I enjoy it for its own sake. I've always liked arguing. The exception is name-callers and people who stick their fingers in their ears and bleat the party line.

Avatar for nicespice

—>“but do you really think that any “undecided neutrals” are swayed?

Frankly, I’d be a bit scared by anybody who could be swayed by the arguments on this site. Or 99% of the sites out there. “

I follow the opinions of DrPhil. 🤓

Thank u

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Random member....If you're in the AARP crowd and interested in bragging about your prostitution habit, we've got you covered here, too. In short, there's something for everyone.

The beat ever quote on here

Avatar for CJKent_band


Posts in the political discourse forum, mainly quotations, are used by me as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.

Pragmatically speaking, quotations can also be used as language games (in the Wittgensteinian sense of the term) to manipulate social order and the structure of society

“Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.”

~ Ludwig Wittgenstein

~ Austrian-British philosopher

~ Born: April 26, 1889, Vienna, Austria

~ Died: April 29, 1951, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Ludwig said it all...

Avatar for joker44

Well, taking a step back......

Realize the great majority of TUSCL contributors post only Reviews or Comments in specific strip club discussion groups. Rarely, if ever, do they post in ANY of the main discussion forums.

Without a ballpark figure from Founder of total TUSCL membership it's hard to say the percentage but I'd guesstimate 90-95% post only reviews. Some are newbies but a surprisingly large number have been members since early 2000s and a few from late 90s with dozens and sometimes hundreds of reviews.

Frequent posters to main discussion forums are a relatively small but vocal #. Those that regularly post to the political forum usually come from a group of no more than 18 to 24; at any one time about a half dozen are active.

So, tenth percent of total membership.

We don't know the opinions of the majority of TUSCL membership who never post on the main forums. so it's silly to take seriously statements by a few posters who think they reflect the opinion of the majority of members or the majority of the American public.

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