
how much does it cost to have a CF/ATF/DS

Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Friday, September 23, 2016 9:15 AM
So I know there's people like me and papi who like to see many different women and not stick to one ALL night. But then there's the rest of ya with your cfs' and your atfs, etc etc. Including everything from drinks to lap dances, sex and everything in between. How much does it REALLY cost to have a favorite? In conjunction (am I using that right), how much does it cost to be a whale or whatever you call yourself? I saw this light skinned black chick with BOTH big naturknockers and ass. Can't let something like that get away.


  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i certainly could spend far beyond a rich man's worth on cf/atf/ds and the other ladies who catch my eye. costs that i spend NOW is minimal. usually i try not to continually get time with my favored EACH time i visit a club.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Easily 10s of thousands per year. They can be more expensive than a girlfriend, that's for sure.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    You can spend as little as you want or as much as you want. She may be your CF or ATF but that doesn't automatically make you her favorite customer.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    It depends upon many variables. These include how hot and in demand the girl is, whether you see her itc or otc, how often you see her, how long the dates are and what you do on them, what city she's in, whether her club is high end or a dive, etc. On the high end, Bavarian is right you can spend several tens of thousands per year. I certainly did on the DS. But Ive had other regulars that I spend only a few hundred per month on.
  • Beaver_Hunter
    8 years ago
    If you have to ask, you can't afford it. jk. If you have to ask, it sounds like you're ready to dabble. I used to go once a month and spend about $600-700 on a 2.5-3 hour visit. I text a couple days ahead and set it up. I expect her to be on her way to my booth as soon as I sit down. Of that, $100 was drinks and food for us. I'd tip the other girls $25 or so. If there's a guy fipping her, I make sure to stuff $20s in her g-string to make sure he knows shes mine, scent marking so to say. The rest pretty much went to her for services rendered. This would include two trips to the VIP, usually a bj the first round and a bj/fs for an encore. I've stopped clubbing since I've met baby stripper. It's about $400 for a room, some weed, and her. This is every other week. Now that she's comfortable with me, she wants me to come to her apartment and she gets all the money. Sounds good to me.
  • two4fun1225
    8 years ago
    I tend to spend all together in a month about a grand that includes drinks for me my wife and my cf also includes tipping other girls and vip time and that's about 2 visits a month. I need to cut back
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    If you have to ask you can't afford it - is the saying lol I've had one that cost nothing except the cost of the plane tickets I bought for her. She also was the hottest OTC girl I ever had. I had one that could fetch $1,000 an evening from guys. Needles to say we only did 2 sessions for much less. My longest lasting one that always involved money was $200 a session. Sometimes the session lasted a few hours, to other that included dinner and her spending the night. We never once discussed money, I would always slip $200 in her purse at some point during the session. I could have probably gotten it for less but time is money as I like to say. I probably saw her 2-3 times every 2 months for 2 years. It's all about the arrangement the PL/SD makes, and the price always doesn't dictate the quality of the session or the looks of the girl.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"How much does it REALLY cost to have a favorite?" So, I assume you want YMMV contact with this girl, and want her to sit with you for a long time. If you're not going to get above-and-beyond service, if every guy who walks into the club gets the same service from her and there's no benefit to being her regular, and you're not interested in having her gift you a bunch of time, then there's no reason to want to be her regular. You can just hang out with her whenever you see her. If you do want to be her regular, how much it costs depends on the club, the girl, what you want from her, and especially, what time you SC. If you pick the hottest girl, from the hottest club, and like to SC at midnight on Saturday, you're basically going to be JS69 junior. For myself, I pick the hottest girl, and I SC with her during the slowest times of the dayshift. For me, I typically spend about 4 hours with her, and buy 2 VIPS ($200 total) and typically spend $60-$100 (let's call it $100) on booze and food... so $300 total per trip. I'll sometimes see her as little as once a month, and that still gets me solid regular status -- lots and lots of time with her in the club, texting in between, YMMV in the VIP. But there have been girls who drove me pretty crazy, where'd I'd go up to 5-6 times per month, which works out to .... fuck, ok, I don't want to know, no one tell me the answer. So, how much does it cost to be a regular, where regular means "you get YMMV in the VIP and lots of time on the floor with her"? For me, for the hottest girl on dayshift, it's as little as $300/month, but you can multiply that number by 5 (do NOT tell me the answer. I flunked out of 3rd grade so I can't figure it out myself) to get the monthly max I"ve ever spent. You go for the hottest girl on the busiest hottest nightshift, I assume easily $1000/trip.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ lol I keep feeling myself - as long as I have enough zeros in my bank checking account balance that I have to count them out its okay.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    YOLO. Enjoy it til the money's gone.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    I calculated that I've spent about $7,000 on my CF, since April. I'm not proud of that, not bragging, in fact I call it a rookie mistake. I got super head over heels for my very first CF, and she took full advantage. I'll bet anyone any amount of money that no one here has received less value for $7,000 spent on one girl, than I have. But the heart wants what the heart wants... which was my first mistake (letting the heart get involved). In fact, I am planning on visiting this club in a week or so, and was going to post the story here, maybe later today or tomorrow, of my last, very shitty experience with her, so that any veterans who care to chime in could offer their two cents as far as how to gracefully bring this thing to an appropriate conclusion.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Recently I stumbled into what I call a low-rent SD/SB arrangement when my ATF decided to take a couple of months (?) off from dancing but offered to keep seeing me OTC. Instead of giving her money each time I take her out or spend the night at her place, I offered to pay her $950 rent in exchange for "about 2-3 dates a month with 4-5 VIPs a month" (as we euphemistically refer to sexual activities of any kind, since it all began a few months ago with simultaneous BBBJCIM and DATY in the VIP room at her club). She was delighted with this arrangement, which can be canceled or modified by either of us at any time. So far so good: I spent a Sunday afternoon with her two weeks ago and am spending this coming Monday night and another Monday night two weeks later with her in her apartment. She gets her major expense paid and I get reliable and pleasant eye/arm candy for dates plus a very compatible bed partner, though our sexual activity so far has been restricted, as it was in the club, to oral. This promises to change soon, probably on Monday!
  • Htxx
    8 years ago
    Like Mr Deuce and a few others I have a nice, albeit expensive arrangement. Over the last two years between trips, cash gifts etc I'm probably all in about an average of $3-4K per month. She's a lot of fun though, spends the night frequently and loves to party. I said fuck it, that's what I'm working for time to treat myself. I can't take it with me and and although I know it's all about the money she's worth it to me.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I'm the unofficial spendthrift on this site as I blew literally hundreds of thousands on my ATF. I met her when she was 23 & I 63. We began with bbbj in the CR. One hour - $170 to the house; $200 to her + $100 for the BJ. We then started meeting OTC at $500 an hour. I'd see her twice a week and then we started add-ons. She brought a friend for my first 3-some -$800. Another stripper (9+) $1000 - a,, night with a morning BJ - $1500. About 18 months ago I told her I couldn't keep it up financially. We started hanging out together - usually no charge, but I'd still pay for sex every other week or so. Money started getting tight and she started dropping the price to what I could afford. Then she started detoxing from a 15 year heroin habit. Over the past year I've brought her to detox & picked her up at least 8 or 9 times. Sometimes she'd go a couple of weeks sober, other times she wouldn't make a day clean. We've always been brutally honest and I'd know where she was at. She's done 1 month programs, sober houses, 1/2 way houses, 3 day detoxes, etc. her most recent 14 day bender I paid for a hotel 3 nights and spent about $200 cash, but I knew she was fucking a couple of dealers for dope and crashing with a couple of other addicts apartments and fucking them for room & board. She then did a 5 day detox & I put her on a plane to FL to live with her Dad. It's been almost a month and she's still sober, met a "nice guy" at an NA meeting. He's well educated, has a good professional job, and is "serious about staying clean." I've helped her out with cigarette money and she's getting private insurance and then is planning a month rehab. Today she texted me that I'm no longer a customer - I'm her " main man". We'll start to drift apart soon and I fervently hope she'll learn to live a sober life. She said her new BF who's her age reminds her of me. So, your question: How much does it cost? How much do you have?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Maybe SJG has some tips on how to not let a woman get away, literally :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I def don't have fave-dancer experience, but as JS69 mentioned there isnt a particular set amount for every situation, there are variables such as: * does she work in a club where she can bank or are dances/$$$ hard to come by - i.e. are there big spenders in the club * her age - often older more experienced dancers will want/expect the big-bucks In essence if it's not a very competitive club in terms of lots of cu$ty competition, then you may just have to spend fairly to get her time & not necessarily have to be a whale - you can also use the "Subra System" of buying her food & drinks in order to spend more time w/ her & this often also puts a PL in a dancer's graces - or if you don't want to spend your $$$ on food & drinks then tip her a few bucks periodically & get dances w/ her periodically, i.e. learn how to spend wisely instead of like a whale - and it may also help to get her digits & visit her during the slowest shift a la Subraman
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