
Strippers are gonna be strippers

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 8:20 AM
Do you guys ever get mad when a stripper doesn't respond to your texts or calls? Or when she flakes? I used to get frustrated when that would happen, but strippers are gonna be strippers, it's just part of the game. Now I only get upset a little bit when a CF or someone like that who I've spent a lot of money on and I've gotten to know. What about you?


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    It takes awhile but you finally realize that you cannot change them and to just move on.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Strippers always reply to me--when they need money.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Strippers gonna stripper. The same behavior that led her to the point where stripping became the best option, doesn't just turn itself off when it comes to you. And it shouldn't be overlooked that the time you two have together, is like 100x more important to you, than it is to her. On the other hand, I do absolutely draw a line in the sand beyond which there are consequences. in fact, I draw many lines... if a girl is going to be completely flakey in returning texts, etc., she's not gonna make it to CF or ATF, she's just going to be an opportunistic thang. Part of the reason my ATFs become ATFs is that they're reliable -- relatively speaking, for a stripper. My last ATF used to not just text me if she had to cancel out, but she'd even keep me up to date if she was going to be late for our appointment, "in traffic, so sorry, I'll be there by 1:30" or whatever. It's not about "getting upset". I don't get upset, I recognize that many of these girls treat everyone in their lives the same way... not just me, not just their other customers, but their friends, family, etc. But I consider myself a high-value customer, and there are consequences for poor service -- no harm, no foul, you're busted down from "I'll see you once a week and that will usually be your highest $ day" to "I'll hang with you if my new CF can't make it".
  • joomlalms
    8 years ago
    Dang, I have gotten a few numbers from strippers but never called them, I have seen many family members got busted by texting and calling other women than wifes. a stripper in synn COI asked for my number just after she gives me fs, I didn't think clearly and gave it to her, she was calling me every week, got to blocked her number and eventually she stopped. If I ever start calling or texting girls I'll get a new cheap phone. and leave the phone at work, I have seen many shiit coming down because a phone.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Nothing to get upset over. You have to go in knowing that the response rate is low so expect the worst and hope for the best.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Drives me nuts, and it's not just strippers. Plenty of civilian girls do the same thing. I try not to let it get to me.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Used to but not anymore. If one won't respond it's not too hard to find another that will. She may be on the "b" team but that's okay. It's all the same when the lights are turned out.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Upset or mad... no. Mildly annoyed... yes. If strippers became dependable, then I'd start looking for other signs of the end times. Then again, based on stories I've heard from strippers, customers aren't the most dependable crowd, either.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    This used to irritate the crap out of me but I've learned to take it in stride. What Jack said is very true, they always get back to you when they need money.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Nah. I don't get mad. I just look at it as her loss and move on to the next.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    I've only had one favorite, and she's my CF, so I admit I've got caught up in treating like I might a civie relationship, because that's all I've known. If I text first I'll usually get a response later in the day, or rarely she might wait til the next day. But it's always hours in between responses, and never lasts more than about 2 or 3 back and fourths and then she's totally checked out. I've worked on adjusting my mindset, however, and my expectations. I'm with Subraman though in that part of what makes her a CF is that there is some communication. If I were to quit getting any response at all, I'd drop her and find a new one. That part is infinitely easier to do in the club than in the civie world.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    When it comes to strip-clubbing I learned from TUSCLer "clubber" to go-in not having any expectations that way you are not disappointed (or at least not as much) - I don't expect anything and judt enjoy it when it's good.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO nobody likes being bothered w/ work-related stuff when they're off the clock - we are not these chicks' love-interests - it's business & IMO one should communicate w/ them for business purposes (setting something up) - just my 2-cents
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I think all of you are right to not get mad over it. In fact, I think developing some stoicism around stripper communication styles is a requirement to keep doing that. But again, I also don't think that's a good reason to be treated disrespectfully. In particular, when it comes to me wanting to spend money on her ("will you be in Thursday?"), most of the time I expect a prompt reply. If not, that's fine ... but unless this is an anomaly, I'm also moving onto the next girl on the list. She wants me as a regular, she can show me the bare required daily allowance of courtesy. If she doesn't, that's fine, I'll catch her when I catch her. That goes most importantly for business communication; if it's just flirty banter, she'll get back to me when she gets back to me. I took a lot of shit under the guise of "well, that's just how they are" the first few years I switched from a variety to an ATF guy. The past few years, all my ATFs have treated me with common courtesy. Just a little expectation setting -- "I'd like you to get back to me when I ask about your schedule, so I can plan my week" -- is all it takes, really, with a top-notch ATF... if you're taking shit, it's not because "that's how strippers are", it's because you've elected to take it
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    My few times texting strippers has proven them to be unreliable as the norm, not the exception. So no. I don't catch any feelings over strippers.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    It's about how you frame it. I used to get upset. I don't anymore. The way I see it is I don't schedule ATF time, I schedule SC time and invite her to join. If she makes it, great, if not I'll find another girl and go home with a few more C-notes. And as papi said I don't always have expectations for her to make it, but when she does it makes it that much more enjoyable. The point is I don't schedule my time around hers, I tell her what I plan on doing, and invite her out. This way I'm in control of my time, and she can't waste it, which is what is upsets most guys.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Stripfighter, great points. I've spent a little time OTC with my CF, but very little time. I'm planning it again soon, and that will require her to actually meet me somewhere. One time worked out great, one time she was two hours late, but made it. But when I go to the club I do exactly what you're saying. "I'll be there Thursday night." And if she makes great, if not it wouldn't be a big deal. Would allow for a little more variety that night. But so far, she always makes it.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Nah. Like a bus or train there's always another one just around the corner.
  • K
    8 years ago
    i think of a dancer flaking on me like a bird shitting on my car. Its what they do and beyond my control. I don't get mad at them. I am annoyed that I may have a small mess to clean up.
  • billyba
    8 years ago
    Only if we had a meeting and she nsnc leaving me with blue balls. Other than fucking i like to have as little interaction as possible with them (i know lots aren't like that). These girls, a lot of them are trouble, and even if they are decent people themselves they associate with (date particularly) lot of people that are really bad news and this can even turn dangerous very quickly.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Yeah, girls who have it together don't become strippers. Or if they do it's only for a few months.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    ^^^Very true Dougster
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    No response is pretty common from strippers. I don't take it personally as they interact with lots of men and give their # out plenty. If I get no response then I move on to the next and certainly don't give her future business. If they flake on a meet-up then that would get me mad but it is no surprise. Best to have a backup plan or just go to a club if she flakes.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    I tend to avoid people who treat me poorly. There was one girl who got in my head recently. I quit her and I am much happier. I miss her but I don't miss how she treated me. I would go to the club to see her and it was like pulling teeth to get her attention. I now go to a different club where the girls are much friendlier and easier to interact with.
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    My CF works 6 nights a week, and texts me 3 or 4 times weekly, asking if I can drop by. I usually can't, but I know I'm not the only customer she has a number for, so she won't have to file Chapter 7 if I stay home. If I reply in the positive, I make sure I show up, especially during full moons. Full moons give her an excuse for misbehaving.
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