
Stage tipping practices

layin low but staying high
Monday, September 12, 2016 10:16 AM
In a typical visit to a club where stage tipping is common and you are not sitting at the tip rail, what dancers do you usually tip on stage: A. your favs or ones you want to be favs B. the ones that you find attractive C. the ones you want lap dances from D. the ones who seem to be working hard to put on a good show E. all or almost all of them F. none or almost none of them I usually do B and/or C


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If I tip a dancer that does not interest me (just so I'm not "cheap") then I'm concerned she'll see it as me being interested in her & then having to turn her down (I was tipping you to be nice not b/c I'm attracted to you)
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Pretty much the same as Papi, "C".
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    A,B and C pretty much go hand in hand. If I find her attractive then I'll want to get lapdances from her and I'll want her to be my fave. Of course I tip my favs on stage. The answer is A, B, and C. I do D sometimes.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    E. Tips are given during the tip walk my two regular clubs. I guess my attitude is that any woman willing to strip naked in front of me is going to get something, even if it's only $1. Better dancers/dancers I know and like get more.
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    D or E. But if I'm on a mission, then A or B.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Tl;dr : If I'm enjoying it; B, C, D (but those are not hard and fast conditions for tipping) I generally tip if I'm enjoying it or appreciating it. I tip for stage sets sometimes because I want to see the woman later, sometimes because I appreciate her pole work, or sometimes just because I like her body. For dances and tableside I tip accordingly if I'm getting VIP level treatment outside of the VIP rooms. I'll also tip for a good conversation. I also like a woman who is confident to say what she wants to say. A pleasant, upbeat attitude matters.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    shortly afteer i first started clubbing i usually sat at the tip rail and would tip every dancer at least a couple of bucks per set. of course I would tip the pretty ones more. now that my money is tight I don't do that anymore. now it's just the A's... my favs. hopefully my financial situation will improve so i can tip any dancer that i want... and maybe make it rain on my favs.
  • comedydoc
    8 years ago
    C or D, but I have an additional category. I tip everyone, regardless, if they dance to Rock 'N' Roll. The only time I will tip someone who dances to rap or modern pop is if I end up in a club that only plays those styles of music.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    E as long as I'm in he vicinity of the stage. I'll give a good example of D. This smoking hot girl came on stage and I tipped her 4 times asking her to come sit with me. She didn't and when at sat with some fat guy for the next hour watching him eat food. Meanwhile I sat bored out of my mind because I wanted her and her only. A few sets later another girl came along, not my type but cute enough with a great body. I tipped her because she was doing a great stage show and she flashed me (not usual to do that here) and asked to join me. I agreed and she had a great personality, and we went back and I got a very passionate gfe for a good rate. Had I not tipped her, I would have missed out. The girl I wanted ran up to me almost 2 hours later saying she's ready to hang, so there was a little satisfaction blowing her off "hey babe, someone already took care of what I needed, maybe next time."
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    B and/or C for me too. Unless I am bored and the club is slow then maybe E. My hopes are that someone will see me tipping and rush over to take my money.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    C Most of the times after hanging out with a girl in the club I don't have to stage tip her again next time I'm in. She either knows I'm going to be in that night (text) and will stop over, or if it's a dancer who's number I don't have they'll see me and will stop over. If we haven't texted and I think she may not see me and/or I know she is popular and will have other guys tipping her on stage I will tip her on my repeat visits. But yeah, the only time I stage tip is if I'm potentially interest in VIP.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I tip the ones I want dances from -- which overlap with "my faves" and are a subset of "the ones I find attractive" Occasionally, particularly in an empty club where the few other customers there aren't sitting sitting at the stage, I start feeling magnanimous and tipping everyone, at least a few dollars. I am guessing/hoping that that's a cheap way to buy some goodwill
  • 99Bitches
    8 years ago
    I would say B and C
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    B & C. I have denied black spnners because they were spinners.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I do a/b/c depending on the night. If a CF is there, I mostly stick to A. There are a couple of other reasons that aren't explicitly covered here - 1) ones that I would like to get a closer look at to see if they might fit in categories a, b or c. 2) a stripper friend/roommate/etc of a CF
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    C & D, usually I'm trying to get your attention, or I appreciate what you are doing. Last time at tootsies, there was a thin spinner who did some amazing pole work. She was rail thin, and accordingly not my type, but I and most everyone else was running to throw money at her in appreciation. I'm there to see what I want to see and get what I want to get, but if you put on something that impresses me, even if you are not my type, I appreciate the effort.
  • johnnyboy1111
    8 years ago
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    A and D So many dancers don't work very hard on stage, so I show appreciation for the ones that do.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    E. I can appreciate the skills and lack of inhibitions from any dancer, even if I don't want dances from her. But I'll usually $2 to any ol' dancer and $5+ if I want to draw her attention.
  • chandler
    8 years ago
    Usually G: a dancer who I think would be fun to tip and get some stage action with. It might be a fave or somebody I've never seen before. I don't tip to show that I want lap dances much anymore, because by the time she's done on stage either of us could have something else going on. Mostly, I tip for the fun of mixing it up with the girl and just getting up off my ass for a bit. Never D or E.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    This. "ones that I would like to get a closer look at to see if they might fit in categories a, b or c." And this. $"2 to any ol' dancer and $5+ if I want to draw her attention."
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Mostly C, sometimes B or D
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    A, B, and C. If none of those are around, I'll occasionally do a bit of D, assuming they're at least not unattractive.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Out of boredom. Maybe it's the clubs or the girls, but recently it seems they don't come back for dances after I tip them stage-wise. Nowadays I pull them from the floor.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Exception is a fave to let her know I'm here. Usually a quick hi, unless it's slow.
  • LecherousMonk
    8 years ago
    B, which is usually also F.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    A-D. If we're actually sitting at the stage then it's E. We always budget anywhere from $100-200 just for stage tipping.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    As some have already stated. A, B and C go hand in hand. I used to tip D even if she was someone i wouldn't get dances from, but I started to save my money for lappers.
  • billyba
    8 years ago
    a little B mostly C. and Like papi said i don't want to tip someone i have no interest in. It's hard enough to keep from being harassed by the d-list stripper as it is.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    Above all else, B. I think if you find them attractive, you want a lap dance, which means for all practical purposes, B and C are equal. D happens a little bit, but most don't really put a great effort into a good stage show. I almost never do A anymore, which seems weird, but they know where to find me.
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    C and D.... of course, if she's putting on a good show, I want that show happening in my lap.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    E. but with no B. Usually it's just for me to get dances from them, but all have crossed my mind and had me get up and tip.
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    larry f, 48hr, and others nailed it wrt A-C. As for D, I can't say I've seen an ugly dancer put on an energetic/good show. D dancers are often in the lapable category, but not always high on my wish list. One reason being I've found such dancers performance in the back is sometimes more centered on putting on an awesome dance routine instead of a good intimate encounter. I've also occasionally found that category D dancers occasionally get so wrapped up in their stage/pole routine that they're oblivious to motivated tippers. So, I'll only stand by stage with bill(s) in hand for only so long.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    E , however if I see she will be busy I don't even bother wasting my effort or money. Tip if I think she has time to visit and if she doesn't go for the quick/hard close we can steer toward dances.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    A, C, D A: You gotta feed the kitty. You don't them to get hungry and wander off. C: It's how you show interest and earnesty in a strip club. D: If you're doing actual pole tricks, and not just floor work or dancing, I'm going to reward you.
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