
Helicobacter pylori From A Dancer

Strip Club Nation
Monday, September 12, 2016 3:43 PM
I was at a strip club and hit it off with a dancer. I start getting dances from her, and they are the anything goes type of dances that most on here like. Things escalate quickly and by the second dance we are making out. DFK would be an understatement. More like tongue hockey. (I am an expert at French kissing, having learned the fine art from French Canadian women.) The dancer just can't get enough of my tongue skills as she is trying to fuck me through my pants. This went on for several songs. I have French kissed many women in my life, but this dancer was out of control. She barely let me breathe. About a week and a half later, I start getting stabbing, unbearable pain in my upper abdomen after eating. This goes on for several days. I think I have ulcers in my stomach and decide to go to the doctor to get checked out. My symptoms match that of stomach ulcers. He does a blood test and tells me I have Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that causes ulcers. It attacks the lining of your stomach, duodenum, and esophagus and if not treated, can put a hole in one of said organs. The doctor tells me that about 40% of the world's population have Helicobacter pylori. For some people, the bacteria never bothers them. For other people, the bacteria attacks the walls of their digestive organs. People with H. pylori are also more likely to get stomach cancer. The bacteria can get in you through coming in contact with an infected person's fecal matter or eating contaminated food, but most commonly it spreads through mouth to mouth contact with someone who carries the bacteria. The bacteria can live on plaque, tiny pieces of regurgitated food, or in the saliva. People from third world countries (bad hygiene, crowded living conditions) are more likely to have H. pylori, but it is getting more and more common in the United States. I am almost 100% sure I got the bacteria from this dancer. My blood was tested the year before and I did not have the bacteria, plus I never had ulcers in my life up until a week and half after kissing this dancer. I have been accused of being a clean freak by others. Now I am on antibiotics to eradicate the bacteria from my body. I can only eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, and small amounts of fish or chicken. Anything else causes horrible pain. I have to stay away from red meats, fatty foods, modified wheat products, cola, and alcohol while on the drugs and for a while later while the scarring heals. One side effect is that I am losing a lot of weight on this simplistic diet. I am already down to my fighting weight. I kind of feel like Billy Halleck in Stephan King's Thinner. If you guys are worried you might have this bacteria, eat a lot of sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables. They have been shown to naturally kill and prevent H. pylori. Another thing to take is mastic gum, a resin from the mastic tree. It kills the bacteria. You can find it at The Vitamin Shoppe. Guys, be safe out there.


  • ididthisonce
    8 years ago
    I appreciate your honestly man.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    man. we're livin on the edge.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Appreciate posts like this, too. Does it make any sense to talk to the dancer and see if she wants to be tested?
  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    That's it, no more kissing strippers!!
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Makes me worry about civvies too. It's not as if non-strippers don't get around. Eff.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Damn, dude! Ulcers from French kissing a stripper? What clubdude said (sort of): no more tonsil hockey with a stripper . . . until my upcoming "sleepover" next Monday :)
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" I lived from a feeding tube in my stomach for 2+ months after my cancer surgery and lost 25 lbs. I've got to have DFK with my GFE.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Sinclair, I love your posts but not this one. I appreciate the story but feel bad about the circumstances. Glad you are getting it taken care of though. Man a diet like that would kill juice!
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Sorry about what you're going through. This is definitely a cautionary take. It'll definitely make one think the next time that opportunity arises.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah, maybe there is something to most dancers' inmate desire to not want to kiss - probably a lot can be transmitted thru saliva - I like enjoying a dancer's tongue but maybe I'll stick to just lip-kissing w/ no tongue even though there are still risks w/ that but seems less? Thanks for the PSA & hope you get past this soon.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Scary story sinclair. Did you talk to your doctor about the stripper encounter? It just seems that 1.5 weeks is a short time to develop ulcers unless that girl had a ton of the bacteria in her saliva. Of course, the doctor who identified H. pylori as causing ulcers developed symptoms in about 8 days, but he basically drank a culture of the bugs! He was obviously a crazy bastard but he won a Nobel prize so it all worked out brilliantly for him! Seriously though, it just seems surprising for me that saliva transfer would yield such a rapid colonization of your stomach. My aunt had H. pylori gastritis and she was not the type to be exchanging saliva with random men (at least I don't think so!) My impression is that 80% of so of individuals have the bug but are asymptomatic. The blood test is for antibodies, not the bacterium, so it probably only gives a signal after infection really kicks in. It would be worth asking the doctor if you could have been one of the 20-30% of folks in America that had the bug but it only took off and resulted in gastritis recently.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    I just had a disturbing thought. Transmission of H. pylori via saliva is possible but I'm sure fecal-oral transmission is also possible. I just had a flash of my aunt giving a random H. pylori-infected guy a rimjob! And not my uncle because he never had the bug. Not a brilliant vision! :( OK, that probably didn't happen, but I still think you should clarify with your doctor the plausibility of your timeline. Regardless, I hope you feel better soon! :)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Okay, shame on me for politicizing this, but let's connect the dots. people in third world countries are more likely to he infected with H. Pylori. H. Pylori is becoming more and more common in the US. More and more immigrants, both legal refugees and illegal aliens, are coming to the US than ever before. The immigrants are brining H. Pylori with them (and leprosy, tuberculosis, shigella, leishmaniasis, chikungunya, yellow fever, Zika). Many immigrants will work as dancers or busboys since little to no English is required, income is mostly cash, and no trade skills are needed. Also, many immigrants will go to SC as an easy form of entertainment or sexual trade.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I'm curious, though, how many pounds have you lost in your forced diet, and how long have you been on it?
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    "Damn, and I'm a good kisser, too"
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I agree with Shadowcat. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Chances of being killed crossing the street are greater than getting some disease from intense DFKing with a stripper. Thanks to Sinclair for letting us know though. SJG
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sc, I can't say about you, but the older I get the less I care about living. Don't get me wrong, I what to keep living, but I don't have any major goals or really anything to say "I have to do this".
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @SJG wrote: Chances of being killed crossing the street are greater than getting some disease from intense DFKing with a stripper. ------------------------------------------- This is pretty much in line with the way I think about most STD risks. BBFS with random strippers on a weekly basis is a significant risk. However, a single partner that you know well in an arrangement where you're both tested is a risk I'm willing to take. Take a rational look at other risk factors that are actually more important -- things like stress, diet, and exercise.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I only go bareback w/ StripperWeb dancers so I think I'm good
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    So, you don't get any sex at all? ;-)
  • billyba
    8 years ago
    what did i just read ...
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Seeing this thread title i'm thinking it's about some type of intricate dance move. Far from it! Sinclair, sorry to read about your unpleasant experience. There's another thread about guys that think fucking strippers and sex workers BB is relatively safe and here we see an example of a serious formerly unknown to me disease just from kissing. Guys have to realize that BB or kissing, if a stripper does it with you she's probably doing it with everyone else. It's not because you're the only lucky special guy that she would consider doing it with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ nah dude - we TUSCLers are special :)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    The diet and weight loss remind me of what some Facebook friends have reported in the Whole 30 diets.
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    Ginger, deglycerinated licorice, and a handful of tit..... DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!
  • s88
    8 years ago
    I tested positive for it when I was 9, never got it treated because it was asymptomatic, no ulcers, no heartburn. Not sure if I still have it decades later.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think we should learn how to use herbs and homeopathic remedies. People say that garlic works real well as an anti-biotic. ?? SJG
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