
Comments by a21985 (page 13)

discussion comment
7 years ago
is it possible to find a 'decent' girl in a club?
Haha, 90% of the shit thats on here is made up for ego stroking purposes, but you're here talking about unicorns? Yeah, they exist...to an extent. They're all strippers, so they're all fucked up one way or the other and are either trying to get money to get by or trying to piss off daddy. Mayve ypu've tricked yourself into thinking some of those girls were decent, but even some of the best of them I've ever found in a SC are not girls I'd trust all that much in the real world. And don't get twisted, real stories and fake ones, a big part of this hobby (if not the biggest) is ego stroking...even ones like this where you talk about how good you are at finding "decent girls." Anyways, welcome to the site, we look forward to your insights!
discussion comment
7 years ago
Yep, I'm in the same boat. On so many levels, an LDK makes no sense to me. Even if I could cum from just a lap dance, I certainly wouldn't want to.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Good news for all who are in the global warming camp
@theeOSU - firstly, go Blue, screw the buckeyes. Secondly, duh. Climate change is certainly real, and solar energy is the primary cause. Anyone with a half a brain knows that, and you obviously are aware of that. Also, global climate changes have happened in the past quite regularly...and coincide with global extinction events (so its not along everything on the planet was happy and enjoying themselves). The issue is not the climate change itself, its the fact that man is artificially accelerating it a wee bit faster than how it would naturally occur. Thats a bit of a problem and doesn't allow us time to acclimate/adjust and reasonably plan for whats occuring. When something naturally is occuring that could lead to a global extinction event, why in holy hell would we want to help speed it up rather than keep it to its natural pace instead?
discussion comment
7 years ago
OT: Planning ahead
Jerking off before hand? Kinda defeats the point, no? Also, who cares if you pop quick? She's a stripper, you don't need to impress her with tantric like abilities, you just need to get yours a pay her her money. Matter of fact, a quicker pop is a cheaper bill at the end for you, what a deal. Spend more time with "foreplay" type shit if you want it to last longer. Oh and a little fyi - jerking off excessively can potentially lead to not being able to last too long. Just saying...
discussion comment
7 years ago
Good news for all who are in the global warming camp
@mark94 - "slightly" higher or lower temperatures? You do realize that a difference between a 1.5 degree celsius increase and a 2 degree celsius increase in the global average is a difference between mass droughts, a significant increase in damaging weather like floods and storms and how fast the ice caps are melting, right? It's not as simple as deciding what clothes to wear now that its going to be a smidge hotter outside; on a global level this impact is much more severe. Yes, climate change is going happen one way or the other as thats how Earth works, we're just speeding it up (how much is the debate, but the scientific consensus is its significant and alarming). You spoke about "adapting to it," but you realize we are trying to slow down the rate that our human activity is contributing to it so that we can reasonably adapt to it in a more realistic timeframe. I'm not at all a climate nut, and was even a denier of the extent of human involvement for a long time, but even I am no long dumb enough to see how flawed this kind if thinking is in the face of such overwhelming scientific data. Its a global issue affecting our very existence and so much bigger than pounding our American chests over economic bullshit.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Most LDKs
My record is 0 LDKs with 0 dancers. Among other reasons why I don't LDK, it takes a lot of skill to get me to pop from a BJ, let alone a dry humping.
discussion comment
7 years ago
In a brilliant place!
OT: let's try the anonlvone question again
Haha, if someone cannot convince someone regarding their point, then there are two possible problems stopping that from happen: 1. The data is no good and not convincing (and it creates more questions than answers to the point of unbelievability) 2. The presenter of said data is doing an ineffective job and/or does not comprehend it enough to properly explain. Now anon, if the data is so airtight and proves everything, that means we're at option 2. If you are so intellectually superior to us, you owe us the decency to have make sense to us so we understand why it's so foolproof. Thus far, I'm only seeing someone get so frustrated at his inability to be able to engage someone in at least considering this idea that you've resorted to repetitive, unbeneficial posts and degrading others that don't immediately buy in. Thats the mark of a man who lacks the mental capicity for flexible thinking, lacks the charisma to influence, lacks the strategic thinking to address and fill flaws in data, and lacks the patience to teach. In other words, its the mark of a follower, a socially inept, insecure man less intelligent than he wants to accept and more prone to be influenced than to influence. Be gone with you already.
discussion comment
7 years ago
In a brilliant place!
OT: let's try the anonlvone question again
Man, I'd pay money to watch a battle of the "minds" between anon vs. SJG: 2 socially inept posters (one a part time megalomaniac, the other with possible asbergers) with warped views of the world who conversate as effectively as brick walls and fancy themselves as pretend intellectuals in their delusion of grandeur. It would be epic. What do you say guys? Pretty please? We'll choose a topic at random that you both disagree on, and who ever concedes to the other first gets to stay and the loser has to go and never return. I'd put my money on SJG to pull out the victory.
discussion comment
7 years ago
You can unfriend me, unfollow me, and unlike me; but you cannot unlick my butthole
Solid Gold Ft. Lauderdale re-opening
Jacuzzi? After the first night, the things you could find with a microscope in that water could be makings of a horror/zombie movie.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
ATF tied up again by a whale
And as a disclaimer, I hypocritically (in a good way) multiple times have told my ATF that she should go talk to some other customers since I was just gonna hang out for the rest of my time in the club. Oddly enough, she always says no and that she'll just hang out with me while I'm still there...which might ve related to the fact I've not just covered her tip out, but got her to the dollar amount she was hoping to leave with anyways. It's not always just the whale/regular who hogs the dancer, some times the dancer just doesn't really care to dance for anyone else.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
ATF tied up again by a whale
@minnow - I'm sorry man, I'm sure you have some great valid analogies somewhere in there, but that's just way too much text for me to bother reading. Bottom line, when I am at a strip club, I am gonna an indirect asshole to others because I'm selfishly 100% about me and really don't care about how my experience affects anyone else. Your analogies wouldn't apply because the primal, sex driven moral-less a21985 at a club in no way, shape or form is the same person as a21985 outside of the club.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Strip Club Bathrooms
The less nice it is, the less comfortable guys will be having a nice jerk in it. Gotta keep that sexual frustration pent up to enjoy the show and/or save the release for the VIP. A bathroom you want to get in and out of rather than enjoy is smart SC business. Also, because who cares about the bathroom. If you think the mens one in a SC is bad, talk to a stripper about the women's bathroom, its often pretty fucking bad from the stories I've been told.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Good to be Back
I came back a few months ago and had been wondering where you were at. Welcome back!
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
Is twice a week club visits excessive?
I go as much as I can afford and my work/family schedule allows rather than on how often a dancer wants me to come in. Sometimes that's a week, sometimes its once every otger month. Don't let your ATF dictate how often you go. You should dictate that, most certainly if you're on a budget. Even your ATF could care less about the fact that coming in so often may not be fiscally reasonable for you. Matter of fact, she probably is sending a bunch of guys the "I'm working today, hun! Come see me!" as well as the "Aw, but I really wanted to see you today, baby :(" reply when you initially say you can't. If you let those cattle calls have an impact on you even a quarter of the time it gets sent, you've made yourself ine helluva mark for her (i.e. she knows you're a beta who can't say no or a RIL).
discussion comment
7 years ago
How much spending is considered whale power?
I don't agree with ATAC on this at all and believe he is looking at this particular situation all wrong, but I also think he is being neither an idiot nor an asshole about it. Just saying...
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
ATF tied up again by a whale
@minnow - but at the end of the day Mr. Fuckhoe did get their first and/or had an appointment for that red corvette and paid the money to rent it. How he uses it from there is his business and to get pissy about someone else having his idea of good time with it is beyond immature and irrational. As the business cliche says, "your failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Mr. Fuckhoe can take his sweet time with that red convertible if he wants.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Addictions are my hobby
San Francisco and San Jose
Uh oh, SJG will be here shortly to let you know that buying dances is a chumps game and that you shouldn't buy ejaculation services. But he'll know some great places for front room GFE action!
discussion comment
7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Dillion Harper seems like she would be a lot of fun.
Here uniboob distracts me at times, but she nonetheless is extremely fun to watch.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Chase a check, never chase a bitch
Rub maps
Also, if there actually is a hot girl at a massage parlor who "provides" let us know. I still think that a good time with a massage girl who is over a 5 is as rare as catching a unicorn humping bigfoot.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Chase a check, never chase a bitch
Rub maps
Politely, if you're really willing to pay for a rub and tug, you should be really willing to shell out a few bucks to make sure you're not going somewhere shitty. In other words, if you can't afford a one month subscription to play it safe, you should keep your money for food and rent and go on a date with Miss Michigan instead.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
ATF tied up again by a whale
Going with @25 on this one. I'm usually a nice considerate guy. But when I'm clubbing (unless with friends), I'm not going to be any sort of variation of a wingman to anyone. I'm not outwardly going to be a dick, but I'm there for me and me alone, regardless of what that means to your good time if you can't find another dancer.
discussion comment
7 years ago
How much spending is considered whale power?
I also often associate whales as PLs who spend a lot on unsolicited gifts for their CFs/ATFs. My ATF did have a legit whale who'd buy her designer bags/shoes and jewelry at least once a month. Stuff worth anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over 1K. That type of frivalous high dollar spending with nothing in return is a mark of a whale, as pathetic as it is.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
ATF tied up again by a whale
@vikings - yes, she has gotten up and left a customer when I've walked in before. But what she tells me is before hand, the customer is made aware that her regular is coming in so its not a surprise to them. A big part of the reason she was and still is my ATF (even though I no longer see her) is that she made feel like there was no one more important in the world than me whenever I strolled in, and I sure made sure that financially and plutonically she got what she deserved for that service.
discussion comment
7 years ago
In a brilliant place!
anonlvone, why do you care about convincing people of your Clinton wackiness?
Wow anon, you realize that Occam's razor is the primary methodolgy people use to dispel conspiracy theories. Example - Person was killed in what appeared to be a botched robbery. Occam's razor would tell us he was killed in a botched robbery. The opposite of Occam's razor would be to find who he was associated with, make assumptions on what he was doing that may have upset people he was working with and attempt to associate his murder with those very well known public figures who would have everything to lose if they committed a murder and fantasize that those people created a setup to make it appear as if it was simply a botched robbery in order to murder him. I'll at least give you the benefit of the doubt that your scenario is a possibility (with an incredibly minute probability), but if you think Occam's razor is your friend here, you have never once studied it or other principles of logic.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Just another PL
ATF tied up again by a whale
With my former ATF, I never just dropped in. It was always planned so she knew and she then would make sure I was her focus regardless of who else wanted to see her or who she was with when I walked. If at any point she would have not honored my appointment, I would have considered that grounds for immediate demotion and I would have moved on. Like rockstar said, an ATF should have mutual respect for your time and money as you do for her time. If she doesn't, she is expedable and probably shouldn't be your ATF.