Most LDKs

avatar for johndough20020
What's the most times you've LDKed in one visit and with how many dancers?


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avatar for rane1234
8 years ago
Been ages since ldk...girls dont grind like they used to
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
My record is 0 LDKs with 0 dancers. Among other reasons why I don't LDK, it takes a lot of skill to get me to pop from a BJ, let alone a dry humping.
Once per visit. I don't know how long I'd need to recover to do it again in the same trip.

Fastest was during song 2. Longest took me 10 songs. I usually give up after 5.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I've done twice a few times. Never three. Maybe should set it as a goal for myself.
avatar for Janos
8 years ago
i had a black stripper and during the first song she was bouncing pretty hard, after the first song she asked if if she is too rough, i said no way i can take it. I only last 3 songs before ldk. She now is my fav.
LDK82 once bragged about doing it 6 times in 2 hours, then getting a handjob from a tranny on his way home.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
At non-extras clubs I expect to lapgasm, though with increasing age it takes several dances (often 2-3 with each of a few dancers) rather just a couple.

Only once, in the late 90s, I came twice from lap dances with two different dancers during a four-hour visit. However, I have often lapgasmed once in the afternoon and then again at night, maybe 6-8 hours later, at a different club.

BJs, of course, are a different story. The shortest interval between ITC orgasms was a couple of years ago at a club with an extras-friendly day shift: two BBBJCIMs (by different strippers) in two hours.
when i was young (46) and had my first lap dance... LDK. hasn't happened since. :(
avatar for rane1234
8 years ago
Go to bed old man
yes. it is past my bed time.
Two is my record. Set many years ago.
avatar for shaq37
8 years ago
I don't know if this counts for LDK's but I like taking my dick out with my favorites when I get dances and get assjobs. When the stripper is jacking u off using her buttcheeks. I have pop twice like that many times on the same night. The most was 3 pops in one night, although on the third pop the stripper finish it with a BJ. It can be expensive though so I try to just keep it at one pop per visit.
Buying dances if for chumps, and trying to LDK is must paying money to exacerbate your own frustration.

If nothing better can be done, DATY dancers. That goes over very well, and it leaves your own ejaculation hanging until some time when there might be FS.

Expecting the girl to bust your nut, is not really a good way to interact with her.


Anton LaVey…………
Have never been able to ldk, my dick needs to be bare and making contact - like shaq37 mentioned I did get an assjob from an ebony dancer in a black ATL club , she had a HUGE ASS, put some lotion b/w her monstrous chocolate butt-cheecks, and went to work - initially I didn't think it would be enough to get me to bust but she put that monster-booty into overdrive and it was a TKO
Zero LDK's but three FS VIP's with three different girls on one visit.
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