
anonlvone, why do you care about convincing people of your Clinton wackiness?

In a brilliant place!
I honestly don't care what you think politically or whether you think the Clinton's have a 40-year history of killing people. But I am curious why you keep posting about the topic. Are you actually trying to convince people?

I was curious so I checked how many discussions you've started. You've started 7, of which 6 are Clinton conspiracy theories.

I like science and tech, so I approach the conspiracy theories like a scientist. We have two theories:

First, Hillary Clinton is a polarizing and non-charismatic politician that supports policies about 40-45% of voters (including many TUSCL posters) believe to be non-ace. Polls during the 2016 election were basically accurate but some in the news media erroneous interpreted them as giving her a higher likelihood of election than she actually had. When the election arrived another 5% or so percent of the population shifted toward that 40-45% who fall on the spectrum of beliefs fromhate the Clintons to hate the Democrats to feel uncomfortable with either.

Or second, the Clintons have an ongoing murder streak where they have arranged to have a huge number of people in on it, including the highest echelons or law enforcement and the news media. Their grip on people in the know is so strong that not a single person with evidence has broken ranks. But Internet weirdos can figure it out. And they also fixed the 2016 election with 3 million (or more) illegal votes but did so in the wrong states to affect the election. Suggesting that they don't understand the electoral college.

We can summarize theory 2 as "the Clintons are like the worst James Bond villains ever! :("

You clearly believe theory 2. It's a free country, so believe it. Post about it if you want. But don't be so offended when others find your theory less brilliant than the non-murder theory.

And maybe post about naked horny women on the strip club discussion board. At least occasionally. That's the brilliant way! ;)


  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    You're not a scientist. Unless I'm mistaken, you're the person who seems to think I need to be educated about Occams' Razor, and yet doesn't follow it himself.

    As for the polls you reference, you obviously never studied them if you believe they were "basically accurate." They weren't. The polls had numerous flaws in terms of methodology, one of the primary ones being that they consistently oversampled Democrats. This was deliberately done in order to attempt to suppress Trump voters by making it appear that Hilary had more support than she actually did.

    Regarding the Clintons's murder streak, once again you are speaking of things which you clearly have never studied. Former insiders have broken ranks, and have confessed that they have committed murder on orders from the Clintons. Not that such confessions are necessary. Occam's Razor, which you yourself referenced, would indicate that the Clintons have never been shy about killing people they found a nuisance or a threat. That is by far the simplest and most elegant theory to explain all the observed facts.

    And by the way, these two "theories" are not mutually exclusive. That is another false premise on your part.

    As for attempting to fix the election, the DNC and the Clintons attempted to do so in myriads of ways, as exhaustively documented in a series of videos by Project Veritas, to give just one example. Once again you are speaking out on subjects which you've clearly never studied.

    I suppose you can chalk my posts up to curiousity or a sociological experiment. I wanted to know just what sorts of pathetic losers actually post on Tuscl, and now I know. The impression I've obtained, right or wrong, is that the average poster on Tuscl is poorly educated, poorly informed, and incapable or unwilling to think for themselves. In other words, the average poster on Tuscl is, at best, a Beta male.

    As I've said before, I have never found it necessary to P4P. If others do find it necessary, and are willing to do so, that's really none of my business. But the observations I've made certainly go a long way towards explaining why so many of you do find it necessary.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Oh anal you are such a macho man posting on a website about how stupid you are and putting down even the idiots that agree with you. What a whack job you are.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Wow anon, you realize that Occam's razor is the primary methodolgy people use to dispel conspiracy theories. Example - Person was killed in what appeared to be a botched robbery. Occam's razor would tell us he was killed in a botched robbery. The opposite of Occam's razor would be to find who he was associated with, make assumptions on what he was doing that may have upset people he was working with and attempt to associate his murder with those very well known public figures who would have everything to lose if they committed a murder and fantasize that those people created a setup to make it appear as if it was simply a botched robbery in order to murder him.

    I'll at least give you the benefit of the doubt that your scenario is a possibility (with an incredibly minute probability), but if you think Occam's razor is your friend here, you have never once studied it or other principles of logic.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Hey, how about those strippers huh? That club was rocking with beautiful girls and great atmosphere! Had a great time!

    Oh, sorry, I thought this was a strip club forum...

    Carry on.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    And the whack jobs gonna whack, whack, whack, whack...
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    anonlvone: "The impression I've obtained, right or wrong, is that the average poster on Tuscl is poorly educated, poorly informed, and incapable or unwilling to think for themselves. In other words, the average poster on Tuscl is, at best, a Beta male. "

    Don't be so hard on us, anonlvone. Not everyone in the world was born with the aptitude to be an IT professional as you are.

  • tumblingdice
    7 years ago
    If you look at Hillary and squint your eyes she looks a lot like Putin.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    "If you look at Hillary and squint your eyes she looks a lot like Putin."


    I'm not sure it's true. Perhaps if Putin wore the right wig. And padded the ass of the pant suit appropriately.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    OK anonlvone, I'd say you're potentially putting too much thought into your posts on a weirdo website for deviants (no disrespect to the deviants in questions).

    But you want to have fun so let's indulge a bit! ;)

    First, if you're just fucking with us and don't actually believe the weird conspiracy theory then I'll give you a brilliant. Well played! ;)

    Second, I never claimed to be a scientist. I said I like to approach conspiracy in a scientific manner. I sketched out two visions of the world, admittedly overly broad. So let's set up mutually exclusive and narrowly focused hypotheses:

    # of unnatural deaths directly involving Clintons = 0
    # of unnatural deaths directly involving Clintons > 0

    I will further restrict "unnatural deaths" to those deaths in the US that were planned by the Clintons and/or those for which Hillary and/or Bill Clinton had foreknowledge. This excludes deaths during the Kosovo military activities under Bill and those in Bengazi when Hillary was Secretary of State.

    Now you actually assert a particular version of the > 0 hypothesis. Specifically, you believe the Clintons have been killing people for approximately 40 years and they have killed many people. Is this a precise enough definition of theory you've been pushing?

    I assert that one needs to make numerous assumptions to believe your version of the > 0 hypothesis. For example, there is literally nobody in law enforcement in a position to continue investigating. Specifically, the Clintons can always force LE to stop and/or LE is in on the conspiracy. Also, you have to believe that there is nobody in a mainstream news source that is willing to pursue the story, despite the possibility of a Pulitzer. You have to believe that they leave enough evidence for random people that make internet videos to crack the Clinton code but none of their political opponents are willing to push the story. Finally, you have to believe that the Clintons left numerous people who provably hurt them, like Gennifer Flowers, Monica, "Carlos Danger" and his dick, etc. alive despite their ruthless nature.

    Or you can believe that they have connections to a lot of people and some die. A few of those deaths under vaguely mysterious circumstances. I suspect if you totals up the number of people with connections to any political couple that has been at it as long as the Clintons you would find just about the same number of connections and roughly the same number of deaths.

    One of those theories requires many assumptions. The other requires almost none. Occam's razor tells you the one to prefer.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    anon --> "I suppose you can chalk my posts up to curiousity or a sociological experiment. I wanted to know just what sorts of pathetic losers actually post on Tuscl, and now I know. "

    You could have just said, "Trolling." What's basically what you wrote. Which is, trolling is allowed here. Funny trolling is brilliant!

    I don't know that you answered 4got's question about "why." It least you didn't directly. You're a troll. The funny thing is txtittyfag (no dot) will at least admit that's what he is and own it. You do not.

    Why not focus, instead, on the DNC manipulations or the errors in polling methodology. Those are real, verifiable problem the whole country should address and fix. Yet you are instead choosing to focus on the murder conspiracy.

    Maybe one last question for you, are you a conservative?
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    If you ignore the name at the top and the political persuasion of all the posters above me and just read the comments, you'd realize nary a one of you is different from the other. No better No worse. No smarter. No stupider. Different sides of the same dollar bill.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Wait Wait Wait:
    I do not care!
    I was weary of all the political machinations last summer long before the election and now I am really really really tired of all the BS being spewed by all sides. They are all hypocrites especially the media.

    The only thing relevant to this site is if Hillary or Chelsea are giving lap dances and whether you would buy one. NOT!!

    Sheriff David Clarke for president!!
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Every member of Lincoln's cabinet is dead. They were all Republicans, and Hillary does not have an alibi.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^i heard it was the lasagne that makes you a suspect , )
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    LOL @Jack!
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @4got2wipe - I really do have better things to do with my time, but I'll try once more because I'm stubborn like that.

    Occam's Razor was not designed as some cure-all for "conspiracy theories". If a conspiracy theory is the most elegant explanation for an observed phenomena, then Occam's Razor would argue that you adopt said conspiracy theory.

    And for those who are unaware, conspiracy theories happen every day. Another name for "conspiracy theory" is simply organized crime, as in the crime cartels that bring in drugs to this country. That is a highly organized, well-funded, very successful conspiracy theory which has now existed for decades. However, "conspiracy theory" in the sense that most brainwashed simpletons use it, was coined by the CIA in the aftermath of the JFK assassination, in order to combat the widespread public distrust of the official coverup. Since then, "conspiracy theory" has become synonymous with whatever item of information the government controlled media doesn't want the public discussing.

    In the case of Seth Rich, there are numerous observable facts which should immediately blow away any assumption that this was a simple robbery, such as: 1) why is the FBI involved; 2) why is the DNC paying for a "CRISIS" manager to handle the family; 3) why did Seth die in the hospital after undergoing successful surgery, when the attending physicians expected him to live and 4) why is the media, which sees signs of "russian collusion" everywhere, completely ignoring the fact that the Seth Rich murder was just one of several recent murders connected to Hilary Clinton, the DNC, and Debbie Wasserman Schulz?

    This isn't even a complete list but off the top of my head:
    1) John Ashe (killed before he could testify against Hilary),
    2) Shawn Lucas (a potential witness in the DNC case, who died 3 weeks after serving a subpoena to DWS),
    3) Beranton Whisenant (prosecuting attorney on the DNC/DWS case, who was discovered murdered on a beach),
    4) John Jones (Julian Assange's lawyer, who supposedly killed himself by jumping in front of a train),
    5) Gavin MacFayden (one of the co-founders of Wikileaks, who has been identified as the person who met with Seth Rich, suspiciously dies of a "very aggressive cancer" which the CIA is known to employ for assasination),
    6) Victor Thorn, found murdered after writing Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn't Be in the White House;
    7) Eric Braverman, former head of the Clinton Foundation, who hasn't been seen by anyone after being identifed by John Podesta as a leaker. Eric Schmidt supposedly gave him a job overseas, but if you check out his Twitter all you see are retweets AND NOT ONE NEW OR RECENT PHOTO

    When someone is murdered, but doesn't have anything taken from them, there is nothing about Occam's Razor which would argue that the murder be treated as a robbery. That doesn't just fly in the face of common sense, it also flies in the face of all police procedure.

    And finally, for those who don't believe that the Clinton body count is a real thing, http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO…
    I just learned that no less than 25 of Hilary Clinton's own bodyguards hav died. That in and of itself should raise red flags everywhere, because who is going to have more direct, first hand knowledge of wrong doing than a bodyguard?

  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Funny, if conspiracies don't exist, then why are there numerous federal laws against conspiracy?

    18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States - If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

    21 U.S.C. § 846 - This provision states that it is illegal for anyone to commit a conspiracy for the manufacture, distribution or possession with intent to distribute illegal, controlled substances.

    Someone better contact the federal government and have them remove these laws (and numerous others) since conspiracies don't exist.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    So what you are saying is Hillary killed both Tupac and Biggie hmmmmm.
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