
In your opinion, what is the ideal dancer turnover?

I had a discussion with somebody once, where the other person said that if they were to run a club, they would do small things to keep girls around. I was skeptical, and figured some amount of toxicity probably helps the club. I may not like being on the receiving end of unfair management BS, but hey it is what it is.

Just like many dancers don’t like it walking into the club, and seeing the same crew of non-spending club regs to start the shift. I’m sure there’s patrons who wouldn’t want to walk in and see the same dancers they are already either bored of or fed up with either.

There are some clubs that seem to have a lot of long-term dancers who just stick with it and more importantly love it. I personally know of Baby Dolls Dallas and King of Diamonds Inver Grove Heights. Both are VERY different style clubs, but one thing both have in common are multiple older dancers who have worked that club for years and are still happy to be there. And they are very nice even though they don’t have to be.
If there’s a “main club” for you—assuming that the lineup has the same level of friendliness, attractiveness, and costs for dances, etc—how much would *you* like to see with fresh faces most of the time you walk in? 10% new girls you have never seen? 25%? 50%?


  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ The reason I mentioned the two clubs I did (and I’m sure there’s more) is they seem to be exception. Kinda seems in general familiarity breeds contempt, or at least especially bad club politics.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    For any spot I hit twice within ~6 weeks - 10%

    If it is 4-6 months between visits - 25% could be interesting

    However I don't want this to be at the cost of shitty unfair firings.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I would say about 25%. That way for the most part, there would be the known quantity factor that makes it easier, subject to the normal changes and variations these gals go through. But it would also mean one in four girls was new to keep it from being the same old same old. To me, that would be about the right balance.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    It honestly depends on how hot each dancer is. If she's nicespice hot, then I don't mind if she never leaves the club. If she's not so hot, then I won't miss her.

    But making a general statement I'm good with a 10-50% turnover rate and I hope all my faves or potential faves never leave the clubs I go to. Being an extreme regular I still like to see new faces but I'm not too picky about it since I usually have faves that I don't vary much at all.

    Also by my observation of clubs out here the turnover rate does vary by club. In general it seems that the strippers that do well stay with the same club longer and those that don't move on. But there's also a bit of club politics going on. Dancers in good with the management stay around longer too and this isn't necessarily tied to how well they do.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    When I first read the title, I was gonna say doggie to mish.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    25% per month, unless they are all hot; then zero.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Yes whatever the rate is to 100% hot girls. That is rarely the case though. So as long as it’s not my CF I don’t mind a big changeover. Most clubs that are affordable need fresh faces desperately if we are being honest.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    The ideal ratio is 7 new dancers per approximately 22 “veteran” dancers, or 31.8%. Or, conversely, 3.14 veteran dancers per new dancer. I find this makes for the best circulation of veteran to new dancers. These are only approximations as the ideal ratio is incapable of exact calculation. .
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I am unsure of an exact percentage - but I’d estimate 25-30% turnover to be a good thing.

    There are dancers who are long term - and they have their regulars, and that seems to work for the base - and to cover certain consistent costs.

    Then there are clubbers who want a mix of consistent dancers (who are still hot and good looking) - and variety with new dancers. I’m thinking that would be about 20-30% of clubbers.

    Then there are once in awhile guys and weekend parties. They don’t have knowledge of the club line up - so anything might seem new to them.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I think Dr Evil just likes to eat PIE (aka pussy aka 3.14). That being said, since I am a non favorites kind of guy, I’m ok with a 75% turnover rate over a 6 month period. I like beautiful women. All the beautiful women. Therefore, all the beautiful women need to rotate so that I get to play with them.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    My dick diameter times pie is how much I need to turnover a stripper for optimal friction.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    As long as my CF is there, I don’t care what the turnover is.
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    I vote for a solid corp of veteran dancers mixed with newer dancers [ 50/50 ] for local clubs where 20-25 dancers / shift would be the upper limit.

    Tale of two local clubs a few blocks apart. Club A had, for a long time, a stable corp of a half dozen dancers. Reliable, solid entertainers. Kept any dancer conflict confined to the dressing room. Helped 'induct' new dancers into the 'unwritten' rules and flow of the club. In other words, helped make sure things ran smoothly w/o mgmt interference. Problem dancers were isolated / shunned and quickly departed.

    Club B also had dancers who'd work there for years but they were a temperamental lot given to repeated conflicts with other dancers, management, and, even, customers. Not very reliable in keeping to schedules, leaving management scrambling to fill the void in their absence. Sometimes this club was exciting with a party atmosphere. Sometimes you could 'cut the tension with a knife'. Minutes away from an explosion of conflict among dancers and perhaps dancers and mgmt. Out on the floor, rarely confined backstage. Bouncers and sometimes LE escorting dancers out of the club.

    Best approach to Club B in these circumstances: Write off the cover, walk right out again and go to Club A for the evening.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    The universal PL answer is whatever it takes to maintain the club as a 7up factory.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    About 3-4 minutes in each position. Then switch. Oh, is that not the question. ?
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I enjoy seeing a few new girls from time to time and I would tip them on stage. But my most enjoyable S.C. experiences have been when I have had a favorite to get dances with time after time with good conversation between dances.
  • bkkruined
    5 years ago
    I rarely go back to the same club often enough to worry much.
    There is one club in town that's had 2-3 of the same girls on day shift for years, maybe over 10 years. And I've only ever taken one of them up on a trip to the back. But, damned, she's a freaking pro. It's rare for me to finish with just a BJ, but she'll get it done like that in 2 songs or less, with protection. But every time she acts like she remembers me, and I've been there like 4-5 times over 6-7 years... And I can't imagine there's anything remarkable enough about me for her to remember.
    And there are a few other stand out that have disappears over the years from local clubs that I miss. And a few others that I've met once, and not sure enough I'd recognize them again, but wish I could repeat.
    But for the most part, I could give a fuck.
    If anything, while traveling, going to different clubs 2-3 nights in a row, first time I've been there and probably never come back. I honesty have no idea what the turnover is, but wish it was high enough those girls didn't all have there regulars to stick to, at least some of them...
  • docsavage
    5 years ago
    For my main club I would want the same dancers to stick around because I have regulars I want to keep. My main club is the closest to where I live so it's the best place to have regulars. I don't have to worry so much about bad winter road conditions and can always see them when the drive is only a mile. I have another dozen clubs further away in the city I can rotate around to when I want variety and if most of the same girls stay there that's fine too because I don't go to them often and there is enough turnover that there is always a new girl. So overall I would like low turnover.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    If I can follow my favs from club to club then I don't care as much if there's a high turnover. Eventually, maybe after a year, I do get tired of even the hottest fav, but that usually lasts a couple of weeks or so and I'm in love with her again.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I feel my favorite has 3-5 years left in the tank and I hope she stays that long. There are other girls who are hot enough I'm thrilled to see them naked on stage every trip.

    I would say ideal turnover is about 25 percent of girls every 3 months, and about half the girls to change every year.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    As a variety guy, I love to see new (hot) dancers, but when I have a dance that's above average, I definitely hope to repeat.
    I don't club enough to have a real good take on this, but I wish my main club had less turnover.
    A good dance is a good dance, but the best I've had were from repeats.

    25% turnover per 3 months sounds about right, my club is easily twice that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    TUSCLers are regular SC-goers - it seems most TUSCLers prefer to see the same dancers if they like said dancers - I'd say that probably applies to most regular SCers whether they are TUSCLers or not.

    Seems it comes down to those that are into faves, and those into variety; and it seems regular-SCers seem to prefer the faves-model although it's not universal.

    Me being in the variety camp, I actually prefer to see all new faces that I have not tried b/f - rarely do I go to a club hoping to hook up w/ a specific dancer I've been w/ b/f - the feeling of experiencing someone new does more for me that repeating w/ someone I've been with.

    In the extreme if given a choice of 100% same-faces, or 100% new-faces, I choose the latter - as a matter of practicality I guess a 50/50-ratio would work for me as that would give me a good # of new-targets to pursue, and a good # of dancers that I would know on their ability to deliver a good time.
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    The ideal rate seems to be around a 20% turnover rate every two or three month. The majority turnover are dancers who come in, dance a few days and never come back, and the rest are dancers who either burned out of dancing or working at that club for one reason or another.

    New faces at a club are always good, because there is always going to be popular dancers who leave.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    In the club I go to most:

    - When I first started SCing there in 2009, girls would stay for a loooong time. In a typical dayshift shift of 8-10 girls, each time I'd go, maybe 2 new girls each time I showed up? 10%-30% turnover? I loved it at the time, but in retrospect, the level of cliqueishness and drama between the girls was high and spilled over to customer

    - In the past few years, with all the changes to SF clubs, the employee law, etc., I'm taking fewer trips (once a month or less), but turnover is typically 80%-100%

    I definitely don't like the crazy turnover today, where I typically only know one or two girls each time I go. The sense of club culture has weakened as well -- 10 years ago, you were reasonably assured of a certain level of hustle and contact, now it's less certain, though a thread of club culture still exists among some girls. I think something like 25% turnover is good, enough new faces to potentially be pleasantly surprised with a newbie each trip, and at this rate, there's less chance of long-term cliques and enmities to rise up
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    1 new girl that's my type per month. I can have some fun with 2 of my regulars and put down a little money to try out the new girl.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I'm not into anal. So I don't want them to turn over.
  • DrStab
    5 years ago
    I go to the club about 1 time a month, so every trip seems to bring some new girls to my bar stool. If I need a change of pace, I just go to another bar.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    If I went to a truly high mileage club where I knew any new girl would provide the same service at the same price, I would mix it up. But my fave is giving me more than some girls and not charging me as much for it as I'm sure she's charging some guys.
  • shanny72
    5 years ago
    I like variety. Hence why I like strip clubs. If the same girls get stagnant it's time to hit a new club
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I'm going to say I don't have a preference. It's an interesting question and I gave it some thought, but part of what keeps the scene interesting to me is when things happen I didn't expect. But if I know I've met a dancer I'm going to want to see again I'll ask for her number right then. So basically I'm a happy-go-lucky customer...until I'm not.
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