MAGA Cultist: We Should Cancel the Elections Since Democrats Haven’t “Earned” It

avatar for joker44
Right-wing broadcaster Josh Bernstein, who claimed just last month that the only options on the November ballot were “Trump or death,” now wants to cancel the presidential election altogether because Democrats “don’t deserve to challenge Trump.”

“In times like this, you should be kissing the ground that President Trump walks on,” Bernstein said. “You have a true leader in the White House that is handling this thing and doing the best job possible. If this was a Democrat? Forget it. There would be hundreds, thousands of more people dead already.”

“I say we just cancel the election,” he added. “Give President Trump until 2024 to not only get the economy back roaring again, but get rid of this virus. But you know what, Democrats? You haven’t earned the right to even challenge this man. Why? Because you tried to usurp his power from the beginning with your Russian coup. Then you tried again with the Ukraine coup. Then you tried to impeach him for absolutely nothing. And now we have this.”

“You have stolen the first term away from this president, and he’s still been successful despite all your bull, and all your garbage, and all your horrible rhetoric, and all your opposition, and all the horrible things you’ve done with the deep state and everybody else,” Bernstein fumed. “You don’t deserve the right to even run in 2020. How dare you even have the audacity to run anyone against this president.”

***Update***: This is hilarious. After Bernstein realized Trump would no longer be president if an election doesn’t take place, he took back everything he said about canceling the election.

He admits what he said earlier wasn’t “100% accurate.”



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avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Too wasteful and unnecessary. Just hold a national voice vote to declare Trump 'President For Life' by shouting acclamation.
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
Trump just told Michigan to fuck themselves.
That's 16 electoral votes he won by a margin of 11,000 votes.
If he lost another 20 (like maybe Biden's home, Pennsylvania) and doesn't win anything new, He's fucked.
Looking at Lousiana's coronavirus status, assuming it hits Florida the same, he'll be loosing that state. The 100,000 that are gonna die are all votes he needs. That'll leave him proper fucked.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
ONLY an idiot would use this disease as a voting criteria!
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Only an unprincipled narcissistic character disorder would put the 'welfare' of his unrealistically bloated ego ahead of the welfare of all citizens and use visits to the CDC and daily 'press briefings' for political propaganda.

Only an unprincipled narcissistic character disorder would use this pandemic to get revenge against his perceived 'rivals'

Only an unprincipled narcissistic character disorder would use this pandemic as an opportunity to enhance the family business profits.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Trump holds a briefing: Narcissist ! Unprincipled !

Trump doesn’t hold a briefing: Lazy ! Arrogant !
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ How about Trump holds a briefing, and is truthful, SHOCKING !
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
>Trump holds a briefing: Narcissist ! Unprincipled !<
Not simply a pejorative accusation about a specific event; unprincipled narcissistic character disorder is a working personality assessment. Trump has been this way for all of his adult life. Long before he became a "Republican" or "President"

Ref: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President - Updated and Expanded with New Essays Hardcover – March 19, 2019
' Trump has only grown more erratic and dangerous as the pressures on him mount. This new edition includes new essays bringing the book up to date because this is still not normal. Originally released in fall 2017,
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Trump is a piece of shit
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Simple fact is that progressives are going to lose you to him again. Every fucked up area in this country is democratic party controlled. No wonder this virus is something you gave America.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The same principled psychiatrists and psychologists who diagnosed Trump without ever meeting him have refused to comment on Joe Biden’s glaring issues. I mean, seriously, when was the last time he responded to questions without looking confused ? His last attempt at simply reading a teleprompter from his home was a disaster.

Since the subject of this thread had to with the nomination, are Democrats really going to nominate Biden ? What’s plan B, Cuomo ? If so, how does that work at the convention without alienating all the Sanders supporters

America wants to know.
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