Comments by Mate27 (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This explains a lot
    I’m pretty sure the benefits his wife has aren’t due to the Union, dumbfuck Icee homo. Unions have lost their Presence significantly since the 80’s when automatic COLAs were tied to the inflation rate, a virtual non existence in todays world. Unions have no flex other than having a seat at the table, and very rarely do they score big victories like they did when membership was at its highest in tye 70s and 80s. Another reason why wage inflation will be stifled gluing forward.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This explains a lot
    ^^^ but, but, BUT NiceSpic and SkiDumb state these cycles are ALL political, pointing fingers to left wing/right wing forces! Not figuring in long standing capitalistic structures that have been in place for decades. Wait until next summer when the inflation rate is registering below 4%, SkiDumb is going to lose his shit trying to deflect my accuracy along with his butt buddy Rickyboi. Lmfao!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This explains a lot
    ^^ like gauging the state of the economy by reading your clients statements? Lol, I’m totally spot on correct in my assessment that the inflation rate was coming down since I posted that prediction this summer. I will continue to be right and remind you of your follies monthly as we continue to see the rate drop over the next several months. Told you so!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just came by to gripe
    You’re too old to club solo, but unwilling to pick up washed up cougars? Time to reset your expectations or pony up more $$s for better talent. The attractive dancers also have other income streams, so need to strike while the iron is hot when they are at the club. Just tell them what you’re looking for, as they may say no, but definitely pay up if they are willing. My low expectations of lap dance only and go home to family allows for easy expectations met. My situation is different than most.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This explains a lot
    ^^ true 25, and experience is the greatest teacher. Those who haven’t been through those events have no idea what you refer to, as they are unable to see the forest through the trees. NiceSpic has good intentions, but the world was never paved by intentions. The hard work needs to be done upfront, and those just starting off won’t see the payoff for several years. Alas, they will grow up and eventually reap what they sow, as long as they don’t give up. By the way, inflation rate falls again for the 5th month in a row. Told you so!! NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S consumer prices barely rose in November amid declines in the cost of gasoline and used cars, leading to the smallest annual increase in inflation in nearly a year, which could give the Federal Reserve cover to start scaling back the size of its interest rate increases on Wednesday. The consumer price index increased 0.1% after advancing 0.4% in October, the Labor Department said on Tuesday. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the CPI gaining 0.3%. In the 12 months through November, the CPI climbed 7.1%. That was the smallest advance since December 2021. Annual inflation is slowing in part as last year’s big increases drop out of the calculation, while Fed tightening is als
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This explains a lot
    DocSavage that tells me we aren’t going to see inflation continuing on like it did in the 70s and 80s. You attest to the fact that the jobs reports are just not painting an overall picture. We also don’t know if the gig economy is thrusting competition away from job seekers. If you talk to Ricky boi, he will tell you inflation is going to continue at the 6-9% rate for years to come, but your accurate statements tell a different story of further declining wage gains in the future. I agree, the labor force isn’t growing that rapidly and wages will increase temporarily for the next year, but employers will stop with those colas in 2024, because the rising pace of goods and services will have plateaued. Too many boomers are retiring and not enough workers taking their seats.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    ^^^ failed suicide is just another example of Icee’s failures in life in general. He claims strippers joke about PLs on this website with him, while the real world PLs laugh at his posts on this site. It’s the season for giving, and Icee is giving lots of laughs at his expense! Lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Now i know why people think Icee is a girl. He spends an enormous amount of time on here talking about “feelings”. No wonder stripper hoes leave him after milking Icee for cash, because women do not want someone who is as emotionally needy or demanding as they are. Icee has got issues, stemming from an emotional void that needs filling. You can fill all 3 inputs simultaneously on Icee and that would w be enough to satisfy that void!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    A strip club saved my life....
    This thread is like herpes. It flares up occasionally to remind you of bad choices made in the past.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Affirmation that they are not "whores"
    Just say you’re wanting to tap into her “inner whore” that’s been hiding from you for a little fun!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Weird dates?
    WTF is this? Did I mistakenly log into I didn’t know I create an account that discusses junior high school topics.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great quantity and quality of girls
    Drinks are a minimum of $11, unless you order beer.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation! Well this flies in the face of Rickyboy’s jobs and employment narrative. Keep in mind that wages have only risen 5% in the past year, well below the rate of inflation. Told you so! Here’s how the article is printed with even data from ADP and BLS, wow a little research thrown in, too. Weeeee!! The big story of the week was the +263K jump in Nonfarm Payrolls, somewhat higher than the street estimate of 200K, now causing some pundits to say that a “soft landing” is now likely for the economy. Unfortunately, the headline number is quite misleading. The Payroll Survey is a survey of larger businesses and counts jobs, while the Household Survey counts those who are employed. A person with two part-time jobs shows up as “employed” in the Household Survey (i.e., counts as one), but as two in the Payroll Survey. The Household Survey results for November were -138K on top of -328K in October and the number of people employed was nearly identical to the number produced way back in March. We haven’t seen back-to-back declines in this survey since the lockdowns in 2020. In addition, since the Payroll Survey says the number of jobs are rising, but it isn’t showing up as more employment in the Household Survey, the rise in the job counts in the Payroll Survey must be mainly part-time. This is verified in the Household Survey by the expansion of +165K of those working more than one job. The contraction of Hours Worked is another sign that part-time jobs have been the growth engine. In November, the workweek contracted -0.3% and, at 34.4 hours, is at the lowest level since the April 2020 lockdowns. According to Economist David Rosenberg, the workweek contraction is equivalent to a -380K job loss. Furthermore, overtime hours fell -3.1% in November, yet another negative sign. Employment in the Retail sector fell -30K in November and is down -62K since September. One wouldn’t see this if retailers were expecting a solid holiday shopping season. In the ADP report, employment only rose +127K. Of interest, small business (<50 employees) and large businesses (>500 employees) showed up as shedding jobs (-51K and -68K respectively), and we’ve noted in past blogs the large and rapid layoffs in the tech sector. It was mid-sized companies (50-499 employees) that added (+283K). The Unemployment Rate (U3) is calculated from the Household Survey. Because that survey has shown up negative for the past two months, one would expect the unemployment rate to have risen. But, it hasn’t, staying at 3.7% for both October and November. That’s because the labor force participation rate fell for the third month in a row (i.e., the labor force shrank; so, while the numerator, employment, was lower, so was the denominator, the labor force). This isn’t healthy. Of concern for the Fed is the jump of 0.6% in average hourly earnings, double the market expectation and up 5.1% Y/Y (vs. 4.9% in October). Had hours worked not contracted, the average hourly earnings number would have been under the +0.3% street estimate. We don’t expect the labor force to continue to contract, so going forward, this is going to moderate. Nevertheless, this will likely give the hawks at the Fed additional ammo. The reason we think that the hourly earnings will come back in line comes from the latest October JOLTS (Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey) where layoffs rose +58K (up in two of the last three months), new hires fell -84K in October -238K in September, and -820K over the last eight months, and quits were down -34K in October, -124K in September and down by -403K over the last seven months. So, going forward, we expect wage growth to fall to the 3% level.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    Uh oh, momentum is starting to turn on the pace of inflation! Hold on, more to cum in the following months! I told you so!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Christine Mcvie ‘43-‘22
    I maybe the only big fan when Mac had Peter the Green God with them before he got swallowed up by a cult. “Oh Well”, “Black Magic Woman”, and “Station Man” were my favorites with him, but once he left and they added McVie, it defiant was a change for the better, and even better when they brought on Nicks and Buckingham a few years later. That chemistry is what enticed the Rumours album, maybe the best rock album ever created.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Concert Bucket List & Ticket Prices
    Ironic you wrote this thread just as I was reading about Christie McVie Passing away. I did see her with Fleetwood Mac a few years ago and am so glad I did. She sang song bird and several other songs she wrote. Her voice was angelic, and I think I paid over $100 to see them live. Also sat in traffic going to the Hollywood Bowl in ‘97 when they did the “Dance” live. Had to pee in a plastic cup and poor it out on the freeway before arriving. Love their live shows as they still rocked it in their 70’s.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Thanks for the link SirLapDance! My favorite Icee quote from that thread is “I’ll be the patient from hell until I leave.” Lol! SMH at Icee. Why are you even here when you have only adversaries from antagonizing everyone? Seems the logical thing is to leave this site totally since your only friend in SJG has left, too.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee you better take a remedial comprehension reading class yourself punk. There’s no doubt you berated those healthcare workers while yiu were in the hospital, because there’s proof of it when you were posting from your hospital bed, or do you want us to start posting those links from the thread YOU started and commented, berating the doctors and nurses?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    I remember when Icee was in the hospital berating all the healthcare workers while he was having heart and lung issues, just sitting there for days arguing with everyone about his care. Oh, the irony calling strippers hoes, healthcare workers hoes, yet claiming to be this woke progressive caring humanitarian. SMH. We know he’s heading for a premature 💀 death. Lol!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Texting me on Thanksgiving???
    I got several texts from business associates wishing me happy tday, is that the same thing because, you know we handle business together? Seems like the professional thing to do. I did mention on another thread about the probability of seeing more damaged products at the club during holidays, but maybe that’s just me flexing my personal situation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Night time?
    ^^ stick to commenting about things you are good at and knowledgeable, like anime, travel dancing, dogs as a companion, and PLs like Rickyboi. Not sure where the drug reference comes from, but you take what you can when grasping for straws in an autistic world.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Customer Appreciation Holiday Party
    Invite all the former strippers (who still look good) to work so we all can reminisce about our wonderful past and savor in the moment one last time. Why not, there are so many hypotheticals thrown around this website, especially the one about the 70’s and 80’s style inflation, which if anyone has a rational thought knows isn’t true.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Night time?
    Nice seeing Spice keeping this light. I’ve seen all melatonin levels in the ghetto; gang bangers come in all types. This is the 5th largest city in the US, so variety comes in all shapes and sizes. I think Mark explained the contrast and comparison better than I.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Thanksgiving Wednesday: Busy, or slow?
    You’d likely be fishing in a barrel of highly damaged goods. Most stable People likely have plans to commit, but of course not all. You technically can find someone looking to make cash before the holiday, and then go back to the family. My guess is more likely the PLs will be more damaged, but nobody is getting dances from them. Tell us how you do! I’ll be sleeping and fasting.