
Texting me on Thanksgiving???

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Two different girls I deal with decided to get chatty today of all days. I had already told my regular connects that I would be locked down on Thanksgiving, yet two of them kept texting me anyway. One was clearly trying to setup our next meet, but the other just wanted to chat.

The worst part with the chatty one is that I haven't even closed the deal with her yet. I sense that she is close and that Christmas will likely push it over, so I didn't want to just blow her off, but dammit today was just not good for this. I was cooking for hours and otherwise had my hands full.

It also made me a little sad in an odd way. Don't these girls have loved ones focus on today? I mean seriously, both of them started texting me before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was even over.

Anyway, just venting. Anyone else deal with this today?


  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    I got several "Happy Thanksgiving" messages, even one from an escort. Nobody *explicitly* talked about spending, but I suspect most of them were "hey, don't forget about me!"
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    You must live in a friendlier part of the country than I do. I have about 15 escorts on my "speed dial" and none of them have texted me for an appointment.

    Even the cute Cuban I met at Baby Dolls in Dallas hasn't texted me yet, and I saw her two weeks ago and gave her $320 for 12 lap dances. Very generous tips! She knows I wanna pursue OTC activities with her and we exchanged numbers but haven't heard a peep from her yet. She's either making a ton of money at the club, or already has plenty of gentleman callers she sees outside of work to fund her lifestyle.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "I got several "Happy Thanksgiving" messages, even one from an escort. Nobody *explicitly* talked about spending, but I suspect most of them were "hey, don't forget about me!""

    I wish that's all it was for me. One of them started that way, but when I responded with the same, she followed up with a longer text about how much she enjoyed our last meetup blah blah blah. The other one claimed to "miss our chats" (she hasn't worked in the club for a while), but I know she's not yet open for more.

    I realize that I may be coming off a like a bit of a jerk with this, but everyone I deal with knows that I have a family. You'd think that they'd know better than to blow up my phone at noon on Thanksgiving.
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Sadly, My favorite did not bother to respond my Happy Thanksgiving Message. She is always very quick to respond when I message her asking her club schedule etc, also she texts asking me to see her in club when she is short on rent or any other need. But today she did not bother to respond and l look like an idiot.
  • Specialj
    2 years ago
    I don’t know man. Maybe the best thing would have been not to respond to them at all, and text them tomorrow. It is kind of sad that they are texting on a day to be spent with family.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I had a pretty busy texting day. Set up a few things in those texts. So I have no reason to "vent".
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Maybe the best thing would have been not to respond to them at all, and text them tomorrow. It is kind of sad that they are texting on a day to be spent with family."

    You're probably right about responding to them, but one of them is my weekly girl and the other is one I've wanted to bag going on 2 years now. If it was almost anyone else I probably would have blown it off, but I have reasons to keep the lines of communication open with each.

    But it did make me think that they didn't have family to be with, which I agree is kinda' sad. Especially the one who just wanted to talk. Those of us with people to be with on a day like today should definitely count our blessings.
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    My issue is the other way around. Dancer did not bother to respond. Sadly, My favorite did not bother to respond my Happy Thanksgiving Message. She is always very quick to respond when I message her asking her club schedule etc, also she texts asking me to see her in club when she is short on rent or any other need. But today she did not bother to respond and l look like an idiot.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I make a habit of texting friends, family and business partners on holidays also. So the wife doesn't question me at all when she sees me on the phone all day today. I just make sure I talk to her about the friends and family texts.

    I actually spent 3-4 hours working today. So it's not all mongering.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I also had a pair of dancers text me, but my situation is a bit different. We had spoken about holiday plans previously & they both knew that I'm generally finished with my family activities by mid afternoon. Both were fishing for an invite last night. It was not to be though, as my place became the refuge of of a contingent of early 20's boys who I couldn't leave to suffer the fate of being cooped up in the houses of grandparents or 50yr old aunts/uncles who act like grandparents. I ended up hosting a poker game, BBQ/bonfire, and cornhole tournament to give them an excuse to go elsewhere.

    On the subject of them not having family to be with, I don't know about your situation but in mine neither of them are American. So for them it's just another Thursday but the clubs are closed. I'm sure there's a bunch who who have liked to celebrate but don't have family or at least not family they like or like them though.
  • Htxx
    2 years ago
    The incoming texts for otc meets have picked up dramatically for me too, however, I’m not married and was out with friends yesterday so I didn’t respond. Been very busy this morning replying though lol
  • funonthaside
    2 years ago
    Isn't it ironic that guys are complaining about girls texting when we are busy, yet we don't seemed to understand that they may have lives away from PLs when not working, and get upset when we don't receive prompt replies?

    Also, I suspect that some of the girls were in fact lonely, and others were just trying to be nice to us (either because they simply wanted to be nice, or wanted to set up for a future transition to meet up).

    Some, or even many, girls in the activity are snakes, but some are genuine people just trying to make ends meet. Let's appreciate that they think of us sometimes, even if for non-genuine reasons, particularly if it's communication not explicitly containing a nudge for funding.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick isn't complaining he's gloating and trying to flex
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ you're trolling and trying to flex, but you still comes across like a whiny little twat
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    No you're just trolling md fuck off short fat senile bitch ass troll
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Frenulum
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @rickdugan: "The other one claimed to "miss our chats" (she hasn't worked in the club for a while), but I know she's not yet open for more."

    I know that you're more than a little skeptical (and rightly so) about this sort of thing, and I also know that my experience with my ATF makes me a little *less* skeptical than I probably should be, but consider the possibility that she actually does miss your chats. And if she actually doesn't have *real* family to spend time with, it makes it a little more understandable. Still doesn't excuse bugging you during a time when you said not to, of course.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I got several well wishes and "Happy Thanksgiving!" messages. Pretty short and sweet, which I appreciate.

    I got one "Hope you have a great turkey dinner day. Speaking of "gobble, gobble", when are you coming to the club?" That was humorous. But I'm pretty sure there's more than one guy who got that message.

    I also got one "My family just finished dinner and is fighting over what movie to watch. What movie should we watch?" I recommended "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" or the first "Die Hard." They went with "Die Hard" and it went over great. It was nice to spread a little holiday cheer.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    I got several texts from business associates wishing me happy tday, is that the same thing because, you know we handle business together? Seems like the professional thing to do.

    I did mention on another thread about the probability of seeing more damaged products at the club during holidays, but maybe that’s just me flexing my personal situation.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "I know that you're more than a little skeptical (and rightly so) about this sort of thing, and I also know that my experience with my ATF makes me a little *less* skeptical than I probably should be, but consider the possibility that she actually does miss your chats."

    Actually GMD, I believe her to a degree. This girl definitely has heavy duty Daddy issues. I know that I somehow feed into it when I show her approval. I've been dealing with her for a long time and we've had a lot of long conversations during that timeframe. She even swings by to get my attention when I'm otherwise occupied and not paying her that night.

    Did I also mention that she's hot as fuck? I'm talking a legit 9. But she's also carrying some heavy duty baggage that is simmering just below the surface, which is why I've never pushed the OTC issue. She has always been adamantly opposed to p4p and I'm afraid that if I get her to agree at a weak moment that it could break something in her. Anyone can think what they like about me, but I'm not a monster, lol.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I just pretend to be the stupid old Boomer who can't figure out this new-fangled texting thing when dancers show an interest in texting with me. I don't do otc but they still want to text me to try to talk me into coming into the club to see them.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick what kind of issues, some kind of trauma or abuse from a previous partner or father figure? What were her dances like in the club? If someone is extremely opposed to otc, the lapdances themselves may not be worthwhile. For instance many of the non OTC girls won’t do an LDK style lapdance since its more intimate and sexual, and they may just stick to only grinding on your thighs or even air dancing, so they can be a waste of time even ITC unless youre just looking to grope someone and don’t care about ldking.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "I also mention that she's hot as fuck? I'm talking a legit 9. But she's also carrying some heavy duty baggage that is simmering just below the surface"

    I'd go easy with her. You might have something special if you play it right, perhaps FWB type of thing? I wish I had a true 9 wanna bang me on the side for free, but I never been anywhere close to that lucky. At the very least, just CashApp her $20 after a sweet texting session to let her know you care about her and wanna help out.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @rickdugan: "Did I also mention that she's hot as fuck? I'm talking a legit 9. But she's also carrying some heavy duty baggage that is simmering just below the surface, which is why I've never pushed the OTC issue."

    I *do* believe you. The 5'7" blonde I mentioned in the Strip Club Standards/Looks thread is similar. A legit 9, as you say, or maybe an 8 if you require C or bigger boobs, with *major* daddy issues. She hates him, and hates the way he treated her mother, but still wants his approval, which he'll never give her. Took the pandemic to induce her to call me and ask "can we talk over dinner?" Normally I would have just assumed she was playing me for a free meal, but she's hot enough, and the place she suggested was inexpensive enough, that I thought it was worth a shot. And *she* was the one who broached the subject of nakey time.

  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I know general consensus around here is that anything a stripper says or does is just to get in your pocket, much the way they feel anything we say or do is only in service of getting in their panties, but I disagree.

    Very often, that is the primary goal of both parties, that's true. But it's not unheard of for some level of relationship to develop beyond the purely transactional one at the surface. I wouldn't recommend either party go in assuming the others heart is pure and intentions are true, that's a recipe for disaster even outside of the stripper-customer paradigm. But both parties enjoying the conversation and having a degree of genuine care or at least appreciation for the other is absolutely reasonable to happen from time to time, even if the original intent was just purely financial and prurient.
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