Comments by Mate27 (page 36)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Disappointing experience as a couple visiting Platinum Plus Cabaret
    Another review of why we don’t visit this club. I think it became a tax write off for some wealthy owner, because the club itself can’t make &&.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    One key difference between SA girls and OTC strippers
    That’s a great quote, “I’m not the solution to anyone’s problems.” There’s an old joke that says a woman tries to find one man to solve all her problems. A man tries find all women to solve his one problem!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sex symbol Raquel Welch dead at 82
    When I was young I’d watch old movies and admired her as a young adolescent. She had natural beauty.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation. I wonder the accuracy of what you’re saying Dugan, because this chart shows a 10% decrease in M2 (money supply) since January of 2022. Volcker never raised the overnight funds over 450 bps in one year like Powell has. Sadly, I think most of the blame for fiscal irresponsibility lies during Trump’s tenure, and I say that even though I voted for him twice. The jobs sector is tightest among low paying services and hospitality positions, not the high paying demanding places professionals seek. It’s why they will always remain a demand for low paying jobs, because nobody wants to do them. The tech/finance sector has shed over 100,000 jobs this past year, which is equal to about 500,000 lowly employed leisure/service paid positions. Jobs report blowout #s are just smoke and mirrors. Money supply is dropping and so is inflation. But yiu keep talking tough until you figure it out, Magic Man Dugan. Rotflmfao!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply! Something else to study while looking at these charts! Rotflmfao!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Anyone from Arizona ?
    I think anyone would have booked a one way flight the fuck out of here after dealing with an athlete who thinks he knows it all (kyler Murray) but in reality doesn’t know shit. The media pandered his ass into thinking he didn’t have to study, but every year he has been in the league saw a precipitous drop off in his performance as the year wore on, because opponents figures him out and he never made adjustments. His preparation sucked, and now after his injury Murray will probably not be able to run as well. Since he is a shorter QB I doubt he has much of a future in the NFL. Kingsburu knew this and was stuck in an impossible situation. Hope he hasn’t gone Hangover II on us, because Bangkok can eat you up! The Bidwills are notorious for being shrewd and tight with their operations. They’ll never be like the Chiefs, Packers, Eagles, Patriots because it all starts from the top, and the cardinals have the shiftiest ownership in the league.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    Tetradon, you’re not far off on that because I am totally ocd when it comes to planning my finances and personal health. Combine that with resistance from the curmudgeon crew and this becomes full on entertainment for me, because I know my stance is correct. I see Docsavage has drawn much levity to this scenario, and is mostly spot on. Jobs are being added, but they’re the lower paying service jobs lost during the pandemic making a comeback, whereas the white collar tech and finance sector is shedding jobs. It takes 3-4 service sector job be to equate one lost tech/finance position. The jobs reports do not separate those figures, and aren’t reflecting the true economy. Anyhoo, glad to see you guys are in tune with reality. There’s hope for humanity after all!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    The money supply has shrunk over the last year. Too bad I can’t find a link to add to one of many already listed, but it’s been stated over and over that the supply has shrunk since the summer of ‘22, hence my reasons for making the investing community aware to not fear all the false reporting inflation numbers we have been seeing since. Month to month since June of over 9.1% will turn into 2-3% by the time August ‘23 rolls around. If not then equities would have sunk instead of rise, and the 10 year yield would be over 5%. None of those things happened.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OTC Post Nut Clarity
    Icee, if those so called “hookers” weren’t employed by Dugan, they would easily find someone else for a cash infusion. That someone could be a wanna be pimp that hangs out at clubs pitching pharmaceuticals to dancers, so you could easily say Dugan is saving these girls from an unfortunate meeting with said pharmaceutical sales rep, who will try to change them into one of his stripper hoes.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Again if reading comprehension was a strength of your Mark, you’d see who made the “leading to deflation” comment. No worries tho, do markets lie? Equities are up 8% year to date and even higher since August. The 10 year bond is 100 bps lower than the overnight short term fed rate, but I guess I will make a thousand conspiracy theories in hopes that one of them are right, correct? Stay focused and targeted, it’ll make you much more productive as a human.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    In other words Mark, you’re another guy stuck in the past. It hasn’t even been a year since rate increases started, and when the April CPI comes out you will see the rate of increase from October 2022 (prior 6 months) will be under 3%, and then another round of “I told you so!”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    The counter point is that it hasn’t even been one year since the fed started raising rates in March of 2022, and it takes 12-18 months to have those affects take hold. Again, shelter costs make up a large portion so have we all become renters? Short term rates will go from 25 bps up to 488 bps in one year once the fed meets next month. The drops in inflation are never linear, and I believe you Dugan commented on “momentary blips”. The seasonal #s seen after the holidays with jobs and January incomes resetting due to employers giving raises contribute to the distortions. By the way, this was the first inflation report in 5 months that didn’t come in better than expected! If we have another blowout jobs report in March and an even higher CPI next month, which we won’t, then yiu may have a case to make. Until then, the distortions from the gauges are what’s important. Volley never raised short term rates 475 bps in one year, and this isnt the 70’s or 80’s. Incomes aren’t even keeping up with inflation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Good one! I see the main reason (up to 40%)for this month’s print is still shelter costs with a big lag on the readings. As the months tick by it will drop, as everyone knows the new leases are dropping. A member on here also coined the term “momentary blips”. Anyho, glad you’re still paying attention. It shows you’ll learn the outcomes eventually. Of course SkiDumb will think it’s an Apple News article….. Rent Shelter costs, which account for about 40% of the core inflation increase, rose 7.9% over the past year. Rent costs jumped 8% and hotels/motels 8.5% on an annual basis. New leases are lower, and renters are leaving their apartments and going to places with lower affordability, except in Manhattan. We see this all over the Phx metro which lead the nation 2022 in shelter increases. The whole point of this exercise is to analyze the smoky mirrors. The original intent wasn’t to say there is no inflation. Duh, or course it is, but it’s such a faulty representation of what is actually happening on the ground. Have fun!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Kind of an uneventful trip.
    ^^ and I know where those clubs are at! They may not have the # of quality dancers, but all it takes is one good One to develop rapport with and she will be loyal to you. Those $10 lap dances I get are better than I get in the VIP of Hiliter or Bourbon Street.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    What Kind of Car Do You Drive? And What Do You Like About It?
    A heavy duty diesel crew can pick up track with 300,000 miles on it. I bought it 20 years ago and it doesn’t leak a drop of fluid parked in the driveway. In fact, I bought license registration tabs for $150 which lasts for 5 years! No wonder I can afford to invest half of my income when my 20 year old home is almost paid off to boot. Humble brag, but I am soon about to drop a few hundred thousand into a cabin in the woods to escape the heat, and that too will be paid with cash. In 20 years I will probably retire and then buy myself a ‘57 Chevy or a ‘72 Monte Carlo. I Could also have eyes on a ‘66 Pontiac GTO.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Biden SOTU 2023
    Mark94 says “no wonder he’s popular….among some people.” Who you calling “some people”??!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    I Da Kang Of Da Smart Talk!
    Yes you are. They say it’s not your IQ, but your I will that heat you places. You are definitely full of shit!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Super Bowl Half Time Show
    I too am not a fan of the music in general, but sitting there watching my kids dance around to it was entertaining. I couldn’t tell them I recognized all of the songs since they are played at the strip clubs many times over my hundreds of visits. Each year the Super Bowl is pandering to the younger crowd with their half time shows, and I’m ok with that. Don’t need to see any more of those old timers rocking out, I can go see that at one of their several final tours they keep doing whenever they need additional funds.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    It’s a classic suburban strip club, don’t expect more
    ^ to be clear, I was describing my similar experience as you with a different dancer. Purely coincidental and I’m pretty sure it’s a tactic to keep you spending, but you already surmised that in the review. Well done!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Washington DC’s Best Strip Club
    I’ve Been to Archibald’s several times and never had any fun there, but the only reason why there are return trips is that a coworker gets takeout with a couple girls. I think that’s the only way to have fun in DC. It appears to be their business model, so yeah this is definitely a club ad!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    It’s a classic suburban strip club, don’t expect more
    I’ve had a “seasonal” girl try to pull the same shit on me. Anyway, once I only did floor dances with her she stepped it up and tried telling me she wanted to fuck, as long as I brought a condom. Needless to say I stopped going there. I’ve done 3 visits in the past 2 years and haven’t had any great interactions there. This club caters to regulars who are in love.I have no emotions for dancers, so I’m out.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Scrubby is in the news 🤭
    -I don’t know doc, I hope you’re not a fidget because 2 bits himself reported his stats as being 5’8” or 5’9” and over 200 lbs in a discussion thread about 1 year ago. I’m going by memory so I could be a little off, but it’s the reason why Scrub has called him fat and short since then. I never drew first, but I’ll draw first blood when a punk ass fat fuck starts shit, I will finish it; online or in person. Since I am over 200 lbs, I can also say I am over 6’2”, but it’s the first I’ve ever mentioned it. Only time I bitch slap a pussy ass wanna be tough guy is if he ( more likely a she) brings it. This site is purely for entertainment for me, slapping around keyboard cowboys who start shit and can’t finish what they bring, I’ll finish it for them.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Scrubby is in the news 🤭
    ^^ a fat and stupid loser named 2 bits cares if he’s watching his ignorant list!! Rotflmfao!! Go eat another sandwich bitch!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    ^ God yuu are fat and stupid! When inflation was running over 8.5% in august and now it is below 2% annual rate since then, that IS dropping like a rock. You better check your reading skills because I don’t know what part of that equation doesn’t equal inflation dropping like a rock in a mere 6 months. Fat and stupid really is no way to go through life 2 bits!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Now that 2 bits (Twentyfive) has joined the bandwagon throwing peanuts from the stupid peanuts gallery like other ignoramuses, here’s some facts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you can read and do simple math, add up the “All Items” column for the months of June-December of 2022. It is less than 1%, which is annualized at less than 2%, well within the acceptable level the federal reserve wants us to be at. You’re welcome, and I told you so!