Super Bowl Half Time Show

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

I’m surprised no one has mentioned the half time show.

Why were the back up dancers dressed in white parkas in the Arizona desert? Looked like Russian soldiers invading Alaska


last comment
avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

Just my opinions.. I'm not a big fan of Rhianna but she does have a nice voice and I do like some of her songs even though I don't know the names unless someone mentions the title then I say 'yeah that's it' That's probably because I'm not a big fan and a rock music guy. I think one of the songs is named 'ride' It looked like parts/much/or all of her set was possibly lip synced to me, definitely parts. Compared to previous half time shows it was pretty low key.

Rihanna is an opportunistic bitch. She'll put up with anything for money

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

The show was also an announcement of her pregnancy. She’s kinda funny and nobody’s said it, but all those white hoodies looked a lot like sperm cells moving around her egg. Lol

avatar for Electronman
2 yrs ago

The white parka dance outfits reminded me of Woody Allen's film "Everything you wanted to know about sex," the skit where the characters were dressed up as a sperm and ready for "blast off."

avatar for Jascoi
2 yrs ago

that was a wasted 15 minutes...

avatar for azdd
2 yrs ago

Chris Stapleton’s rendition of the National Anthem was way better than the halftime show, IMHO. Loved it!

Come on you can dislike her personal life choices. But as an artist how can you hate on her music...

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

She’s super talented and while her music isn’t the favorite of the tuscl demographic, she’s got a lot of hits. She hasn’t put out an album in 6 years but instead built a fashion empire. Talent and work ethic. She also looked freaking hot in her old videos. Not afraid of showing off her body.

avatar for rockie
2 yrs ago

I thought the half time show was quite good musically. The game itself was great!

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

I thought her performance was OK, not memorable. Short readthrough of her best-known numbers.

All the crazy wokes are calling her a sellout--evidently she promised to boycott football in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick in 2019. Now that supporting Kap is no longer The Current Thing, money talks.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

I too am not a fan of the music in general, but sitting there watching my kids dance around to it was entertaining. I couldn’t tell them I recognized all of the songs since they are played at the strip clubs many times over my hundreds of visits. Each year the Super Bowl is pandering to the younger crowd with their half time shows, and I’m ok with that. Don’t need to see any more of those old timers rocking out, I can go see that at one of their several final tours they keep doing whenever they need additional funds.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I thought she must have been lip syncing to much of the performance. It was an odd sound mix - as her vocals seemed to blend in with the volume of the backing tracks.

I liked the moving platforms - and I like her music.

It was a decent show, but I was expecting more.

avatar for captainfun
2 yrs ago

Of the last few years I thought Bruno Mars was the best.

I like Rihanna but thought the show last night was really bad. Totally overdone on theatrics and no emphasis on what matters - sound quality and singing.

I don't envy her timing on doing that pregnant. Going up and down on those platforms could have made anyone feel the need to throw up.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

With the differences in music preferences in this country, it is going to be very difficult to find a show that everyone is going to enjoy. But I got nothing out of watching a pregnant Rihanna walk around is a red jumpsuit.

Bring on Metallica !!!

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

The game was great. Everything else just annoys me. I google “kick off time”. It said 6:30, but there was about 20 minutes of BS after 6:30 before kickoff. And halftime is way too long.

avatar for ATACdawg
2 yrs ago

Who gives a darn about the halftime show. That was one of THE most entertaining games I have ever had the privilege of watching!

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

@tetra “Now that supporting Kap is no longer The Current Thing, money talks.”

Super Bowl halftime performers don’t get paid. She did it for free. She also doesn’t have an album or tour to promote, so she doesn’t even need the free publicity. So, she’s a sellout … for free?

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

As someone who doesn't watch football or listen to Rhiannon, I couldn't give less of a fuck about her halftime superbowl performance. It does strike me as odd when a musician agrees to lip-sync their own songs. Why not just save yourself the trouble and get a cartoon band ala The Archies to do it? It would be easier to pull off and then she could stay home eating snacks instead of dragging her baby bump to whatever stadium full of screaming not-sportsfans.

avatar for Manuellabore
2 yrs ago

My SO said the backup dancers were sperm and Rhi Rhi was the vagina. I thought SO was off-base, but the discerning TUSCL commenters validated her. As far as Rhianna selling out for $, she's got a net worth of $1.4 billion, mostly from her fashion/cosmetic lines, so she can pretty much do what she wants w/out regard to $. I heard she performed for free, so it may be more about visibility. Her "best-of" set is basically a bunch of catchy earworms. Better than most of the hip hop that's prevalent at the SCs

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

I thought it was just a nod to Apple corporate colors because they co-branded the Superbowl halftime show.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Where would you rather not be; Portland after any type of police misconduct in any random city in the US or Philadelphia after the eagles win or lose?

Muddy would you rather be a black person or openly gay person in a small Alabama town or an Arkansas town?

Desertscrub. No one gets paid for their performance at the half time show. You pretend to be offended by her performance yet scour strip clubs for hookers. Some double standard

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Classic rock was all about the music. Modern pop music is all about the hype and image. Witness Rihanna.

Classic rock artists were creative and edgy. Modern pop stars create an image of being creative and edgy.

Janis Joplin would not have thrived in today’s music world.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Sadly a lot of halftime shows are lip synced. The Red Hot Chili Peppers got a lot of flack when they lip synced, but they said in post interviews - “our guitars wouldn’t even work because it was 40 degrees out, what else could we have done?”

Best halftime ever? Prince, who did not lip sync and played hit guitar, in the rain.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Praying to @founder and all the patron saints of PL (CHJ, CBJ, CFS, FRMOS, and dougster): oh please please let there be a battle royale between icey and scrub. If not for me, then for the popcorn sales. Lighting a votive $20 bill so that my prayers are heard.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I think you should throw some more in there and it’d be like Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania 69: where all the PLs are grabbing some balls.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

I spent the halftime break mostly in the kitchen making another batch of buffalo wings. I could hear the show and caught a glimpse every now and then.

From what I heard and saw, I was thinking Chris Brown should come and kick her ass again.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
2 yrs ago

Holy shit what's wrong with you miserable folks. Pregnant Rhi Rhi nailed it! Bitch Better Have My Money! Hell yea! Loved it!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Ever since 2020 I record prett-much w/e sporting-event I wanna watch – I’ll usually start watching the recorded-event from-the-beginning halfway thru while it’s playing live - i.e. for an NFL game I’ll start watching the recorded version ~2-hours after the game has started that way I can skip the commercials and I often skip halftime and I’ll usually finish watching the recorded-version around the same-time the live-version ends but in half-the-time and having skipped all commercials.

I mainly started doing this in 2020 to avoid all the aggravating woke-shit (I just heard a little while ago that they had played “the black national anthem” pre-game and as far as I’m concerned there is only one national-anthem (I’m Hispanic and I don’t expect nor want a “Hispanic National Anthem”).

Anyway – I skipped the pre-game and halftime festivities this year in part b/c I’m a child-of-the-80s and not that much into current music and I rarely listen to current-artists thus I don’t have too-big-a-desire to sit thru a halftime-show of artists I normally don’t follow (plus the risk of running into more woke-shit).

Having said this – I did enjoy the Bruno Mars halftime-show a-few-ears-ago – can’t say I was a follower-of-his-work at the time but I was def impressed when I saw him perform and was impressed by his talent both singing and dancing.

I don’t follow Rhiana but I’ve heard a few of her songs and she looks very-talented and has been popular for a good # of years vs just being a flash-in-the-pan – so I give her kudos w.r.t. her talent and longevity but I’m def turned-off b most of her political and social stands – after having read this thread it’s piqued my-interest a bit and I’ll probably go back and watch the pre and halftime shows.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Oh the fucking commercials... so so terrible. It wasn't too long ago that nearly every Super Bowl commercial was compelling in some way, whether hysterically funny, emotional like the Bud Clydesdales, or otherwise clever somehow. They've been gradually going downhill for the last 10 years or so, but this year was BY FAR the worst.

Before the game started my friends and I were predicting there would be all "woke" shit in the commercials. Well, I can't even say I saw so much of that. It was more just dull, boring, unimaginative stuff, and a lot of them were just head scratchers like, "WTF did I just watch?" The one that started out like one of those heart-wrenching animal charity commercials, and then the "dog" the woman was sheltering turned out to be a wolf?? I'm guessing it was supposed to be funny, but I'm still not sure what they were trying to do there. Making fun of suffering animals?

The Caddyshack parodies... ughh... don't even get me started. Shame on Bill Murray for appearing in that. And all these other celebrities, are they fuckin broke or something to do these lame commercial spots? Steve Martin, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell... And John Travolta singing and dancing with a couple of fags, shit man I think those rumors about him being gay must have been true.

Desert scrub. Was that your 20 fag impression or your ski cuck impression???

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

@mark “Classic rock was all about the music. Modern pop music is all about the hype and image. Witness Rihanna. ”

You’re way off on Rihanna. She is all about the music. Her concerts are usually just her singing. Very little extra spectacle. Even yesterday was extremely understated by Super Bowl standards.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

I was expecting to be bored by the half time show. But the elevated platforms and choreography and camera angles impressed me and I ended up enjoying it.

I also recognized several of the songs, and except for one, didn't realize it was her. Yeah I probably heard them in the clubs, not music I usually listen to.

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

what is there to say really. rihanna is the pop hit queen of this generation just like madonna was during the 80's. we're at the strip clubs so we've heard the hits if not totally tuned out while there.

she's smart at having nuno bettencourt, one of the best rock guitarists, in her live band. he helps makes her songs more interesting.

despite all that i'd rather have paul mccartney just do a set by himself on piano.

Rihanna was great but the referees won the super bowl

avatar for grand1511
2 yrs ago

Rihanna did not get paid for that halftime performance, which has been the practice for at least 10 years now. Artists do it to get that 20-some minutes of prime exposure. Other performers in the show get paid the minimum union scale wage. The headliners cash in right after with a significant bump in music and merch sales right after halftime. And usually they launch a tour off of the appearance.

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

I like female performers and backup dancers wearing sexy outfits, not parkas and ski pants. I guess they want more gay men watching.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Fox released the ratings. Super Bowl drew 113 million viewers, the best audience in 6 years for the game and the third most watched television program of all time. Huge! Rihanna’s halftime show drew 118.7 million viewers, obviously higher than a very competitive game. Based on the commentary I guess the tuscl demographic isn’t what they were aiming for? Shocking.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

“Based on the commentary I guess the tuscl demographic isn’t what they were aiming for? Shocking.”

Not just TUSCL. I belong to many sports groups on social media - and they skew very young. And universally the comments are repeated over and over. Everyone is tired of the same old hip-hop, R&B, EDM performers. You will never please everyone, but let’s mix it up a bit

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

NFL teamed up with Roc Nation a few years back, Jay Z’s talent agency. It’s going to skew that way for a while. Hard to argue with the last two years’ acts. Some of the biggest in history. Music is decidedly subjective. It’s only 13 minutes of a four hour spectacle. I do agree that there are other genres that can be represented. I like a lot of different types of music, so I’ll watch most anything. Unless it’s C&W, where I’ll use that time to go take a shit.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

From Catturd

When I think about music that touched my life - the last thing I think about is red devil suits, 20 side dancers, and horrible canned synthetic samples.

How I long for the days when we had musicians who played real instruments, wrote real song, and sang them from the heart.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

^ how to say you’re old without saying you’re old. Incidentally, ever go to a Van Halen, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Motley Crue or Judas Priest show? Talk about fun and a spectacle. If you just want the music go watch old MTV Unplugged shows.

When I think about music I think about sound. When I think about a show, I think about what I see. If you paid $200 in today’s ticket prices and the musicians just came out and played, you’d complain, but I think that’s what you like doing anyway.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Aside from their p4p hobby, tusclers are pretty typical Americans: they like acdc, hamburgers, and football. Delve into their secret hobby though, and it gets very specific. Assjobs, bbbjtcim vs bbbjtcot, bbw vs pawg, the system, frmos, otc, itc, trips around the world... you name it.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I actually saw Pink Floyd perform The Wall. It was probably the most over the top theatrical performance of all time. Plus, it included some great music that was performed live with real instruments. Unlike Rihanna’s Super Bowl show.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“If you paid $200 in today’s ticket prices and the musicians just came out and played, you’d complain”

If you paid $200 to see Rihanna perform, only to realize she was lip syncing while floating around on a platform, would you complain ?

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I was also at The Beach Boys Bicentennial concert in Anaheim Stadium where they just came out and played. They had 80,000 fans literally shaking the rafters. Amazing.

I saw Springsteen.

I saw U2.

I saw the Grateful Dead.

All live music played with real instruments. No devil suits and balloon boys.

No complaints.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

FFS just say you’re not a fan of her type of pop music. It’s not that she sold out, it’s not the spectacle of the show, it’s not the lip sync (the article linked said it’s nfl policy to prerecord the tracks and let them sing as much or as little as they want). Just don’t pretend it’s about something other than you not liking pop. And yes, if she lip synched a concert where I paid $200 for a ticket, yes, I’d complain. As I mentioned above, her live shows are all about the music and are very simple by today’s standards. But the Super Bowl where she did a 13 minute medley and I watched from home? Critique all the bs you want but she’s got a ridiculous amount of talent and has worked her ass off.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

I saw the Dwarves play to a sold out Off Ramp on their Blood Guts and Pussy tour, circa 1991. Blag Dahlia polished off a pint of whiskey and threw it hard at the crowd just as "Drug Store" kicked in. The bottle came straight at me 30 feet away, wheeling through the air. It missed my head by inches, but I could taste the whiskey as it spun out of the bottle and landed a few drops on my lips. This was not the only time I feared for my safety that night, the mosh pit was wild and aggressive. The band not only killed it, they were fucking scary.

Now THAT was a show.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I also saw Black Oak Arkansas perform where the Pot smoke was so thick in the arena that I couldn’t see the stage. The music was great but I can’t confirm whether it was live or a recording. Either way, it was fun.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

It was not my type of music - obviously - but all the guys on Facebook screaming for Metallica - I know that’s not gonna happen.

She does have a nice voice - but I knew it was obviously lip synced. But there were no costume changes and no secondary performer as in past years. That was a step backward.

I’m not a fan of Beyoncé either, but at least she was better to look at.

And where are SJW diversity police? Was there even one white backup dancer?

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Critique all the bs you want but she’s got a ridiculous amount of talent and has worked her ass off."

And she was very pregnant. You could tell she was limited out there but was still moving and dancing a bit. Would you have rather heard a pre-recorded track or a pregnant woman to trying her best to sing while dancing around and probably being exhausted in the process?

If we can respect Patrick Mahomes for playing the Superbowl on a high ankle sprain, then we can respect Rihanna for putting on a show during the biggest tv event of the year while expecting. And quite frankly the NFL (which gets all kinds of PR shit wrong) for being on board with it.

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

would i have preferred to see acdc, metallica, or zakk wylde's black label society perform at halftime? absolutely. of course am fully aware that there is no fucking way in hell that is going to happen. tv network perspective: huge ratings=huge revenues. booking rihanna to lip sync is a no brainer.

nfl followers are all going to watch the game regardless of who is performing at halftime. with rihanna you attract many millions more to tune in to watch than any of the above bands. the only way to attract way more than rihanna is if lennon and harrison were bought back from the dead to reunite the beatles.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

@JimmyMcNulty: "Super Bowl halftime performers don’t get paid. She did it for free."

Not quite, but close. Half time performers are paid union scale, which is a pittance next to their usual fees, but still not "free".

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I enjoyed the game I never watch the halftime show, nothing to complain about, for those that enjoyed watching Rhanna great, for me the game was excellent.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Thanks GMD. Scrub posted that as well. The original point I was responding to were the accusations that Ri Ri was a sellout (she lets me call her Ri Ri) and that she was just doing the show because of the money. She’s a self made billionaire, nor does she have a tour or album coming out to promote. Whatever union wage is, it’s not why she did her first show in 6 years. The sellout stuff was just more of the same bitching on the board to cast some fake judgment for criticizing the show like they were a music critic rather than just saying ‘I don’t like her music,’ which would be a fair and simple point.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

@scrub: “ i highly doubt that a band with marginal talent from the 60's would attract…”

Right on, a fellow Beatles hater! I knew you were a solid dude!

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Worst lip syncing performance in history.

My only problem with rihanna is her relationships. She's a role model whether or not she wants to be. She normalized toxic relationships for a lot of girls.

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