I Da Kang Of Da Smart Talk!

avatar for MackTruck
I took a IQ test and scored 100! Dats a perfect score and I am a genius level expert on Smart talk! I smarter dan any of you simpz! I bet none of you guys got a 100 on any test before!


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I Da brainz of dis here site!
That’s impressive Mackie! You are a genius - or a super genius - as Wyle E Coyote was called!

Stay away from boxes labeled Acme Explosives Company - as they are dangerous.
Of all the weird persona accounts tuscl has had over the years, this is my favorite. I'm a truck! I am dumb and talk funny! I am relentlessly cheerful! And I poop in peoples basements!

Keep on dumpin'....
Yes you are. They say it’s not your IQ, but your I will that heat you places. You are definitely full of shit!
I Da Kang of da trollz!
Thank you cashmane! Let's spread da positivity!

Tank you drewmane we gonna keep dumping loadz on da negativity people! Keep on trucking bro
Smart talk?

More like fart talk.

Fuck you, Mackie!
Yeah fuck you Mackie!
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