
Biden SOTU 2023

avatar for wld4tatas
New Jersey

Nice job by President Biden last night on the State of the Union speech. He didn't hit it out of the park, but it was solid. No doubt many were waiting to see how much he would forget or stumble, but the delivery was decent.

As expected, he covered the numerous recent legislative achievements, most bipartisan: CHIPS and Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Gun Safety, Infrastructure, etc. These are big deals. Caps on the price of insulin and lower negotiated prices for other expensive drugs. Huge investments in semiconductors that will create jobs and make us less dependent on China. Companies announcing $300 billion in manufacturing investments. Deficit reduction too. Inflation and gas prices are still a work in progress but improving. Unemployment at a 50-year low of 5.4%.

Basically he's got so many bases covered, the Republicans have been reduced to pathetic distortions, lies and conspiracy theories as the predominant element of their political strategy. This was showcased fantastically in the bizarre Republican reply by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Short on substance, she spent an inordinate amount of time telling stories about American pride. Multiple mentions of Biden and Dems trying to control and manipulate the American people, government taxing and burning your money, teaching children to hate each other, etc. Summed up as a choice between normal (Repubs) and crazy (Dems). Holee shit I thought I was watching an episode of the Twilight Zone ! I guess this kool-aid is all they have left to sell.

Some other observations and highlights:

McCarthy was cool as a cucumber. He appropriately applauded, stood up and shushed GOP hecklers. Good job.

Lauren Boebert's pissed reaction when Biden called to ban assault weapons. She looked hot though.

Turning lemons into lemonade in confirming that Republicans won't be touching SS or Medicare. "We all apparently agree". Nice.

Immigration was a weaker point, Biden could have done better.

It was cool to see Paul Pelosi there.


last comment
avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

^ Correction unemployment at 3.4%

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago


avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

You may not have guessed that a topic called "SOTU OFFICIAL THREAD LULZ" from yesterday is about the same thing, but it is.


avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Fuck You wld4ballsacks

Wild4tatas handouts to the rich via gov projects and nominal gestures to the poor doesn't help with unaffordable rents and food prices. When it comes to what matters he has his head up zelenskys ass and refuses to see reality

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

Thanks for the other SOTU thread link. I have the originator of that thread (Icee) on ignore, so I never saw it.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

The inflation Reduction Act Biden brags about increased government spending. That will be paid for with more money printing so will actually lead eventually to more inflation.

Opponents of big government label what we have now as socialism. The current system, though, is a merging of big business and big government and can be better described as a semi-fascist system. There has been increasing income inequality in recent years as the current system hasn't been designed to benefit the average person. This system has been in place since the fifties when it was said that what is good for the country is good for General Motors and vice versa. Now it's what is good for Pfizer or Moderna is good for the country, what is good for Lockheed or Raytheon is good for the country and so on. Both mainstream Democrats and Republicans are part of this corrupt system and there must be a realization of this among the general public for things to change.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 yrs ago

Lol. America is a shithole now. Enjoy your joke of a country and your wonderful "President." How many foreigners have invaded legally or otherwise since this a-hole took office? 20 million at least. There is no America anymore its just a fucking place with a totalitarian dictorship and people with nothing in common. Anyone taking any of this seriously anymore needs mental help.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Biden lives in a demented fantasy world where we don’t need oil, windmills meet all our energy needs, illegal immigrants contribute to our nation’s wealth, the key to prosperity is increased government spending, all white people are racist Nazis, all people of color are victims, and weakness toward China will be rewarded.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

Wld4manass is a liberal shill and unworthy of serious response.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

I call it as I see it.

What I see, as expected, is a reluctance of Repubs to fact check the talking points they keep getting fed over and over from their politicians and right wing media. Likely, some of them know they would learn that some of it is accurate but a lot of it is false or distorted. So, instead of spending the time to research and engage in thoughtful discussion, they resort to name calling and avoidance of discussion. I guess that helps reduce their false narratives getting exposed, case in point below.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

The inflation Reduction Act Biden brags about increased government spending. That will be paid for with more money printing so will actually lead eventually to more inflation.

If you wanted to make a case that Dem spending overall is not paid for, that would be a good discussion.

But the IRA itself is actually paid for. The CBO score found it will reduce deficits by $238 billion over a decade. There were some Republicans saying it increased the deficit, but that was in the first few years and ignored the savings that kick in later. In other words, these Republicans peddled a deceptive narrative about the IRA to Americans.


avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Majorie looked like an asshole (not any different that any other day of her life) but Pelosi acted in the same manner when she was standing behind Trump during his SOTU speeches in the past.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

The Inflation Reduction Act increases government spending. This will be paid for by money printing or increasing taxes. If tax increases are used instead of money printing, this will act as a disincentive for people to work hard. That will then reduce GDP, lead to a lower standard of living for Americans and help push the country into a recession.

To reduce inflation, government spending cuts are needed so money printing is not needed. To keep the economy healthy, taxes need to be reduced rather than increased in order to encourage hard work and business investment. The Inflation Reduction Act avoids making the hard choices needed when it comes to spending cuts and kicks the can down the road. Politicians always think only about winning the next election and do what is best in the short term even if it makes things a lot worse in the long term.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I have this fantasy of watching Marjorie Taylor Green tie up Lauren Boebert and fist fuck her until Lauren is screaming and sweating. Then Marjorie pulls her fist out and pees all over Lauren as she spreads her legs to take the shower on her tight young body.

Maybe I’m a little bit too fucked up in my fantasies?

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ that is the equivalent of a donkey show, too hard core for me.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

^ But more enjoyable and informative than Biden’s speech!

I expected it wouldn’t be a shared fantasy.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago


avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

So, some of our biggest problems are migrants showing up at our border with their families and wanting to work and a historically low unemployment rate and infilled jobs. Pretty easy solution to allow them in legally, register them and allow them to work. No path to citizenship, but they can work legally and pay taxes. I’d add in path to citizenship for the Dreamers as well alas funding for The Wall. I’d even find out how many feet of wall was built during Trump and offer the republicans 10 feet more than that. Compromise.

The inflation reduction act doest decrease inflation doesn't lower prices doesn't put more money in people's pockets. It's a corporate welfare package giving businesses money for government contracts

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

@ Jimmy- only 1%-2% of illegal immigrants want to work. The other 99% want free shit that American citizens are forced to pay for. This is true of many legal immigrants as well.

Regardless of why they come, they come as criminals when they cross that border illegally. They should be dealt with as criminals, without exception

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Wild is a lso a fucking scumbag fraud, reducing deficits just means that everything Biden did isn't fully paid for, just partially. It's like someone putting 5k on a credit card and then bragging that they didn't spend 7k, when they have neither amount. Migrants wanting to work is a fucking joke. I seem them in Court daily, with court appointed attorneys because they don't work and when shithead loser Obama was President legal and illegal immigrants collected public benefits at a rate of 2-1 over the native born. Immigration should be banned, and every illegal removed or shot. To be fair I'd rather see democrats shot and keep the illegals....

Gammanu care to cite your stats

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

"Nice job by President Biden last night on the State of the Union speech. He didn't hit it out of the park, but it was solid. No doubt many were waiting to see how much he would forget or stumble, but the delivery was decent."

you low expectation motherfucker!!!! this is good? acceptable? this actually MIGHT be acceptable from someone who would come in second in a high school class president debate. you were referring to the present president of the United States. sinking to lower levels every passing day.

avatar for mickey48066
2 yrs ago

Wild 4 a man's cock sounds like the talking heads on MSDNC who couldn't stop fawning over uncle Joe's speech and the SOTU, which has never been worse than it is now. What a fool.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Mickey, you’ve been on the board for 10 years and your ‘Saint Tyre’ thread is the only one you’ve ever started. Maybe someone who is batting 1.000 in starting threads that are dead fucking wrong should exercise a little humility before calling someone else names. You haven’t earned it. Your thread is Ex A why we shouldn’t have an edit button.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

I think we need to end this quarrel between the pro-immigration side and anti-immigration side and come to a compromise: let all hot foreign strippers immediately into the United States.

If anyone on here really adhered to their "conservative values " they wouldn't be whore mongers.

The only hot white strippers I've seen are Russians Bulgarians Hungarians and Cubans.

White Americans tend to look beat real quick

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago


You have some special ordainment to say who can and can't start threads on the board? Is there a reason someone can't lurk for 10 years before becoming a more activw participant? Tyre whateverthefuckhisnamewas wasn't fleeing from the cops and resisting arrest?

Nah, you're wrong on this one, guy.

Oh, and FUCK Tyre.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

Multiple choice...

wld4testes is..

  1. Practising his comedy stand up routine that he hopes to debut at the 2024 Republician National Convention.

  2. The reincarnation of rumdummoron aka randumb.

  3. The alternate troll account of a creep from the west coast bay area.

  4. A poor little lamb who has lost his way.

  5. Trying to out liberal iceydougster.

  6. Trying to out moron cjkunt.

  7. Just another clueless 2bit leftist troll.

How should we respond to his op?

  1. Humor him so he doesn't cut himself.

2.Send him back to rumdum's home, the black hole of calcutta.

3.Take away his library card.

  1. Give him on an all expense paid trip to the goat pen of his choice. Baaaa baaaa baaaaa

  2. Chip in for his and dougee's OTC dueling dick over nighter.

  3. Ask if cj will share dick pics with him.

  4. Sentence him to living the rest of his life in Rush Limbaugh's tomb.

Bonus choice, dress him up as a maid and shuttle him back and forth to clean the toilets in Mar A Lago and Trump tower.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago


72 percent of viewers had positive reaction to Biden speech


Looks like most people had a favorable impression. You know why? Because people are looking at substance not just style. The same reason Fetterman beat Oz in Pennsylvania.

Like I said, he didn't knock it out of the park. It was good. Not great. Dems and I'm sure many Republicans cut Biden some slack on the delivery because of his age. Is there a limit to that slack - absolutely. Dems are definitely thinking about 2024 and how Biden will be then and over another term. I'm on the fence and will be watching to see who comes forward to run for the Dem nomination. But on substance and policy and legislative achievements so far I give Biden high marks.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Gamma, I don’t want to clog up this thread with Tyre, but the Memphis police dept say those cops had no reason to pull the guy over, then tried to cover up what they did. I thought it was pretty clear, but apparently not for everyone. Fine. I also don’t care who starts what thread. But there’s a certain code among the right and left side arguers on this board. A code of asshole-ism of you will. To me, nobody gets to lurk and then lob insults on their first foray into the fray. That’s kinda shitty. Post opinions, take a few lumps, defend yourself. Don’t just be a new guy and pile on. That’s horseshit imo.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 yrs ago

Nationally I rank Biden a C+

Internationally a B+

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 yrs ago

As someone who lurks often and never started a thread on this forum, I just want to say: Fuck Joe Biden and anyone who thinks he's doing a good job.

avatar for Cowboy12
2 yrs ago

Whatever illegitimate president Biden says, the exact opposite is the truth.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Rotch, to the extent you’re responding to me, I was talking about insulting other board members. Say whatever you want about Biden or public figures.

avatar for mickey48066
2 yrs ago

Jimmy M, you crack me up, thinking you're some sort of authority with regard to who should say what and when. You trying to lecture me on what I've earned and haven't earned is comedic, thanks for the chuckle. I feel bad for fools like wild 4 cock who can't see that Biden, heels up Harris, and pals keep sticking it to law abiding, tax paying citizens while sanctifying thugs and giving diseased, dangerous illegals everything under the sun. If you think I'm going to adhere to some stupid code you speak of, then you're the biggest fool on here.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

Mikey's free to post, however, he's instantly outed himself as a victim of Biden Derangement Syndrome.

They did this before with Obama. These victims always declare every Democratic president is the worst ever, and the cause of all problems. Frankly they have no idea how ridiculous they look.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ You should have seen the left with Bush 43 and again with Trump. Literally Hitler!

American presidents have had hitleresque traits including biden

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

'You should have seen the left with Bush 43 and again with Trump'

Oh he saw it plus no doubt he was part of it, he just chooses to ignore it now because it doesn't fit his agenda.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

wld4peepees outs his own stupidity. He wrote "Biden Derangement Syndrome" when everyone knows it was originally coined as Bush Derangement Syndrome to describe himself and like-minded liberal tools. It shows he is incapable of original thought and, like most leftist shills, just parrots things which he has heard others say which reinforce his liberal echo chamber. Truly pathetic.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

There have been elements of derangement on both political sides. You can identify it by those who are incapable of balanced, critical thinking and assessment, engage in conspiracy theories, and blame a party or president for pretty much everything. Clearly there are several members on TUSCL suffering from Biden Derangement Syndrome.

While it's happened on the left too, nothing can match the alternate universe of distortion, spin and crazy since the GOP took its hard right turn.

If you were capable of balanced critical thinking you wouldn't defend bidens ineptitude and corporate cronyism just because he's a member of your party

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

From Monica Crowley

“Imagine you’re a space alien

You travel a bajillion light years to get here

You say, “Take me to your leader”

... and it’s Biden”

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

I love how gammanu talks about leftists parroting things, and right on cue mark posts a silly copy and paste from Monica Crowley. LOL

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

The Democrats hope Trump is the nominee he’s probably as close to an automatic win for Biden as it gets.

What we really need is an age limit. New blood is the key to a healthy political system.

Supporting wars and corporate welfare. A president who ignores inflation and won't act on food prices or rents. Is not being leftist. It's being right wing.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"While it's happened on the left too, nothing can match the alternate universe of distortion, spin and crazy since the GOP took its hard right turn"

Says the side who couldn't tell you what gender has a penis. Or believed Christine Blasey Ford.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

@tetra I don’t understand your example of CBF. She was never proved untruthful. She testified under oath and Kavanaugh was confirmed along party lines.

“President Donald Trump said Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony about her alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was “very compelling,” calling her a “very credible witness.”” fortune.com

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Odd that you use Trump as a mark of credibility especially when he mocks her elsewhere. Her statements were completely incongruent with one another and her life, as well as her friends.

No evidence they ever met

Every witness disputed her claims

She can't recall any details of that night but somehow remembered only that which was damaging

Not an ounce of external corroboration

Lied about its impact on her life

Her lawyer admitted they wanted an asterisk after Kavanaugh's name

There are some incidents that could reasonably be interpreted either way. This is not one of them.

Gammanu cite your source that only 1 0r 2 percent of immigrants want jobs

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

@tetra the left and the right have very different takes on what happened with her testimony.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ And the left's take requires one to ignore damn near all the facts.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

And they would say the same, but opposite.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ They'd be wrong

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

The SOTU address was the second lowest rated over the last 30 years and was a 28% drop from last year. They seem to be following the trend of declining Oscar and Grammy viewership and newspaper readership. People are starting to look for alternatives to the political and cultural mainstream.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

The Blasey Ford lies are an excellent example of Republicans and Conservatives following facts and logic, and leftists and democrats believing only what supports their chosen narrative.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

What we really need is an age limit. New blood is the key to a healthy political system.

I would say yes and no 25. If it was a choice between a younger candidate, perhaps charismatic but radical with potentially dangerous ideas, and an older candidate with experience and sounder judgement, I'd most likely be voting for the latter.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

^^ Experience and sounder judgement? Like Biden? You fucking idiot.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago



Lol !!!

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

@docsavage - After I pointed out the CBO scored the Inflation Reduction Act as reducing deficits by $238 billion over a decade, I see you modified your claim on how it will be paid for, adding "or increasing taxes". Now you are closer, but still not entirely correct. There are both tax revenues and savings in the IRA:

Prescription drug pricing reform: 281 B

Corporate minimum tax: 222 B

IRS tax enforcement funding: 100 B

Stock buyback excise tax: 74 B

Other: 60 B

Total Revenue/Savings = 737B

The vast majority of this impacts large corporations, especially Big Pharma. Their lobby group PhRMA lobbied against the IRA. It's hard to see how taking a piece of profits from large corporations will act as a disincentive for people to work hard, as you claimed. It also contradicts your claim that government is in a corrupt collusion with Big Business.

It's evident you have not carefully reviewed the IRA legislation. Here is a good breakdown from McKinsey in case you are interested.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ It's funny how the left fulminates about "corporate welfare" and big corporations "not paying their fair share," then gives billions in tax breaks to "go green."

I wish Newsom would run for president

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

^^ Me too!!! We need a Republican back in the White House!

Newsom qnd his programs are very popular in California. Karen Bass the mayor of LA is amazing as well. She beat a republ real estate developer who spent 200 million campaigning against he4.

avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

I smarter dan da presidential! I scored 100 on da IQ test

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“Newsom qnd his programs are very popular in California. “

It’s no wonder he’s popular since he gets 200% of the vote of people on welfare, which is a big chunk of the Californians who haven’t moved to Texas.

Mark that's just your condescending way of saying his policies resonate with the working class. Which is what Americans want and need.

Especially now

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Newsom qnd his programs are very popular in California."

Because we all know the other 49 states want to become California. That might be why people are fleeing California so fast you can hear the whoosh.

Ban gas cars + can't charge electrics during the day

Confiscatory tax policies

Crime and homeless problems

Lack of affordable housing

Yep, America wants us some of that!


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Can't charge electrics at night, not during the day.

Don't forget that they want the power grid to be 100% unreliable wind and solar.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“ his policies resonate with the working class.”

His policies resonate with the non working class. The working class, frustrated by high taxes, housing, traffic, and fuel costs, has moved to Arizona, Texas, and Florida.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Last month, Newsom announced California likely won't collect enough money in taxes to pay for all of its obligations, leaving a $22.5 billion hole in its budget. Rather than making cuts, he plans on using accounting tricks, and delayed payments. For example, he will delay paying a $750 M loan from the federal government.

Newsom programs were enacted because of the large budget surplus California had.

If people in other states had the security and benefits of California they would vote for him.

Newsom won a recall and reelection. People like him.

I split my time between states and it makes me grateful and thankful to be Californian because no other place compares.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Newsom's budget surpluses came from tech stock windfalls, which are now gone.

There's a huge difference between winning a state where Dens outnumber Reps 2:1, and winning actual swing states.

People are voting themselves out of California in the most true and telling way, with their feet.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) created his own Reparations Task Force, which just reached its own recommendations for $223,000 per person. Others have insisted the figure should be $350,000 for individuals and another $250,000 for Black-owned businesses. One California politician insisted the figure needs to be $800,000 per person, reflecting the average cost of a home in the state.

No wonder he’s popular……among some people.

California's support Newsom. Thank you for agreeing.

Most people who left Cali do so because of the real estate industries power. Ir private sector choking the housing industry. Not because Newsom helps California's.

Newsom already appeals to Democrats throughout the nation.

Supporting the working class the poor minorities instead of just pandering to the rich is a positive for America.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

So you're admitting Newsom can't curtail the "real estate industry," gotcha.

Any Democrat with a pulse can win California.

Just imagine how well reparations, among other California policies, will go over in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

America doesn't want to be California.

Tetradon you're claiming Americans are too bigoted to support reparations for victims of institutional racism...

The reparations task force in California is about paying people whose families were forcibly removed from their properties due to racist policies.

The real estate and oil industries are extremely powerful and corrupt. Newsom and Bass challenge them but undoing the decades of control takes time.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

No, I'm claiming Americans are too smart to:

  1. Believe reparations would end race as a controversial issue, since so many racial agitators are invested in strife

  2. Believe one time cash payments would make a lasting difference in people's lives, just look at lottery winners

  3. Be guilted into forking over additional money for that which affirmative action and a whole racial preference system for the last 60 years was meant to provide "reparations."

  4. Believe that the federal government--which is struggling to pay its current commitments--can afford California's racial guilt trip writ large.

Reparations, on the whole, poll at 30% Yes to 68% No. It polls -1 among Democrats.

Here's two black men saying it better than I could.


Heck, BLM admitted they were about guilting rich white progressives into paying racial penance. Suckas.

Good luck taking that platform nationwide. DeSantis, Trump, Youngkin, Haley, or whomever the nominee is, is going to play that in every state, and it'll filter all the way down the ticket.

It'll be glorious. For us, that is.

California's reparations are about paying people who lost their land or were displaced due to racist policies. It's not a national platform.

Americans however would support rent control rent freezes inflation relief checks social justice

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"California's reparations"

Jump off the cliff if you want; just don't ask me to hold your hand.

"rent control rent freezes "

No one who's stepped into an economics classroom favors this.

"inflation relief checks"

Better yet, just vote against inflationary policies.

"social justice"

Euphemism for what wokes didn't know they cared about until five minutes ago, and another way millionaires can feel morally superior to the working class.

You're ignorant about California.

Your premise is basically fuck the people and vote for policies that favor the rich

You want the US to look like Arkansas or Mississippi

Most Americans don't want that

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Californians don't want the US to look like California. That's why they're shipping out in record numbers.

You're also ignorant of basic economics, but you seem to hold that as a point of pride.

"California's reparations"

Paying people whose families lost their homes because of racist policies and displacements. Often via the use of eminent domain to favor the wealthy.

"rent control rent freezes "

To help people afford their homes.

"inflation relief checks"

To help people eat and pay for the basics as prices keep surging and the federal government doesn't care

"social justice"

Give historically oppressed people equal access to society. Their rights matter more than allowing bigots to oppress them.

Yes these are all very American ideals

You said Newsom should challenge the real estate industry but bemoan aid to renters. You said California's democrats vastly outnumber Republicans and that's why Newsom won. Yet claim there js an exodus out of Cali. Make your mind up.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

The exodus out of Cali is real. Not even Democrats deny this.

If they want to make housing affordable, they need to steamroll rich white NIMBY progressives and build multi-unit affordable housing in their backyards.

Learn some economics.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Paying people whose families lost their homes because of racist policies and displacements. Often via the use of eminent domain to favor the wealthy."

Been going on since the beginning of time and not related to race.

"To help people afford their homes."

Reduces the available housing stock and increases prices on any unit that isn't rent controlled. Look what it did to New York, among others.

"To help people eat and pay for the basics as prices keep surging and the federal government doesn't care"

Son, you don't even know what generates inflation, do you?

"Give historically oppressed people equal access to society. Their rights matter more than allowing bigots to oppress them."

They have access. What they don't have is preferential treatment.

Learn some economics.

Of course displacing people because of segregationist policies was because of race.

You mean greedy landlords won't invest in properties if their profit margins are decreased.

Freedom from discrimination isn't preferential treatment. Being allowed to discriminate is preferential treatment.

You're out of touch with reality. You're not talking economics. You're repeating the interests of the rich and of bigots. And pretending it's what Americans want

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

California was never a slave state. Reparations for Jim Crow is called "affirmative action" and has been going on for 60 years. If that hasn't closed the gap, there might be other problems.

If we're trying to make the races equal in all things, I want to hear about under-representation of non-blacks, especially Asians and East Indians, in the NBA and NFL.

Or you're just glomming onto the cause du jour.

I mean look at what rent control did to New York. Or San Francisco. Or California. Or New Jersey. Or Cambridge. Wherever it's been tried, it's led to less housing, lower tax receipts, worse quality of housing especially for the lowest income. Democrats and Republicans both know this.

Pretty rich to hear you talk about anyone's "greed," that or you're the first nonprofit pimp.


Discrimination is already illegal. Glad we agree that we've checked that "social justice" box.

It gives me comfort to know your preferred policies are as popular as genital warts.

Learn some economics.

California had segregated housing. And minority communities were displaced for much of construction in large cities. It's not reparation for slavery.

California doesn't have a state rent control law. The real estate lobby prevented it for decades. Individual communities have it and they do well. The current protections are about inflation and fighting greed.

Trans people guys minorities immigrants etc deserve to be free from bigots. Bigots don't have the right to be privileged and allowed to oppress.

CA had a 97 billion surplus for this year's budget.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Right, that must be the racist highways our incompetent SecTrans keeps fulminating about. Poor people from everywhere got displaced. How do we decide who gets reparations?

California does have rent control. Some large municipalities like SF, LA, San Jose, and Oakland, have had it since the 1970s.



Glad to know rent control is doing so well that people aren't moving out the state hand over fist. Oh wait. We just established that they were.


Discrimination is already illegal. What they don't have is the right for everyone to embrace and celebrate lifestyles they don't approve of.

California's tax base relies on its very top, specifically income and capital gains from tech. Now with tech stocks absurdly down and workers laid off left and right, they're going to suffer.

Learn some economics.

You're repeating the far right mantra that fighting bigotry discriminates against bigots. And your whole economic premise is basically supporting corporate greed because it fits within your right wing paradigms.

Learn to read. The state doesn't have a rent control law. Communities do. People aren't leaving because of affordable housing. The problem is a lack of more rent control laws.

Discrimination is being normalized via attacks on trams rights womens rights migrant rights etc. Throughout the nation.

100k leaving a state of 40 million is is hardly an exodus. But I understand it's a highly parroted right wing talking point.

California has a budget surplus of 97 billion for this year.

It's funny how you're into crazy what if scenarios for California but are quiet about living standards in the reddest states like Arkansas or Alabama.

You're basically a poster child for what Malcolm x called the white man's nigga....always being like yes masta yes masta and getting pats on the head from bigots on here to make you feel better. That's the problem with your political ignorance

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“The reparations task force in California is about paying people whose families were forcibly removed from their properties due to racist policies. “

If so, then Japanese-Americans should be first in line for reparations. But, somehow, they have thrived. Maybe culture is a bigger predictor of success than you’d care to admit.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

California had all the advantages in terms of climate, natural resources, and natural ports with access to Asia. Then, blind luck allowed Silicon Valley to spring up. The state government has squandered all these advantages.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

The theory behind reparations is that modern descendants are suffering because of what was done to their ancestors. Who is better off on average, African Americans or Africans who remain in Africa ? If African Americans are living a Western lifestyle while their African cousins are living in extreme poverty, what reparations are African Americans owed ?

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

Mark94 says “no wonder he’s popular….among some people.”

Who you calling “some people”??!!

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

How much in reparations do these African American Californians deserve

  • Oprah Winfrey $2.7 Billion net worth

  • Kanye West $1.8 Billion

  • Jay Z $1.4 Billion

  • Tyler Perry $1 Billion

How did racism hinder their success ?

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“Who you calling “some people”??!!”

Those who suck on the teat of government handouts.

Mark the Japanese received 20k and an apology in the 1980s

California's gov serves the people more than other states although it should do more.

You bitch and whine and repeat the most extremist although right conspiracies here. Newsom won by a large margin. It's what people want. You're a fringe alt right weirdo

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"It's funny how you're into crazy what if scenarios for California but are quiet about living standards in the reddest states like Arkansas or Alabama."

Because we were talking about the governor of California's fitness for the presidency, dumbass.

"You're basically a poster child for what Malcolm x called the white man's nigga..."

Oh Icee, are you speaking Loser to me again? Can someone who speaks the inferiority complex dialect of Loser translate for me?

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Alexander Fraser Tytler:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

Thomas Jefferson:

“What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"The problem is a lack of more rent control laws."

The first paragraph of the first article says statewide.

The impact of rent control laws have been studied. Implement it everywhere and you'll have no housing stock and slums everywhere. The left doesn't care, as long as it makes them feel good.

Learn some economics.

"Discrimination is being normalized via attacks on trams rights womens rights migrant rights etc. Throughout the nation."

Speaking of talking points. Not being able to transition children isn't an infringement of rights, it's basic medical ethics. Not being able to groom children isn't infringement, it's child safety.

"100k leaving a state of 40 million is is hardly an exodus. But I understand it's a highly parroted right wing talking point."

Half a million in their last two years. And this is just after they lost a congressional seat for the first time ever. Yep, we all want to be like that. Lulz.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“the Japanese received 20k and an apology in the 1980s “

The act granted money to actual survivors of the camps, not their descendants. That’s a huge difference from what is being proposed for modern day African Americans descendants 150 years later. Not even the same concept.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today."

  • Thomas Sowell, eminent black economist

Te6radon you ran out of things to say so now you're just repeating right wing extremist drivel....low rents hurt people. Bigots have to be allowed to be bigots . That's loser talk

Mark California's reparations laws aren't about slavery. They're about people displaced due to segregation and institutional racism. California wasn't a slave state. You started with the Japanese saying they should get reparations. Now you're saying them having had reparations is different. You're an ignorant fuck just arguing alt right bs

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

We are already at a point where poorly managed blue states demand subsidies from red states. That’s what was really going on with these huge “ stimulus” and “ inflation reduction” bills in recent years. It was money flowing from red state to blue state. And, it’s only going to get worse. At some point, red states are going to tell blue states to fuck off.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“They're about people displaced due to segregation and institutional racism. “

If that’s the case, then Chinese and Mexican descendants also deserve reparations. Where does this stop ? Do we need to hand out money to every citizen whose ancestors were unfairly treated by modern standards ?

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Hell, it wasn’t that long ago that employers posted “ Irish need not apply” signs at their front gates. Same with Italians. Do their ancestors deserve reparations ?

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"right wing extremist drivel"

Bipartisan studies.

Learn some economics.

Mark California's reparations are to those who were displaced due to segregationist policies. Red states are tye biggest welfare recipients.

Tetradon you described yourself

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Whatever, pimpy

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