
Comments by former_stripper (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Where have all the good strippers gone
    This has been a discussion on SW many times and there is many reasons for this. For one, the economy. Two, there are more options for attractive women now than there were many years ago. Third dancing is more acceptable. Four, clubs getting greedier which means hiring less quality dancers.
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    9 years ago
    Are CD's and DVD's outdated?
    I own lots of books and have CD's, DVD's, VHS, cassettes and even vinyl. I've started to get rid of my cassettes and VHS because CD and DVD are superior. I think they will fade sadly but until they do I will continue to collect.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    OT: Frivolous Lawsuits
    I thought I had an aunt from hell but this one makes her look like an angel. I don't think stripper lawsuits are frivolous either because so many clubs take advantage of strippers (like claiming they are independent contractors but having tons of rules).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame----2016
    Also, what instruments does NWA play? how about Janet Jackson? See, the bands I mentioned are BANDS. There's a lead singer, a guitarist, bassist, drummer etc. That's what should be inducted, not people saying crap about others, especially with NWA's horribly misogynist lyrics.
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    9 years ago
    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame----2016
    @ranukam, no Janet Jackson doesn't deserve it. Flashing a nipple at the Superbowl doesn't qualify anyone. As for NWA, look at what happened after them. Yes they were influential but this opens to a lot of bad stuff. Besides, why is that an idiotic statement? Are you aware of the history of NWA?
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    9 years ago
    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame----2016
    Oh I think Cheap Trick is wonderful, but got lazy and just included them in the rest. I was surprised to see them on the list. Chicago too, though they've had a long career.
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    9 years ago
    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame----2016
    Oh and Depeche Mode hasn't been nominated and neither has the Moody Blues.
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    9 years ago
    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame----2016
    Deep Purple are one of the first hard rock/heavy metal bands so that alone should have gotten them in earlier. Don't think Janet Jackson should even be on that list. Los Lobos are very good but don't think they were popular enough. I wouldn't be upset if they got in. NWA is what is wrong with society but because of the movie will get in. I'd like to see the Smiths get in because I would hope that means more British groups of that era will be inducted, but then again the biggest British bands of that decade Duran Duran, New Order/Joy Division and the Cure haven't been nominated. Okay I think the Cure was ONCE. I like Nine Inch Nails but way too early. I'd be okay with the rest getting in, but not Janet Jackson who doesn't deserve it.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do they do it?
    Booze and drugs. Either that or they are blind. I have this friend (well not really a friend anymore)who always wanted me but I didn't want him because he's a religious freak. So he then married this really ugly and fat woman, I'm talking probably 400 pounds with an ugly face (crooked teeth, big nose, beady eyes, etc). Meanwhile he's sending me emails saying he really wanted me but he "needed" a wife so he settled on Jabba The Hut's uglier, fatter sister. I just laugh at his misfortune because he's stuck since he is a fundie.
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    9 years ago
    Feminist talks about "nice guys"
    Yes, civil rights groups but didn't want to say that because I wasn't talking black people really, just any group in general. Most civil rights groups were founded for a reason and got away from that reason. White men generally aren't at the top of organizations like the NAACP and NOW, to name two. They did have a part in starting those groups though.
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    9 years ago
    Feminist talks about "nice guys"
    The word feminist has been hijacked by the radical left wing anti men nutties. The original feminists were for equal rights in voting and perhaps other topics like equality in owning land.Once that was won the feminists turned to issues like equal pay and rights of women to be whatever they choose. Very few people have problems with any of that but then it started on controversial subjects of abortion, single parenthood and gay rights. The more extreme made it about about hating men. Sort of like almost all political groups, most were started to give that group equal rights and progressed to hating people (especially white males).
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Want to be a grandpa?
    Many countries are worried because many educated aren't breeding but the inbred imbeciles keep producing litters. We are already living Idiocracy (I recommend this movie).
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    9 years ago
    Feminist talks about "nice guys"
    Most "nice guys" really aren't. It's not that women date "bad boys" it's just that what these men call "nice guys" are boring, delusional or misogynist. Speaking of "bad boys" I never get when people talk bad boys. Are we talking guys that are criminals or do things that are evil and/or immoral? I don't know many women seeking these guys (well except for some screwed up women I know, and quite a few are strippers). However bad boys often mean assertive, which isn't a bad thing. Usually the "nice guys" I've run into think "hey, I'll send a nice message or give a compliment then the woman way out of my league will give me the time of day". That's usually how the "nice guys" I've dealt with are. I couldn't begin to discuss all the times a guy got mad at me thinking if he was nice (including buying gifts or giving compliments)I would then give in. These men need to stop watching stupid movies and television that push this lie.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Nemesisk I think you misunderstand me. I didn't post that, I was quoting from the article. I don't even do anal in my real life, no way would I do it in my dancing life. I wouldn't charge for anything sexual, I'd do it with guys I just wanted to.
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    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Can anyone stop the Patriots?
    I'd just love to have a team that actually could play football. All we have is a team that would lose to a grade school football team. It's why I watch the Superbowl strictly for the commercials.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Well knowing what I know about fat guys often their dicks are small and hidden by the fat. No way would I have anal sex with a stranger for $400. Gross on many levels.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "I hated it. I hated every minute of it. I could feel his fat slapping against my stomach. I wanted to vomit. He gave me the $400 and I left. I cried all the way home." Eww.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Useless thread
    A website that has nude photos of Rosie ODonnell.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fall and Winter Better Time for Strip Clubs
    Christmas is interesting because this seems to be the time where people in general are more generous.
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    9 years ago
    Fall and Winter Better Time for Strip Clubs
    It depends. I always made the most money in the Fall and least in Winter but our Winters are brutal.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The Lengths That Married PLs Go To In Order To Fuck Ugly Women
    That's why I think men who go to strip clubs, escorts and the rest are smarter than men having affairs. I personally would rather pay to have sex with a hot man than free sex with an ugly and fat guy. After all the wife is supposed to be the ugly one.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What its like to be a dancer. Couldnt pass this up without an answer.
    If I had a daughter I'd tell her either not to dance or look at it short term (like paying for college). It can be rough. I'd also tell her to avoid most everyone in the club, come in, do your job then get the hell out. Most dancers are nasty so are most club employees.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL dishonorably mentioned in SW post
    Tempest666 is fantastic and one of my favorite people. I chat with her from time to time, and adore her. Most of the others on SW would never get hired 10-20 years ago at anything but the dive clubs which tells me either they are lying about OTC or lying about the money they make. If you have to post reviews you probably aren't a good dancer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    I never drank or did drugs or extras (sorry guys)while dancing but I was a small minority. Then again I didn't have to for a variety of reasons including that things were different many years ago and I was in a different income level than most dancers. I don't think drinking or drugging while dancing is smart and puts the dancer in a horrible situation. There have been many threads on SW about drinking/drugging and most of them admitted to it.Not surprised, have you seen some of them? I'd need a drink to get a dance from them (assuming I'd want to, which I don't being straight and female).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    A bold NFL prediction
    It's a guarantee the Bears won't win the Superbowl. They won't even make the playoffs. They suck.