Fall and Winter Better Time for Strip Clubs

I started a thread back in June about summer being a bad time because of vacations and there being other activities. However the cooler weather is arriving and the nights are getting longer. Over the last six years of strip clubbing I noticed that strip club workers, such as strippers and managers. always say that starting in October through March strip clubs get better business. I have to admit that there does seem to be more customers and strippers during the cooler months.
Also I am not a big fan of summer and prefer the Fall and Winter months. There is football and basketball plus I like the cooler and darker weather. Also nothing beats a Saturday of watching football or basketball and then hitting up the strip club at night!
Also I am not a big fan of summer and prefer the Fall and Winter months. There is football and basketball plus I like the cooler and darker weather. Also nothing beats a Saturday of watching football or basketball and then hitting up the strip club at night!
But if I had to choose a preferred season to club in, I would choose summer. The crowds are smaller and the dancers are more desperate for money. Those are a good combination.
A stripper I knew in Vegas explained it all depended on when the men were in town (football season, certain big conventions, poker tournaments, march madness).
Other strippers have complained thanksgiving to Christmas is slow because people are saving their money. I could see more affluent areas this not being true, but in less affluent areas maybe it is.
I always look forward to seeing the half dozen or so of fresh new faces that start showing up around late September and all through October, at my favorite club. While most find out stripping isn't for them, every so often you find one who sticks with it and makes quite a good amount of money while they are there. A few of my favorites over the years did so. Regardless of whether they stay, the improved eye candy for the few weeks or months they are there, is a nice benefit.
Am I the only one on this boat ride?
^^^^ I like the old joke. tell a stripper You'll call her left leg thanksgiving and her right leg is Christmas, Then ask if you can visit between the holidays?
It seems in the fall things sorta get back to normal.
Miami being a tourist city I do sometimes see the clubs jumping w/ new dancers that wanna come down to vacation/party in Miami and dance while they are down here (particularly early in the summer/June) – but at times in the summer I also notice the clubs a bit slower than their norm.
I'm the opposite of the OP – I prefer summer and the long days and it feels like a more relaxing time.
I think Nov and Dec may be good SC months b/c a lot of PLs are getting a good amount of time off of work and looking to decompress w/ some time in their hands and end the year in a party mood (it *is* a time to celebrate) – January and February may be slow b/c things are just getting ramped up again and many people often have over-spent in December.