
The Lengths That Married PLs Go To In Order To Fuck Ugly Women

layin low but staying high
I don't understand it. Fucking adorable young strippers is a 1000 times easier with much lower risk of getting caught.



  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That woman is fugly...4 suitors? Wtf? Looks like her neck threw up!
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Not that I am defending these guys but here's what I have found casually talking to guys over the years:

    1. Majority of guys don't know they can go to clubs and have sex, or at least with hot girls because they are rarely in strip clubs.

    2. Many smaller cities clubs are only open at night, and guys can't get out at night (think: getting away from the wife).

    3. It costs money that they don't have or can hide from the wife.

    4. They have elevated false worries about STDs, extortion, etc.

    5. Most of those guys didn't really want sex. Well, they did but didn't know how to go about it - what the really wanted was someone to actually listen to them and chat since their fat ass wives ignore them.
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    That's why I think men who go to strip clubs, escorts and the rest are smarter than men having affairs. I personally would rather pay to have sex with a hot man than free sex with an ugly and fat guy. After all the wife is supposed to be the ugly one.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Before tuscl I assumed Chris rocks "no sec in the champagne room was still true.

    I've had affairs with reasonably hot civvys, so I don't really get cheating with a 4.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, good list as modified by Rech. Except I disagree with 5. They wanted to fuck not chat, they just didn't know how to fuck a hot young girl.

    James I went to clubs for 10+ years and had no idea that sex was really available. It was mentioned you dancers but I thought it was SS, and they wouldn't deliver in VIP. OTC never even crossed my mind as a possibility. Then I came here, read the stories, and the rest is history.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Folks, this is why we have to get word out about RickyBoy's The System far and wide.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, shailynn covered it well, especially 1 through 3 of his list. If you punch a clock and share bank accounts with your wife, it can be tough carving out enough time or money to do p4p on a routine basis. This is especially true when their are children in the mix.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    JS - long time ago I messed around with AM and I actually had relationships with 3 women. 2 were smoking hot and id take them over the majority of the strippers I banged in the past.

    I'm just going by what they told me - they were frustrated with AM because most guys they talked to would just want someone to whine to and were too afraid to go through with it when it came time to "sink or swim."

    If you're interested, of the two women one was a crazy bitch who wanted me to beat her during sex and the other one had a husband that was more than 20 years older than her and fully supported her. It didn't take long for her guilt to ruin the relationship.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    I'm pretty sure it's the money thing. If my dearest was dropping $$$ at a club and not one me the NOT UGLY wife, I would notice and then would have no choice but to cut his dick off.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    In defense of ugly women, I've dated a few and even fallen in love a couple times. These women make for great company, are usually within 15 years of my age, have poise, money and are really horny!!

    For the pure sexual part, obviously beautiful women are a lot more fun in bad, as well as to be seen with. At my age it's P4P with most of the 20 somethings so there's no LTR chance. Even JS69's DS 1 didn't last all that long because it was based on money first and attraction second.

    So I don't begrudge the 50+ men their ugly g/f's when yes, they could have a 20ish P4P girl. Maybe they have them too; who knows? Prostitutes don't seem to use Ashley Madison as much as C/L and Backpage anyway.
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