
Comments by Subraman (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What was the SC scene like back in the day?
    My real SCing began late 90s. In SF, 1996 to 2001 was an amazing time, almost good enough that you might not even believe me if I blabber on about too much. But I'll say there was one club that combined lineups with the hotness of the Vegas clubs -- although they maintained that hotness level of day shift -- but with extras, in private curtained-off booths. And that was just one of a number of amazing clubs. There was another that sounds like Follies, based on descriptions -- high volume 5s, 6s, 7s, and an occasional 8, very low prices for extras, curtained off private booths. Another club that was often 50%-75% Asian girls, again extras and booths, for those of you who have yellow fever Things started going to shit as Deja Vu built a monopoly and corporate-ified all the clubs, and then the last vestige of greatness disappeared in 2007 with O'Farrell Theater's consent decree
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Every dancer’s favorite- cause they told me so
    Did something stupid that I thought I’d share
    I realize that many of the girls on SW are completely posing, and not at all doing the things or behaving the way they pretend to. But, let's pretend for a minute they ARE all behaving that way -- because we all know, there ARE some girls that behave stripper-webish, and are just toxic to the bone. My theory is that the reason we PLs tend not to run into SW type strippers is because 1. many of us aren't at the club at the same time, and 2. we identify each other pretty quickly and part before there's been much interaction. Speaking for myself, in the unlikely event an SW type shows up to the Monday 2pm shift, as soon as she tries one of those lines or tries to rush me into a dance or refuses a drink, she's history. And for her part, I'm sure she can recognize a crusty old customer who can't be manipulated or pressured into a quick dance, pretty quickly.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Hijacking Threads to Bicker
    Damnit, screwing up my Spongebob references! How embarassing!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Hijacking Threads to Bicker
    "I prefer to think of it as optimus prime and megatron" No, like Spongebob and Plankton. I'll let you guys argue who is who. Aaaaand.... go!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Herd Immunity = give everybody corona & see what comes out of the wash
    In other news, has anyone heard from londonguy lately? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/05/exclusive-government-scientist-neil-ferguson-resigns-breaking/
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    4 years ago
    Herd Immunity = give everybody corona & see what comes out of the wash
    "let's be very clear: 1. not one US health organization can confirm that having the virus builds up an immunity against having it again 2. the WHO (for what they are worth) does not see any immunity or the antibodies lasting for any valuable period of time" This is correct. Just like with hydroxychloroquine and any other number of theories spouted here and there, there is no current scientific basis for this belief, the preponderance of experts say. It's also not proven it doesn't exist, the evidence is inconclusive so far, it needs to be proven, along with how long it lasts. To be fair, many folks (including folks on this sub) who are proposing opening everything, are being straightforward in that they don't care either way whether herd immunity exists or not -- this is more about their subjective value judgement on life vs economics (which ALSO affects lives, I can respect).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Customers with Options
    Anyway, agree that the risk of being a regular is that if you pick the wrong stripper, she'll take advantage, particularly if she thinks you're a RIL. But pick the right one, and YMMV delights await. The key is to identify and fire the bad CFs early
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    4 years ago
    Customers with Options
    Will somebody please teach Papi how to spell complacent?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OTC with dancers during pandemic
    "It’s really up to the dancer. If you say $500 to meet up, don’t be surprised if she leaves after 1 hour." I don't offer $500 for an OTC date, and never had one leave after an hour. And that's in SF, one of the most expensive areas. I do go after slow dayshift girls, not nightshift girls who are more likely to be making $$$$ at the club, but the girls are still 7.5s and up
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Advice to Dancers Post Covid
    "1. Stop going into work high." Strongly agree. I want to get drunk and/or high with you. Sucks if you're already high. Not much fun to have to partake alone "2. You can stop wearing stripper heels all the time and spending uncountless sums of money on dancer outfits." They typically don't have a choice about the heels. While I agree they don't have to spend "uncountless" sums of money on outfits, and most probably don't have the $ to spend right now anyway, I definitely appreciate how much better a hot outfit makes a stripper look. "Hot outfit" doesn't have to be expensive, just flatter her body though " Ever thought over wearing sneaks? Why not?" One of the dive clubs in this area lets the girls wear whatever they want. The girls look terrible in sneaks. I mean, terrible. The whole look of thong + sneaks + perception of shorter legs and bigger hips relative to the other girls in heels; not good. Luckily this isn't a choice for the girls at most clubs
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Customers with Options
    " I’m pretty sure the first girl had a guy coming in who was buying her time but I definitely appreciated her effort before leaving." I've seen girls do that. Pretty brilliant -- get to her better-spending regular, without hurting the feelings of a future regular. I also wonder if first dancer gets a cut of Asian dancer's take from you. Same way how, when a bouncer brings a girl to you, that girl will later tip him for it (or she will if she wants him to ever do it again).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OTC with dancers during pandemic
    "roses" lol ... somebody been spending too much time with the hoe-ahs "But instead of getting a room for 30 minutes or less the girls have stayed anywhere from 3-6 hours so it's a much better value. " Patrick, my OTCs always last that long. IME, only the really high volume escort-like girls watch the clock on an OTC. Glad you're getting the proper OTC experience man I have not been partaking but don't have any good OTC targets anyway. I'd need to hit the club again and find a new CF before I could OTC, so that won't happen for quite a while
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I heard: "not much fun ITC, but for those interested in OTC, it's going to be a target-rich environment"
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    When you are high. What's your mood? Generally speaking
    When I'm stoned, my mood is: sleepy. In fact, I barely get high on weed at all, no matter what the strain. Mostly makes me tired; sometimes I get a little high first When I'm buzzed, gregarious, friendly, and horny at first
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Is it time to call it a day?
    "75% of those risks you mentioned can apply to sex with anyone, not just with strippers. If STDs/pregnancy suddenly worries you more than usual because of COVID, then settle for regular lap dances or enforce protection during full service." Right. And all of those were issues before covid19, and it was something we all knew about and were managing. Player11, the whole notion that we need to rethink these things is super questionable. What isn't questionable is, each person needs to think carefully about the new variable -- covid19
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Is it time to call it a day?
    Call it a day because of all the things that have always been there (STDs, getting caught), as if this is the first time any of us have ever thought of those things? I don't understand the point of this -- why do these things suddenly become worse, they're things we've all had to ask ourselves, and manage, for years. The effects of covid19, and only those, are what would make me stop SCing. I probably won't re-start SCing until I'm feeling super comfortable, it will be one of the last things I re-engage in. If everyone thinks like me, that in itself could really hurt the industry. In the meantime, I've found a substitute for now in SA, where I'll engage sooner than with SCs
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    lap dance addict
    Be Best
    #TeamBeBest lol Time for a little us vs them with those choads from #TeamBeWorst
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I gotta disagree with the notion that your locked into these OTC rates
    " I’m more of once in a blue moon type to where there is actually a chance they might’ve forgot what I gave the first time" Totally agree with that. Especially higher volume girls will not remember what you paid her 3 months ago. By the time I ask a girl OTC I'm already her regular, and chances are will be asking her OTC again in a week or two. Different dynamics than "we did an OTC 6 months ago, now I'm going to propose a totally different number because she won't remember"
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I gotta disagree with the notion that your locked into these OTC rates
    Muddy: obviously, no law against re-negotiating OTC rates. I haven't even tried to do it for many years, I think because the few times I or one of my buddies tried it, it was just met with "no" or clear resentment. Who wants to deal with that? My sense -- I can't really prove it, but based on the way I've seen strippers act, I think it's right -- is that if a stripper would take $350 for OTC, and you offer her $450 for the first time, and the next time try to bargain her down to $350, she won't be happy. Even if she would have been happy with the $350 if you'd got her to that the first time. It's not just a stripper thing, it's human nature to interpret things as "you mean you can afford $450, took me on a date, and it sucked so bad now you're offering me so much less?" Even if she says yes, it'll be with attitude that might leak into her performance. Question: when you say you've seen it happen plenty of times, do you mean you have personally re-negotiated OTC rates plenty of times, and the stripper agreed, AND the time spent with you was just as fun, and her sexual performance just as good?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Supply and Demand
    James, yeah good point, immediately following the re-opening, fewer girls, on top of very few customers
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Supply and Demand
    James: what makes you think supply will go anywhere but up -- and by an appreciable amount? Actually, that question makes me realize that I'm thinking of the sex biz as a whole. For all I know, half of SCs will end up closing over this, which indeed brings supply down... when it comes to SCs. Girls are absolutely pouring into SA though, where I'm pretty sure prices are absolutely going to go down, and provide a viable alternative for customers
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Just wondering.
    "Why do so many dancers have tats?" My general observation is that strippers tend to come from subcultures where tats are something to be looked up to as a form of art, self-expression, agency, and rebellion; men wealthy enough to hire strippers tend to come from subcultures where tats are looked down upon as trashy, unclassy, and emblematic of poor choices. Just one of the many ironies of the strip club. With tats getting more mainstream, that view of "tats as poor choices" will perhaps fade away with time. Or, if the "greater than 50% of people who get tats when they're young, regret it when they're older" stat holds up, maybe the pendulum will swing back the other way. I mostly ignore tats, as basically a tax I have to pay to get my hands on my CF. There are some tats that are instant turn-offs to the point that I sometimes can't look past them, but I think most PLs learn to tolerate them
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Supply and Demand
    The obvious things here: 1. Much fewer guys who can afford to pay current rates 2. Many more women who are in financial troubles that they'd consider sexwork So, what happens when supply increases at the same time demand drastically reduces? Of course, there's also the fact that sex work is stigmatized and if prices drop below a certain level, I think many women will drop out (they need a hefty premium to stay in), which puts an effective floor on how low prices can go. In the club, my guess: the corporate clubs (e.g., deja vu) may resist lowering prices, so the girls will need to increase mileage and regulars will become more valuable. No idea what will happen with independent clubs
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Surprised there are no riots
    LW: lol on "protest shape"! I don't think the spirit of what you guys were predicting has even remotely happened -- isolated minor civil unrest was of course going to happen, it is not any sort of societal problem. There's been mostly a slow buildup of people protesting, with the last polls showing 85+% support the current strategy or tightening it -- hell, there's more people who think the lockdowns aren't going far enough, than there are those who think they've gone too far. I do strongly believe, though, that civil or uncivil disobedience becoming a problem is just a matter of time, it just wasn't going to happen anywhere near on a "one week" timescale.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Surprised there are no riots
    "Nary a peep of protest from America's slovenly citizens." LW, this reads like sour grapes over the fact that the predictions that Americans would be practically in full rebellion, after a week or two of lockdowns, have not remotely occurred. We don't have accuse Americans of being slovenly to explain why that (and so many other predictions here) are so far off... Americans a still overwhelmingly in support of the lockdowns, they understand the sacrifices to be made, and have made different value tradeoffs than the "just let everyone get it and live or die" crowd. Different value judgement doesn't make them slovenly, people want to get back to work and school. To me, the current situation was predictable: some people (more young people and people farther on the right) would little by little get more and more restless --slow crescendo rather than some open rebellion that would happen in "a week or two at most" (lol!!!). The one thing I didn't predict is the extent to which even the youth have adopted the lockdowns and taken to social shaming each other for going out -- WAY less youthful rebellion here than anyone could have predicted, I think, and who could have predicted they'd be virtue signaling on social media about it? Without a doubt, you'll continue to see more people getting restless, progressively. The fact that this has happened so slowly and hasn't reached a critical mass -- but will definitely be getting there -- is yet another good reason for cautiously opening back up, on a region-by-region, city-by-city basis, IMO.