Arizona update

Well here is the latest as I know it from DD
Sheriffs are not going to enforce the order past Friday, Clubs in Pima and Pinal counties will open on the 12th - limited seating (this means Tucson).
Clubs in Phoenix, AZ are opening on the 12th under license of food (in the clubs where food is served) - seating will be at 25% and dancers are allowed on stage only (social distance)
The Hi-Liter has removed VIP and added stages in that section of the bar. Rudy's Grill has a 100% food license, no liquor will be served.
are we clear?
last commentI heard: "not much fun ITC, but for those interested in OTC, it's going to be a target-rich environment"
Very interesting. Thanks for the update.
So, HL is returning to the layout from 20 years ago. Probably their only chance of surviving in the short term.
As a reminder, the phases of reopening for restaurants/bars are the following. Each phase requires a minimum of 2 weeks where there is a downward trend in cases
Phase 1: social distancing, 25% occupancy, no vulnerable customers
Phase 2: social distancing, 50% occupancy, no vulnerable customers
Phase 3: social distancing, limited standing room and bar seating, vulnerable customers discouraged
Normal: Rules are vague, but generally a return to the old normal
So, how will the girls make money? Most girls are not going to go in for stage tips only, especially if they are limiting capacity.
The only girls who will show up will be selling OTC, or maaaaybe keeping regulars interested until things open more.
Desert: I got it from a document produced by Trump’s task force. Keep in mind these are guidelines. It’s up to each state to establish the rules.
The federal guideline also talk about temperature checks and face masks. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Also, I don’t see how to arrange OTC if 6 foot distance is enforced. Wear a t shirt with your phone number on the front ?
Does popcorn count as food service?
You know, Christie’s ( Phoenix and Tempe ) have a full kitchen, a lot of square footage, and a floor plan well suited to a show lounge. It’ll be interesting to see if they open as a restaurant.
Lots of threads about the same subject in different cities. The one about Club Onyx in Houston has lots of detail that may parallel Arizona. Masks, Temp Checks, no approaching stage.
Have to wonder how the dancers will be able to socialize with the PL's in this scenario. I doubt the dancers will waste their time with this.
No getting closer than at least 6 feet with any dancer at any time. Must buy food to stay in club.
How is that better than getting Macdonalds takeout then watching porn at home ?
I would probably find myself visiting out of curiosity and boredom.... maybe you could arrange OTC by writing the dancer a note, folding it up and throwing it over to her..... dating myself with that comment.
Rather stay home and rake my yard.
@desertscrub.....Correct that grocery stores are risky, as well as our fast food restaurants. Most of them were not the cleanest before all of this. I will visit to see how the clubs/dancers try to comply with the rules and still make money. I believe as our balls fill up (they are so blue they look black) we will take opportunities to get them drained. Until then, keep your rental property open for coeds that need a place to stay until school opens.
Kinda funny visualizing PL's on one side of the room with the sexy dancers on the other. Both sides staring longingly at each other but not allowed to meet. Lol
^ like a seventh grade dance
@scrub - spot on. If there is any way at all to make cash in that environment, those ladies will figure it out. They can be very creative when it comes to making bank.
what do their otc prices usually range?
I usually like find a good one get on regular basis helps get the price down.
Looks like Ducey is letting restaurants open May 11th.
^Ooooooh yeah! I want to lick an orange ass too until orange is cumming!
You have the best ideas desertscrub 😍🥰
At one time in order to be a restaurant vs a bar you had to have a certain % of your revenue (75%?) come from food. Not sure if that's been relaxed...
Ducey didn't have much of choice but to open. With temps over 100 degrees in Phoenix there is no going to local parks. Everyone would have gone crazy in their homes and there would have been a mass exodus to places like Sedona every weekend.
As a reminder, the reason we locked down was to flatten the curve so our hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed. Well, hospitals are nearly empty in much of the country. Mission accomplished.
So, why are we still locked down ? Probably to protect old farts like me. If that’s the case, let’s isolate the minority who are at risk and free everyone else. That way, we reach herd immunity faster allowing us all to get back to normal.
@mark94....I completely agree with you. Let the youngsters go free and build up immunity. Just make sure the young fillies keep bringing us our takeout.
I'm sure that Desert won't go to clubs or have sex with women. Just a liar who makes up a life because she has none.
"I'm sure that Desert won't go to clubs or have sex with women. Just a liar who makes up a life because she has none."
^ yes skibum. You are correct! He cums to my place for sex. You are welcome to join in anytime. A little cattiness makes it more interesting 😘
Not going out for some time. I’ve enjoyed the new normal of staying at home so much I’m not looking forward to things returning. It’s time I go off the grid, now only to have the rest of my family go along with my thinking. Not gonna happen....
spent cinco de mayo with family at lake pleasant riding jet skis and hanging out. (patiently waiting for tj clubs to reopen.)
Let me translate the above post: I have never been to a strip club so I will pretend I have and that this is what I will pretend to do in the future.
i see it now.... bourbon street circus.
desertscrub and wingman skibum.
checking out the ladies
(from the required distance.)
san josé guy...?
where da fuk are you?
You know, Bourbon Street during the day, pre-CoVid, was pretty close to social distancing protocols except for VIP dances. I don’t plan on going to any clubs until Phase 4 but, if I did, Bourbon would be my choice. Great looking women and 6 feet between customers.
However, they are clearly a bar and no chance of qualifying as a restaurant. I don’t see how they can open Monday.
like dscrub said... popcorn. (food) besides bsc could easily have a catered buffet .
Aren’t buffets specifically banned post CoVid ? Sweet Tomatoes buffet just announced they are permanently closing all their restaurants because buffets won’t work in the world of CoVid.
I am personally crushed about Sweet Tomatoes.
Holy fuck, I'm just realizing buffets at Indian restaurants might be no more. Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
There are a lot of things that will change, post CoVid. For example, everything about the Indian casinos seems to violate social distancing. Will any of them survive ?
RIP eating chicken 65, masala dosa, palak paneer, tandoori chicken, and lamb biryani, all at the same time
There is a great opportunity, as restaurants close permanently, for new ventures to start up delivering restaurant quality food to homes and offices. They exist now, but are pretty clumsy in how they work. I’m talking about Amazon level simplicity for quality ready made food. Tandoori-R-Us. Become the next Jeff Bezos of takeout.
Mark: agree. Or for existing services to increase their sophistication. Right now, it's cumbersome to customize meals with Doordash and similar services. With these services transitioning from luxury to essential, it would behoove them to create a user experience where something like, e.g., a buffet meal could be delivered, or at least customization is quick and easy
Sad to hear about Sweet Tomatoes. I liked that restaurant.
4400 folks out of a job.
i allways people watch when i dine in a restaurant.
Somebody explain the COVID risk to a buffet restaurant like Sweet Tomatoes. This is not a food-borne illness.
Here’s a little known fact, Bourbon Street in addition to the free popcorn does also sell pizza by the slice.
azdd, someone posted below video not long ago, it shows how easy it is to spread a virus with a buffet.
To operate as a restaurant requires a license. To get a license in AZ, the facility must have all the kitchen equipment needed to prepare an “ ordinary meal”. At least 40% of revenue must be from food. If it drops below 30%, the state board can immediately revoke the license.
A strip club can’t magically declare itself a restaurant. A licensing process, meeting specific criteria, must be followed.
You know what qualifies to open as a restaurant? You licking my butthole!
I just contacted a dancer friend that has worked at Bourbon for several years. She called the club bosses, and was told that they will not open on May 12. Lot's of optimistic rumors floating around during the pandemic.
Sounds just right for Urban clubs. Girls there make money from the stage. No worrying about social distancing when you're making it rain.
Curves in Tucson opened today. Parking lot was about 3/4 full at lunchtime. I did not venture inside, not sure if their VIP rooms are in operation, or even if they are doing regular LDs. They do have a full kitchen, so I’m guessing they have opened under the food establishment rules, and not as a bar.
^ That sounds very promising for the Phoenix clubs
azdd missed an opportunity for a quick handie while In the neighborhood.
“There is a great opportunity, as restaurants close permanently, for new ventures to start up delivering restaurant quality food to homes and offices. “
Uber just made an offer to buy Grubhub. Seems like they understand the opportunity for food delivery. Both stocks are up, which is a sign the market understands the opportunity.
I will translate what Desert just said: I will make up another story, come back here and lie to you. Fuck off pussy, no woman would fuck you for money either. Awful drive? Myabe sell the yugo and buy a car loser.
I planned to stop into Curves today to check out the scene. As I got out to head inside, I saw a Channel 13 KOLD TV van parked at the back of the lot, and a guy with a camera and tripod walking around. I got back in my vehicle and left, ain’t nobody got time for that! I saw two burly manager-looking types coming outside in masks, probably to chase the guy away. They are probably doing a story on restaurant compliance with opening rules. Parking lot was a LOT lighter today, so I suspect they are only serving food, maybe with a stage show. Will report back if I learn more.
@desertscrub & @azdd ...... I am already scheduled to drive down (in my Jeep Grand Cherokee) to U of A Wednesday for a 3 day visit. I will have both day and night availability while I am there. Now I know what to do with my down time. Report to follow next week. @skibum....I am taking my own club take out with me, so I know I will not be stressed even if club is a big "not yet" visit.
Heard a rumour that HL will open Wednesday but will only let about a dozen PL's and very few dancers. No info on what kind of contact is allowed inside.
I am anxious to hear the first reports from these re-opened clubs. So much speculation. It’ll be nice to actually know. Personally, I’m still thinking that August 1 is my return date. Crazy times we live in.
Ducey ending stay at home orders on Friday. I suspect we could see clubs open this weekend.
The messaging has been really confusing. Apparently only the stay at home orders for state residents is ending. Businesses are entering phase 1. Per CDC guidelines, bars stay closed in phase 1. Bars can open in a limited capacity in phase 2. So unless I’m misreading things, I’m not betting on the weekend For bars/ clubs anymore.
I suspect those CDC guidelines are out the window for AZ. It is hot now in Phoenix and if we can't go to bars and restaurants we would soon revolt as spending time outside is uncomfortable. Ducey knew he was on borrowed time.
Still, I'm surprised at how fast he is opening up the state given he was mostly MIA for most of the lockdown. I hope HL is opening Wed.
I'm hearing conflicting rumors about HL reopening. I've heard it will reopen today and it will not open until September. Very unreliable sources.
Apparently Xplicit opened with stage shows only and you either out your money in a bucket of threw it onstage. No contact whatsoever
Candy store apparently opening today at 11am. Hiliter in about two weeks. Info from another site where guy said he heard it from a dancer. Take this info knowing that.
I wouldn't mind going to bsc even with just stage shows for awhile. I had heard some bars allowed to open as restaurants just by selling a bag of chips or something? I'm sure wouldn't apply to a strip club like bsc, but if it did they should go to Costco and buy a lot of those small bags of chips (that's what they showed on the news at the bar) and resell them for like a dollar (maybe two dollars during the day as no cover). But yeah xplicit set up does not sound fun. They were a pretty lame club anyway (by the normal standards back then) from what I remember many years ago on my one visit.
Tucson clubs may have started with lots of cars in the lot, but I have arrived 2 nights and 1 day to less that 15 cars total. Inside 5 customers and 4 dancers.
Masks, no tipping on stage, no lap or VIP dances, and no dancer sitting next to you at the table.
Almost like the scene from the Walking Tall movie with the dancer behind the glass.
I went in with $500 and left with $485.
I assume Phoenix openings will following this model to start.
NOTHING TO SEE HERE as far as I can tell.
So, here’s 2 questions
If a club doesn’t follow the rules on social distancing, club capacity, masks, and the percent of revenue from food, could it lose its liquor license or business license ?
Would a club put it’s license at risk to allow a little more revenue for a few weeks ?
There might be some smaller clubs who are willing to risk it, but I doubt the major clubs would.
The parking lot at the Candy Store is about as full as it normally would be on a pre-C19 Friday. I need to do some research before I darken their doorstep, or that of any of the other clubs, but I call it a good sign.
I'm writing my review of Bourbon Street now. As soon as it is approved by y'all, read it for the details of SC'ing in AZ, post-COVID.
^ make sure to mention where the bathrooms are
LOL...left out the bathrooms, but I think I got everything else.
When it's published I'll add a year to your VIP.
You won my unannounced contest of first post covid review
I was on the fence as to whether to approve your review or not but let it slide. anyways.
I'd still like to know about parking?, valet? is there a troll? what's the lighting like? is it handicapped accessible? how about my emotional support emu, is she welcome?
Fuck I shouldn't have been so quick to approve. There are so many unanswered questions.
Just to be clear, these are standards you guys are imposing, not me.
@ founder: Thank you.
I’m guessing it’s an interesting read CP, too bad nobody has access to read it.
Great review CP. Sounds like it's close to business as usual at BSC.
Good stuff chili. That might be my first club I visit since sugar 44 will probably be closed for quite awhile. Who knows. That's cool that all you had to do differently was to get a temperature check and use some hand sanitizer (I did that anyway courtesy of my former atf (only former because she no longer dances) at sugar 44.
I'll be at both BSC and Sugar 44 tomorrow. Another review to follow.
Richard Head: PM me and I will happily send you a copy of the review.
Please ask me if you need a VIP extension
I would greatly appreciate it.
@Chili Palmer, is Sugar 44 open?
I’m an old fart whose VIP has expired. I won’t be returning to clubs for at least 2 or 3 months because, you know, health stuff.
As you young bucks return to clubs, I’d enjoy reading a summary of your Phoenix club experiences. Basically, what clubs are open and are real dances available.
I just finished writing a review for the Candy Store in Phoenix. It is almost back to normal. I only saw 2 dancers and 1 customer wearing a mask.
Hopefully Texas is not too far behind.
The governor will give an update on Monday.
Just drove by Hi Liter. Parking lot empty.
Updates as of 1:30 PM Saturday:
BSC: open, just three dancers there in the early PM.
Sugar 44: Closed, parking lot empty.
Band-Aids: Closed, parking lot empty.
Hi-Liter: Closed, parking lot empty.
We still have ways to go to get back to what passes for "normal" now.
I just called Christie's on 32nd street. They said that they currently have 2 dancers but are expecting more dancers this evening.
Reading stripperweb, there are a lot of dancers who are waiting until the fall to come back. I wonder if clubs are having a tough time staffing up. I’m guessing a lot of dancers are on the sidelines waiting to see what kind of money is being made.
@Mark I'm sure the clubs are going to have some difficulty staffing up, I am in touch with three different dancers been friends for years with them, one is a RN and back working full time in a large hospital, says after dealing with Covid-19 for the last 3 months she will not go back to work in a strip club, the other two have taken jobs with regular paychecks and they have told me the cut in pay means little compared to the risk they feel will be involved in continuing to work in the clubs.
On their Facebook page says hiliter opens tuesday
And I guess le girls is open, but no real details on the experience found
Hiliter is opening on Tuesday... why Tuesday? weird
Likely to start slowly.
What time? I I’m e went in at 11 am and they tried to scan my ID. I said to not do that and doorman said I couldn’t go in. Turned me off on thinking about retiring to a place with nothing but good old memories, yet very few new ones.
Scanning ID's might be the new big brother way of contact tracing in the Covid era
My Aug 1 prediction was not only for clubs to be open, but also to be operating the same way they were pre CoVid. From what I’ve read, we’re not there yet. I’ll stand by my Aug 1 prediction.
I got a text from a dancer yesterday. She said that Ryan told her that Sugar 44 will open on Wednesday 5/20.
I have plans to see a dancer on Thursday. I'll try to swing by S44 after that and get some intel for the AZ mongers.
I think mike710 might be on to something important with the license scans at HL. Any new COVID case is going to trigger a contact tracing process to identify others that have been in contact with the infected patient. If a HL customer ends up COVID-positive, you can bet the Maricopa County Health Department will want to get their hands on that database of scanned DLs, at least for the day of their visit. The step will be pushing every strip club to enact similar scanning measures in case needed for contact tracing. Watch out for big brother!
Christie's is fully operating. I work at Phoenix. Friday was busy, Saturday was dead. Me and my top 2 ladies will be there WThF. Come see us ❤️
Anyone planning on visiting Hi Liter on its re-opening day today?
Probably be a few days before I can stop in.
I hope VIP is still there.
I’m planning to stop at HL tomorrow noonish.
LDs and VIP the same?
Are the honeys wearing masks?
ATF says S44 opens at noon today
Band-Aids: Still closed, parking lot empty.
Writing my Hi-Liter review now.
Went to Curves-Tucson today. Review just submitted, but things were pretty normal.
Good job for the guys writing reviews of the reopenings
I stopped by Sugar 44 this afternoon. I saw 6 dancers and about 8-10 customers. Nobody was wearing a mask. Ryan the owner told me that the Floor dances are no contact, but he would not monitor the VIP. He setup a fancy table across from the Bar. It had a white table cloth, flowers in a vase, 2 chairs and a menu that said lunch and dinner are $100. This was needed to open because Sugar 44 is required to provide food per our Governor's requirements.
I had a Coors Light and talked to Lauren the blonde from Kansas, London, China, Angel and Trixy. They told me that Mustang is afraid to leave her house. I tipped around $40 for stage dances and then left for Christie's Phoenix. When I walked into Christie's, the Hostess told me that I don't have to pay the $7 cover because they currently have only 1 dancer Venus. She told me that I have to sign a waiver so Christie's is not responsible for anything related to Covid. Venus is really nice and attractive. She used to dance at Cheetah's. I did not want to sign the waiver, so I left.
Thank you hunter for the info. I'm definitely not going to Christie's that's for sure. Thanks for the info regarding mustang too. I've wanted to see her for a long time now (couldn't make it in during day shift forever), and may have had a chance coming up; but it is her choice so I understand.
There are a couple threads on stripperweb about where SoCal dancers could travel to find open clubs. Fair amount of discussion about AZ. Some comments that it’s not worth it because dances are $10. I get the impression that SoCal are desperate for cash.
The dances are $10, but the tips on services in VIP should attract work.
Interesting the opening style contrast between Sugar 44 and HL.
S44 is attempting some kind of bs social distancing while HL sounds like it business as usual. I hope to visit HL very soon.
Thank you for the updates everyone
@Hunter - is Venus a smoking hot Columbian? If so, she's a lot of fun. Honey like that could make bank at any club in the valley. Christie's must be giving that doll a little something $ under the table to stay.
Lone_Wolf - Yes, Venus is from Columbia. She is "So Fine" I would have visited with her if I did not have to sign the waiver. She moved from Cheetah's to Christie's last November to avoid her ex-boyfriend. He works at the VA Hospital and would walk across the street to Cheetah's and harass her.
Lone_Wolf - Venus is similar to Shelby. I am sure you remember Shelby. They both have such nice eyes and seem to melt into your arms. Shelby lives in Kingman and would travel to Bliss on weekends in 2018. I visited Shelby at Bliss every Saturday evening for a few months. She stopped traveling to Phoenix when she got promoted to become the Manager at the Subway in Kingman.
Hunter - holy shit I think I do remember Shelby. Reddish hair. Loved to party. Would drive down with several other dancers and party their butts off all weekend. Fun.
I would hesitate to put Shelby in the same class as Venus but she was a fun entertainer.
Review of Sugar44 posted up, needs to get approved by y'all. FYI, no Mustang anytime soon.
^ good job on the updates
Just got back from Sugar 44. Social distancing in effect on the floor and stage. No hugging or touching, stage tips are left on the stage floor or hand to hand. Lots of PLs wearing wristbands, still worth a visit. Actually busier than pre COVID-19. Don't let the social distancing dissuade if you liked Sugar 44 before, still can be fun. Review to follow.
I would like hand sanitizer to become a permanent fixture in strip clubs
Did you have to wear a mask at BSC?
It is fucking great to see reviews of Phoenix SC's again. It's also fantastic to see that fun can still be had at the clubs. Love it!
Sugar 44 - no masks, some dancers had hand sanitizer
Dancers are slowly returning. I received a text last night from a Thailand dancer. She told me that she would be returning to work on Friday evening. She said that if I stop by the Club, she would add on 2 free VIP dances. What I am really waiting for is the return of the 3 Filipino Hi Liter dancers.
Is bourbon doing 25% occupancy? I’m going tomorrow been way too long
@Sancho: No. The only club that removed any tables is Sugar44.
Was at HL again today, hoping for a nice Friday turnout. Nope. No more than 12-15 dancers for the first 2 hours, only a couple who held my interest. Once dancer told me girls from Miami and Vegas were coming to Phoenix, but so far that has not been my experience. All locals, mostly B-team here today.
Spent 90 minutes quite possibly more bored than I've ever been in 25 years at Hi-Liter. The one dancer I did want laps from kept fucko-ing with one dude. Finally, she finished and came over to my table. When I told her I was interested, she quickly excused herself to the back to get cleaned up (yay!). You ever get a feeling a certain dancer is going to be really good? I had that feeling with this one. Well, after 8 dances on the floor, we did even more in VIP. Worth every penny. From boredom to bliss. It only takes one.
Anyone know what hours Sugar 44 or HiLiter will be open during the holiday tomorrow?
Salty, 44 used to be closed on most holidays that fell on Mondays (ie they are always open July 4th). I don't know if they'll change it up due to the long stretch of being closed (and the chance that they'll be busier than usual with fewer people going out of town maybe). I guess you could call them after 7 pm tonight to get the most up to date info . Hiliter I believe was usually open maybe even normal hours. Hiliter does a good job of updating their fb page, so it should say on there (but they would update it day of, not tonight).
@chili I read somewhere that they are not giving the Phoenix license to work to nonlocal girls right now. Idk how true this is, but throwing it out there.
@blahblahblah: I read that on SW. It was posted by one of the longtime Phoenix local girls who has been doing her best to discourage any other dancers from coming here. I'm not sure how true it is, based on the anecdotal comments by dancers I've met, but so far all clubs I've been to are definitely experiencing a shortfall of girls (at least during the day). We'll see how it plays out.
I notice she doesnt want the influx of girls in Phoenix. I am going to guess that socal strippers have been hungry and pushing out elsewhere and Phoenix isn't too far for them 🤷🏼♀️
Sugar 44 has normal hours tomorrow, open at 12:00
Socal is rough because there's zero timeline for reopening beyond they are phase 4 and we are just starting phase 2. Plus hospitality in socal is fucked. And if they do anything in the beauty industry they are still locked out as well unless it's under the table.
Contacted my girl about getting an under the table haircut. She's careful but didn't say no
I do know that the license office that dancers get their license from are issuing limits new licenses due to phased opening schedule. They are processing renewals first, then new apps.
Just read on Reddit from a dancer claiming that a club in Phoenix is charging $200 just to work. But the club was packed at least. Dang—I guess that’s how they limit the # of dancers working.
@nicespice.....What was the ckub name charging $200 to dance and was packed ?
@etsutwigg Not a clue. Here’s the source. Maybe vlive?
I have never been to VLive
I knew a very good looking female bartender from that club. Could barely afford to pay her bills. No action there, and certainly not "packed."
I wonder if the out of state dancers can get a license or do the clubs even care. Too bad she came and bashed the Phoenix club scene, I think Phoenix has one of the better club scenes.
No reviews of VLive on TUSCL but the reviews on Google are downright scary. GHB. Theft. I can’t imagine anyone reading the Google reviews then choosing to go there in any capacity.
I wonder if the out of state dancers can get a license or do the clubs even care. Too bad she came and bashed the Phoenix club scene, I think Phoenix has one of the better club scenes.
^I think she just has her own motivations to say everything is shit to keep people out. By all accounts Phoenix does not sound like my scene but I've heard there is some serious money to be made in some areas like Scottsdale.
“ I have never been to VLive”
I went there a couple times years ago when it was a white club. It seems to be “urban” now.
Sadly the Reddit dancer hasn’t named her club yet.
Just checked the Phoenix and Scottsdale sites. Neither have mentioned anything about not issuing anything. The only thing Phoenix states it has suspended is Processing of Special Event Liquor License Applications. Phoenix did say however that one has to make an appointment on the phone, so idk how much of a pain in the butt factor that will be.
I would assume that one can still get a license if they wish.
These are the rules that Phoenix Dancers must follow:
This is why BSC Dancers try to avoid floor dances.
Well Hunter, after reading the list of rules from the City, I don’t think I will ever waste my money going into the air dance clubs again.
There’s a few reasons: Instagram has been full of baby strippers bragging about making $20 on stage which is a horrible sign, I’m also waiting until I can have my regulars all come in on one day as opposed to working a full week, and there’s like a 60% chance I’ve gotten fired since the last time I worked 🤷🏼♀️
Where would I find these baby strippers excited about $20...?
Drove by HL, looks pretty busy. It looking like im going to be making my appearance.
Was on the Westside to pick up an Offer-Up purchase and drove to Dirtys, the parking lot was full, like a Friday Afternoon, this was around 5:45. I'm going to have to stop by soon.
Crazy how fast things opened up again. Like a dam bursting
Just a flu bro
After golf at Talking Stick, stopped by Hi-Liter again. Still a dancer shortage in the early operating hours; one hopes this will change soon. While waiting for dancers to appear, I pulled up TUSCL on my phone and found a new review for Band-Aids. So I drove by to see if it was open and lo and behold, Band-Aids is now open as well. New review to follow.
Finally had a chance to make my first visit to HL today (early Sunday).
No id check. No masks. Not many dancers but quality was decent for the dancers there.
Contact on floor dances were the same. I did not do VIP today but suspect it has not changed.
Not many PL's but I was surprised to see several older dudes in their 70 and 80's.
Pretty much business as usual at HL.
Oh yeah, the dancers seemed to be making bank. Possibly pent up demand.
I agree with dscrub.....HL is out and in with Sugar or Candy.
I spent about an hour at the Candy Store this afternoon. I had the Asian Dancer "May" tell me that there were no guys at the club after 8PM last night due to the curfew. I asked the DJ if they were closing at 8PM tonight and he said that they do not have to follow the curfew. I saw a very attractive AA dancer this afternoon. I did not get to talk to her because I spent my time with May. I am waiting to visit Hi Liter until I get confirmation that any of the several dancers that I like have returned.
Dam no intel for BSC, guess yall are broke
Here’s my intel on dancers at BSC and other clubs. Wait for the good ones to arrive.
Thanks gents
desertscrub - You are right about money is not in the club for the regular dancers. I spent a couple hours at Hi Liter this afternoon. I got several floor dances from Shannon. She told me that she only made $10 yesterday after paying her $30 House Fee and tip outs. She said that she did not recognize anyone yesterday and I was the only one she recognized today.
Can anyone tell me if they see an unpublished review for Hi Liter. I was almost finished with my review and my computer froze up.
Yeah - it appeared in the Unpublished List - I hit Accept - if it gets published you can finish it in the comments section
Thanks Papi
You know you're about to get a great VIP experience when you agree to go to the back with a dancer, and as you arrange your napkins on your drinks so no one takes them away while you're gone, she grabs a couple of them to take with her. A true professional. Good times.
was able to pop in at BSC, doesnt look like girls are hurting for money, they look very well fed.
I just read an unpublished review for a Phoenix Club which mentioned a Positive Covid -19 at a club.
The review just got published. I don't know if the review is accurate because this same person wrote a review about this club a couple years ago and said that his tire got slashed. He may have it in for the club.
I actually really liked that club and had some vhm dances in there which is why I went to check out again tonight although the experience wasn’t nearly the same. To reiterate the last part of my review I was denied entry at another club by the bouncer because I told them I had just been at that other club personally I think it’s b.s. but thought it was pertinent to share.
To think all these are not rampant with Co Co cases would be pretty nieve.
Been to Sugar 44 weekly since they opened up, still only air dances on the floor although I haven't seen anyone ever get one yet. Still no contact during stage tipping. My ATF said that she got fined for accepting a hug from a PL. Still planning to go back because it's still an enjoyable club to spend time and my 401c at.
I just submitted a review for Bliss which I visited last night.
A california dime at BSC. thats the only thing good about california, she was super hot
Salty.Nutz - This California dime must really be something if she is better than Stephanie at BSC.
Was the Cali girl blonde?
A bleach blonde yummy
Day shift or night?
Day shift, they have been closing around midnight because its slow
A bunch of restaurants along the Indian School “Arcadia” corridor have been temporarily closed due to positive covid19 tests. That’s very close to HL, BSC and s44. Does this give anyone pause for concern?
Pause for concern ? Hell, anyone over 60, or with health issues, should stay away from the clubs for another couple months. A lot of dancers aren’t coming back till October. Learn by their example.
Just my opinion. Feel free to prove me wrong.
I’m watching news video of old town scottsdale. Thousands of young people, no masks, hitting the bars over the weekend.
That’s fine with me. Let’s get this shit out of the way. Everyone under 40 should hit the clubs immediately. In two months, CoVid will be burned out. Then, I can rejoin the world. Let’s get this done, people !
I struggle understanding the rationale for the lists. Covid is everywhere. Anyone going to public places needs to accept they will be near someone that has it.
Lets be realistic here, if a hot stripper asked me to fuck her even though she tested positive for corona i would do it. i she wanted it raw probably no. pause for concern...not
@Richard_Head There's always some kind of shit going on on Indian School Road, so no it doesn't bother me at all.
I will be pausing activities for now. It will pick up in August, meaning the supply.
Frankly, except for the overall dancer count being down, the last month has had some of my most entertaining club adventures since 1-2 years ago. Y'all please keep staying home...just more for me.
Seems the governor bowed down to the cities and is allowing cities to make their own facemask requirements. Seems that club patrons are probably going to be required to wear a facemask if the clubs remain open.
Don't know about everyone else but I've had my fill of wearing a mask all the time. I voluntarily wear it in appropriate situations but don't like being told to wear one all the time.
Government over reach...businesses already have the option to deny customers service if they are not wearing a mask...see costco. Busniesses that can not decide if they should deny service to individuals that dont wear mask should not be in business.
OK PLs, with Arizona COVID-19 cases spiking big time, especially in younger age groups (stripper age), are any of you that have wandered back into clubs recently re-evaluating or putting on the brakes? I’ve been in my local Tucson club several times, but I’m starting to feel like every LD is like playing Russian roulette. MY LD addiction is strong, and I really miss my Phoenix favorites, but feeling apprehensive.
I already had a confirmed bout of COVID-19. If I didn't know what it was I'd assumed it a case of the flu that typically get every 3-4 years. Plus it was no wear near the worse flu symptoms I've ever had. I had a case back in 2006 that was way worse. People are treating COVID-19 like it's the black plague.
@azdd: Nope. (Typed from the corner chair at HL.)
"... People are treating COVID-19 like it's the black plague ...."
There is a lot yet unknown about this virus - many people get it and they never knew, and some, even young, get it and are subsequently in dire straights.
The M.O. def seems to be older-folks and those with pre-existing conditions (including obesity) are at much greater risk, but being young and healthy does not seem to mean complete immunity from Covid issues, just apparently a much greater chance of not having complications - I'm personally trying to not be one to fall under the exception.
Gila River's 3 casinos are shutting back down voluntarily for 2 weeks. The Governor is allowing cities to set their own masks in public requirements and some cities ie Tucson already made masks mandatory in public. Mayor of Phoenix has already said that she would shut down nightclubs if the Governor would allow. Will SCs get shut down again? Good thing that I can order a hot pocket at the Sugar 44 restaurant.
I’m not invincible like some of you, so I’m taking a hiatus until things calm down a bit. I haven’t been too impressed with my visits lately either, lots of girls still sitting things out anyways. OTC or bust for now.
Hot pocket! @ SaltyNutz
With sugar on top @ 44th Street.
AZ Covid cases are startling. Hospital bed usage up ten % to 84% just in the past two weeks.
Mandatory masks are on the way, as soon as tomorrow in some AZ cities. Yet another reason to take a temporary strip club hiatus.
Hospital usage or occupancy is up because the people that passed on selective surgery are now getting it done. Occupancy will go down after the surge. mandatory mask are baloney, they should do temperature checks instead.
Phoenix passed mandatory face masks in public places, wonder if SCs are now mandated.
If it's a liberal city (yes, Phoenix now fits that bill) you can bet mandatory, feel good, but useless, facemask laws are going to be enacted.
There doesn’t seem to be any type of enforcement mechanism built into these face make mandates, so they seem quite useless unless enforced by the business owners. The Phoenix mandate goes into effect tomorrow, Scottsdale today, not sure on any other cities. Seems like it would be hard to enforce at a bar or restaurant where you need to remove the mask to eat and/or drink.
Busnisses are NOT public property. Strip clubs, restaurants, grocercy stores, ect...are privately owned. City parks, city hall, ect...are public. if you are walking on a street public...if youre driving private because you are in your car, thats why the police needs a search a warrant to search your car.
I just submitted a review for the Candy Store from my visit this afternoon.
Was just watching my local-news (Miami) - if I heard correctly, w.r.t. testing, 2 weeks ago FL was at 3.2% positive cases of folks being tested, it is currently at 10% positive test results - an increase in percentage, vs just raw #s, indicates the rate of spread/contagion is increasing vs just more cases b/c of more testing (i.e it's not a linear relation of more cases b/c of more testing, there seems to be more spread)
Wonder if it is true that az is reporting anyone who tests positive for ANTIBODIES only is counted as a positive for the daily results. Just a theory I read somewhere probably, but who knows. Anyone else hear of this? Not saying it's factual at all. Was the first I read about it. And yes it was fb. From someone claiming to have inside knowledge. I can't remember if they were saying they were in the business or had a "friend" that did the testing that told them that. It was from one of my friends friends (a person I have no idea who they are, one of those things). It wasn't debated in the comments by anyone, but was just posted today. Maybe by tomorrow, it'll have about 1500 replies or so. (My friend had just posted a general article on the daily numbers and he's not the kind of person to get into heated debates or debates at all on fb....I'm not either for that matter)
Arizona hit 20% of those tested being positive today. Be careful out there.
In Houston, a couple of weeks ago, about 3% of those tested were positive. Today it is over 9%. Houston ICU bed usage has not hit 93% and 120% at a couple of local hospitals. Additionally, most of the COV19 hospital entries are non-ICU so the overall problem is huge. The average age of those admitted is getting lower into the 30 year old range. A mandatory mask usage has been issued for all businesses two hours ago.
Heellover. Forget FB and Fox. Nothing but rumors, hearsay, anti-science bias, and friend-of-a-friend BS. Read the CDC website and data info it contains. On Twitter there are legit health experts like Andy Slavitt and Scott Gottlieb. These two are also often interviewed on reputable network TV. The infections, hospitalizations, and deaths are increasing in AZ. I love the clubs and feel for my favorite dancers but it's just nuts to be unmasked with a dancer who has danced with 15 people before you. I hope I'll be seeing you at the clubs after this whole thing subsides along with BigTime and Dave.
Georgnzola. Great post. I agree with you 100 percent. Very sensible post. Haven't been to a club since mid March and would wear a mask if I went.
My atf is not dancing now (she's been my atf for about 4 years or so, not a recent thing or anything like that) because of all this, so as tough as it is to stay away and I miss it.....that makes it easier knowing she isn't dancing anywhere (not just at my favorite club, not dancing anywhere). At this point, anyone's guess when majority of people will feel safe, vaccine etc. Only time will tell. But again thanks for the post. Never had paid attention to anything on FB before regarding science, debates etc but I guess there's a first for everything/everyone.
And Desertscrub. Thanks for the reply as well. I believe it NOT to be true for sure. It just wouldn't make sense, not that anything really does these days.
I'm going to go check to see if there are any crazy debates going on. I need a good laugh anyway.
Cheers everyone!
Double shooting, one dead, at a “social club” near 38th and University. At 3 am. Multiple people in the club at the time.
Just curious. Anyone know what this club is ? I think there used to be jack shacks around there.
The Club was VLive
It’s true that only the law and the outlaw are out at that time of night.
Just heard on the news that the state of Arizona is down to just 250 ICU beds
Actually it looks like we are at 85% ICU bed capacity
Sorry about that DesertScrub. I was on the bed with the hospital bed utilization when I copied the URL. I guess DHS navigation through the dashboard is handled without changing the main page.
Still the same, that site is a good source of information. It gets updated every morning at 9;00 am.
Mustang question - I saw earlier that she is staying away from day shift at Sugar 44. Is that still the case?
I have been in S44 weekly since it opened and haven't seen Mustang, Paris or Chyna on Monday afternoons.
Thanks SaltyNuts.
New S44 review probably posted after tomorrow's visit. I will ask about Mustang. I've got my face mask packed along with my singles. Hope @founder will release me from TUSCL jail. PS, don't confuse me with Salty.Nutz.
Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
I just submitted a review for Christies.
Mustang will not return until there is a vaccine. She hasn't left her home since covid became a thing and won't until she believes it is safe.
Thanks to everyone who approved my Christies review. I did not want to mention a third club that I went to on my Christies review. I stopped by Cheetah's. Regular floor dances were not allowed. This Hispanic dancer was so damn sexy. She was like a young "Charo". She was the only dancer I saw making any money other than stage tips. She was doing floor dances staying 4 feet from the Customer. This is the first time that I ever wanted a real air dance. I waited over an hour for my turn to get this 4 foot air dance which never happened. Every now and then I see a Hispanic dancer that is so sexy without even trying. It must be in their DNA.
Why the fuck are people so surprised infections are back up as we come out of quarantine? I mean WTF did they think was going to happen? That coronavirus would get bored and leave. It never should have been as large of a quarantine as we went through. The best course of action is to let the virus run it's course and people build up resistance which will slow its spread.
Mustang started dancing at a club in Manhattan in 1985 and has been very successful since. There is nothing wrong if she wants to take a break from dancing. She drives a motorcycle and spends time at shooting ranges so I would not consider her timid.
Mustang has a lot of interesting dancer stories. Some people on this site who know her well have probably heard her story of when the man from Alaska visited the club she was working at several years ago. You always knew that Mustang was in the building when you heard her famous "Hell Yeah" As far as dancer age, I know 4 dancers in Phoenix that are over 50 and are extremely popular. I also know 7 Asian dancers that are in their 40's and 3 of them tell me that they plan on dancing past 50.
I'm as interested in older gals as they are in homeless men. But some guys will go there for the discount opportunities. On the other hand if you can't tell it doesn't matter, I was surprised one of my faves is in her late 30s
I went to BSC before the mask mandate, would my review be considerded outdated now?
there are a few older ladies that are still sexy... but overall the majority SHOULD RETIRE.
I get it, Mustang is not everyone’s cup of tea and I go for the spinners in their 30’s. However I must say there have been a couple visits in the past at Hiliter and Sugar where the selection was slim, and because Mustang was there putting on a big smile and pleasant greeting I couldn’t help but Get dances from her out of default. Not once did I regret it out of maybe a handful of times. She can play directly into what a guy is thinking about her when she is asking you if you’d like to come on her tits(or ass or mouth). She knows how to make a man feel desired and is genuinely a top
Professional in the industry. For that I think she should continue as long as possible, because most of the time I see her busy in VIP or giving table dances. I wish all strippers would be trained by her.
Went to S44 this afternoon, very slow. No masks. MIA: Mustang, Chyna, Paris, London, Zena & traffic on the 202/SR51 interchange.
Chili Paler, Salty But’s, first of all, than you bo for the update on Mustang.
What I am about to say may be controversial, but frankly I am glad to hear that she is taking the virus serious and on a leave of a sense. Dancers are in a dangerous profession at this point in time. The risk isn’t exclusive to older people, but being older does begin to tilt the odds against you.
As Meat72 and others have mentioned, Mustang is kind of unique. So I am glad she is able to afford to keep herself out of harms way.
DesertScrub, I can understand why someone younger may not be interested in an older dancer - to each their own. I happen to be a few years older than Mustang, so her age was never an issue for me. But anyone who has visited any of the clubs she has worked in looking for her knows that she basically lives in the VIP SECTION. So it was probably a good idea on her part not to retire at 35.
Damn. I’m almost 20 years older than she is.
Did anyone else not notice there were two saltys until one of them said something about it? I vote for a retirement match.
She was adopted at birth. When she was 18, she applied at a club in Manhattan and danced 1 afternoon so she could make enough money to buy a pair of ballet shoes. She got hooked on dancing. She is very health conscious because her biological mother died of breast cancer at age 52. She previously lived in Cave Creek and then moved farther North to a rural area. She spends a significant amount of her money taking in animals that have been abandoned. She is one of the nicest and considerate ladies you will ever meet.
@wallanon, several points to consider when voting:
My profile was created first
I've spent 25 years at sea so I literally and figuratively have Salty Nuts
Salty.Nutz is a knock off, spelled close enough but slightly different to avoid copyright infringement yet can fool the unexpecting consumer
Salty.Nutz has great reviews and comments, I really don't mind getting credit for his participation
A quick reality check on CoVid. Worldwide death rate has plunged. Less than half of what it was just weeks ago.
So, yes, known cases have gone up in Arizona, partly because of increased testing, but the world is coming out of this pandemic rapidly.
@mark94 I appreciate the reality check. I'm independent, but my boss is Democrat and I remember him saying it was going to be a 9/11 every day for the foreseeable future in terms of deaths in the USA. Scared the crap out of me. I've been watching the numbers closely ever since. USA topped out at about 2,500 per day in mid-April and has been dropping ever since, down to 500 or so in recent days. Still scary as hell this thing is still spreading and we need to be safe, but good to see death rate dropping also. Despite all the political BS, it seems we achieved the goal they told us was most important: instead of a big bell-shaped curve of deaths, we have a flatter curve with a longer tail. Hope it sticks.
more tests, more cases - lol MARK what dont test and let people suffer? dont be dumb, testing is needed and people have the right to live.”
I applaud testing. Guess I need to be more direct in my language.
And, even the deaths are exaggerated. If someone dies with heart disease, cancer, whatever but also tested positive for CoVid, it’s reported as a CoVid death.
From the sounds of it, more younger people are testing positive and they have a better chance at survival thus the lowering death rates. Doctors have also learned a lot about the virus since it’s early days and the treatments have improved. Still it’s very deadly to a lot of people and the long term consequences are still unknown (lung damage, etc).
Dang, whoever this Mustang individual is seems quite notorious. 😝 Interesting thread going on.
That's not how retirement matches work, Mr. Nuts. The crowd doesn't vote it just cheers for the winner. If you and your little brother/stalker could settle the branding dispute off board that would be awesome. But if it turns into a deathmatch, maybe post some anime style action shots in gallery. lol
Go to wikipedia and look up "sequela". These are the long term, sometime permanent, effects of disease. Given that Covid-19 can attack almost every system of the body, we will be finding out a lot about this. For Covid, some people are showing long term damage to the lungs. Coughing up black matter is the short term. Scarring of lung tissue seen in some.
But we have plenty of IC beds. Sorry, not something I want to personally experience.
tete1526: don't know where you're getting your figures. CDC and independent medical reporting showing cases and deaths are increasing. Arizona is now ranked 4th for the increases among all 50 states. No leveling but a continued increase of cases.
Age is a crap shoot. Maybe you'll recover and be fine. Maybe you'll recover and spend weeks or months in rehab trying to recover. Maybe you'll die.
Not worth risking my health over.
I'm meeting up with my sugarbaby tomorrow to drop off a birthday card, bottle of wine, and a gift. Planning on being masked and socially distanced. I'm watching the health statistics before I get closer with her. I feel safer being with her than in a strip club but I don't know what precautions her family is taking.
GeorgNzola, a lot depends on your time frame and if you adjust per capital, but over the past week, we have been leading the US. Even without accounting for the fact that we have 1/3rd the population of Florida, we “beat” them in new cases today (6/23)
@wallanon - not sure that I can get into a deathmatch with my intellectual property deceptor. I am more of a "lover boy", my ATF told me and I am sure she wouldn't shit me.
@nicespice - Mustang is somewhat of a legend in Phoenix with us PLs. I only saw her once, several months ago at Sugar 44. She's not actually my type physically because of her aftermarket modification. I was impressed that she was in VIP the entire afternoon. What I do remember is that when I tipped her on stage, mainly to get motorboated by a legend, she took the time to talk up the entertainer that I was sitting with.
Stop jinxing Texas, desertscrub. That's conflicting with its ostrich-styley strategy for combating the COVID.
I just got my pool water tested at Leslie's Pool Supplies. They will not let you enter the store without a mask. They also will not provide service to you unless you fill out a form that includes your name and phone number. Roger the Manager told me that this is required for contact tracing. If there is any record of a positive Covid-19 at this store, I will be notified.
That's not random at all, Hunter.
@Hunter - I wonder what would be expected if you are contacted...self quarantine?
Seriously, I struggle with understanding the point of all this. The genie is out of the bottle. That shit is everywhere.
Contact tracing is typically performed by the county health department, once they are notified by the clinic or lab of a positive test result. Leslie’s is simply gathering potential contact information in the event of a positive case. Personally I think holding their service hostage to your personal information is wrong, but I guess it depends on how badly you need chlorine.
The other type of tracing we should be more concerned about is anonymous cell phone linking. Apple, Google, etc. are loading code into their OS updates that will allow phones to create a record of any other phone in close proximity. I don’t know if this will be an opt in feature, or automatic unless you opt out. Sounds like big brother on steroids to me.
Finally, let’s give Mustang a break. She is truly a Phoenix legend, and has many fans for a reason. If you don’t like older strippers, fine. If she wants to stay home until there is a vaccine, then good for her if she can afford to make that decision.
Lone_Wolf - I do not know what would happen if I am contacted.
Below is some information that was on the local news in May regarding contact tracing for Maricopa County.
We were at leslie's an hour ago. Wore a mask and thats it. The idea I'd fill out a fucking form to buy pool supplies is idiotic. Buy it on line first.
DesertScrub - I wasn’t aware that Florida updated their numbers twice a day. We will have to wait until tomorrow to see the total for today I guess, but it looks like they cracked 4,000 cases twice - both days on the weekend.
But until Thursday of last week, they never cracked 3,000.
based on memory of Az. numbers, we are pretty close to them on new case counts. But they have 3 times our population and are testing around 2.5 times as many people daily as we are.
I don’t care to have “bragging rights” here, but if you normalize the numbers, then we are “beating” them.
Source: Go to the second page of the pdf
I heard today that Arizona includes the serum test in its numbers. That’s the test to see if you have ever had CoVid. That’s going to be a higher percent than for currently having CoVid. It explains a lot of the uptick. These are people who are no longer infectious.
Just type in the zip code you want data for
Sadly, a report published last week shows that antibodies only last two to three months. It hasn’t been confirmed by other studies, so hopefully it is wrong.
The consequences are terrible for both the concept of herd immunity as well as development of a vaccine.
Also, I am not positive, but I don’t think the antibody tests are part of the daily positive counts. They are broken out separately on and I can’t imagine why they would double count. That’s just plain bad mathemarptics. Also, the antibody tests have high false positive and false negative rates, so the numbers are kind of deceptive.
@DesertScrub Leslies pool isn’t a Constitutional issue because they are a private company, not the government. But I agree that’s it’s stupid to provide that kind of information to a pool service.
I don’t know if you recall or not, but several years ago I wrote a review on the Hiliter focused solely on their first foray into drivers license scanning. You messaged me privately on the subject.
Long story short, there is no reason to give a strip climb or a pool supply company personally identifiable information.
Once you turn data over to someone, they can use it however they want regardless of how lame their excuse for getting information from you was.
winex - I went to Hi Liter last Saturday evening. They said that they had to scan my ID. I stayed about an hour. When I was leaving, there was a customer around 50 that they would not let in. As I was walking to my car, I asked him why they would not let him in. He said when they scanned his ID it showed that his Drivers License expired a month ago. They told him that he needs to get an updated ID.
@georgenzola - You asked where I got the nationwide figures that deaths are decreasing. I just googled it and the peak in deaths/day was May 6 at 2,700 or so. Since then, we are down to 292 yesterday although we've had a few days in the 600-800 range recently as well. That being said, the general trend is down for deaths. Yes, the cases are spiking and that is very concerning. In fact, I said that in my comment. Hopefully it doesn't translate into many more deaths but I stand by my comment that it's still nice to see deaths trending down in general nationwide.
The time to leave is before they scan your drivers license, not after. There is nothing good that can possibly happen if you give a strip club access to your personal information.
For the uniformed, strip clubs have been known to employ some sketchy people. There is no shortage of strippers who have drug problems. On the illegal misuse of information side, giving a strip club your identity sets you up for anything from blackmail to identity theft.
On the legal side, evidence of visits to a strip club can be used as evidence in divorce cases.
Not only should you refuse to let them scan your ID, using a strip club ATM or a credit card in a club is a real bad idea too.
The review I wrote on the Hiliter dates to 2014. In summary, during the visit, I was asked for ID at the door. (I am 56 now, so I was 50 back then, and certainly didn’t look under age). But I gave them my ID and they were about to scan it. I asked what they were doing (checking my age is fine, scanning is not fine)
I told them that they weren’t going to scan it.
They told me I couldn’t enter without a scan, so I got my ID back and left.
If more people start doing the same, then this outrageous behavior will stop.
@tete1526, I am sure that you understand this, but latency has to be considered.
I don’t have the raw data to crunch, but deaths spiking on.May 6th is heavily influenced by new cases reported in April. Just like there is a 5 to 14 day window between being infected and symptoms showing up, there is a lag between symptoms showing up and deaths (for the small percentage of people who die)
With 1,384 deaths from 58,179 cases, Arizona’s death rate is about 2.4%. However, that number doesn’t mean much. We had a our 17,000 cases on May 15th. We have added somewhere around 15,000 or so cases in the last week.
Those who are going to die need more time to die.
winex - Good advice
@Hunter2019 - thank you.
@winex - I understand the latency considerations. Again, I am very concerned about the case numbers spiking and am keeping a close eye on the numbers. Arizona "reopened" about a month ago, so theoretically we should be seeing a big spike in deaths any day now. We had 42 today but that likely includes slow reporting from Sat-Mon. We haven't seen a spike here in deaths yet, and the country as a whole is on a downward trajectory from deaths. But, with reopening, protests, rallies, etc., we could see a spike very soon and that worries me.
Pure speculation here but I suspect part of the reason deaths are down is doctors know how to treat it more effectively.
Wouldn't surprise me if history shows that ventilators did more to hasten death than prevent it.
@tete1526 - I am less worried about exposures from the protests and riots. For the vast majority of people who were protesting, being outdoors reduced their risk of contracting the virus dramatically - that is true whether or not they were wearing masks. Of course being outdoors with a mask is safer than outdoors with a mask.
For the rioters who ended up indoors in cells, all I can say is “too bad, so sad....”
As for deaths, the lags in reporting and lack of detail about what is being reported are driving me nuts. But short of working for the DHS, there isn’t anything I can do about it.
@LoneWolf - First of all, I am not in the medical field.
That having been said, while certainly doctors learning about what works and what doesn’t work certainly doesn’t hurt, there are a lot of variables to consider. And sadly, there isn’t enough public data to make inferences from.
Some questions that come to mind
What are the age profiles of people who died, versus those who survive?
What about underlying comorbities?
What are the differences in treatment regimens between those who died and those who didn’t?
What impact does genetics play in ultimate outcomes? - we already know that African Americans suffer worse outcomes that Caucasians - is that based on genetics or socio-economic factors?
To date, there aren’t a lot of tools in doctors tool belt
A study last week showed that dexametasone seems to improve survival outcomes
Remdesivir may have been approved by the FDA, but the jury is still out on that one. The primary objective of the drug trial was changed mid-study. If it weren’t for the seriousness of the virus combined with the lack of other alternatives, in my opinion the testing would have been restarted.
And finally, hydroxychloroquine. This one is controversial, but the way it works for malaria and lupus is by suppressing something called a cytokine storm - this is when the immune system attacks the body. A lot of studies on hydroxychloroquine were conducted on people on ventilators. Again, I am not a doctor, but the proverbial cows have already left the barn by then. The point of hydroxychloroquine is using it before a citokine storm, not after.
Forgot to add - those tools are all imperfect, but at this point in time, they are all we have.
Here’s a link documenting that the number of US deaths is down 90% from the peak. That’s a big drop.
@mark94. I think the graph in this chart tells a truer picture
The spike on April 14 was caused by New York adding 3,778 probable deaths in a single day. It’s an obvious outlier. When did these deaths occur? My GUESS is that they didn’t all happen on the same day.
That having been said, the trend does look positive. But I think all the questions I asked about “why” are still applicable.
Without data, all anyone can have is an opinion.
Note that if you subtract the 3,778 probable deaths reported on April 14th, the total deaths on April 14 are roughly similar to the surrounding days.
I strongly suspect that those deaths occurred between the start of the problem in New York and April 14th. The people in hospitals simply had higher priorities than filing paperwork in a timely manner.
With covid spiking SC could be death traps.
Miami-Dade county is up to 26% of tests testing positive
Houston and Texas setting new record in positive tests and hospitalizations daily. Over 4000 hospitalizations on Tuesday alone. The governor says he will not reverse the re-opening except as a last resort. He has however allowed local governments to issue mask orders. He has also urged all Texans to wear masks and to stay home.
Multiple strip clubs in Houston are dealing with outbreaks including Chicas Locas, Centerfolds, and the Ritz. The Ritz has voluntarily decided to close down for a few days.
Maybe AZ, FL and TX are surging because people that lived in blue states are coming to AZ, FL, TX. Do the covid test numbers show positive numbers from people out of state? of course not because it does not support their narrative.
^ you are correct about northeasterners here in Florida but as we found out this morning DeSantis is cooking the books, even folks that own a home if they have a place residence that is not Florida they aren’t being counted in either category ( deaths or new infections) even though they are here in Florida
The numbers are even worse than what is being reported by the Health Department here
The numbers are too complicated to understand and the media can use them too spin and push any agenda. for example like i mentioned out of state test, retesting recovering covid patients and counting it as a new positive.
My unpopular opinion is when does old age play a factor on a covid death? if youre 75 and older you can say you had a good run. we arent not here forever.
How much of the surge is explainable by an increase in delayed surgeries? How do we know that the numbers are even real? The media and authorities have lied already. Trusting them blindly is foolish.
When is the news going to come out like WWE came out when they were WWF?
The way I look at it, the numbers are accurate but so people can worry, the media is not putting like other countries do how many have recovered, like if you watch TV when the news is on, they mention there is example: 40000 cases, ??? Deaths etc.. but nobody puts how many recovered, why because there is probably already a lot of recovers already but they don't put it out because it won't look like bad, it's easier for them to say, oh there is 55000 infected, but you don't hear out how many 750000, 1000000, 55000 out of how many tested and how many recovered? The media is just throwing it out there so people can worry and listen and stay inside. Otherwise if they say how many have been tested and how many have recovered a lot of people will do their homework and won't worry about it because it doesn't sound that bad.
The # of new infections is not the end-all-be-all in terms of the whole picture - but IMO it is something to def worry about when one is talking about a pandemic that could potentially overwhelm the health system even if it's just in certain cities
Arizona's new slogan:
"Come to Arizona - not only may you not wanna leave - you may not leave period"
Respectfully to all posting in this thread, can we please continue the Covid discussion in one of the 100 other Covid threads and leave this for AZ club updates? I realize this is probably a futile request, but one can dream.
I will respect that request Chili Palmer.
Fine with me. I was just sharing what I thought about what is going on. Arizona update most cities in Arizona are requiring a mask to shop at the store. A $250 Fined will be issue for anybody that makes a big deal and the cops need to be called. Anyone know if all the clubs are requiring you to wear a mask?
I was at BSC mask required. They do a temp check and give you a squirt of hand sanitizer. No other club I've been too requires one, either.
Info from last Saturday evening. Christies on 32nd and Cheetahs require both customers and dancers to wear a mask in the main area. The dancers may remove their mask when they are on stage. Hi Liter requires a mask to enter the club. Once inside, it is not enforced.
Sugar 44, no mask requirement
TX & FL shut down bars, I think AZ Governor will follow soon.
If not shut down, I think mask’s are about to be required. A few non-strip clubs in Scottsdale are getting into trouble for ignoring the mask ordinance and occupancy rules.
But the mass protests must continue unabated! I think I died and for my apparent sins got shipped to the stupid hell.
Gentlemen, please keep this discussion alive, as I enjoy the strip club scene in AZ. I'm in the midwest until next fall. Who knows what the clubs will be like then. So, keep up the good work! Thanks.
bigtim47 - Do you visit Phoenix for the Brisket and Babes. I plan on stopping at the Candy Store this evening. I will update this discussion after my trip.
Hi-liter today at noon. I was asked for ID by a bouncer who knows me. First time ever. Not good. 3 dancers for the first hour. Even worse.
I just submitted a review for approval for my visit to the Candy Store yesterday evening. Basically, masks are not required or worn. Number of customers is down. Number of dancers is up. Dancer appearance is up. Floor dance contact is about the same as before Covid. Dancer evening house fees were raised from $30 to $40 last week. There were several dancers that I have never seen before which are probably out of state dancers.
^ solid info 👍
California just closed bars in several counties including Los Angeles. I wouldn’t be surprised to see dancers traveling here.
I wasn't going to say anything, but this is the second time Hunter has gone trolling for votes for his reviews. Dude, just post them. They're decent reviews. They'll get through. lol
How in the world do you know that I come out to AZ to enjoy the brisket and the ladies?? I love the brisket at Little Miss BBQ, best that I have had so far, but like the dancers , always looking for something better!
bigtim47 - I travel from Phoenix to Kerrville, Texas for the best Brisket ever at Inn of The Hills. I normally stop at Sugar's in San Antonio on my way back to the Airport. Years ago, I went on many Pheasant Hunting trips around Cosmos, MN. I would stop for Brisket at a small restaurant in Hutchinson.
Governor Ducey has a press conference today at 3:00pm, We can almost certainly expect some level of shutdown order to be re-instituted, especially for bars and clubs (and maybe the Salt River, Jesus people!). Arizona’s numbers are going out of control fast.
Bars are now closed for 30 days.
Executive order starts at 8pm tonight, includes bars, gyms, movie theaters, water parks, mass gatherings, and tubing. With clubs AND gyms closed, strippers won’t have anything to do!
Restaurant exception could still be in play.
Supposedly the restaurant loophole is closed. Ducey said that restaurants that serve alcohol will have to have adequate physical distancing. The threat to liqour licenses was also mentioned.
Any bar with a Series 6 or 7 liquor license is closed for 30 days. This means their primary revenue is from drink sales, not food sales. Putting out pizza ain’t gonna cut it this time I’m afraid.
Hi Liter and Sugar 44 are both closing until further notice.
I assume this doesn’t impact alcohol free clubs like Centerfolds.
I’d like to see some large scale serum tests to get a more accurate sense of where things stand. I think the plan is to ramp these up for students of all ages prior to the school year.
I hate to see them closed but have to wonder how they were allowed to open up in the first place.
The reopening of all businesses was based more on a desire to get the economy going than it was to combat the virus. That is the only way to explain the groups of business activities that were permitted to reopen every few days in May.
^^House ad.
^^Butt hurt.
Yes, I know of one of the top clubs in Phoenix still open. I just finished texting a dancer who is there right now. I'm not going to name it in an open forum under the circumstances. I'll be there tomorrow, however.
I can’t imagine a governor has the legal authority to close selective businesses at his whim over a period of months. If he has that power, is there any limit to his constitutional power ? If he can do that to businesses, could he round up any groups of people as he sees fit in the name of public health ? Maybe we should detain all young adults since they seem to be the main culprits spreading CoVid.
We everything bad happening in our world today, its nice to have very low mortgage nterest rates. i am in the process of refinancing two 15 yr motgates to 30 yrs at 2.75 % and the other at 3.25. i will be renting both out and buy another SFR with the yield buy a SFR. my debt is going to pay for my only have to worry about utlities and Groceries. after i close i will be hitting the club with double the play money. about 2.5K to blow on strippers
Hopefully i will make it past covid and enjoy the fruits of my labor.
Curves in Tucson - marquee says closed until July 29th. Interesting that Phoenix clubs are still open!
Gyms are pushing back...if youre in a strip can you be cited? that will be an expesive trip
@azdd, I don't know how many but not all PHX clubs are open. The one(s) that are open are risking their liquor license.
Actually, the only reason that I posted was to have back to back Salty.Nuts
"... Gyms are pushing back ..."
After this is over probably get a membershit at life time
That gym looks nice, gold mine for gold diggers where i can admire the views.
Its hard to get a grasp of the climbing numbers, CA has remained closed and they are still surging.
Why bother closing, nature should runs it course. can a man block the sun with his finger
Damn, that’s a nice looking health club. Membership cannot be cheap there.
Lifetime was my gym here in Florida but they got so expensive I cancelled my membership, it was probably the nicest gym in this area almost as nice as some of the country club operations.
^ If you were around my neck of the woods I could show you some country clubs that should have been named cunty clubs for good reason.
closing the gyms is a catch 22, after watching the video did her obesity make her covid symptoms more sever? that is the question
im my eyes she looks fat, would not bang or pay money to bang
^ she didn't look like a spinner but she looked avg sized to me (was there a body pic of her in the vid?).
Nope, but no cheek bones, round face
Went out to grab some grub, ended up driving around a bit. Here’s what I saw. Sugar44 closed, Bourbon Street closed, Bandaids closed, Cheetahs closed, Hi-Liter closed, Christie’s-Phoenix closed, LeGirl’s had a few cars outside I couldn’t tell if it was open though.
Thank you Richard_Head. Apparently Mountainside fitness has sued the state. It will be interesting to see how much power the courts figure the Governor can wield. I am not a member at a gym but people I know who are said they have been operating with incredible protocols to keep everything sanitized.
it’s abuse of power by the politicians and powers that be.
we all should have the right to choose our risk tolerance.
^ that's is how this is spreading like wildfire - folks that "are willing to accept the risk", then they get it, and pass it along to others whether the others are willing to accept the risk or not - it's not about one single person b/c it does not affect one single person; every person that gets is likely to affect others and some of those others may not be in a position to accept that risk.
Government needs a shutdown during a falling death rate so they can credit the shutdown for the falling death rate.
Just wondering, are any clubs open right now? Seems to be some confusion with conflicting reports. If some clubs are open, which ones? I’d like to hit one since I tested positive for the antibodies 3 weeks ago.. Of course I’m feeling great and wouldn’t spread it to anybody.
Thanks Scrub for your update. Looks like I’ll have to settle for getting a legit massage, and save some more of that ca$h for when things do open up.
Incredible video from Phoenix. Baby tossed from burning 3rd floor and CAUGHT by hero.
Ducey just finished his presser. He did NOT shut down the state per the rumors. Really not much more than try to stay home and wear a mask. Restaurants can only seat 50% capacity. Anyone catch any other news? I imagine our favorite haunts are probably going to remain closed for awhile though with the cases still spiking.
It will be interesting to see if we can hit the testing numbers that Ducey mentioned. He said we will be doing 35,000 tests a day by the end of July and 60,000 tests a day by the end of August.
That is compared to around 15,000 or so tests a day currently.
If we can pull 4,000 positives a day from 15,000 tests, the numbers we get from a reasonable number of tests is going to be shocking.
Desert - I'm not a Ducey fan either but what is your specific criticism? Do you think he should have shut the state down again? Close down restaurants all the way? I don't like his style at all but I'm not really sure what more he should do. I'm personally opposed to shutting down the state again but I totally understand the opposing viewpoint that we just need to shut down until the spike is over. It's not an easy call either way. Just trying to better understand what you hope he would do.
Really the only people who should be testing are people who are NOT in quarantine. That is those working. If you want to use testing to measure the spread of the virus among a general population, then use random statistical testing. Health officials and others know this. But they are in a panic and are thinking stupidly.
Most recent deaths are 44. Total deaths are a little over 2,000. Keep in mind that this includes anyone who died while infected, regardless of what really killed them.
It seems like tracking deaths gives a better sense of what the virus is doing since a massive increase in testing has a lot to do with increases in confirmed cases.
While I think Ducey is doing a horrible job of communicating and he is reactive rather than proactive, this is about the right level of opening up for this stage of CoVid. Nursing homes are being tested and protected, other old people are sheltering, and the young and healthy are getting back to normal.
Well said @mark94
If you look at where most recent cases are occurring, it is in people in the 20 to 44 age group. (side note, I hate the groupings, but it’s the only data that I have access to)
Death isn’t the only negative consequence of COVID 19.
Permanent lung damage is common.
There is also growing evidence of brain damage.
There is even something called Multi-system Inflamatory Syndrome related to the novel corona virus that is spiking in children.
It doesn’t matter how old ( or young ) you are. This is not something to take lightly.
@Chili Palmer Jun 24
@DesertScrub - on point 7, supposedly we are going to be doing 35,000 tests a day at the end of July and 65,000 a day at the end of August. Supposedly turn-around time is going to improve too.
You can call me a cynic, and I hope that I am wrong, but I won’t believe it until I see it.
Also, not doing anything about indoor dining at restaurants (other than saying 50% max capacity) was a mistake.
Any situation that involves gatherings of people presents the opportunity for spread. This is especially true with indoor places.
Defeating this thing should be easy. We just have to stay away from each other COMPLETELY for a few weeks and it will run it’s course. But when we go for soft lockdowns that declare salons as essential businesses (the original shutdown did so before Ducey reversed course) and other such nonsense, we simply drag things out.
Arizona has term limits and he is in his second term, so re-election isn’t an issue.
I do believe he has higher aspirations.
I also believe his performance lately is going to limit his ability to be successful in pursuing something that is in the national spotlight. And for the record, I liked him before I started paying attention to his handling of the pandemic.
Desert - thanks for responding, I agree with a lot of what you said but I'm not convinced a statewide mask mandate would do anything. We already have county wide and almost all cities mandating masks. He's already trying to increase testing. Your West Valley point is a very good one though. It's very easy to get tested in the East Valley but I was watching Nightline last night and people in Maryvale are lining up starting at 1 a.m. to get tested the next morning? That's insane. His communication is horrendous I agree. Hope we can get through this nightmare soon so we can get back to the clubz........
winex - If Trump wins, I think Ducey bails on the state to join his cabinet like Napolitano did with Obama. If Trump loses, he may run for Senate in 2022 if Kelly wins this special election (which is likely) for the final two years of McCain's seat. If Arizona comes out okay he may be in good shape by that point, but he's getting beat to shit right now. Even Jan Brewer took a shot at him on Twitter last night.
One thing we need to add to the mask mandates is some teeth.
I live in Scottsdale. We have a mask mandate, but the penalty for violating it maxes out at $50. Of course police are just warning people, not enforcing it.
It’s no surprise that I can go to the grocery store and see plenty of people ignoring the mandate.
Make it state wide, add a zero or two to the maximum fine, and enforce the damn thing and I think that you will see behavior changed.
If the pandemic never occurred, I wouldn’t have been surorised to see him take a shot at the presidency in 2024. Coming from private industry with Coldstone Creamery, then being a successful two term governor, he would have had a compelling story to tell.
Yes, I believe he was going to throw his hat in for 2024. Problem is the guy has no charisma and he's managed to piss off both R's and D's in Arizona during the pandemic. Project Catapult? lol
Yeah, I think he is headed into retirement after his term is up.
California never opened up and they are still surging. Fauci states that vaccines are going be finite, so whats the point of a lock down, waiting for a vaccine and mask? None, we are only prolonging whats going to happen eventually. Thats reality.
Why is Doucey getting the blame for a you blame doucey if you get cancer? Do you blame doucey if you get AIDs after fucking a crack whore without a condom, i hope not.
Are men really so pathetic that they need anthother man to tell you what to do? no wonder society is crumpling, men lack independant thought.
^^Club ad.
Do you know what else happened right around the time of the spike? MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. Why so quick to blame masked protesters?
Arizona Bar owners are taking their case to the Arizona Supreme Court. Too bad for them that Ducey has packed that court with his flunkies.
I missed the memo about bars closing again. I was going to make my 1st visit to Sugar this week when I was in that area for something else. At least I picked out a sweet ass parking spot for when they do open.
What? Are you going to wait in that parking spot until they re-open?
27th of July is the earliest Sugar will open
Dream Palace is apparently still open if you are desperate enough and okay with getting ripped off. I’m not sure about the other nude/non-alcohol clubs in town though? Anybody?
^ Weeeeoooow
I hope the clubs open at the end of July but the data seems to make that very unlikely.
After an initial withdrawal, I am getting used to not going and wonder if I'll ever go back to any type of frequency
"Only" 2,537 new cases today on 14,239 tests. The 17.8% positive rate, while still way too high, is lower than I have seen it in a while. Yesterday, we barely cleared 3,000 new cases.
Hopefully this is the start of things moving in the right direction.
Actually Monday is usually the slowest day of the week because it reflects testing on Sunday. Today's numbers are from testing yesterday. 14,239 tests is on the lower end of average. (we average around 15,000 to 17,000 tests a day lately)
Admittedly, it is too early to take a victory lap. But the numbers are promising. When you consider the incubation time of the virus along with the shutdown of bars and gyms (I don't think water parks are a major contributor, and to the best of my knowledge, movie theaters never re-opened even though they were allowed to), there is some HOPE that the actions Ducey took a couple weeks ago are starting to have an effect.
Of course, time will ultimately tell...
First, we need more data points. I understand measures of central tendency and realize that two data points certainly isn't enough to make an inference from.
But 17.8% positive - though extremely high - is the lowest number I have seen in our daily numbers in about a month. We have been as high as 31% positive.
Tomorrow will mark 2 weeks since the shutdown of the bars and gyms.
This MIGHT be an early sign that it is working.
All of that notwithstanding, I agree that Ducey is an idiot.
Did you miss a tubing outing desertsrub?
Mountainside and Lifetime fought the order, but the gym I go to LA Fitness closed down.
And masks absolutely do make a difference. Early on in the pandemic, I found a company in China that shipped KN-95 masks in quantities of 100, so I bought a couple hundred.
One of many mistakes Ducey has made is in choosing to leave mask mandates to the cities. The $50 fine that Scottsdale theoretically charges doesn’t change behavior. A $1,000 fine at the state level that is actually enforced would change behavior.
The problem with bars is that you can’t wear a mask and drink at the same time. Also, the more you drink, the more likely you are to not put the mask on properly, or at all, when not actively drinking. If you add lowered inhibitions with crowded conditions common on the more popular bars, it is a recipe for spread.
As for gyms, I stopped going to mine before the shutdown. It doesn’t matter how much hand sanitizer is available, or how often the equipment is wiped with disinfectants, there are numerous studies that show the virus can remain suspended in air for hours as an aerosol. Put a bunch of people in an enclosed space, get them breathing hard, and you are creating ideal conditions for spread.
The tubing thing is stupid. It’s been quite a while since I have been tubing, but the potentially only risky part is the bus ride to return to your car after you are done. If they limited the capacity on the shuttle busses and required masks, the risk could be reduced.
@DesertScrub - if this wasn’t a highly contagious disease with serious consequences, you would have a very good point.
But the fact is that it is a highly contagious disease.
And the fact is that even if you don’t die, there are potential debilitating consequences.
You don’t live in a vacuum. While you do (or at least should ‘ have the right to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t negatively impact others, that point is irrelevant in this conversation.
Other people acting irresponsibly can kill me.
So maybe you do need to be “coddled like some little twat”.
One more thing - are you just coming to the realization that politicians and government officials lie to people?
Where the hell have you been?
Dam Desertscrub, when this pandemic started i predicted we would all be wearing mask and you said no, that i was dumb and gave the ears, nose and mouth spill. If you have the virus it not a death sentence you will be all right. The numbers are high but i will bet theres more then 1 million recovered. This virus is contagious and deadly, but start worrying once you see the homeless start dieing on the streets. The homeless are the most vulnerable and they dont have access to proper sanitation. or you can start doing crack, i still see plenty of crack heads in downtown phoenix. disclaimer: doing crack was a joke
@DesertScrub - you have this backwards. It isn't me who is fucking with your freedom and life, it is YOU who is fucking with my freedom and life.
Me only leaving my house to go to the grocery store and taking lots of precautions when I do so isn't because I want to, it's because I have to. And I continue to have to do this because people acting irresponsibly is prolonging the pandemic.
Want to hear something else that the government is downplaying in the pandemic?
The threat to the food supply.
There have been numerous breakouts at various meat processing plants throughout the country. I haven't seen it publicized, but I am sure there are similar problems on farms where poorly educated, low paid workers are working side by side for long hours and actively handling our food.
But it's not just in the production and factories and farms, it's also the supply chain where people load and unload trucks to bring food to our shelves. And in the stores themselves where goods are made ready for consumption.
The fact is that the more people act irresponsibly, the wider spread the disease becomes. That threatens both the responsible people as well as the irresponsible.
Your right to swing your first freely ends where my nose begins.
As far as work is concerned, I am fortunate to have an education myself. And I am more fortunate to work in a field that allows me to work anywhere that I have a computer and an internet connection. Also, the barrier to entry is kind of high in my field. Even with unemplyment rates where they are these days, there are shortages of people who have the skills to do the things that I do.
Grocery delivery is a tradeoff - it adds one additonal person handling your food before you receive it.
But whether your buy food in person, or you have it delivered, it does nothing to mitigate the legitimate threat that exists to the food chain. The only difference is the risk provided by being in a grocery store where direct contact or aerosolized virus add to risk incurred in getting food from farm/factory to the store, or the rish of having one additional person handling your food (a person who goes into grocery stores often if you are using Instacart, or who works in another place known to have viral outbreaks if you use Amazon Fresh)
This entire thing could be ended quickly, but it depends on a level of discipline that doesn't exist in most people. (You are clear evidence of this) 6 weeks of strict lockdown, and the whole thing would be over.
I commented yesterday that there was over 1 million recovered
If you guys are lost and need help navigating through this pandemic. I can answer your questions regarding money, the future of the USA, and why your marriage failed.
So, how about those Arizona clubs? Can we return to the reason for this thread? Also, since we are now at almost 500 comments, is there a way to reverse the thread display so newest posts are at the top instead of the bottom?
Real question for the AZ contingent - are you finding dancers to be more open to OTC because of lost $$$, or less open to it because of concerns about COVID?
"I have found that dancers are now more reluctant than ever to fuck OTC"
There's many dancers I know of who went to ground back when the lockdowns started and are still there 3 or 4 months later.
Hey, everybody. Anyone know which clubs in the valley are actively open? I follow a few gals on IG and see Centerfolds and Blue Moon are both open (PM hours at least). I’m not a fan of either (I like Hi-Liter, Bandaids, and Chicas best), but does anyone know of any other clubs currently open? Or opening this weekend? In a rare occasion, I have some windows of opportunity to pay some visits to clubs this weekend. Sucks that most are closed. Anyone know of anything else open I am missing? I am more of an afternoon type of guy.
PS - I already DM’d Desertscrub since he seems to be the ABSOLUTE BIGGEST & MOST ACTIVE PL HERE (and when I say pathetic loser I mean that), but if anyone else knows, I would greatly appreciate it.
It sounds like the nude clubs are your only option, topless clubs that serve alcohol are all closed from everything I have heard. Most of the nude clubs in town suck. Le Girls probably best option if open, although who knows what the talent level would be like there in the middle of a pandemic (i.e. many girls will not want to work). Let us know what you find.
Richard - Thanks!
Scrub - Wow. What a vulgar, pitiful reply. Lol.
If anyone else has any info on clubs open this weekend, again - thanks in advance.
DesertScrub you need to go easy on TJ, he’s got a buddy cumming into town this weekend.
The Governor’s EO is through the end of July. Who knows after that.
A report on the USA site says that the following three clubs are open. Le Girls, blue Moon, and Dream Palace. Gosh not much to pick from. I guess AZ clubs are out of business for a while longer. Good luck!
Those places are open because they don't have a Series 6 Liquor License, so they are not subject to the current EO.
There are early indications that we are turning the corner in Arizona. This time around, we won’t open up as precipitously. I expect restaurants and gyms to continue opening but bars will have severe restrictions for months.
I have given up trying to predict what Ducey will do. The only thing I feel safe about saying about his actions is that he will make the wrong choice.
That having been said, though there are encouraging signs in reductions in ER visits and percent of tests coming back positive, we are still distressingly high on ICU and regular hospital bed utilization. Ventilator usage keeps hitting new highs. And the number of new cases per day, though not setting new records on a daily basis, is also too high.
Nothing about the current numbers would call for an easing of restrictions on the 27th.
And I would think that easing restrictions on bars is going to be one of the last things eased.
But again, I have given up trying to predict what Ducey will do.
gov.doug. open the entire frikin state. i’m old enough to choose my health tolerance.
@DesertScrub - either you are braver behind a keyboard than you are in real life, or you are actually dumber than I already think you are.
So what do you think the odds are of Hi-Liter actually re-opening at the end of July?
I bet there is only about 10% chance of re-opening so soon.
Hope I'm wrong.
Ducey just extended the order on bars until further notice. It sounds like they will re-evaluate every couple of weeks.
Ducey caved on sending kids back to school too. He's too sensitive to social media criticism. Bars, gyms and schools are screwed indefinitely because of the keyboard warriors led by Nicole Grigg at Channel 15.
@DesertScrub - these 4 letter words really cause problems for you. Not only do you not understand what a political base is, you can’t even spell the word BASE.
Here is a short term prediction for you that you can see play out over the next few days. (similar to when I said there were early signs of a decline in COVID case and you didn’t believe me)
Basic economics says that the more attractive you make welfare, the less likely people are to work. This was demonstrated with the $600 weekly Federal boost to state unemployment benefits. A lot of people in the restaurant, hospitality, and consumer service industries who lost their jobs during the shutdown were making more on unemployment than they made at work. When states re-opened, these people by and large weren’t going back to their jobs when they became available.
The generous unemployment benefits made it attractive to take extended vacations on at the expense out taxpayers.
It is in Republicans best interest to have the unemployment levels as low as possible as fast as possible.
Now before I make the prediction I should mention that I am a Libertarian leaning a Republican. (in other words, I will vote for Trump largely because he is not Biden)
Now for the prediction - the Republicans wil get rolled by the Democrats on unemployment benefits. Don’t expect the benefits to drop much, if at all.
Even though the Republicans control the Senate, the Democrats will stick together and used the power of the filibuster to prevent any bill coming from the Senate.
Similarly, the Democrats in the House will stick together because they can pass a bill without a single Republican vote.
Presented with the choice of vetoing yet another trillion dollar pandemic bill or signing it, Trump will sign it into law.
And there isn’t a single member of his base that will vote for Biden because of this.
My God, the Federal budget was already $4.79 trillion BEFORE we spent an additional 3 trillion in stimulus already.
Bases are called bases because they are solid.
The competition in elections is for people who aren’t part of the base.
I could be considered to be part of Trump’s base, but truth be told, my favorite candidate in 2016 was Scott Walker. After Walker dropped out, I shifted to Cruz. I only moved to Trump when the choice was him or Hillary.
You can demoralize your base and cause them to stay home. But they aren’t switching sides.
The people who switch sides don’t belong to a base.
Now for another prediction - most polls strongly favor Biden. Expect support to soften after the debates. It’s not as if Trump is a great speaker - he actually kind of sucks. But people tend to think more highly of Biden when he is out of sight.
Once people are reminded of his gaffes, you will begin to see the difference between his base and people who can be persuaded.
Is it enough to sabpve Trump? I don’t know, but God I hope so. The thought of a Biden presidency is frightening.
Okay, shut down goes on indefinitely.
I hope Hi Liter considers going alcohol free full nude
@DesertScrub - will there be any debates?
You know, that's a damn good question.
Ever since Ford and Cater debated in '76, they have kind of been a tradition.
But without a doubt, it is in Biden's best interest to avoid any debates. (Normally it's a good idea for the front runner to limit debates, and the person trailing to want to have a lot of debates. Given the human gaffe machine that Biden truly is, that is more true than it normally is)
And while the liberal bias of the media is obvious, it seems that their hatred of Trump is stronger than what you normally see.
Of course if the debates do happen, I am sure that the media will try to give Biden as many unfair advantages as they can. A look at recent history showed
The debate moderator jumping all over Mitt Romney in the second debate with Obama in the second debate of 2012
The first half hour of the debate between Trump and Clinton after the Access Hollywood tapes were made public was certainly surreal
And the VP debate in 2012 between Biden and Ryan was unforgettable - Biden was constantly talking over Ryan when it was Ryan's turn to speak, the moderators let him get away with it, and Ryan refused to stand up for himself.
Another surreal even was when Biden was debating Sarah Palin. The press jumped all over her because she misremembered the name of the commanding general in Afghanistan. But they didn't say anything about his lack of awareness that the Vice President is also President of the Senate.
So I have no idea if they will happen.
I guess the only thing I can be certain of is that it they do happen, something outrageous is going to happen.
@Lone_Wolf - interesting concept - bars giving up their liquor licenses voluntarily. I guess it all depends on how long the pandemic lasts. But I would think that it would hurt them in the long run.
Also, I'm not going to any topless places until the risk/reward scenario is altered drastically, but why not go to Centerfolds in the mean time? I've heard that they are still open.
winex - I doubt they would have to give up their liquor license just stop serving liquor until the bars are re-opened. It would bring in some revenue.
Centerfolds is open late nights. From the reviews, it appears to be a waste of time and money.
This would be an opportunity for Centerfolds to open regular hours in both sides of the club with the topless only VIP section open. Talent from all over the valley would work there.
These clubs could be closed another six months.
The longer this goes on, the greater chance that my faves will quit dancing permanently. If that happens, my frequency of clubbing will go way down.
Mark94 that is an absolutely valid point. One of the reasons dancers keep going is they can’t imagine how they would get by without the easy money from dancing. Now that they are being forced to figure it out, they may discover that they can somehow make it offstage, and will decide not to go back. I generally prefer more experienced dancers, and they are the ones sometimes looking for a way to leave the industry.
waking up the next day gives me hope we will ride this 19 government disaster out. it is bad enough as a sickness let alone the political heavy hand that the political and medical ‘officials ‘ are misusing in a takeover of our rights and liberty. open the country and let us determine the risk that we individuals are willing to take. this pandemic needs to go the same way as any prior pandemic. yes... there are casualties but that shit unfortunately happens.
@Lone_Wolf - honestly, I have no idea how the regulations around liquor licenses. That’s far removed from the kind of work that I do.
All I can say with any degree of certainty is that any time you are dealing with government regulation, logic flies out the window.
For every girl who finds another way to make money outside of stripping, they'll be one who lost her job and turns to stripping. We're not going to run out of strippers.
We may not run out of strippers, but there will be fewer customer oriented strippers who know the ropes.
@DesertScrub, I know you are joking, but be careful. It’s still 2020.
After toilet paper, paper towels kleenex, massive runs on most items in grocery stores, I’ve recently read of shortages of change (some banks are actually paying $1.05 pr dollar of coins turned in) and aluminum cans impacting the flavors of soda produced by Coca Cola and Pepsi.
Normally you would think that a stripper shortage is impossible. But alive seen a lot of things I didn’t think were possible this year.
New month, new hope?
I have stopped watching news completely- too depressing. Days are a blur because nothing differentiates one from another. So, yeah, I'm going to come to the TUSCL discussion board for news, lol.
Any chance of some of the club other than the rip off joints opening this month? I need to see some new skin. I'm hardly doing anything outside my home, but I'm developing a Bruce Arians attitude on new pussy- no risk it, no biscuit.
Ducey is reviewing the close order on bars, gyms, movies, and water parks every two weeks.
The last announcement was Thursday 7/30
No changes.
The next announcement should be on 8/13
Clubs that don't serve alcohol are still oepn.
I live in a county in California that is less than half the positive test rate of AZ and we're still closed down for bars and indoor restaurants. Granted, we have a very heavy government hand here but seems tough to open in AZ with the positive test rate still at 12.6 as of yesterday. It was 5% when AZ opened back up.
And the positive rate was in the high 20's, low 30's when bars closed.
For anyone hoping that bars are going to re-open soon, I would like to remind them that hope is not a strategy.
Just saw a Johns Hopkins doctor interviewed. He said that fatalities from hospitalized CoVid patients has dropped 50%-75% as doctors have figured out appropriate treatments. We should have anti-viral treatments available in the next couple months that will drop it further, to a level comparable to the flu.
He also said there are 27 vaccine candidates being tested, 2 in the final phase. FDA approval may be almost instantaneous ( they are monitoring testing ) and manufacturing has been funded and will start before approval. He expects millions of vaccine doses to be available by year end those at high risk. Vaccination of the entire population by April.
Seems some of the places that aren't serving alcohol are still open but I probably won't try to go to an AZ club until the bars are open again. Too damn hot to bother.
Things are getting better everywhere again, including AZ, but I don't expect to go to my favorite AZ bar before Labor day based on current numbers.
All of 2020 may be at play to sit
It out, even by the government. How soon do you think taxes are raised on both the local and federal levels to pay for this government spending? My guess is by sales/property/income in that order by 2022.
Teachers are being paid even though they refuse to teach. Millions of other government bureaucrats are being paid to sit at home. Is it any wonder the deficit has ballooned.
The solution is simple. Give parents a voucher for schooling. Let them spend it on any school willing to actually teach.
As far as government bureaucrats, if the government has functioned for 6 months without them doing their job, let’s just eliminate their job. Seems obvious.
@Mike710 - I am absolutely positive that bars will be open by Labor Day - that is unless you are talking about Labor Day 2020.
@Meat72 - how fast and how far taxes go up depends on what happens in November.
Wait we care about the deficit again? I thought we had to wait for Biden to be elected first
Some of us have always cared about the deficit. Trump hasn’t.
But what makes you think Biden will?
Well fellow AZ strip club junkies, the prospect of our favorite clubs opening anytime soon is bleak. ADHS has released new public health metrics that will drive decisions to reopen bars, gyms, etc. Bars without food permits will remain closed until Arizona demonstrates a COVID test positivity rate of 3% or less for two weeks, and even then they will have a 50% occupancy rate and additional mitigation measures. Read em and weep.
If the trends continue, AZ will be around 3% in about 3 weeks. Last week was 9% positive test rate and it has dropped 2% a week over the past few weeks.
Based on what I saw at my favorite AZ club before reclosing, the 50% capacity won't be much of an issue. The club was never close to full during the day or night the few nights I was there.
So, maybe sometime in Mid September things will open? Might be wishful thinking but that's how things have been trending.
Im no expert, but does anyone know what the flu infection rate was prior to covid? is the 3% infection rate unrealistic? Covid isnt a joke i personally know people that have passed, thats life, we are not immortal, but the flu season is right around the corner and still no lysol, N95 mask. We put too much faith in government officials.
Per their Facebook page, Cheetah's is now open with no alcohol. 6pm-2am daily. I'm surprised that no other clubs have taken this approach.
Ducey spoke, and the bars remain closed.
Safest thing to say politically. I did see that yesterday's tests came back at 6% positive so that is a very positive sign. If you have to be at 3% for 2 weeks, it is still a while off.
@Mike710 - I don't know if you recall this or not, but at the end of May, Ducey said one of the stupidest things possible at one of his press conferences.
A reporter asked about the increase in cases and percent positives and asked if Arizona re-opened too fast. This is paraphrasing him, but he said something to the effect that they knew that the number of cases would go up, but that they thought it was worth the risk.
Then June and the first half of July happened and we had the highest infection rate per capita and the highest percent positive in the world.
Nowhere is it carved in stone, nor is it written into law that bars re-open when we hit the 3% positive rate. Ducey knows that he can't make the same mistake twice. He is getting good attention at the Federal level (he visited Trump in the White House last week)
I think he is going to show an abundance of caution before reopening the bars.
I was just going by the guidelines that were posted on the link that was sent from the AZ Health department a few days ago. In CA they are trying to point out the bars are the root of all evil as well.
Help me Ducey. I'm priming up one of my favs on text as we speak. I can get a roundtrip to Tampa for less than $250 next week. I have a few favs there too but this area seems like an easy place to get new ones to me.
Anything I say about the timing of re-opening is pure speculation. I have given up on trying to predict what Ducey is going to do.
That having been said, he has been doing these Cororna Virus update press conferences every 2 weeks. Exepct the next update on the 27th at 3:00 pm.
^ no desertscrub, we dont have time for a 3 sum right now. Leave him out of it. I know he has a pretty mouth, but chill out! Maybe next time
Saturday afternoon, driving down Thomas Road, saw that empty lot at Bourbon, and then again a few miles east at Sugar 44, it was very depressing indeed. FYI, I heard from a dancer that Skin is open without alcohol.
Clubs opening soon? Data is looking pretty good in AZ these days.
A list of approved and denied applications can be found below.
It looks like the list is being updated. Unfortunately Hi Liter is not in the list.
A couple of other numbers Percent positive for the state this week, 6%.
Percentage positive for Maricopa County this week - 9%
A bar owner I spoke to today is not getting warm fuzzies about opening soon. Seems it "should" be sometime next month based on the numbers.
The problem is the bars went crazy a couple months ago when they were supposed to have a limited opening with social distancing. Ducey won’t trust them to follow protocols this time around. He’s going to make bars wait until the Rona is crushed.
It's not going to change this opening. Their aren't enough of those "social workers" replacing police to monitor the opening.
The biggest cases are happening around 20-29 year olds and they just catch it in private after parties.
You can't close long enough to make this go away. It just hangs out waiting. Politicians just have to realize that they need to worry about hospital cases and realize the numbers aren't going to be pretty.
Call it herd immunity, or give it another name, places that were hardest hit earlier don’t seem to be experiencing a second wave. It’s possible that our spike in June/July was enough to protect us for a while.
Plus, deaths are way down because we are doing a better job of protecting the vulnerable plus doctors are smarter about treatments.
Given all this, we should continue opening up. But, I still think bars won’t open until we have a vaccine available in large numbers.
Good perspective
Hi Liter is hinting they are getting close to opening on their Facebook page.
Fingers crossed.
Promising article seemingly saying restaurants with bars can open early as Thursday.
The main question will be what constitutes a bar is now a restaurant. Does selling microwaved hot pockets count? How strict the rules are will control how many bars open up. Can't see most bars that didn't serve food spending a lot to convert to a restaurant.
kick the frikin doors open. scaredy-cats stay home.
According to my source, Bourbon Street may open some time next week. When I learn more, I'll post it.
^Might not need to go all the way to Tucson. Looking like Maricopa is about to meet the automatic get out of jail free level by today.
Skeet, skeet!
Looks like things will now open on a limited basis.