
Is it time to call it a day?

Covid has increased risks of the SC / Monger Hobby. It already has risks of std (incl HIV), sex addiction (financial ruin), child support (getting one pg) which mean game over. Not mentioning losing your family.

I don’t miss all that (risk) but I do miss getting a few lap dances, good buffet, a good drink, entertainment. Have you suffered job loss, questions from wife where money went? Take a hard look and design your future path. That 15 -20 min sex romp in vip with that sexy 20 yo girl you paid $400 for do a gut check see if worth it. The rest of your life is on the line.


  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    ^ ooooooh! I love it when you talk sexy like this. You are soooooo manly! You are turning me on baby
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    I have never had a sex romp in vip with a sexy 20 yo girl that wasn't worth it.

    Follow DesertScrub's rules and let the good times roll.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    ^ hell yeah! You are welcome to join in the party with me and desertscrub. RickDugan will probably joun in also
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    And rule number 2 is spot on. You never cum in a pussy. If you are always fucking dudes like me and scrub, you never have that problem
  • rogertex
    4 years ago
    desertscrub +1
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Call it a day because of all the things that have always been there (STDs, getting caught), as if this is the first time any of us have ever thought of those things? I don't understand the point of this -- why do these things suddenly become worse, they're things we've all had to ask ourselves, and manage, for years.

    The effects of covid19, and only those, are what would make me stop SCing. I probably won't re-start SCing until I'm feeling super comfortable, it will be one of the last things I re-engage in. If everyone thinks like me, that in itself could really hurt the industry. In the meantime, I've found a substitute for now in SA, where I'll engage sooner than with SCs
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Vices have side-effects - some folks are less able to handle their vices than others.
  • MalakingDog
    4 years ago
    I still think if you don't hang around inside the club and just head back to the VIP with a favorite dancer, you're safer from catching the virus than spending 30 minutes in a crowded grocery store
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    If you jerk off and the cum shoots in your eye there is a possibility of permanent visual damage. So stop whackin the biscuit too.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    75% of those risks you mentioned can apply to sex with anyone, not just with strippers. If STDs/pregnancy suddenly worries you more than usual because of COVID, then settle for regular lap dances or enforce protection during full service.

    Or just don't have sex with strippers at all, but I get it. Where's the fun in that?
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    This is a good topic as it asks - given the increased financial and health risk in the "new normal", is clubbing still worth it?

    As soon as the doors open I will be one the first PL's back in the club.

    I will try to spend much less in the club, and whoring in general.

    Pretty stunning reality check occurring.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    After reading that fearful sounding and regret laden introspection, I had to reach down and make sure my ample balls and kielbasa were still in place. Then I re-checked the site to make sure I hadn't accidentally entered the discussion forum on Cosmo instead of TUSCL. 😉

    Sorry player, but that sounds like a YOU issue. I'm guessing that you were struggling with fear an regret long before this COVID 19 thing and that this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Maybe WILLYISAWOMAN can recommend his therapist to you since she already has ample experience listening to whining about guilt and conflicting urges thanks to him. She is also on Zoom now from what I understand.

    Good luck!
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    "75% of those risks you mentioned can apply to sex with anyone, not just with strippers. If STDs/pregnancy suddenly worries you more than usual because of COVID, then settle for regular lap dances or enforce protection during full service."

    Right. And all of those were issues before covid19, and it was something we all knew about and were managing. Player11, the whole notion that we need to rethink these things is super questionable. What isn't questionable is, each person needs to think carefully about the new variable -- covid19
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    I hope more people side with being cautious.... more poonanny and shenanigans for me!! Ladies, do your kegel excercises lol.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Get snipped
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Lots of good snipping will do against stds and the virus, did you read the whole OP? 🙄
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "I'm guessing that you were struggling with fear an regret long before this COVID 19 thing and that this was just the straw that broke the camel's back."

    Yeah it looks that way to me also.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I mean I don't fuck anyone raw I'm not in a relationship with. Bare BJs are fine. The risk of a man getting a serious STD from oral and condom sex is very low. Snipping provides extra peace of mind on baby gravy. I'm frugal enough financial ruin isn't a risk.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Subra said —>“. If everyone thinks like me, that in itself could really hurt the industry.”

    My guess is that in left-wing areas, many others think like you. At least until the news channels let up on this issue. In right-wing areas, it will take less time for clubs to have foot traffic.

    I am currently in a left-wing area, so I hope I am wrong.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    as far as i'm concerned you've already called it the end period when you officially tied those nuptials.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @nicespice that’s the real problem here everyone is politicizing this including the politicians, this is a job for medical folks and science professionals not something that any of these laymen or hobbyist experts should be calling, the problem here is the folks on both sides don’t take medical advice if it conflicts with their philosophy.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "I still think if you don't hang around inside the club and just head back to the VIP with a favorite dancer, you're safer from catching the virus than spending 30 minutes in a crowded grocery store"

    This is the most TUSCL thing I've read here in a while.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Sounds like it is, in fact, time for you to "call it a day", Player11. If your concern over those things is pushed over the edge by this new, only indirectly related, factor, probably past time.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    Thanks for your input. Good u guys aren’t afraid of the water.

    1. Don’t do them bare back.
    2. Stay on budget.
    3. Find one good otc girl. Better do one good one than rotate multiple (increases risk across the board too).
    4. Don’t discuss SC hobby w non hobbyists.
    5. It’s ok tip, but watch out if they trying get u pay for stuff where services not rendered. Sucker shopping trips, needing big money upfront.
    6. Decide what mode operation works best. If bf or husband knows about you - run bc at some point will mess things up.
    8. Doing them otc / itc is like spinning a roulette wheel of risk. The risk may be next to nothin but it’s there. Evaluate what your putting on the line. You never which ones may be diseased. Google pct hookers hiv in your area. You lose on that roulette wheel y good as dead.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    But yes don’t let all that scare you - we all have risk could get covid, get hit by a truck, or be in a plane crash. So what’s a little more lol.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "@nicespice that’s the real problem here everyone is politicizing this including the politicians, this is a job for medical folks and science professionals not something that any of these laymen or hobbyist experts should be calling, the problem here is the folks on both sides don’t take medical advice if it conflicts with their philosophy."

    Right 25. Imagine these foolish politicians trying setting public policy without getting clearance from the medical establishment, as if anything else matters. These politicians need to make damned clear to their economic and mental health advisors that they don't want to hear any more blathering about economic devastation or increases in social ills ranging from domestic violence to suicides.

    Heck, in the future, maybe we pass a Constitutional Amendment requiring the Commander-in-Chief to have a medical degree. Or perhaps we require all major public policy decisions to be cleared by the AMA. I am open to suggestions.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    I am shut down till covid over. After that dunno.
  • kingcripple
    4 years ago
    The risk of the Kung Flu is much less than originally thought. Not everyone who gets it will die.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    RickiBoi you are a troll and a dumbass, what a combination. Imagine politicians setting public policy on things that actually work, and taking advice from folks that are qualified to give them advice. You were much better when you were pretending to be a drunk driver, and making up stories about pretending to fuck cheap whores, responding to you is becoming boring AF.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "RickiBoi you are a troll and a dumbass, what a combination. Imagine politicians setting public policy on things that actually work, and taking advice from folks that are qualified to give them advice."

    Right 25. Because economists and mental health experts aren't "qualified" to weigh in on public policy. Got it. Keep sharing that deep wisdom with us sir, that's good stuff. Really. 😉
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ some advice for you RickiBoi you’d be better off keeping your thoughts to yourself and be though of as a fool, but when you put your thoughts down for all to see you remove all doubt
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ If only you followed your own fortune cookie advice. The perhaps you'd learn to avoid tripling down on stupid comments, like telling us that the advice of economist and mental health experts don't matter in public policy decisions.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    >> The perhaps you'd learn to avoid tripling down on stupid comments, like telling us that the advice of economist and mental health experts don't matter in public policy decisions.<<

    Troll boy when have I ever said anything resembling that, you really are stupid you really are a fool SMH
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ really what the fuck is wrong with you troll boi when have I ever said anything like that
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Ok 25. That's not how your response to nice read to me and probably to any other reasonable reader, but I'll take you at your word.

    The ultimate problem is that there is nothing about these decisions that is not political and that includes the "opinions" of various medical professionals and scientists. It is becoming increasingly clear that there are significant opposing view about basic issues such as mortality rates, the prevalence of infections, the impact of warmer weather, what activities are safe, etc., etc. It is also clear that some of these differences are a result of predispositions and other biases. It also isn't helping that the media is politicizing whichever medical opinions suit their own biases and then weaponizing them.

    At some point laymen, including state Governors, have to process all the data, including the divergent medical opinions, but also economic and sociological data, and make what they believe to be the best decisions for the greatest number of their state residents. This too includes political calculations.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    RickiBoi you remind me of a woman, any conversation you’re involved in is circular, with you always setting up a straw man, then trying to convince yourself that you have something relevant to say, you really don’t ever deviate from your true purpose for being here, you are a drama queen and no matter what all you are interested in is conflict
    We all see that it’s obvious
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Life with risk is called living. Life without risk is called existing. I go through life secure in the knowledge that since nothing bad can ever happen to me; so that even if I spend an hour kissing a covid infected dancer I still won't get ill.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Another flame war brought to you by...
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Protect your valances and get off his lawn. lol
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Ok 25, then if I'm not addressing what you posted, then why don't you explain to us precisely what you meant by this:

    ===> "@nicespice that’s the real problem here everyone is politicizing this including the politicians, this is a job for medical folks and science professionals not something that any of these laymen or hobbyist experts should be calling, the problem here is the folks on both sides don’t take medical advice if it conflicts with their philosophy."

    Unless you're just trolling for an excuse the post goofy insults...yet again.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Is it time to call it a day ?

    Evaluating risk is what all living animals do - all the time - regarding their next moves.

    Deciding that lap dances, etc, are too risky right now and may be for some time seems a fairly reasonable response. Some will disagree and decide otherwise.

    No problem. Just as nobody here would call out another grown man's choices on how to spend his money, I'm sure no one will think you less manly for evaluating risk differently than you do.

    Cause we're all adults here.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    RickiBoi enjoy your day, I have no more time for you, hope you get the help you so desperately are seeking,
    C Ya
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ That's what I thought.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Desertscrub described my view in his reply.

    In many cases - the more you have to lose - the more risk there is. If you can’t deal with the loss, this is not a good hobby for you.

  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I love you Ricky 😘😘😘😘😘😘
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    A life well lived requires risk and when full contact is back, if it ever comes back, I go back. The risk is worth it imo, just like tree skiing alone is worth it to me despite my fear of suffocating in a tree well.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Calm down desert and stop the tears. Its ok to be jealous of me. I understand you live life vicariously through others. So you're a failure and jealous of your betters. Its ok; everyone gets a medal, even you.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "you got a stimulus check.. that is the badge of being a low income loser.. "

    Or of having kids since the $500 per child is not subjected to the income test. Thank you Congress and Mr. President for keeping me stimulated during a few OTC sessions on taxpayers' dime. 😉

    But obviously you didn't know about the child piece because you haven't pro-created. Sounds like natural selection in action, lol.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Wow Desert we know you're ignorant, stop piling on.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Are you 12 Desert? Did I give you too much credit?
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