Just wondering.

I was thinking (lots of time for that these days) about my ATF. Haven't seen or talked to her in 8 or 9 years. She was my ATF from the minute I laid eyes on her. An Asian beauty. I didn't even realize she had a few tattoos till later on as we were talking. I wonder if I had notice them first if she would have become my ATF? Anyway, here's my wondering questions. Why do so many dancers have tats? Percentage that do? Would they prevent you from getting dances or even bothering with the dancer? Have you missed out on giving dances because the customer didn't like tats? I am especially interested in answers from the dancers.
last commentMy general rule is legs arms and back are fine for tattoos. Anywhere on the front of the torso is dicier although small feminine hip tattoos are sexy. I live in SoCal where almost no one escapes their early 20s without a couple tattoos, and the girls with none are the exception.
i would never get one...... but i never have been in super max prison either
Most of them tell me that it is peer pressure.
I remember this one stripper with a tear drop tattoo. Man her dances were killer 😏
"An Asian beauty. I didn't even realize she had a few tattoos till later on..."
She's my ATF now.
I used to be anti-tat. One CF had zero tattoos Current CF has tats but I rarely notice them. My attention is drawn to her beautiful face and ass.
I have seen some that make me wonder WTF was she thinking. But generally I don’t mind so much anymore if they are somewhat tasteful. They can sometimes become a conversation starter. You can ask her about them and have her explain the meaning for them. You can trace them with your fingers during this conversation which is especially fun for tattoos on the upper thigh. I am not a big fan, but I use them to my advantage if I otherwise like the girl.
I'm sure my taste in tattoos initially started when I was first a toddler/kid and saw that there were people with different complexions/skin color/skin conditions/tattoos and so I just assumed that they were all born with them. LOL. I thought they were amazing at the time like people were born with coloring book designs on them. Then my interest grew when I became an angsty teenager, and when my grandma asked: "God already made you perfect, why would you want a marking on your body?" I simply said. "Because I don't want to look boring." Then came college where I had former aspirations of being a tattoo artist or even a Suicide Girl model.
I know that I've missed out on dances because the custy is anti-tattoo, but oddly, I've never had a custy tell me directly that they're not into tattooed girls (Some have said as long as there's no frontal/genital work done, they're cool with it.). It's never been a big enough issue to affect my average income from dancing. And when I'm mongering, my attraction usually goes to the girls that are tattooed first before anyone else. As long as they don't look like gang/prison/done-in-cousin's-basement-for-only-$40 tattoos, they'll always fascinate me.
I don’t mind tattoos on girls and don’t really even notice them too much tbth. I won’t be getting any however.
I prefer girls to not have a lot of very visible tattoos, but don't tell them that because it's personal decision. There've been a couple of girls I'd considered dating but didn't because their tattoos were a bit much. For stripper friends I don't really care because the shelf life on that typically isn't long to begin with.
Fish, Good point and I did just that with my ATF. Later she was going to get one on her ankle. Talked her out of it by have a sterling silver anklet made of what she wanted instead of the tat.
I don’t mind them. Some look hot and some don’t like everything else. Not an automatic turn on or turn off.
I have several.
Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of tattoos. That said, at the strip club I'm not looking for a wife or a girlfriend, I just wanna get my freak on. If she's got a good body and face and will make me happy for 20 to 30 minutes, I couldn't care less if she's covered from head to toe. Okay, maybe neck to toe. Lol. However, ridiculous piercings are a turn-off to me. I like a sexy belly button ring, couple of earrings, maybe even a tiny diamond on the nose. But I'll pass on a girl with pierced tongue, lips, nipples, clit and stuff like that. Yuk.
"But I'll pass on a girl with pierced tongue"
Your loss.
"Why do so many dancers have tats?"
My general observation is that strippers tend to come from subcultures where tats are something to be looked up to as a form of art, self-expression, agency, and rebellion; men wealthy enough to hire strippers tend to come from subcultures where tats are looked down upon as trashy, unclassy, and emblematic of poor choices. Just one of the many ironies of the strip club.
With tats getting more mainstream, that view of "tats as poor choices" will perhaps fade away with time. Or, if the "greater than 50% of people who get tats when they're young, regret it when they're older" stat holds up, maybe the pendulum will swing back the other way.
I mostly ignore tats, as basically a tax I have to pay to get my hands on my CF. There are some tats that are instant turn-offs to the point that I sometimes can't look past them, but I think most PLs learn to tolerate them
I actually love piercings, way more than tatts. A girl with pierced tongue tits and clit is clearly a freak in the best way
She became my ATF, not just another dancer. In my book, a big difference.
Seems like it is not unique to dancers, based on my observations at the gym. I used to be against tats but my ATF has them and I almost don't notice them anymore even though they are numerous on one arm and one leg.
The real question is why do you even care? The amount of people who are clothed at their jobs probably surpasses that of dancers. The difference is, you can see the tats and body's mods; therefore making even more assumptions about dancers having tats. Just let dancers be and do their own things with their bodies. Don't like it? Move on to someone else and stop questioning why we do what we do. 🤷♀️
For the record, I have one small tattoo, ears pierced, and navel pierced. None of which was peer pressure. 😏
Waffle, You say, "The real question is why do you even care?" Simple, same reason every part of a woman makes her my ATF. Were she not Asian, she likely would have been just another dancer. Simple as that!