
Customers with Options

Does it matter to dancers if a customer has other options for entertainment, fulfillment, nooky, etc? Do customers perceived to have other options get treated differently? Better?

What say you, TUSCLers?


  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Do you mean customers that come in regularly looking for a multitude/variety of girls on their visit?

    If so, dancers tend to be much less territorial towards these types of custies. If anything they'll give notice to other girls - especially the ones that may be struggling that shift - if he's into more than one 'option'. The only downside is you may have less time to settle in once you enter the bar if girls know who you are and know that you like to explore your options.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Hm...I think whether it matters depends on how territorial a dancer is.

    I remember one time a customer wanted to get a dance from me, and on the way we walk by a dancer he had already gotten a cabana with. She sees us both walking to the lap dance area and she gets mad at him and says “you said you were done tonight!” Then sits and watches us the whole dance. It killed the mood so it was just one song.

    I handled it by going elsewhere, because it was a weekend night and *plenty* of spending going on. Idk what the heck she was doing because her actions were costing money. Then again, maybe I should have taken advantage and tried to hard sell a cabana right then “to get away from it”. So I may have not been making the best money decision either lol.

    As for whether a customer would consider a dancer getting that bent out of shape as a flattering ego boost, or a nuisance (in other words, better or worse) I think depends on his personality.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    The question you answered is better than the one I asked. I try to have one circle of dancers I get dances from regularly if it's a club I go to often. At least for clubs with a smaller lineup. One of the clubs I go to regularly has a lot more dancers rotating through. The cliques are less obvious, but the experience is also a lot more hit and miss.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "The only downside is you may have less time to settle in once you enter the bar if girls know who you are and know that you like to explore your options."

    Are you saying that known explorer customer is "up for grabs" when spotted because they're less predictable?
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    That seems to be the viewpoint of a lot of girls. They know he's got a set budget, isn't too particular about who approaches him, so while girls won't try to claim him all to herself, there'll definitely be an internal race as to who can dance for him before he decides to leave.

    (We have a regular like that at my club who stops in every other night and will usually be left alone for 10 minutes tops before a girl approaches him. It's rare for him to get dances from the same girl more than two or three times in a row.)
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I suppose if you don't have options it means your desperate, not good look imo. If there was ever a time where I had only one option I would have to move or something. Like out in some backwood strip club with only one decent looking girl.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    When I first read this question earlier I interpreted it a little differently than perhaps it was originally intended. The "I like to spread it out" clarification provided more perspective.

    Obviously every guy with cash has options, as these girls know all too well. The question is how a girl reacts to a guy who is clearly exploring his other options. For a guy like you, who has a history of spreading it out, I'm guessing that you don't get much melodrama in clubs where you're known. Conversely though I do wonder how much this might limit your other options with lower volume girls, but that might not be a big deal to you. Idk.

    With guys who have are more prone to concentrating their spending on one girl on any given night, IME reactions can run the gambit. IME it depends on each girl's temperament, other options on that night, level of need and what she is willing to consider. I am one of these types of guys, but I try to avoid doing anything that may make me look like I'm trying to play one girl off another. But that doesn't stop other girls from trying to "poach" me, nor does it prevent girls from comparing notes in the DR, either of which has the potential to trigger unwanted drama.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    I don't like options personally, they are more risky. Stocks are risky enough without options. I prefer shitcoins. I don't know what dancers prefer for investments though
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    I was chatting with a dancer (after a VIP session) I usually get dances from and she asked me what other girls I had gotten dances from in the past and what type I liked. She told me to sit there and came back with a gorgeous Asian

    After some small talk I agreed to a VIP set with her and it was awesome. I’m pretty sure the first girl had a guy coming in who was buying her time but I definitely appreciated her effort before leaving.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    " I’m pretty sure the first girl had a guy coming in who was buying her time but I definitely appreciated her effort before leaving."

    I've seen girls do that. Pretty brilliant -- get to her better-spending regular, without hurting the feelings of a future regular.

    I also wonder if first dancer gets a cut of Asian dancer's take from you. Same way how, when a bouncer brings a girl to you, that girl will later tip him for it (or she will if she wants him to ever do it again).
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    IMO dancers and custies often adapt to each other's M.O. - if the custy has an M.O. of not getting w/ a particular dancer, then dancers learn to not waste their time trying to make him a regular that only/mostly just spends on her - if the custy regularly spends on a particular dancer then that will often set an expectation on her part where she either expects the custy to always spend on her, or thinks that he always wants to spend on her when he comes in - as in most sales jobs, some salespeople are more cutthroat than others and most salespeople do not want/like losing a sale or losing a regular-client - some of the more cutthroat dancers will manipulate custies that $tray-away, and/or may try to intimidate other dancers that mess w/ their regulars.

    As to whether the "play the field" PLs get better treatment - I guess there isn't a "one size fits all" - it can be argued that a PL investing in just one dancer will lead that dancer investing in that PL to keep his business - but there are also- dancers that get complaisant or even start to recent regulars - I'd guesstimate that "on avg" regulars will get better service b/c their is a bigger investment at play; but some dancers get lazy/complaisant to where QoS starts to drop-off and the custy playing the field will often motivate her to pick-up-her-game; but if a PL acts in a way that he puts a particular dancer above all else, then he may be setting himself up for diminishing-returns.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Will somebody please teach Papi how to spell complacent?
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Anyway, agree that the risk of being a regular is that if you pick the wrong stripper, she'll take advantage, particularly if she thinks you're a RIL. But pick the right one, and YMMV delights await. The key is to identify and fire the bad CFs early
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Hey at least he's consistent 🎈
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I know the difference - I was testing you guys

  • Tiburon
    4 years ago
    I'd hate for EVERY girl in the club to come try me. Because I'm disappointing a lot of women with my pickiness.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    While I pretty much always have a CF, I don't text or set up meets. I don't go, find out if she is there and wait. Friday was a perfect example. I do a few hours of back breaking labor; arrive at 6:45, sit for 15 minutes and a very hot dancer who I used to dance with comes and sits down. Spend time chatting and as I take her for a room, we walk by my CF.
    Afterwards, I decide to leave and my CF is with another so I just do the hi good to see you and turn to leave. She asks if I just got there and I tell her, no downstairs with ... She blows off who she is with and I stay 3 hours with her. The difference? Her best rooms ever, both of them. By a lot. By more than I assumed she was capable.
    Caveat: She seems weirded out by the absence of the older pre-covid crowd and I never see her with the younger guys, so while it appears that she is a very hot dancer, always busy, she is in reality doing dances for very few people and only those with whom she is already familiar.
    Reason to be a regular: When the staff was informed that someone was smoking weed on the patio, everyone was confronted, except .......
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Customers always have options, including civvies or going to another club. Never be a kept man.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    Ok. I’ll teach Papi his spelling lesson. It is spelled CUMPLACEIT
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    As far as PLs with options. When I go clubbing, I definitely make it known that 1) I am there to spend money, 2) I will interact with a dancer if she is truly fun, smiling and showing ZERO DRAMA, 3) I am there to spread the moderate $ until I find the one with the best EXTRA SERVICE who shall then get the bulk of $$$ for the night. When I finish a dance, I will sit with dancer to finish our champagne, then I tell her to go make more money; my way of telling her that I had my fun, but she is free to go ... I do not expect to be anyone’s regular and I don’t want them to expect such from me.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I usually have 1-2 favorites we will call 1A and 1B. They do not owe me the obligation of placing me before others and I do not owe either the obligation of choosing them if they are free. If I like a dancer I want her to make money and that option is hers. If one comes over and says I am with so and so but will be free ...... I respond take your time, make some money, don't worry about me, if we are both free at some other time we'll see, if we're not, here's hoping neither of us dies before we get another chance.
    No idea why but 1A seems to hold me in higher regard than she should. last Wednesday she cam upstairs, waived to me, hugged a customer at the bar and then another at a table and sat down with him. Good for her, so I looked around so see if !B was there (no) or other dancers (yes). Before I could move she came over and sat, we drank chatted, smoked some weed and went downstairs, she came back up and sat for a bit then said: "I have two good customers here do you mind if I go over to them". Be well and thanks ofr a lovely evening. She goes and hugs the same guy at the bar, then goes downstairs with the guy she sat with at first. He waited from 9 -11 for her to free up and the other guy was after him. Amazing.
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    I Would $Tip Really Good For Special Treatment, & Buy Her Gifts (See The Dancer Gifts Articles Here In The Verified Members Section). I Would Definitely Like To Give Her Good Offers For OTC!!! ✔️ 💲
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