
Comments by Subraman (page 38)

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    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers Hard Up
    Funny, OF rates have come down to like $5/month! Although that seems to be a trick, the guys say there's another paywall, so the $5/month gets you her tame pics, and there's another charge for the "good stuff" One of the funniest trends that emerged over the past 6 weeks is that girls are now advertising their OFs subscriptions come with "dick ratings". I am pretty sure this means: once you subscribe the $4/month for her OF, you send her a pic of your dick, and she sends back a commentary on how awesome it is. It's getting weirder and weirder out there
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    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Ranking by State?
    "states, Texas > Nevada > California. —- Nfw Nevada > Cali. COI is an eden of debauchery " That's what I was thinking. Heaving, when you put together that order, I'm guessing when you thought of CA, you were thinking SF or something. Nevada -- at least as represented by Vegas -- is most a "don't bother" state, IMO (at least if you're a PL rather than a "Woooo! Vegas!!!" guy). I haven't been to COI, but every firsthand PL report makes it sound awesome
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    4 years ago
    Have club shutdowns during the pandemic altered your future behavior?
    My area's SCs have been on such a precipitous decline over the past few years that I'd already been transitioning more to other activities (mainly sugar). I would like to say that I'll go back to my same, low-level amount of SCing again, but honestly, I wonder if this hastens the already-precipitous fall of what was once the best SC city going. Anyway, my plan is to return to my previous SA-first, SC-second pattern, but not sure that will pan out
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    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    " I’m realizing now that Vegas isn’t the best of the best unless you’re there solely for the $20 lap dances like I was." You are like a local "Vegas! Woo!" guy -- and that's great! I'm a PL, I'm looking for extras and OTC, lots of drinking ITC, etc. Yes, I can certainly see how, if you're happy with decent-contact $20 lapdances with strippers who are Vegas-hot, you'd like Vegas.
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    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    Right ... my view is closer to chessmaster's than yours, 623. Yes, all strip clubs have a "customers are suckers" culture to some extent, it's unfortunately endemic in the industry. But it's an entirely different level in the big Vegas clubs, you can't dismiss it with "what strip club isn't? They have just perfected it"... it's above-and-beyond, and can get unbelievably slimy. Although, again, I didn't feel this way at Palomino. Might end up my home club if I lived there or visited often enough
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    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    "I’m gonna disagree with many here that say Vegas is at the bottom of most lists. It’s Not top 5 and overrated by the average joe, but far from the bottom. Obviously VIP is stupid priced and extras While can be found are also usually stupidly overpriced. However a regular lap dance is reasonably priced with reasonable contact" That's not an unreasonable view -- the girls ARE insanely hot and the $20 lapdances ARE good. I think part of Vegas's bad reputation among PLs is the difference between perception and reality -- it's a huge chasm between what you expect by reputation, and what it is. Also, consider that in Vegas: 1. Rife with aggressive champagne room scams 2. Probably the most expensive OTC anywhere. 3. 15% charge on the ATM 4. 15% charge on credit card 5. Waitress: "I can't take cash orders more than six times, you'll have to switch to a credit card" (after which, see #4). Some of this is from memory. Last time I was at Spearmint Rhino, after we'd bought a bunch of rounds with cash, the waitress told us #5 above, after 6 rounds we had to switch to credit cards. I have no idea of that's really the policy or just the waitress working us, but that's kind of the point -- expect to be worked and scammed at every turn, regardless. We solved the problem by just switching tables and so re-setting the 6 cash orders back to zero with a new waitress... if such a rule really exists, which I'm not sure it does. "So yea definitely not as bad as Somepeople say, but also not as good as some people say. " I think Vegas SCs are great for most normal people. It delivers what they want -- as I mentioned, plenty of "Vegas! Wooooo!". As a PL who wants to be able to pay in cash, doesn't want to be ripped off for 15% at the ATM, isn't interested in lapdances but only VIPs and OTC, and doesn't want to deal with people trying to scam me at every turn... Vegas is not a good place. To your point, yeah, I imagine there's even worse places, I haven't been to many of the cities people are listing as "worst". Though -- for PL expectations, rather than normal people -- I can't imagine any city has such a relative difference between reputation and what it actually is. All of that said, last couple of times I was in Vegas it was with some "Vegas! Woooo!" buddies on a guys trip, we went to Palomino both times, and I found that place pretty good!
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    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    It's never actually occurred to me to do a cleanup of old numbers!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    Greg: "@subraman That’s so interesting as I always thought people loved Vegas strip clubs." "People" love Vegas strip clubs. PLs don't. On every strip club forum I've ever been on -- and I'd say guys who bother to post on a SC forum are almost PLs by definition -- Vegas always ends up in top-5-worst cities. For good reasons. Your average normal guy who thinks Vegas is awesome for SCs, is just going on his once-every-3-years boys trip, he just wants to see pretty girls and "Vegas! Wooooooooo!". The Vegas clubs definitely give a Vegas-Wooooo experience. He doesn't care that there's (usually) no extras, OTC costs a grand, the ATM charges 15% (although PLs don't go to the ATM), etc. PLs are looking for a completely different experience. " You’re right that there isn’t a personal feel to it, but I don’t mind." I don't care that there isn't a personal feel. No SC has a personal feel to me, unless I go there enough to start knowing everyone. It's the overall experience, typical Vegas "all sizzle, no steak, fleece the customer at every turn" atmosphere, that blows. If I were in Vegas, I'd be looking at SA, where reports are a lot better. Hell, if reports from Vegas guys are to be believed, half the strippers are on SA anyway, charging less PPM than they ask OTC at the clubs. No idea if that's true, just an impression I've gotten
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    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Space X
    Following juice's excellent investment strategy of randomly picking any stock that I happen to see an article about, I invested some money in SpaceX, not much just fun-money range, and this good news means someday SpaceX might keep me in lapdances for like a whole year. Or two weeks in Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    "@Subra. A lot of girls seem like my potential CF after a few drinks at closing time. The follow up in the light of day doesn't always pan out." I feel you. On the other hand, what harm is it that you ahve her number? My philosophy is, if I like her, just ask for her fucking number. If the next day I decide I'm not interested, I just don't use it. If the next day I want to see her again, now I can. Getting a stripper's phone number isn't some sort of event that implies any level of commitment. I like her, I get her phone number. If she changes clubs the next week, I can still reach her.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    I have a shitload, many of whom were CFs or ATFs, but any number of whom were strippers I saw once or twice, but collected their phone number anyway, because there's no reason not to get the phone number of anyone who might be CF potential. I know who the strippers are because I enter their last name as some kind of reference to the club I met them at the time. Everyone I met at crazy horse gets the last name Cray, Gold Club girls are d'Oro, Hustler Club girls' last names are Larry. Girls I met on SA have their last name as Essay (or Esse' if they're fancy)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    A serious discussion about diversity in strip clubs
    Only if the transvestite vegan was a gender-fluid intersectional feminist
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    4 years ago
    Why do you call yourselves "pathetic losers"
    I was an ass-c'er when the original PL term was coined by Siren! I can tell you it was very much a fun way to own the term, and of course also recognize that's how others might see us anyway. I always have compared it to how the gay community has embraced "queer" and made it THEIR term. Although for us it's more fun rather than political
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    "I’d argue that Vegas might just be the best place to live if you love SCs". I think that's where you might have different values than most PLs here. I think very few people who will disagree with the statement that, given what most tusclers are looking for, Vegas strip clubs are among the worst for major cities. Overpriced tourists traps set up to fleece each customer and treat them like a sucker every chance they get. Of course, there's an extent to which all SCs do that, but Vegas brings it to a new artform. The clubs are truly terrible, and for me, Vegas is actually a place I visit often and am thrilled to pass on the clubs there. And this is from someone who lives in SF, another top contender for worst clubs. I do realize there's a non-touristy Vegas that can be pretty fun. But the SCs aren't part of it!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Pierced Nipples, What do you think?
    I very much dislike them. Not remotely a deal killer or anything like that -- in fact they're completely neutral as far as whether I'll choose her or not, I'll pretty much ignore them. But I don't particularly like the way they look, and I more often than not I've gotten a "I'm pierced so they're super sensitive" warning not to play with them too much. On the other hand, it does register with me a bit that, like tongue piercings, now here's a girl who has both bad judgement, and wants to advertise that she's super sexual. Not a terrible message.
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    4 years ago
    OT Woke Ads
    Right. No gays kissing. No straights kissing. I think we can all agree, though, that lesbians kissing would be hot. Amma go start my change.org petition right now.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    TUSCL Feature Requests
    Did we lose our link that lets us go to the LAST response in a thread, right from the front page? Super super useful, would love it back (or someone tell me if it's still there)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OT Woke Ads
    My prediction is to expect woke ads to be the rule. It's always been the case that advertisers cater to social sentiment to some extent, but progressive values demand active and public virtue signaling, far beyond any others. "Silence is violence" isn't just a cute progressive saying, they are dead serious about it -- if you are not actively and vocally virtue signaling exactly the right signals, that means you are actively against them. That said, I always enjoy when a woke campaign goes awry. A year or two ago Gillette did its "c'mon guys you can do better" #MeToo campaign, men got tired of being assumed to be toxic and needing to be lectured to BY PRODUCTS CATERING TO THEM, and there were both formal boycotts called and, informally, many men just stopped using them. Next thing you know, 4 billion dollar write-down. CEO proudly proclaiming "that campaign wasn't a mistake". Meh, I don't use any gillette products so nothing to do anyway, but did enjoy the moment.
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    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Yeah, glitter and perfume are what can get you in trouble even after you've changed your shirt. The thing about stripper "perfume" is, it's usually not perfume at all. It's some cheap body spray that fades so much in an hour, that if you just take your time getting home, and maybe stop off in a restroom to wash your arms and neck with soap and water, you're fine. Perfume is only a problem with the few strippers who use actual perfume (even cheap perfume) that lasts. For me, glitter is still the one enemy that you can't completely expunge unless you shower between the club and home. And, BTW, that's exactly what I used to do when I was married, very often I showered at the gym on the way home.
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    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    "Reminds me of my grandmother" Soooo.... turn on?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    I would normally sympathize with the bros, but honestly, anyone too dumb to have a spare shirt and always change into it (because you'll also smell a little like perfume even if YOU can't smell it on you) secretly wants to get caught anyway
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Would you get a dance from a dancer ......
    I pretty much don't talk politics with strippers, for exactly this reason. I'm pretty sure most strippers and I won't have the same politics. If for some reason she starts blurting out her political beliefs despite me trying to shush her, I can imagine that certain progressive beliefs would be such a turn-off that I'd walk, as would obviously hateful/racist type beliefs. I am fine with just about any other politics.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    I have a Laphroiag I got as a gift and I find it... challenging. I haven't actually tried it in many years, so maybe I need to follow my own advice I gave to Babydoc and give it another try. And taking my earlier earlier advice about an infinity bottle, I think it would add an amazing dimension to the infinity bottle
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    " I was doubly lucky in that through a blind tasting I found that my taste buds prefer Macallan Scotch" I tend to like highland and speyside scotches also, although I'll also suggest it's always worth branching out. Due to both an evolving palatte, and getting older (as your taste buds dull you'll tend to invite bolder flavors that were objectionable when you were younger) you might be shocked at what you like now, if you've been drinking the same scotch over and over for decades. Helpful hint to you guys who write "single-malt". It's "single malt", no hyphen. These words are unrelated -- the single and the malt refer to two completely different characteristics of the scotch. A scotch can be malt but not single, or single but not malt. You are welcome :)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anyone ever bang a celebrity?
    A stripper who eventually became a porn star. That count?