Why does it seem to be a double standard that the only ads you see showing a company is in touch with the LGBTQ world are two guys kissing? Maybe it's me, but I've had enough of seeing this.
This is the one I remember from before but I saw another one last night that prompted me to post. I'd rather see two wallet chain wearing lesbians named Marge than this. Last night was another restaurant ad I believe. TV was on while I was walking by and just saw it flash on the screen.
Wow - like I said, I can't say I've noticed many if any commercials featuring gay people especially guys kissing - did u see this on TV or was it just an internet commercial?
It was on TV again. A new ad last night. Not this particular one. But I do remember the one I linked too. I thought Applebees had an ad like this too but TGIF and Applebees are the same restaurants in my mind.
Overall the gay community has always pushed hard for the gay lifestyle to be seen as equal as the non gay lifestyle and one can only assume commercials like these will become more common - analogous to the token black person in the name of inclusion
I watch car review videos on YouTube from time to time - there's one site called Redline Reviews that has a young 20-something America guy of Asian descent that dies giid reviews - I've seen severa
^ I've seen several of his reviewes over the last 2 or 3 years but a couple of weeks ago I saw one of his car reviews where he (not so) casually made a reference to his fiance and referred to his fiance as "he" - came across as him making a statement vs merely saying it in passing
I don't really care what people do in regards to their sex lives as long as they aren't diddling little kids. Fuck goats as far as I care. I just don't want to be subjected to seeing it on my TV.
I try to have a "live and let live" attitude - but it feels as if some gay people go out of their way to throw their gayness in people's faces in a kinda "what are you gonna do about it" fashion
My prediction is to expect woke ads to be the rule. It's always been the case that advertisers cater to social sentiment to some extent, but progressive values demand active and public virtue signaling, far beyond any others. "Silence is violence" isn't just a cute progressive saying, they are dead serious about it -- if you are not actively and vocally virtue signaling exactly the right signals, that means you are actively against them.
That said, I always enjoy when a woke campaign goes awry. A year or two ago Gillette did its "c'mon guys you can do better" #MeToo campaign, men got tired of being assumed to be toxic and needing to be lectured to BY PRODUCTS CATERING TO THEM, and there were both formal boycotts called and, informally, many men just stopped using them. Next thing you know, 4 billion dollar write-down. CEO proudly proclaiming "that campaign wasn't a mistake". Meh, I don't use any gillette products so nothing to do anyway, but did enjoy the moment.
I wonder how much of the woke-mob is a very-vocal small-minority whose fringe voices are super-amplified due to social-media; or if it's actually a large group closer to 50% of the population (I'm leaning towards the former but IDK for sure) - but if it's the latter, I wonder if the woke-movement will flame out and start to be seen more as a paper-tiger - part of me wonders if society/corporations are taking the wokeis more seriously than they need to and bending when they may really not need to since they (society/corps) may be overestimating the wokies "power" and #s.
AS I approach 63 I realize that my only concern with aging is that I would be like others and wish to be young again. All this pathetic "woke" bullshit makes me glad to be older. If given the choice to die in 10 years or start my life anew at age 30 now, I'd enjoy my last 10 years.
Wokeness is one of the biggest cultural con jobs of the millennium, not to mention grammatically infuriating. Those who claim to be woke, seek wokeness, etc., are the biggest cowards in the world. If your life is so without value, that you have to promote a bullshit premise like being woke; just please kill yourself. Do the world a favor by eliminating your carbon footprint, because that is all you contribute.
You know what the actual problem is mike-ape? You think you’re watching commercials but you’re actually gay porn.
Common problem. Guys get curious. Guys google with the word “rentboy”. Then guys get all bent out of shape watching guys fuck each other. Solution: stop watching the gay porn!
Of course, it isn’t a rick problem. We ricks understand our sexuality. ROAR!!!
Of course, a benefit of being a rick is our ability to summon scenes from our rick memory. For example, if I’m all drunk (which I am much of the time) and I happen to look at a ladyboy and think “hmmm....” I can also summon up the memory of my last encounter with Taylor Swift.
FYI, Tay-Tay wanted to feel degraded so she asked me to throw $50 in ones at her after I did the deed. So I fucked her up the ass and threw some money at her when I finished. $3.50 in change....
Agree with subraman. The woke mob knows they can have their way with all the powerful people and corporate America bending the knee. Just expect more of this crap going forward. Especially if trump wins the election.
Why do gays need to advertise what kind of sex they like to have? Nobody else does. They wouldn't be discriminated against if they weren't going around "acting gay" all the time.
The left wing fake media has made stars out of people who bitch, whine and like to flaunt their behavior as a cowardly way of being hostile. If you see two guys kissing and want them to stop just say as loud as you can Jesus loves you.
Here’s my biggest gripe. Every piece of shit company runs out and says “we support this or we support that.” Really? How do you support it?
Example - if you support black lives matter and want to make millions by putting it in your advertising campaign then tell me how many black employees do you have? You must have at least 12% of your employee popular because that Would be in line with the national average.
No? You only have 2%. Why is that then if you support the movement?!?!?
That is similar to a conversation I had a few years ago with a cousin I don’t care what your sexual preference is and have zero interest in what floats your boat, a heterosexual couple engaged in that type of behavior is just as discomforting as a gay couple it would be preferable not to be forced to witness a display of either
Right. No gays kissing. No straights kissing. I think we can all agree, though, that lesbians kissing would be hot. Amma go start my change.org petition right now.
It’s sickening especially the hiv med ad showing 2 guys kissing. These are what’s called queers. Our country is swimming in the gutter. They can take their political correctness and kma...
In the 1950’s if you told somebody 2 news anchors on 2 major networks wb queers people would laugh in disbelief. Then everybody knew queers aren’t real men. Isn’t it strangely funny that Russia doesn’t like queers but USA does?
last commenthttps://www.ispot.tv/ad/ZdvE/t…
You must mean that creep from San Jose and his 2 or 3 supporters.
That said, I always enjoy when a woke campaign goes awry. A year or two ago Gillette did its "c'mon guys you can do better" #MeToo campaign, men got tired of being assumed to be toxic and needing to be lectured to BY PRODUCTS CATERING TO THEM, and there were both formal boycotts called and, informally, many men just stopped using them. Next thing you know, 4 billion dollar write-down. CEO proudly proclaiming "that campaign wasn't a mistake". Meh, I don't use any gillette products so nothing to do anyway, but did enjoy the moment.
I think this means you actually DO care. Whatever. It’s your opinion.
Common problem. Guys get curious. Guys google with the word “rentboy”. Then guys get all bent out of shape watching guys fuck each other. Solution: stop watching the gay porn!
Of course, it isn’t a rick problem. We ricks understand our sexuality. ROAR!!!
FYI, Tay-Tay wanted to feel degraded so she asked me to throw $50 in ones at her after I did the deed. So I fucked her up the ass and threw some money at her when I finished. $3.50 in change....
Did they ever have an ad with 2 hot chicks kissing?
Example - if you support black lives matter and want to make millions by putting it in your advertising campaign then tell me how many black employees do you have? You must have at least 12% of your employee popular because that Would be in line with the national average.
No? You only have 2%. Why is that then if you support the movement?!?!?
I don’t care what your sexual preference is and have zero interest in what floats your boat, a heterosexual couple engaged in that type of behavior is just as discomforting as a gay couple it would be preferable not to be forced to witness a display of either
In the 1950’s if you told somebody 2 news anchors on 2 major networks wb queers people would laugh in disbelief. Then everybody knew queers aren’t real men. Isn’t it strangely funny that Russia doesn’t like queers but USA does?