
Comments by Subraman (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    Any of you bourbon/whiskey/whisky nerds have favorite glasses? Regardless of whether I think the glasses really make that much of a difference, I am an "experience" guy, and I find the glass definitely adds to the experience. Up until now I've been using the Glencairn Whiskey glass: https://www.glencairnwhiskyglass.com/ I think this is THE classic whiskey/whisky glass, with the tulip shape, ability to hold by the bowl for warming or stem, etc. Class the whole thing up. I've just recently bought a NEAT glass. https://www.theneatglass.com/ Whiskey competition judges have used this glass for many years, so I decided I should pick one up to see why. It does seem to do what it says, by not (over)concentrating the aroma (versus a tulip glass). I can definitely see why a whisky judge (or rather, nearly every judge at every competition) would prefer this glass to pick out individual notes. I think the aromas and flavors get more clarity, but it's physically a little less fun to drink from, as you have to tilt the glass far to get the whiskey from that bowl to the curved edge
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    The only thing about the decanter is, it's not supposed to be a one-time thing. You drink some out of it, pour something else in to it. New flavors and aromas each time. So it should last as long as you ... so you'll want a cap that completely seals out oxygen
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    Infinity bottle! You take an empty whisky bottle, and that's now your infinity bottle. Every time you're almost done with another bottle, pour the last bit in the infinity bottle instead. All the cool kids are doing it! You can start it off by just raiding your liquor cabinet and putting a little of each whisky in there. Sometimes the flavors can be shockingly complex and interesting. Other times they clash. Some people try to strategically add different whiskeys, others just add the last bit after they finish whatever bottle they're working on. After I read about this on a whiskey site, I tried it with another liquor, and came out pretty good (although it's always changing, by definition).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    Do you have an infinity bottle? It's all about the infinity bottle now, man.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The LV scene... hooker edition
    "As long as they know your pimp is treating you well" I know how to treat my girls VERY well: Beat them physically, abuse them mentally, get them hooked on drugs and control her access to those drugs, and write articles to teach other guys how to do the same as me. Also, be a feminist because I believe in women having their own agency. And spend a lot of time on the internet because that's how we pimps roll! Best pimp eva!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    With ‘Sopranos’ fandom reignited, I tried outdoor dining at its famed strip club
    Did youse save me some gabagool?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    With ‘Sopranos’ fandom reignited, I tried outdoor dining at its famed strip club
    Oh! Looks like we got a tough guy ova heah
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    When You're Getting A (Legit) Massage
    Butt nekkid for me. When I first started getting massages I left my underwear on, but that was modesty bordering on a hangup. Once I went sans chones I never looked back. I do always request a female CMT.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strippers are always made out to be the victim...
    "Over time you can make the $500 back but she'll never lose the memory of you being inside her." Luckily, she probably didn't feel it 🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Where to meet sugar dates from SA?
    If outdoor seating at restaurants or bars is still open in your area, that's the ticket. People have been talking about socially-distanced meetings at public parks, although that sounds like torture to me
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip club routines. Are they boring?
    "Am I supposed to ignore all that hard earned wisdom for the sake of variety ?" Exactly. If you're bored with your routine, or feel like your routine is holding back your good time -- well, you're stuck in a rut and should change it. If you're convinced your routine is leading to a way better time than you'd otherwise have, and feel like "I got the place wired" -- well, your routine is working for you, no reason to change it. My routine has worked for me for just over 10 years. My buddies and I have tweaked and tuned it here and there, but we pretty much think we have the place wired, routinely getting special treatment from staff and definitely YMMV treatment from strippers, for many years. I can't imagine many changes that would make our experience anything but worse. That said, once in a while, I sometimes check out new clubs, etc, just to see what we might be missing and whether there's fun opportunities elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    With ‘Sopranos’ fandom reignited, I tried outdoor dining at its famed strip club
    Order me the gabagool
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Being the “nice” versus “alpha” male—strip club edition
    Ha ha! More seriously, I still follow my two rules from that however-many-years-old article. 1. Don't be an asshole. 2. Don't be a little bitch. I think #1 is important, especially if you're trying to develop an ATF with tons of YMMV, but don't have whale money. #2 is important across the board or you'll just attract negative experiences.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Being the “nice” versus “alpha” male—strip club edition
    Physically beat them, abuse them emotionally, hook them on drugs and control their access to those drugs. Then talk about how much you hate misogynists. I learned from the best!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Help me process this...
    " I really dont see where I committed such great sin that she would suddenly cut off all communication" Ha, you're making me nostalgic for my very first ATF. I remember being so confused whenever she would flake, I'd offer a supporting word and offer to reschedule, and she'd ghost. I'd learn over the years that that's just what strippers do when they don't want to do something. They send you an excuse, and if you are smart enough to realize that it's a bullshit excuse and just say "ok", that's great. If you're dumb enough to keep engaging even though she expected you to realize the excuse is bullshit, she just ghosts for a while. She'll return to communicating when enough time has passed (usually just days) that she doesn't think she'll have to deal with it anymore. Two excuses and a ghost is a crystal clear signal. You know it, too, you just don't want to admit it do yourself, because then you realize she just doesn't want to do this (at least right now). With the aforesaid first ATF, I'd see her out partying on her BFF's facebook page, so I knew she'd just gotten a better offer, is all.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are there really cameras back there?
    Definitely in my area, in the alcohol clubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Scheduling with a dancer?
    misterorange: No sweat. I think you're doing the right thing for you. As you said, you "like variety". Someone who couldn't care less whether his CF is there or not, and likes variety better in any case, shouldn't be making appointments. Not surprisingly, you (and many tusclers) have worked out what you like best. I don't like variety, I like to get myself a CF or ATF, see just her, and reap the rewards of YMMV. I'll make an appointment with my CF for a day she's working, or in some cases, she'll add on to make the day I want to come in. Works best for me. OP is liking the results of his last two appointments... just giving him some encouragement that this isn't unheard of. Many PLs make appointments, and strippers who have many regulars often like going off appointments so they don't end up with two regulars vying for their time
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Scheduling with a dancer?
    I find a CF, and then I schedule appointments with her. The guys who don't schedule with their CFs, are also often the guys who complain about "my dancer ignored me for 2 hours" "PL was bogarting the dancer I wanted", etc. If you want to see a particular stripper, and she's an appointment kind of gal (not all strippers are), it works out amazingly. I not only schedule to see her on days she works, once she trusts you'll keep your word, they'll often add onto their schedule just to see you, so now you can decide your own days to see her.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    In the wind
    SI Swimsuit Issue features first transgender model
    I have never in my life bought an SI swimsuit issue. However, this was going to be my year, and now they've blown in. Back to a zillion free pics of hot chicks on the internet instead, I guess
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Autism and incel extremism
    "I explained how to play the game. " You explained what YOU do and how YOU do it. You are not some neutral reporter -- the thread is clearly "this is how I do it". Furthermore, the connotation is that, if you want to date strippers, this is how everyone else should do it, too. So you physically beat, hooked on drugs, and mentally abuse women, and you encourage others to do the same. "The real misogyny is denying women their agency" Physically beating her to keep her in compliance is denying her her agency. Hooking her on drugs and controlling those drugs is denying her her agency. Mentally abusing her to keep her compliant is denying her her agency. Don't get me wrong, I -- and everyone else on tuscl -- realize none of the things in your post actually happened. But I think even a pretend pimp shouldn't be allowed to pretend to be a woke SJW without someone reminding him that he was once a pretend pimp. Also worth reminding all the idiots taking this thread seriously. Sheesh.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    In states like mine where SCS are closed will strippers migrate to Massage
    I'm sure some will. SA will probably be the more common destination. Expect to see them in the local hooters and as bikini baristas, too
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    How do you not be jealous??
    Pretty sure everyone in this thread is juice
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Autism and incel extremism
    Definitely. Best to get them hooked on drugs, beat them, and mentally abuse them https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=58532 Just a little fun from when you were pretending to be a pimp instead of a woke SJW lol 🤣🤣🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    How do you not be jealous??
    Elmer, I doubt it's the hoe thing. It might be when he gets her hooked on drugs, physically abuses her, and abuses her mentally to control her https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=58532 Just a little fun from when icey was pretending to be a pimp, before he started pretending to be a woke SJW. Ah, the good old days! 🤣🤣🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    criticizing this generation's strippers, thread #4,080
    I, too, think it's more us rather than them. No matter how hardcore we think we are at 25, we're going to romanticize the inside of a strip club more than when we're 50 and have been doing this for decades, and then we're going to further romanticize the memories